Big Brother Canada 5 – Episode 8 Recap

Big Brother Canada 5 – Episode 8 Eviction

Jackie and Cassandra are nominated by HOH Neda.
William didn’t use his POV.

Toyota ‘86 Challenge – Survive in the house until day 50 and win the POV challenge that week to take it for a test drive with a special guest.

The HG’s have 5 minutes to search the car to find clues with facts about the car.

Big Brother announces that the house has been misbehaving, swearing at BB, breaking things. So the entire house will be on slop until further notice. To say people were shocked is an understatement.

Gary is not impressed.


Bruno – Cassandra
Dre – Cassandra
Gary – Cassandra
William – Cassandra
Ika – Cassandra
Dillian – Cassandra
Emily – Cassandra
Kevin – Cassandra
Cindy with an S – Cassandra
Karen – Cassandra
Demetres – Cassandra

Cassandra is Evicted

Arisa Cox announces the latest Shockwave twist this week… Backwords week!
Nomination will happen right now!
Neda is called to the bridge first and nominates Dre and Gary

Then Dre is called to the bridge, she nominates … Watch Monday to find out who goes on the block.

The nominations are Dre and Gary.

Watch Monday to find out who is on the block and what happens with the POV.
Wed a very important HOH comp where the winner will receive a lot of power.
The eviction on Thursday.

Well the episodes aren’t back words but it should be an exciting week.

Backwards week

At the end of the live eviction show the houseguests will find out that this shockwave will bend time and space, and that this week will start where a normal week would end

Everyone nominated 2 people privately. Gary and Dre got the most votes. (They don’t know they are nominated yet)
Following the nomination ceremony, the houseguests will play for the POV. If the POV is used, the house will vote on the replacement nominee.

The houseguests (minus the final 2 nominees and the outgoing HOH) will battle for the head of household.
Power of Veto is played on Friday.
Not sure when POV Ceremony or HOH will happen. This week is all f***d up.
In the conclusion to Backwards Week, the HOH will cast the sole vote to evict at the live eviction.

The houseguests will be informed just prior to the HOH comp that the winner of the comp will have the sole vote to evict in the live eviction show next Thursday

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