“I kinda like it now, I don’t have to worry about such a Big Group” – Cody

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1:15pm Jason and Paul
Paul – I think Christmas is staying
Jason – I’m kinda feeling that way

1:19pm Christmas and Jason
Chit chat…

1:32pm Ramses, Josh and Jillian
Ramses says he doesn’t celebrate July4th
He says jehovah witnesses don’t celebrate holidays including birthdays.
Jillian and Josh didn’t know that.
Ramses goes on to talk about his religion….

1:42pm Paul talking to America
“Thanks for the troops who fight for our freedom and all the good people that make this country beautiful”

Paul starts to sing – “Paranoia is going to kick in everybody’s going to get weird again.. Not me..”

2:18pm Kevin and Paul
Paul says Kevin/Josh along with everybody on “that side” is keeping Christmas. There’s 8 votes to evict Jillian.
Paul says a lot of people are wanting to throw the HOH to him because they know he’s going after Jessica/Cody.
Kevin says Cody will win the Veto.
Paul – I know.. Trust me I know
Paul goes on about Kevin showing that he’s smart, claims that people are talking about it. Kevin says he only did it once.

2:36pm Mark and Elena
Mark – that’s the hardest thing for me.. Cody thinks he has the votes. It’s just watching him get… I dunno..

2:45pm Alex and Jason
Alex talking about how sad it is that Jessica leeched onto Cody.

Jason – I think they’re all still on Cody’s side.. And they’re fuc***g with Paul
Jason adds if Cody has a bad attitude about him he’ll let Paul win that next HOH and cut Cody’s throat.
Alex – we need him out before Jury (Cody)
Jason agrees.

They both are worried about Cody working with Paul.

Jason – I saw we stick to the plan and just kick Christmas off
Alex – agreed

Jason – I think marks on Cody’s side.. I think
Alex – can’t tell

2:45pm Cody and Jessica..

3:17pm Kevin and Jason
Kevin brings up “someone” (Kevin) is saying he’s showing the house that he’s too smart. Kevin thinks that’s bullshit.

Jason says he doesn’t believe Dom
Kevin agrees says everything Dom does has an agenda

Jason thinks Cody implied he was a snake. Mentioned that Alex told him his back is scaly. He asked her to put lotion on him. He thought he heard cody say “that suits you” meaning the scaly skin like he’s a snake. (Jason is bringing this up to everyone in his inner circle.. )
Jason wants to confront Cody about it.
Kevin thinks they need to play it cool.
Jason runs inside to ask Cody.

Cody – I meant it in a cowboy way like snake boots…
They laugh
Cody you got to relax

3:22pm Josh and Kevin
Josh – Elena ‘s so beautiful
Kevin – really, you think she’s beautiful
Josh – yeah she’s beautiful

Josh Dom is beautiful
Kevin – you’ve said every girl is beautiful
Josh – they are

Josh – I’ve been with girls like Elena
Kevin – you’ve been with Elena..
Josh – LIKE Elena

3:26pm Jessica and Cody
Cody says not to worry about Mark he’s got him.
Cody – me and Mark have been playing together since the start.. one of the first things we did was go into that storage room it was a ride or die talk
Jessica – me and Elena had the same that time..

Jessica – what does Elena, Matt and Raven offer us at this point, Their strategy f***G sucks.
Jessica – Elena’s not a competitor all she has is her Social game so maybe she can sway some votes
Cody – Matts never talked to Jillian before (matt and Jillian talking on the other cam)
Cody – cowboy notices that

Jessica – as soon as that vote comes out and the second Christmas walks out that door, she (Elena) is going to panic

Cody – I kinda like it now, I don’t have to worry about such a big Group and the deals I can make are so much easier

3:45pm Dom and Mark

Hard to hear over the pumps..

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20 thoughts to ““I kinda like it now, I don’t have to worry about such a Big Group” – Cody”

      1. And like the paper it’s cheap and leaves you feeling a little grimy. At least the paper’s ink is easy to wash off…

  1. I have the perfect club for these houseguests. It’s called Head of Veto. This place has everything. OTEV Ghosts, This years twist created by the people who brought you Pandora’s Box .Fruit Loop Dingus wallpaper and floors. A Have Not room that looks like Queen Victoria garbage. Floaters that are both rubber ducks and people. Apples that came from Zingbot’s fridge.

  2. Kinda annoyed by everyone aligning with Paul/Xmas as much as Cody caused a fucking disaster. They’re just keeping someone who will eventually be the death of Elena and probably Matt or something. Possibly a few more (Christmas). Paul will utilize her and others effectively.

  3. Cody, Jessica and Josh are the best houseguests in the past two years. I hope those two can go far.

    Jessica, Cody and Josh for AFH!!!!!!!

    1. Oh lord we have a troll….. well I wouldn’t go that far in fairness. But you have lost your ever loving mind. Or your just goofing on the OBB community. 😛

    2. Agreed! Josh and Cody to the end! What’s funny is Paul is running around telling everyone to throw the HOH to him because “I’ve got a plan”. Sounds like Cody right? Paul’s supposed to be some great player? He’s a chump!

  4. I personally think that Christmas is a better person to take out. She a competitor and she has an athletic background that can make her a treat. Jillian just looks like a waste to get out at this point in the game. I also think they should go after Ramses. He reminds me of a couple of past winners and we all know what happens when someone like him gets to the end. But knowing production they are going to try to keep Xmas cause of her following. Sigh..

  5. “Paul goes on about Kevin showing that he’s smart, claims that people are talking about it. Kevin says he only did it once.”

    Just my impression, but I have this strange feeling that Paul and Kevin already knew each other before the show. It’s just their interactions are too synchronized. They seem too familiar with each other.

    1. Well if they do in fact know each other, I look forward to Kevin telling the story. After last nights talk about his brother doing 3 life sentences in prison I only see Kevin’s stories getting bigger and crazier this summer.

  6. I would have voted Christmas out on the first night because she is an obvious physical threat. I was so impressed by her jumping off the trapeze early and then asking for a vote over a competition so she could see where she stands with the other house guests. She isn’t messing around and it would be great to see how she does this season, especially now that she has a rather serious physical injury.

    If I were in her cute little black sandals, I would not reveal the severity of my injury to anyone. I think she’s doing a pretty good job campaigning for herself.

    BUT, these house guests would be complete idiots to keep her. They need a safe pawn, and Jillian has filled that role too well.

  7. It is my sincere hope that when Cody gets nominated for eviction(hopefully by Paul),the statement made to him will be the same statement that he(Cody)made to Megan”Cody I just don’t like you”! A wonderful comeuppance for Mr.”I am way too cool for any of you!”

  8. -No respect for the BB girls who immediately glue themselves to random dudes to get far in the game- no phys, mental, social strength.
    -Stop with the tears already! All of you!
    -The houseguests wanted to pick Paul’s brains, but did not nec want to ‘follow’ because they decided to follow “Creepy Cody”
    -Now that Creepy Cody has shown that they are just puppets in his little game, they have flocked to Paul- at least they know a mastermind when they meet one. At least Paul offers friendship:)
    -It is good strategy to keep C’mas because she is a ‘pistol’ -against Cody (as Paul says) and a shield (bigger target than most).
    -The only comp Jessica will win is best pool float
    -Will anyone even realize it if they evict Jillian or keep her?
    -Jason is a clown in the BB house too
    -What is Dom’s game? Audition for a job as a TV weather girl?
    -Isn’t Kevin a riot?

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