“So your sister got 3rd place you got 13th have fun talking about that over Thanksgiving dinner”

POV Holder: Bridgette POV Competition July 9th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 11th
HOH Bridgette Next HOH July 14th
Roadkill Competition Winner: Frank
Original Nominations: Paul, Tiffany, Bronte
After POV Nominations: ?, ?, ?
Have Nots Nicole, Corey, TIffany

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7:55pm Frank and Natalie
Sounds Like Frank pushed Bridgette down at some point during/after the POV.. He says how sorry he is about it.
Frank says Tiffany is going home it doesn’t matter who else is on the block

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8:00pm Frank, Zakiyah and Da’Vonne
Frank again mentions he knocked the POV winner to the ground.
Frank confirms with them that Bridgette doesn’t know he won’t the roadkill.
Frank is trying to tell the Bridgette and Bronte that Tiffany is going home doesn’t matter who is on the block.
James joins them says Bronte is going to tell Brdigette to not use the veto.

Frank – it feels great at this point.. Get that all over.. It’s easy now..

Da’Vonne warns them that Tiffany knows a lot.
James leaves.. .
Frank’s goodbye speech will be
“So your sister got 3rd place you got 13 have fun talking about that with your sister over thanksgiving dinner”

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8:03pm HOH Paul and Bridgette
Paul – when you pull Bronte off home girl is going up

Paul says he thinks he’s going home
Paul – Tiffany is really worried.. The thing I’m worried about is Tiffany she said I need Natalie to go up next to me..
Bridgette – why would TIff want Natalie….
Paul explains that Tiffany thought he won the Roadkill and was asking him to put up Natalie now that BRonte will be pulled down. Paul told her he didn’t have the Roadkill.. She replied to him, “Well then i’m going home”
Bridgette – make no sense …
Paul suggests not use the veto on Bronte so Natalie goes up theres no point.
Bronte comes up.. Paul tells her about what Tiffany said.

Paul says none of the men like Tiffany but he’s not sure about eh girls they need to spend tomorrow observing.
Paul – I got to go check on my muffins you two stay here. (HAHAHAHAH)
Bronte tells her to not use the POV on her unless something comes up tomorrow. Bridgette says Paulie has stopped campaigning against Brointe.
Neither of them know for sure if Paul is telling the truth. They think Tiffany is close to Michelle.
They count the votes..
Bridgette – Nat, Frank for damn sure, James votes with Natalie,
“We just need 2 more” .. They think they have Paulie and with PAulie they get Zakiyah

Bronte thinks Natalie knows who has Roadkill..
Bridgette – She’ll tells us when she’s ready.. That’s ok that’s who she is we accept that”..

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8:25pm Corey, NIcole, Zakiyah and Paulie
Talking about how Bridgette has got to go..
Paulie – we got one beast first
Zakiyah – ya that one first
They all talk about how Bridgette really “slipped up” winning the POV she should have “Thrown it” because now they all want her out because she’s so strong.
Paulie says this shows bad social game, she showed them all how good she is at “Memory recall”
Zakiyah saying “YUP” after every point Paulie makes.
Paulie leaves.
Nicole – Tiffany will be in that room all week
Zakiyah – All week long

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8:31pm Paul has made a slop Muffins
Zakiyah.. She better stop saying his name like that before I punch her in the face..
Zakiyah – WHy is natalie such a damn flirt.. That’s the girls get all the THOT out.. All the THOT..
LIke the rest of us Nicole had no idea what she’s saying..
Corey tries to explain what THOT means..
Zakiyah – That Hoe Over They’re.. (Points to where Natalie is)
Zakiyah – Natty got to go
Michelle – I agree
Corey – she goes up i’m down..

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8:38pm Paul delivers slop Muffins to the HOH.. .
After he leaves.. Bridgette and Natalie are talking about Paul saying Tiffany doesn’t want Natalie up.

