“B1tch I don’t bully b1tches I block them sit your a$$ right there” -Ika

Nomination Results

William nominated Dillon and Emily for eviction.
POV Players are William, Dre, Karen, Dillon, Emily, Kevin
Text will be light but I chopped each conversation up into smaller pieces

Conversations that happened before nominations
Check out the one with Ika and Dre.

Jackie and William HOH
William asks Jackie to not use the veto if she wins it. Says his main target is Dillon. Jackie warns about Sindy saying she’s playing both side and everything Jackie tells her ends up going back to Ika.

Bruno and Kevin Bathroom
Talking about how they (Jackie I think) wanted Bruno/Keivn and Sindy on the block that is why she’s storming around. Bruno says they’ll try and work some deal with William and Dre.

Ika Sindy and Dre bedroom
Ika has a speech planned for Jackie “B1tch I don’t bully b1tches I block them sit your a$$ right there”
Dre calls Jackie a “witch”
Ika says William made the right decision but a part of her wants Jackie nominated.
Ika says if Dre trusts Bruno they need to bring him in.
Dre says she trusts Bruno
Sindy says she trusts Bruno a lot points out that Brno hasn’t really made a lot of deals in the house.
Ika suggests they make a deal with him.
Sindy says Bruno isn’t working with EMily and Dillon

Dre – Kevin said you voted against William on the vote
Sindy – no you and Jackie.. I lied and said you and William because I was in the room with everyone, Jackie was here..
Dre – who was that person that went against William
Ika – part of me think it was Kevin
Sindy – I think it was Jackie

Sindy says Kevin is not pulling his weight at least with Bruno they share things
Dre – Kevin is weird
Ika – yeah he’s weird
Dre – I don’t respect the sexuality game he plays
Ika – you think he’s using it..
Dre – for sure .. he uses his sexuality with Gary then he flips on William now


Dillon, Jackie and EMily After noms
Calling Dre a Hater, Dillon says her head looks like a tennis ball.
Jackie leaves.. Dillon says the only way they can be safe is if Emily wins the veto and they pull Jackie up.
Dillon says he’s not going for the veto because he doesn’t want to stay in this house if Emily leaves.
Dillon – if I win take myself off the block they’ll vote you out just to break me down
Emily – what about our side
Dillon – we don’t have enough
EMily – you, Jackie, Neda, Bruno, Kevin
Dillon – the replacemnt is going to be JAckie
Emily – KAren , Ika.. she hates Jackie so much
Dillon – it has to be Jackie.. If I’m on the block they’ll for sure take a shit even out alliance.

Dillon say these last couple days he doesn’t trust anyone in teh house they all talk game with everybody.
Dillon – they’ve all been here before they all want to last the longest.. they teamed up with us because we’re the target all the time they don’t have to worry about being the target.
Dillon – they never teamed up with us until after we were put up on the block and saved ourselves.

Dillon EMly and William HOH after noms
Dillon says if he won HOH he would never have put up William and Dre he would put up Ika and Demetres.
William says that is not what people are saying.
Dillon – of course that is what the will say
Emily mentions that Sindy is being sketchy too she might have put Ika and Sindy. They warn him that Sindy is playing both siodes of the house she wanted William and Dre up.
Dillon says if they win POV and he puts Sindy up that’ll be getting another floater out of the house.

Ika and Dre bedrooms after noms
Ika – Italian men they love black women.. they like strong women.. (LOL this is their plan with Bruno)
They continue to go over the votes during Backwards week. Dre knows that Sindy voted for her and William.

Dre Demetres and Ika bedroom after noms
Demetres pinky promises he put voted Dillon and Emily Jackie during the backwards week.
They mention that the POwer of Veto is today.
Dre goes on about how much she hates Jackie she’s never had hate in her heart before like this.
Ika – the hate I feel for her is unreal
Dre – I hate her I legit hate her
Ika – I wake up every day with hate in my heart.. (shit)

Ika Demetres and Neda bedroom after noms
Ika says Dre knows Sindy is lying she has to confess.
Ika and Demetres agree it might be best if EMily leaves.
THey talk about how Kevin is doing F*** all to help their alliance out. They are closer to Bruno they say they can trust him.

Dillon EMily and Jackie bedroom
Neither of them trust Kevin. EMily says she never really trusted him.
Dillon wants to offer a final 4 to Dre and William if they can win the Veto today.
Emily doesn’t think they’ll buy it

Sindy Scrambling

Dre and William HOH after Noms
Dre – Bruno has the most connection in this house lets be honest .. maybe we can work with Bruno more than Emily and Dillon.
Dre says it’s annoying that she doesn’t know who Bruno is after.
Dre says Dillon and Emily are after Ika and Demetres, Ika/Demetres are working with them so that’s not good.
Dre says people don’t like Neda as much as she thinks they like her, “Just as much as we see her attitude and we’re like OK you can stop being a party pooper other people see it in her alliance as well”

Dre – if they start eating each other before they come eat us that is good for us.

12:05pm Bruno and Kevin

Ika Emily and Sindy Bathroom

Kevin and Neda bedroom
Kevin says their so dysfunctional.
Neda – we just need to keep staying in power..
NEda mentions if Dre had won that HOH they would have been in trouble.
Neda – she’s the next one to go
Neda suggest they take Emily out if the nominations stay the same. Kevin agrees. If the noms are Emily and Jackie then Emily might be tough to evict.
Kevin – I’m going to try to win.. i’ll do anything to win
Neda – it will be a prize comp
Kevin – I’ll take the veto over a prize.. unless it’s 10K

Feed leak of the Power of Veto Competition

11:41pm No feeds
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30 thoughts to ““B1tch I don’t bully b1tches I block them sit your a$$ right there” -Ika”

  1. Question for you Dawg, I usually enjoy reading the comments but notice they are way down this season, do you think it is because it is a dry season or some other reason? they seem way down this time.

