Meet the Cast of Big Brother Canada 4!

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The all new cast of house guests are starting to be released today for the 4th season of Big Brother Canada that is set to première on Wednesday, March 2, 2016. There are 14 new house guests along with the two fan voted international favourites that will be moving into the newly redesigned house a few days before the première. Below are the bios of the 14 all new house guests:

All 14 new house guests bios:

The house guests are competing for a grand prize of $100,000, a $25,000 gift card from The Brick, and an OxiClean prize pack valued at $10,000 that includes $500 of fabric care products and a $9,500 wardrobe makeover.

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Jared Kesler

Age: 24
Hometown: Winnipeg, MB
Occupation: Pipeline worker
This polite pipeline worker is a brawny sweetheart who will charm the pants off all of the houseguests.

Describe yourself in three words:
Polite, Funny, Athletic

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
My strategy is just to not get caught up in household drama. Being polite is kind of my main goal. It’s gotten me pretty far in life – people take kindly to “Yes sir. Thank you ma’am.” I don’t want to have a showmance, but I’m going to get awfully bored in that house. It’s the worst thing you can do for the purpose of winning but I’m going to run out of things to talk about with the guys. My mom would not be happy.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?
I would bring my best friend, Dan. It would be a riot to be there with your best friend. It would be great to have a companion right off the hop.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
Memory challenges would probably be my biggest fear – trying to keep it all straight in my head.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?
I am a certified fire fighter already but I’m going into school to get my paramedics certification, so the money could go towards that to give me a bit of a cushion. I’d also like to buy a property and have a cabin in the woods somewhere.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
I don’t really have one. I like Jon (BBCAA Season 2), and I thought Emmett (BBCAN Season 1) was great as well, but I’m not looking to copy anyone. I just want to come at it my own way.

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
I just like being outdoors. I don’t even mind the cold – people call it Winterpeg but the cold weather doesn’t bother me. Canada gives you a lot of opportunities to be outside, which I’m all about.


Loveita Adams

Age: 25
Hometown: Fort McMurray, AB
Occupation: CEO & Founder of a natural skincare line

Passionate and bursting with energy, this independent girl plans to make and keep as many promises as possible to build trust in the house.

Describe yourself in three words:
Passionate, Driven, Leader

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
My strategy is to make as many promises as possible; even if I have to make promises or search for things to promise. The purpose behind this is that if you’re able to make a promise and keep it, you’ll immediately build trust. I want people to believe that I will do whatever I say. For instance, if I know I want to vote a certain person out, I might go up to someone who I know is a supporter of theirs and pretend I’m not sure what I will do. Then I’ll offer them my vote to support them. If I give them my word and keep it, they’ll believe in me. I’ve watched the show and looked at it from a statistics and psychology stand-point, and I’ve seen how valuable building trust and credibility can be.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?
Tajin! Look it up! I first discovered it in Mexico and I put it on absolutely everything. Fruit, veggies. It’s amazing – I always have it with me.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?

For physical challenges – because I’m tiny – I feel I will be good at anything to do with endurance. I did track and I like to sprint. I have a background in gymnastics. I’m not going to stack up against big strong guys in strength competitions. I’m terrible at history, English and geography but great at math and science. So for mental competitions, it will really depend.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?
There’s a range of charities I love to support so I’d give to them. And I’d try to invest or save it – that way I could grow it to be more than $100k.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
I love Brittnee (BBCAN Season 3). She was so good at putting her emotions aside to get herself to the end of the competition. There was a time when Sarah went against her in a challenge, and she put her emotions aside right away because she needed to stick with her alliance at that point. She was playing her own game and I respect that a lot. Also as a woman who wasn’t necessarily seen as a physical threat going in, she went into those competitions and did so amazing, even when she was up against some big burly guys. She blew me away.

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
The fact that we have all four seasons! I find when I go on vacation I get hot within a few days and I want to come back to Canada. I can ski in the winter and dirt bike in the summer – there’s so many things we can do here!


Ramsey Aburaneh

Age: 26
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Occupation: Digital Marketing

Fun and charismatic, this strategic player wants to downplay his athleticism and play like he’s just there to have fun.

Describe yourself in three words:
Fun, Charismatic, Strategic

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
Yes and no. I don’t have an A to Z plan because the show changes so much and you can’t get too locked to a plan. It’s safe to say that for the first half of the show I want to downplay my athleticism and just come off like a guy that just seems to be there to have fun and not really think about the competition side. Then when it’s time to, I’ll start to showcase who I really am, win some competitions, and stab people in the back. That’s my plan. Hundo P.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?