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Bronte comes up with food..
Bridgette – you girls are the best.. Thank you so much.
They wonder if Paul was lying about Tiffany.. Bridgette doesn’t think so says Tiffany only has Michelle and that’s it she’s using Paul as a “sounding board”.
Bridgette says if TIffany stays she’s targeting all of them not just Frank. (LOL yeah the person with 1 ally is going to take you all out)
Bronte – Frank knows if she [Tiffany] somehow stays she’s coming for him .. he’s going to make sure she goes.. He’ll make whatever deals he needs to.. especially after today because he feels terrible
Bridgette – Awwww the poor guy
Bridgette says Frank’s legs are really strong. His ankles are think he’s never sprain an ankle..

Natalie now saying she’s winning HOH next week.. She so wants it.
They says “Spy Girls DA DA DDDDAAADA”

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8:45pm Paulie, Da’Vonne and James
Talking about the spy girls finding out Frank had the Roadkill after he puts Natalie up. Paulie suggests James tells Natalie because they are close. They determine next week they have to backdoor Frank they are running out of time.
Bronte joins them.. Chit chat..

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9:01pm James and Da’Vonne
James says he told Natalie that Frank won the Roadkill. HE adds that Natalie hasn’t told anyone yet.
JAmes – she hasn’t even told Bridgette
Da’Vonne – BRidgette is going to be hurt when she finds out Frank put her up that first week.
Da’Vonne says that’s one thing they can do to get Bridgette o vote Fran out
James says they won’t need Bridgette’s vote.
Da’Vonne – I want to be spiteful.. I can trust him for now but I know i’m, Corey and Zakiyah have a final 3.
James- Paulie told me he’s working with him.
Da’Vonne – I want to get rid of Corey so we can get Nicole back..

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9:07pm HOH Frank and Bridgette
Bridgette – What’s up frank
Frank – not shit.. You going to use it on Bronte or not
Bridgette – I don’t try think so
Frank says Tiffany is going 100% .

Bridgette – I don’t want her hurt her I just want to send her home.. that’s f***ed up
Frank – I’mm be mean in my goodbye..
Bridgette – ok you be you I can’t stop it.

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9:22pm Da’Vonne and PAulie hug it out

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9:37pm HOH Natalie, Frank and Bridgette
Frank tells them about how he’s looking forward to the steak house Dinner (A prize his team won during the POV) Says during his first season all he got was penealties. Told the girls about the chum bath.
Frank explains the chum was smelly galatin.
Frank – Chunks of gelatin for 24 hours and that Carrot Costume for a week..
Frank – it was cold at night..
Frank says production is easy on you says he was called into the chum bath 16 times. they let him sleep for 4 or 5 hours.

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9:45pm Tiffany joins Nicole, Zakiyah, Corey and Paulie.

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70 thoughts to ““So your sister got 3rd place you got 13th have fun talking about that over Thanksgiving dinner””

  1. Tiffany is gone this week. Smelly poor excuse for a HG, go back to tutoring math, maybe you’ll learn something. Go cry with Vanessa and the rest of your trailer trash family.

    1. I can’t believe how dumb these people are! Most of them know Frank is running the show and they want to vote out his biggest enemy Tiff. The Spy girls are clueless. We did find out one thing from them though. Frank’s got strong legs! Nice

    2. Lmao you’re gonna be so hurt when Tiffany beats Frank in the battle back comp to get back in the game #KARMA

    3. Both you and “franks revenge” are complete troglodytes. I am actually offended that these posts are allowed to be on here. Seriously…what kind of pathetic life do you lead that you have to make these kinds of disparaging and personal derogatory remarks about someone that has done nothing to you to deserve it. Granted she will never know of your hate or puny existence but I can only imagine how the women in your life are treated. Maybe your frank’s relative?

      1. States the person calling others a pathetic caveman! Aren’t you being a little Hypocritical?

      2. I have a life! I teach tap dance at a retirement home and work as a cook at the Waffle House! That’s how I contribute to society. What do you do?

