Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel and Brendon make out …argue about how he doesn’t respect her ..and then make up again..

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10am – 10:35am Shelly and Brendon are talking alone on the backyard couch. Shelly compliments Brendan and his game play. Shelly talks about nice he is, and how great he was in his season and nice he was during the Chum baths handcuffed with Britney …even though they were fighting. Shelly tells Brendon that he got a bad rap for meeting someone you cared about. Shelly says that everyone came after you guys …and you were constantly in defence mode. Shelly says that it’s amazing how different of a person you in real life than then. Brendan says that they managed to portray Britney in a great light and she was so mean. They talk about how Kalia was crying when she got hurt. Shelly tells Brendon that from growing up, you had to be a tough guy to get to where you are in your life. Brendan says that he figured out that for the majority of your life nobody is going to do anything for you… you can’t wait around… you got to do for yourself. Brendon talks about how he emotionally cheated on Rachel.

10:40am – 10:50am Brendon is up in the HOH room telling Rachel how much he loves her and how amazing she is… he tells her that he never wants to let her down again by doing what he did again.. Rachel tells him that he won’t and that she loves him so much. Brendon tells Rachel that they can trust Shelly. Brendon says that the conversations they have …he knows he can trust her. Brendon says that he is over watching Kalia and Lawon being snakes. Brendon says that he is going to he is going to tell her that she is voting with them and voting Dominic out. Brendon says that he’ll then ask her why she is going around the house trying to get people to vote for Dominic to stay. Brendon says that he is tired of them eating his food and not cleaning up after themselves. Rachel isn’t sure he should. Brendon asks are they ever really going to be on our side… can we ever really trust them?? They go into the bathroom to get ready. Rachel tells Brendon thank you for coming up and telling her that he loves her. Rachel tells Brendon she doesn’t think he respects her game play. Brendon says that he does …its just she is easily swayed. Rachel says that Adam is just a huge floater and she wants him out. Brendon says that its not that he doesn’t trust her game play …its just she is an emotional player. He says that he takes the emotion out of it and see it from a logical side.
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10:55am Dani and Adam are in the bathroom talking. Dani is telling Adam about how Brendon and Rachel asked Dominic to be on their side and that he did everything that they asked and now they are going after him. Dani says that you can’t trust them. Dani tells Adam not to say anything she told him .. Adam say oh I know that. Adam then motions with a key to his mouth that its locked up ..he won’t say anything. Dani then goes to the havenot room and says good morning sleepy head. Dani tell him whos up and then leaves to talk to Lawon in the other bedroom.

11am – 11:20am Brendon is telling Rachel why Dominic is guilty and needs to go home. Brendon says that if someone is robbing a bank and then someone picks them up and drives them away …they are just as guilty. Rachel and Brendon start to argue about Jeff. Rachel says that Jeff doesn’t respect Jordan. Rachel says that Jordan and her are strong players and that they have won lots of POV’s and HOH’s. Rachel says that yes he threw the golf HOH competition …but he doesn’t know if he could have won because he didn’t even try. Brendon says that he doesn’t like how Rachel talks game without him. He says that if he is in the room she won’t say the wrong things even if he doesn’t say anything. Brendon says thats what is stong suit is being able to think logically. Brendon says that he wouldn’t change one thing about her. Rachel says that she wants to make decisions with him and not without her. Rachel says that Jeff is up here without her talking to Jeff. Brendon says yeah ..all we do is vent. Rachel says and then you were up here studying with them … Brendon says yeah and you were down there with Porsche. Rachel says you need to know that you wouldn’t be as successful without me. Brendon says I know. Brendon says that he does respect her and that they do compliment each other so well. Rachel says she is sorry that she doesn’t always agree with him.. Brendon says okay I’ll take that. Brendon says that he loves that she is emotional …cuz he is too and that makes for a great romance.

11:25am Brendon heads out into the backyard to workout. Brendon sees Dominic and says why the big smile on your face. Dominic says cuz of this …he lay out in the hammock and tosses the ball in the air. Shelly comes out into the backyard and tells Brendon that she is glad they told them they are going to be on an indoor lock down soon so that they can build the HOH competition for the live show. Shelly says that she wishes they would warn then all the time.