My mom. She’s the anchor in my life. I’m always thinking and quick to act on stuff, and she kind of keeps me level and calm. I was raised in a team environment. Sports has been a big part of my whole life, so when something runs through my head, I like to have a teammate to run it by. She’s very dear to my heart.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
I am actually really athletic and have always played a lot of sports, but my plan is to throw a lot of competitions. My fear is that people will be able to tell that I’m doing that because it will be hard for me to hide that physicality, and then they’ll know I’m up to something.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?
Well, if I won, I’d start off by taking a little chunk of it and have some fun travelling. My family is from Jordan and I haven’t been there since the age of 12 and I don’t even remember it. I’ve just been aching and dying to go. And then with the rest of the money, having been raised in an entrepreneurial family, I’d invest a lot of it and put that towards my future.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
I don’t have an idol per se. I liked Kevin’s (BBCAN Season 3) style from last season, but really I’m going in there as Ramsey.

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
I love how everyone respects different cultures and faiths here. I’m a proud Muslim and there are stereotypes about us out there, but no matter who I meet or where I am, Canadians will always judge by their actual experience of individuals rather than what the media portrays them to be. We have open minds and are inclusive, which is why I think we are the greatest country in the world.


Maddy Pavle

Age: 21
Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Occupation: Server

Strong and confidant is how she’ll play the game. She’s fun, she’s witty, and she is not afraid to get dirty.

Describe yourself in three words:
Funny, Cute, Honest

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
I do not. I’m going to take every day as it comes because every day could be different than what I plan for. I have watched every season of Big Brother Canada and I know what a rollercoaster I am in for so I don’t think a strategy is what works.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?
If I could, I would take an Ipod or some type of music. If I’m having a crazy, stressful day all I want is to pop on the headphones and just cool down with some great music.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
I think I’m pretty good for the physical challenges but a lot of the remembering challenges – those I would be scared of. Or anything like math. I don’t know math. But I’m a super athletic, active person so I’ve got that side.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?
I would put a down payment on a condo. I don’t know if you’ve heard but Vancouver’s pretty expensive. And at my age, having a condo would make me feel ahead of the curve. Or I’d start a mini empire of Maddy businesses. I don’t know exactly what they’d be, but I’d figure it out.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
My top Big Brother Canada houseguest ever is Jillian (BBCAN Season 1). She’s just a strong, confident woman. She knows what’s up, she knows what she wants, and she is going to go get it. She wasn’t afraid to win and she knew she’d make enemies along the way but because she was nice and humble, so she got away with it. She’s totally my idol.

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
The mountains! And the trees! I love to be able to just go on a hike or go snowboarding or go swimming. It’s so nice to have all of those things around me all the time.


Raul Manriquez

Age: 21
Hometown: Calgary, AB
Occupation: Fashion Stylist

Funny and social, Raul is here for the experience. He plans to avoid strategizing and just wants to go with the flow.

Describe yourself in three words:
Sassy, Determined, Funny

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
I do not. I’m really bad at making strategies. I usually just go with the flow. If I had a strategy, I’d be changing it all the time. I prefer to just go with the flow of the river. All I know is that I do not want to fall in love because when I fall in love, I forget everything except for the guy I’m in love with. I just want to be with him and do whatever he wants and I lose myself. So, not a good idea for Big Brother Canada.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?
My cell phone. I cannot live without my cell phone – I’m a social media fanatic. I’m also always texting. I feel like my phone is my other half.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
Mental. Honestly, I’m not that smart, I’m just pretty. Puzzles and math – no, I can’t do them. I can be athletic. When it comes to it, I’ll fight, get dirty and throw down.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?
It would be amazing to win the money but I’m mostly here for the experience. But winning the money would be good too. I’d want to give it to my parents. They’ve given so much to me. I mean, my love is enough but money is nice too! Also I will start a clothing line, and maybe my own reality show. I’ll create a whole brand for myself.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
I think it’s Kenny (BBCAN Season 2). He’s just so hot – I’m all over that. That beard! He’s also my idol – he’s funny and cute and emotional. Even though he didn’t win, I liked how he competed. He left a mark. I wouldn’t ever do what he did and hide that I’m gay though. Look at me – you would be able to tell immediately.

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
That it’s multiracial. In Calgary we have every race from around the world. You can try every kind of food, and I’m an explorer – I like to try new things. Canada can make anyone’s dreams come true. I’m originally from Mexico, and while I was there, I used to dream about the very things I’ve been able to achieve, now that I live in Canada. That’s why I love Canada.


Paige Distranski

Age: 19
Hometown: Thunder Bay, ON
Occupation: Veterinarian Tech Assistant

A Northern Ontario nature lover whose experience in hunting and trapping will help her anticipate her fellow player’s moves.