    4. Agree. I’m not sure there is a trailer park that would let her in. They have standards. I think Frank should fart on her on the way out the door Thursday! Nah she doesn’t deserve it

    5. Trailer trash?? Her family has money lots of it and raising a teacher and a professional poker player who was going to be a lawyer trash I think not yes annoying n mental as far as emotions and paranoia but she isn’t half as bad as her sister! Get a life and stop with the ignorance already

      1. You certainly know a lot about your family vanessa russo. You are just being a sourpuss because a nerdy bb fan evicted your sorry arse from the house. Third place, ha, ha, you didn’tget the 500k or the 2nd place 50k, you got booted out, and you won’t be invited to BB19 all stars.

  2. Ok Tiff – if you think your going home, time to blow up some other people’s games! Make an effort girl!

  3. Sorry for the rant, but……I literally had to turn off AD tonight because i threw up in my mouth listening to Bridgette little girl flirty “hehehe” to frank. She is driving me bonkers!! I cringe when she is on. Between that and the Tiff hate that is soooo DBL standard (anyone else who breaks down or gets paranoid gets coddled but if tiff does it then she is an emotional wacko and pariah) this season is truley the first one I have decided to not finish watching. There is literally no one I can root for as they all have a sheep mentality. So sad as BB Has been my summer guilty pleasure for years. Aww well….since watching this far has destroyed thousands of brain cells guess (the house guest stupidity may be contagious) I’ll try and recoup by spending the rest of the summer on some good books.

    1. I agree with the Bridge comment, I don’t know why there are multiple cast members who act like they’re under 10 yrs old. And I’m over the HG still talking crap about evicted HG. If you guys didn’t like Jozea then why are you still talking about him two weeks later? Obsessed much?

      But I’d say give the season a few more weeks to see if game play picks up. I just wish that casting would go out of their way to find people who want to win. I’m so annoyed how many people were allowed on this season who just want to get to jury. It’s fine to make friends during your stay, but you should still be there to win. I just think it’s a shame for all the people who would love to be on the show.

      But summer is also a great time to catch up on some good books. 😉

      1. Why can’t they talk about their past Houseguests. They were in a house with Jozea for 16 days in those days he did some things that are to remember him by. Sometimes it’s tiresome trying to hang out with people you’re stuck with so why not reminisce about the past.

        Also people have different ways f playing the game. It can’t be the way you do it doesn’t mean you should stop watching the show. Not everyone is all strategy 24/7 that makes the game boring as hell. People who don’t know the game that well tend to play by their own rules. Who cares if you think they have a sheep mentality basicly seeing how the spy girls are playing 5 people have to go before jury and 3/3 of those girls are making jury for sure. Once you get to jury phase is when people start playing hard. Maybe that’s dumb but if you can prove to yourself hey you actually can do this then why not. Not a lot of people have played good from the beggining of the game and won. Rachel in bb13 had to lay low for a while and let Jeff take over. Andy started playing more intense came jury phase.

    2. I agree totally. I look forward to summers just to watch and just can’t this year. I still read this site to keep up but the show and those people disgust me.

  4. If Frank pulls the insulting good bye, he is bragging about doing to Tiffany, then I really hope Tiffany wins the battle back and returns to finish higher than him.

  5. frank is a mean bully.. i hate mean bullies.. cant wait to see his mean bully ass on the block..

      1. OhPlease is merely saying they can’t wait till Frank is on the block, that’s not bullying. If they said they’d push him on the block or threaten him in any way, that would be bullying. Your statement is totally ludicrous, wishing or hoping for something does not make you a bully.