      1. i think its the new format of website
        it was easier before..and better for commenting and viewing comments

    1. we had like 5 months straight of BB with BB18 then BBOTT, some ppl are burnt out. i love BB and even i feel burnt out.

    2. Personally I think it is the show. It isn’t that interesting. The returnees they picked may have been interesting in their season as they had arch enemies to battle with but ultimately they all lost. I don’t think it will get really interesting until the returnees have to turn on each other. I actually started to like Cassandra but since she is gone it has become boring. And Neda getting that advantage right of the bat seems a little hokey, just a means to protect one pf productions pets.

  2. Ika totally screwed Sindy & shes so busy running around like a headless chicken trying to secure Bruno’s safety, she doesn’t even realize it. Im really rooting for her & Dre but dammit shes irritating me this week. Why is Bruno such an endangered species all of a sudden that needs protection. He needs to feel that block & go home. Ugh!

  3. Who is the HOH? Dre or william? No joke how Dre act as she is the one in power. Also the way she talks about William make us suspect that she thinks he’s retarded.

  4. I dunno why they sent Mark home first. He would have made this season much more interesting.

    I hope that once Neda’s immunity is lifted she is the next one sent home. She is not a great player by any means as this season is showing. Her first season analyzed retrospectively shows that Jon Pardy carried Neda a lot more than was realized at that time.

  5. like i know i wont be able to find my earlier comment later…thats why comments are down….the old system was great for reading comments

    1. How was it easier to read comment? I would like to know so I can change it. I didn’t think I changed the commenting system if anything I thought I had improved it.

  6. Ika is such a b*tch definitely should be the next to go….. the hate she feels for jackie is how I feel about her

  7. At first I liked Dre but she became quite delusional and mean spirited.
    Ika and Dre can take their hate straight out the door and watch Jackie win this season (or at least get farther than them). Now THAT would be entertaining

    1. How can Gary be considered the rightful winner of season one when he was evicted and brought back into the game by a twist?
      How can Jon be considered a good player when his game was saved by a twist week five of season 2? He was the next target before the Canada’s hoh.
      How can Bruno complain about twists, when a twist was dropped into his hands week 4 or 5 (the veto twist) and he chose not to use it (via a rule change to the twists after voting had been ongoing for 24 hours) in season 3?
      How are any of the previous season instant evictions fair? no veto? Just nomination, 30 second defense arguments, and vote?
      The pass to jury twist is silly. but it isn’t more outrageous than some of the twists of the past.

  8. Jackie is way too boring and whiny for me to want her to make it to jury. Even though Ika’s gameplay has been intense and at times erratic, I really appreciate the kind of effort she is putting into the game this year. Hate her or love her she is damn entertaining and it will be a very sad day for all when we lose her on the feeds.

  9. As “Gary” said in his bb interview about Negative Neda …. what you see on TV, cameras, game ect is exactly who she is in real life and that’s all he could say….

    Point to be made is this, she over inflated her lose, in her season and definitely tried to smash another winner in the process; by claiming a victory that was never hers. I really don’t think she is anything more than … what you see is what you get.

    Cant wait to see and hear that overly, glorified girl get a true taste of reality once she is out of the house and evicted. Dethroned and off with her head! The queen of ? says…. lol

    As for commenting, formats ECT.. . Thank you Simon and Dawg 🙂 Amazing as usual and we all gotta fix and change things up every once in awhile….

    1. Which BB interview are you referring to? He has done many. The ones I heard did not make any negative reference to Neda at all. In fact he was not negative to any of the HG’s.
      Also, how would he have time to watch this season prior to any of his interviews.

      1. In response “the interview on the big brother network via link – instagram”.

        Read it – 2nd paragraph I believe.

        As for seeing anything while in the house…only what he witnessed firsthand “as he said”, and perhaps by experience with her / then in and out of the house.

        Defender of Negative Neda, truth is truth. Now go “READ” his interview please and thank you. I quoted what I wrote and also added my opinion.

        Plus being from the area , it’s an actual known fact she has done nothing but claim a win that wasn’t hers to do in the first place “bitter-much”.

        I wish your girl a nice exit.

  10. the devil’s advocate in my thought process:
    re: nominations.
    William was too afraid to go after his real target: Bruno. William and Dre came up with the excuse Dill/Emily (is it demily or dillema) never came to talk to him. Dre and Dillon had made a deal. A deal that covered William and Emily. If you have a deal with someone… would you be required to go and beg for your life in the game? Apparently, though that means every deal with Dre and William is worthless unless it’s Dre and William in danger. Not a precedent I’d like to set, but if that’s their game, okay. When William spent 45 minutes in the pantry with Emily the night before nominations snacking, joking around and giggling, should one of them have tried to talk game? Most likely. She should have asked if she was good, or he could have given her notice. Little bit backstabby, but if that’s the way they want to play their game, cool. Dillon and Emily were stupid, but we’ve had no evidence they were mensa level strategists, so i’m not shocked.
    I like a good game move, and reasonably speaking, as someone afraid to make big moves, this is a good move for William. However, the two of them (William and Dre) can remove their butts from the thrones of moral superiority they’ve been sitting on and realize they’ve just gotten down into the mud with everyone else. Is that too harsh?

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