11:30am – 11:40am Dani and Kalia are talking in the candy bedroom about how they will be locked down until tomorrow night. Dani starts telling Kalia all about the conversation she had with Brendon and Rachel how they turned on her and Dominic after he did everything that they asked. Dani says that Dominic has to do something to stay. Kalia talks about a dream she had. Kalia tells Dani everything that Shelly said to her last night. Dani says that they are going to be sorry tomorrow …mark my word! Kalia says that she really needs to pee. Dani says that it smells like pee… and then asks her if she pee’d. Kalia says again that she needs to pee. Kalia says that she is going to talk to them later. Dani tells her that she needs to be nice. Dani keeps saying that it smells bad that it smells like someone pee’d
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29 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel and Brendon make out …argue about how he doesn’t respect her ..and then make up again..”

    1. True Simon!! Let’s just CBS has something in mind that will ramp up the interest in the HGs. It’s been so sluggish up until now 😉

  1. 🙂 I am just as excited to see all the posts afterwards….the I am never watching again ones are my fav.

    1. We’ll know what type of season we’re in for by tomorrow.. maybe early Friday depending on how the comp goes on for. (Stlll no confirmation if it’s endurance just speculation)

      1. Sounds like a logical guess to me! Thanx again to you and Dawg for all you do – without being able to check in on this site, I would be long gone. Not hearing much from Rockstar and BBGrandma 🙁

        1. kathie – maybe after Thursday I’ll have more love for this season. I just can’t find the joy in it yet. The vets against the new guys has been the worst twist ever for me on BB. Jeff and Jordon are too boring and well Jeff I find infuriating / Brendon and Rachel give me a ringing sound in my ears and make me cringe. haha I think I’m getting old and crusty because I was looking forward to the new houseguests and now I have to spend the whole summer watching those 4 and wondering if I jumped off the CN Tower could I land on my feet and not break my ankles.

      2. I just hope the twist isn’t one of those stupid ones that cbs has had in the past. I still am annoyed about Natalie’s bf coming into the house, dumbest non game twist ever! anyway, My kids watch the edited shows but don’t follow the feeds and have such different opinions of the cast members.

        1. deebee- me too. The Natalie twist was horrible. She said it and then BB did it. I’m a Natalie fan but even I thought that was crap and it messed up her chance of winning the game.

  2. It’s getting exciting. I sort of hope Dom does go home so Dani will fight harder. I wonder what the twist will be. I wish it would be Dick coming back…

  3. brenden calls sending pics of his peen all over the internet emotionally cheating on Rachel? What a douche!! I really feels sorry for Rachel. It’s obviously she suffers from low self esteem and may have been verbally abused all of her life. I hope she get some psychiatric help and get to the root of her problems and kick brenden to the curb.

    1. I agree Chessie. If my ‘other’ sent pics of his unit out on the internet while they were with me, he would turn into John Bobbits new best friend. Rachel has had to have had some type of traumatic thing happen to her to allow Brendon to humiliate her like that and still allow him to verbally bash her now. No matter what she says or does, Brendon is down on her. Something is wrong with her. She craves attention, needs to fight to the end, if she loses she panics and fights back the only way she can. She isn’t violent which means that she was indeed a victim and still feels the need to be the best. I think she wants to believe the best in Brendon but he isn’t turning out to be the greatest guy she thought and or hoped he was.

    1. Right back in, and tell them Julie said I’m not evicted AND i’m the new HOH, and watch their faces drop.

  4. what if Dick is actually controlling one of the HGs, like America’s player. Ph he had tp leave, b/c of “personal issues” *wink*

  5. Brenchel is scripted noway would they be arguing an making up 3-4 times a week…. either fight anf break up or stay together, stop with the mushy “beggin for TV time” bullshit and continue playing the game..

      1. simon, IDK if I agree with that. They are way too nuts to be acting….they would have to be drama majors with a lot of experience under their belt to be able to pull off that bat-shit crazy. They are prolly the most annoying people I have ever seen on any tv program.
        Seriously, did Kalia piss herself or what? From what Dani said, it sure seems like it.

  6. even Rachel is saying that Jeff doesn’t respect Jordan….wow, not good – and if anyone is scripted it’s JJ

  7. Did I miss something? Are Jeff and Jordan not as “together” as they were the last time they were on the show?

  8. Jeff has a mean streak and every now and then it shows, even with Jordan. But then Jordan is not as sweet as she put on either. If you look at their faces when others are talking or something is going on, you can see the disgust and the “I’m better than you” attitude they really have.

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