  6. Seems like Z is a little upset. Shes childish for thinking she’d be the prettiest girl in the house, like Natalie only has eyes for James sweetheart calm down, no one’s going to touch your fake showmance, Paulie. And who’s to say Frank even really won the Roadkill comp. It seems awfully convenient when everyone is wanting him out he wins a ‘secret’ competition. A competition that doesn’t even show the timer on the screen like most of the timed POV challenges usually did in past seasons… Hmm way to control the entire show BB

  7. Is it just me or is Day kind of like the ultimate Floater this season? She’s floating between (what’s left of) 8Pack, Fatal 5 (4), the Paulie/Z/Nic/Corey/Day 5, and then James. She has thrown ALL of these people under the bus repeatedly to each other. I have no idea who’s she is actually loyal to (if she’s loyal to anyone). There’s nothing wrong with floating, but I’m surprised people aren’t comparing notes on Day. She could easily replace Frank and Tiff as a house target, especially if Paulie/Nic/Z/Corey catch wind of her scheming.

    Looks like things are all but over for Tiff this week. Personally I’d like for Bronte to go this week over Tiff, and someone to reveal to Bridge that Frank nominated her in week 1 and Bronte this week. Paul and Tiff surviving this week would make for some interesting weeks moving forward.

    I love how domesticated Paul has become baking muffins for the house lol.

    1. How the hell did we get from paul being a douche and a number 1 target to keeping him over Tiffany!? I mean really….keeping paul, PAUL who was going to come at them “like Rambo” in week one to avenge his boy jozea over tiff who at this point would do anything and be super loyal to anyone who showed her some real interest and friendship……Paul? Smh!

      1. It’s rather simple my friend. Perception is everything in the big brother house. (Slightly lengthy post so apologizes ahead of time).

        It’s hard to know how Paul acted before the feeds came on, but what was abundantly clear was that Jozea and Victor didn’t know how to keep things to themselves. Paul has surprised me with how well he’s adapted to the game despite not having an extensive BB background. He is starting to gain awareness in the game, and this is key to going far. He knows when to keep information to himself and is playing his house role perfectly. People constantly keep putting him on the back burner as a target and think they can just get him out later. This isn’t the most entertaining cast ever, but Paul is putting in the effort to entertain his fellow house guest. I’ve liked Paul from the start, and now that his two closest allies are gone he has great Floater potential. Day is floating between multiple alliances, but is over the radar. Paul is floating outside of alliances, and is flying under the radar. We’ll see which Floater comes out on top this season.

        Tiff on the other hand has come at the game the wrong way in a few instances. She missed a really big opportunity in my opinion for not telling the house right away who her sister is when Paulie revealed his relation to Cody. This would have made her look more trustworthy. Michelle has warned her at least once, but Tiff is not aware of how she talks to other HG. Multiple HG have said that when she asks questions it comes off as an interrogation. I’ve also heard multiple HG mention how she’s often “hiding” in some corner or another. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, she never should have had any emotional outbursts. That’s what Van is infamous for, and she should have known right away that if she pulled that then people would think she’s playing Van’s game.

        Compare these actions to Paul’s and it’s quite clear why she’s the target over him or even Bronte. Did Frank spreading the paranoid angle for the past two weeks hurt her? Of course, but imho Tiff hasn’t done enough to counteract that idea about her floating in the house.

        1. so well said, Da also had in for Tiff so it is was not just Frank. Her behaviour over a trivial misunderstanding alarmed him and said behaviour spread like a wildfire throughout the house alarming others. Her alliance had to be on high alert to perceive and put out any fires before & after information Information sharing with her.

        2. Paul has changed his game style to help him stay. Once he realized he was not in charge, he adapted. He started looking for ways to create game value in having him stay. Tiffany said Vanessa told her to lay low the first couple weeks and that’s what sank her. That’s only a strategy that will work if no one is looking at you. Paulie was in a similar situation along with the returning players but he worked the crowd a bit and diffused that target. Tiffany didn’t and that allowed the others to create the story about her being shady.

  8. Z is trailer trash, after calling Nat a hoe… I actually think Nats being honest about liking James…

    1. It’s disgusting. I guarantee that you won’t see Nat calling a girl a ho behind their back. Zakiyah is showing more and more of her true self.

      1. Yes, that is unfortunate. If one expects to be treated respectfully, one also needs to treat others that way.

        Oh well – and here we have the reason women’s alliances tend to fall apart. If we manage to NOT get distracted by the pretty little boys, we might get somewhere. It means finding strength and making the hard choices other than attraction. Trust me on this one, I know.

    1. I think why it’s so hard for her to do good in this game is because everyone in that house is comparing her to her sister, Vanessa. Like if she were to go and tell Bridgette about alliances or the roadkill I bet everyone would be saying “Omg she’s just like her sister! What a rat! She has to go!” Her downfall is being on the season right after Vanessas. She would have done better if she was on the show a few seasons after.

      1. Tiff would have fared better if she did not use Vanessa’s game play, whining, interrogations, crying, tantrums …when the HGs have to appoint a sitter prior and after updating Tiff something is WRONG!

        1. Haha stop drinking the koolaid. She doesn’t whine, that’s Nicole. She’s cried less than several people in the house. And the “interrogation” was her simply asking Frank the same question everyone else asked him. He said it himself, he blew up on her because he had already been asked about it several times and it was pissing him off. BUT somehow, Tiffany is the big interrogator. Give me a break! This is all just because she’s Vanessa’s sister. Every bit of it. And she may be as smart as Vanessa but she doesn’t seem to be a perceptive or strategic. Most likely because Vanessa is a professional poker player that has the advantage in those departments.

          I’m sorry but Tiffany is getting an unfair wrap and it all started because Frank was already scared of her ability to be like Vanessa and snipe his sorry ass. He planted seeds to Day and she ran with it, also scared Van #2 will snipe her. But the bottom line is she actually seems like a very nice girl and doesn’t deserve all this bs she is getting.

          Bronte said to Dora last night “Omg it was soooo funny. No one was cheering Tiffany on at all. Even her own teammates” (Corey and Nicole). Really? I’m sorry but that’s pathetic. She doesn’t deserve that. No one does.

          1. Vanessa, Tiffany has interrogated more people than Frank to the point of making them uncomfortable.

  9. Zak is jealous of any girl that talks to Paulie: her strategy say yes to everything he says and complain that she wants those girls out

  10. Frank.. your days are numbered
    Tiff… cause some fireworks blow some people’s games up don’t go out like this
    Bridgette … I’m done with her everytime Frank and Bridgette are in a room together I just wanna Puke .
    Bronte and nat.. I just want them to go before jury they don’t even deserve to go to jury when all they did was take up space.
    I want the James & paulie alliance to go far maybe they can be like the hitmen.
    Day.. Idk what she is doing anymore … l hope she makes it to jury she isn’t good at comps and talks too much and wouldn’t go far as it is .
    Nicole : she’s doing too much but isn’t over playing the game like frank & day your supposed to keep information not tell it to others plus the paranoia & and boy thing she got going on with corey I can’t deal .
    Paul : is under the radar and I think he’s going to be a spencer where he’s going to keep being on the block until he’s evicted.
    Michelle is in a good position , zak is in a good position to some degree, James & paulie too and sadly corey is in good shape too .

  11. If they send frank home next week in he win back in the game
    they be in trouble bronte nattile bridge will be the only one safe
    ask the spy girls everybody else fair game big mastake if they send him home now

    1. If they send Frank home next week, what a boring predictable game it will become. Unless he comes back. With the exception of him slapping a few butts, which he hadn’t done since he apologized, he has not done anything, that 75% of the current house guest are doing… The whole house is promosing finals with each other.

    1. Frank slapped some girls asses, made a few derogatory comments so he lost fans – meanwhile his gameplay is on point, he is still running the house though he is being too cocksure. The HG’s fear him due to his strategy; making final 3 alliances (the complaintants were part of these said alliances) and his ability to win comps. They are ALL making new alliances and talking final 2-3 but as usual the other houseguests think it is okay for them to do it but not for Frank. The HG’s seem to be going along with Frank goals (8pk goals) until they have the opportunity to vote him. So it appears to me me that Frank kept to his word (8packs goals) to vote out Josea, Vick, Bronte (but recent change in line-up was Tiff due to her hate on Frank) Both Frank and DA they had issues with Tiff’s outbursts.

      1. If Frank knew that anyone else was making any kind of deal in any way shape or form that he did not give his blessing to, they’d be in the hot seat and on his list just as much as he is in the hotseat for being caught making multiple deals.
        Note: Frank is now targeting Michelle. it has nothing to do with ability and social game. She talked back to him and called him a liar three or four days ago. She went on the list.
        Note: Da made a complaint about Frank’s harassment. She didn’t accept his “that’s just the way I am” apology quick enough. She’s now gone on the list.
        Meanwhile the spygirls giggle and use stupid child like voices and kiss Frank’s flatulent butt. They’re not going anywhere despite what he tells the boys.
        The offense that Frank and Da took to Tiffany? Da has been backstabbing Tiffany since the same day Tiffany told the 8 pack she was Vanessa’s sister. She’s making a target of an ally to ensure she makes it past week four by playing the Audrey game and exaggerating / making up stories about people (in this case Tiffany) to create a bottom of the totem pole. Frank got mad because Tiffany questioned Frank on making moves in the game that affected the whole 8 pack without telling the 8 pack before he did them. Everything else after that was a smear campaign. She hit the list the minute she cast a light on him in front of other people.

        1. Did Frank discuss why he turned the tables on DA and Bridgette or is that your opinion not on fact? Da and Bridgette was gunning for Frank like all the rest days ago. They have all been gunning for each other, changing daily. I base my opinion on gameplay I do not let my personal preferences get in the way. Frank is not my favourite. Tiffany has exhibited the same behaviour as Vanessa. The HG’s do not like the interrogations, the crying, the tantrums, they have to babysit her just to fill her in on what is going on before and after they are to frightened of her blowing up, blowing them up! Just because Frank acts like a fool I do not discount the ground he has covered in this game. He is the one to be feared and rightly so.

          1. Frank stated to one of the boys the day after Da complained that he went in to set her straight, and he didn’t think she accepted his apology. He said she might be a problem, she might be too emotional, and they might have to do something about her sooner rather than later.
            Frank said to the guys the day after Michelle called him a liar for saying she named the 8pack to Paulie that he was concerned about Michelle’s loyalties, and that she wasn’t pulling her weight.
            So, no, these aren’t my fantasies. these are logical deductions based on cause and affect.

            1. so it is your assumption that Frank’s apology was not accepted in time frame. Lets not forget she has wanted him out prior to all of this and has rallies the troops.

  12. You know your in trouble when……………

    It’s how many HG’s are in the room when negative things are said about you. Frank being the obvious front runner next week. Watch for talk about Corey next. Da and Zak talk about evicting him to get Nicole closer. Obviously Nicole cannot be in the room but the talk now includes spy girls from time to time. Corey is far less safe than he thinks.
    James seemed a hot target also a few days ago in convos with Da/Zak and Nicole. Back burner til Frank gone likely. As long as the 3 spy girls are here they are no threat to target anyone as they sure seem like poor game players(polite). But they can be a 3 person voting block if not nomed. I take everything these 3 say alone as puffing, no real threat.
    The real juice in the house atm is DA/Zak plus Nicole/Corey talking strategy together. Right now that’s Frank. After he goes it will be interesting to see if DA splits by going after Corey or the 4 target someone like James. Michelle better get back to being in more convos like last week. If your not in the room your name comes up.

    If Tiff goes……….. I don’t get all the hate on OBB for her. She is not a good BB player for sure and the whining is tough to put up with. I just don’t see her as a mean person just very insecure IMO. Whether she stays or goes isn’t a significant event this season.

  13. Her sister got third place because production strung her along just like they’re stringing you along you giant Barney Fife sounding doofus.

    1. Just a heads up to you and Frank, Tiff’s sister got 2nd place not 3rd. Sorry, but I had to correct that info. It was driving me nuts.

  14. I did not like Paul from the start but really like him now. He may float to the end – too bad his game play is lacking.

  15. I knew Natilie was using James. I called it. Corey just told Nicole she tried cuddling with him and was flirting with him like crazy. She told Corey she didn’t like James. Corey wants to tell James the truth because he feels bad for him. He also said Victor would of been cool with him but Natilie kept flirting with him in front of Victor and caused friction. At the same time it takes two to tango. Corey isn’t innocent either he shouldn’t have flirted with her either. She is a very superficial girl. She seeks attention from the guys to boost her ego. I think it annoys her that Corey and Paulie aren’t giving her the attention she expected because of her looks. If she keeps this up she’ll be seeing the big brother door before jury.

    1. That is exactly right…Natalie is playing the “stroke my ego” game and I am pretty sure guys like Corey and Paulie have seen that maneuver more than a few times. Women see that in a girl pretty quickly, but many men think the flirting is sincere. I hate to see her be phoney with James because he has a genuine heart,& this behavior can leave a person bitter.
      Zakiyah knows how Natalie’s playing but she should not worry about Paulie…he knows Nat’s being a one trick pony, trying to make it to jury. Boring!
      On another note, I do thank BB for casting some eye candy this year…thanks for Zakiyah,Paulie,Corey,Natalie…lovely humans to watch for endless hours, but Frank and Paul got to go!

  16. I didn’t say anything about Frank’s behavior. I think his behavior is very abrasive. His actions towards the houseguest is disgusting especially towards the girls. He’s a narcissistic jerk and he doesn’t think any of his actions are wrong. This guy definitely has bipolar issues. It’s not right to grab a women by the neck, slap them or make derogatory comments on their appearanc…… I think he’s probably experienced a lot of domestic violence growing up. He’s on tv imagine how he is in real life. I don’t even want to know.????

  17. I’m in a strange mood. Like i want to speak my mind honestly. Probably not going to be pretty, because I’m feeling pretty cynical in my observations, and I’ve been bottling quite a few of them up.
    I don’t believe the James-Natalie thing. It’s absolutely fake. It’s guaranteed tv time for a cheerleader/model looking to advance her career (if James is so her type of man why was she first attaching herself to Vic and then Corey? Because they could be physical and emotional triplets?), and a guy that when left to his own devices without a woman to fixate on becomes a missing link perv that would give Frank a run for his money (season 17 before week four is full of supporting evidence to that claim). He wants to be america’s favorite again, so he has to curb his lecherous tendancies and come across as a sweet and fun teddy bear. They can both thank production later.
    Tiffany is pretty much a scapegoat for all of the Vanessa haters’ fantasies. Her ouster is meant to be a wish fulfilment gift from production to those viewers. She was getting residual Vanessa hate before the end of the credits in episode one. Funny that Paulie isn’t getting flack for being the brother of someone who backstabbed every person in his season but one including his showmance (make a note of that Zakiyah). Does everyone think they are his Derrick? He’s trying to be the Derrick this season, so they’re all out of luck for falling for his crap. He’s about as sincere as bowel movement. He just never wears a shirt. Oh, never mind, I get it, he’s being given the residual poster boy treatment based on his looks. got it.
    Nicole, dear, Corey’s queer. All of this showmance denial talk about a guy that is completely fixated with game talk with other guys while they are in the shower? Come on. Even you aren’t that dense Nicole (and you are very dense make no mistake). And Corey, it really doesn’t matter. Gay isn’t an insult depsite your tweets.
    Bridgette. oh, God love a duck… You can’t claim girl power while in submission to a man and giving him your game to run. You can’t claim girl power when you nominate another woman because a man told you to. And please, drop the five year old voice. It’s pathetic and demeaning. It isn’t cute. It isn’t endearing. Stop it. Putz.
    Paul. The guy should praise the Big Brother Gods that they have chosen him to represent the underdog class this year with more d/r comments per episode than most of the other newbies combined, because frankly, he’s an ass. The fact that he is such a pathetic actor (last veto ceremony) and pathetic liar (damn the dude telegraphs his lies like he comes with closed caption lettering blinking Paul is lying), makes me think that the let him make it to top 7 fix is in. Like you can’t tell by d/r progression in a season when that otherwise expendable person every year is going to make it further than they should because production likes his d/r character. What a douche.
    Okay. I’ve been holding most of that in for a while. Thanks.

    1. All of this is 100% so true. I’d like to add in that for me, Nicole is the biggest disappointment of the season. I was really pulling for her to do well. Turns out she’s no different than mean girl bronte. Also her game is strictly finding a guy and sticking to him like glue. I actually felt bad for her when Corey would tell people “no way there’s any showmance with Nicole, he doesn’t see her like that”. When she clearly wants there to be. But now after seeing how mean she is, I don’t feel bad at all. I hope she watchs this season and feels embarrassed. She constantly calls Tiffany paranoid but Nicole was paranoid and bawling her eyes out when SHE WAS HOH and was 100% safe. Lol. She’s just really disappointing and I hope she goes out soon. Like right after Frank.

    2. Well said, and all that w/out one attack on any of the hg’s looks! This is my fave BB forum/recap sight but sometimes I feel like the brain cells aren’t lost on viewing the guests but rather reading some of the vitriol (and poorly written at that) spewed on here! Luckily the good posters out number the “bad”…IMO. And for the love of God, why do all girl alliances always fall apart within the first couple of weeks on this show? im not as good a student of the game as many of you & I’m truly trying to understand on a deeper level where the problem lies w this for women on the show…thoughts?

      1. The gender divid and why woman can’t function in a group as well as men is a gross generalization of how society raises boys and girls. This is a gross generalization but boys are raised to play in groups with sports and play while girls are raised to be social in small groups and think for themselves. Conflict resolution men are taught to get it out, hug it out, drink a beer and problem solvedqith simplistic language. Women are almost taught to be catty, hold a grudge and analyse every word of a conversation looking for meaning. This is a quick overview of a much larger sociological issue, but from working in the nursing field and reading academic papers society it’s like 80 %ccorrec. Lazing looks for the stereotypes, who have been raised us to act a certain way, which causes a gender divid of working in groups, hense why the alpha women like Nessa, Rachel ect make it far or those with alpha showmances such as Jordan.

      2. Women’s alliances don’t work in Big Brother because of socialization.
        Historically, boys are driven and conditioned through stories, games, and sports to work as a team or unit to destroy their opponents. They work in these units under an alpha, a captain or a coach calling the shots.
        On the other hand, the stories and games “geared” and socailly engineered more toward girls in society place the onus or role of the woman to attract and nurture a man and family. Look at the disney princess model where other women are more often than not impediments to the princess reaching her goal (wicked queen, wicked step sister theory).
        So, if women are conditioned to see other women as a threat to reaching their goal (hello Zakiyah and your THOT comments), while men are conditioned to see other men as a part of the team or unit (as long as they don’t break rank and file and try to sabotage their own team too early, hello Frank), is it any wonder why women’s alliances are far less successful than men’s alliances or mixed gender alliances where an alpha male calls the shots?
        I’d even contend that this is part of the subconscious problem with Vanessa from last year. She was the alpha using unheroic means such as emotional blackmail in order to maintain her position. Any woman alpha on big brother is going to be viewed as being a bitch, a manipulator, and crazy. Most of the women that take on leadership roles in Big Brother end up getting one of those three monikers because they are bucking established societal norms.
        I’m aware this sounds silly, outdated and sexist. I’m aware that some responses would say not all boys not all girls, but as a societal norm, this is the social dichotomy that explains why women have a much harder time working together in large units than men.

  18. Frank’s attitude is disappointing. Is it not possible for him to be the bigger person, and just let the “snides” go? There is no reason to be cruel and rub her nose in failure. It’s also RUDE!

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