Describe yourself in three words:
Happy-go-lucky, Strong-willed, Tenacious

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
Growing up in Northwestern Ontario has prepared me for this experience. I’ve grown up outside, trapping and hunting. Those things are all about anticipating an animal’s next move and strategizing to maintain the upper hand, and that IS Big Brother Canada if you think about it. Basically the Big Brother Canada house is going to be my trap line. Being in nature all the time can be harsh, and it’s made me strong and it’s made me brave.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?
I would definitely bring in my cat Poozy! I love animals, they’re my biggest passion and she’s my favourite animal. She’s 16 years old and she watches Big Brother Canada with me – she’d be in heaven in that house! It’s just nice to have something to cuddle – it’s comforting.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
I mostly fear brain competitions especially anything to do with math. My math skills are definitely not up to snuff. I’ve been practicing my times tables and converting minutes to seconds to get ready for competitions where that is a part of it, but it’s a work in progress.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?
Oh my god! I haven’t even really thought past getting on the show. But if I won I would buy a piece of land in Thunder Bay, or the outskirts: my dream property. I’d rescue a couple more kittens to spoil and then save the rest of the money for down the road.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
I love Gary (BBCAN Season 1)! Gary Glitter. I just love him – he’s so funny and so sassy. I could totally see us being best friends inside the house and outside the house. He was entertaining but at the same time, he played hard, he played smart, and he was all around such a good player. I always root for the underdogs – I’m more attracted to their personalities.

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
I just like how everyone is so nice. I like how there’s so many different types of people. I just love Canada – I’d never want to leave. No desire to – I love it here!


Joel Lefevre

Age: 33
Hometown: Edmonton, AB
Occupation: Actor

His likable disposition and nerdy attitude will let him fly under the radar until he needs to shift into gear to take the win.

Describe yourself in three words:
Quirky, Outgoing, Passionate

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
My strategy is to make personal connections as soon as possible with everyone in the house. I don’t plan to have a showmance – I’m skeptical of them knowing that it’s a competition for a lot of money so the intentions aren’t necessarily good. That said, I wouldn’t say no to a showmance, because I wouldn’t want someone to be suspicious that I was on to them. I’d play along for a little while.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?
?An autographed photo of my idol and favourite soccer player, Zinedine Zidane. It’s a signed photo of when the French team won the World Cup in 1998. I think it would inspire me to work harder in the house knowing where he came from and how much he was able to achieve. That just would remind me that I can do anything and take this all the way to win Big Brother Canada. ??

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
I probably fear mental more than anything. I’m not all that savvy with puzzles. I read once in a while but really I think I’m just a lot more physically fit and active than people will guess. That’s sort of an element of surprise that I’m hoping people will be shocked by when they see me compete. I play competitive soccer. I work out every day. I do cardio, and hot yoga. I’m ready on that side of things.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?

I would save a bunch of it for a rainy day so that I’m set financially down the road. I’d help my sister out, she’s expecting a baby and has a little boy so I’d give them some. I would like to give a portion to charities that deal with mental health awareness, which is very near and dear to my heart. Growing up I struggled with anxiety and depression and it’s something I think still has a lot of stigma.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
That’s hard because there’s been so many memorable houseguests. I’d say the one I relate to the closest is probably Jordan Parhar (BBCAN Season 3). He’s a little bit quirky and made some dumb moves but I liked how he took everything with a grain of salt and his passion and excitement for Big Brother Canada was something I could definitely connect with. I will hopefully learn from his mistakes though!

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
Probably the cultural diversity and that people from all walks of life are accepted. Whether it’s people from Mexico, France, Syria, the US – it’s just nice that everyone is accepted here and it’s nice to hear those people’s stories and that makes me feel proud.

Extended Bio clips for the first 7 house guests:

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22 thoughts to “Meet the Cast of Big Brother Canada 4!”

  1. Notice there are still blank spots , I bet 2 or three returning Canadians are entering the house and I would bet my rent that Gary is one of them which makes me sick. I never liked him and he only got to the end by getting sent back into the house late in the game. The only saving grace that season was that he didn’t win because Topaz didn’t realize that at the end you write down the winners name, not the one you don’t want to win. It’s too soon to see returnees after just 3 seasons. I wish we could get a season somewhere that just let them play the game. Enough with returnees and twisto twists that set up unworthy winners or turn it all into a popularity contest.

    1. Hi Everybody

      I don’t think season 4 is the time to bring back HGs. All Stars was 7 in BB USA. Give it a few more seasons these donkies will do something with former guests. I liked your post in general though 🙂 OML it’s the attack of the 20 somethings.. I’m interested to see how they position the internationals in the house.
      Surely they aren’t going to try coaches (FAIL) like BBUSA so gotta be straight up contestants?

    1. I Agree!!! The full cast is now revealed except for the 2 international people and there is 1 person east of Ontario, 2 people over the age of 30… really representative of Canada. Its going to be a Albert and BC dating show. Not interested.

      1. Does the US complain about representation every year when their cast is announced? I dunno, personally I have not seen it. At least not on here…

        What is everyone’s problem with representation?? Maybe everyone they met in NS and NFLD were boring?? Season 1 and 2 had tonnes of East Coast representation. Two East Coast winners in a row. And I think this is the first NB cast member so yay for New Brunswick. But really, who cares??

        1. The idea of regional representation is to drive ratings. Atlantic Canadians definitely root for the local HG’s. It will be interesting with so little east coast content. Lets see how everyone plays once the season starts. More concerned with production fixing a winner than where the HG’s come from personally.

          1. Glad to see you back again. And thank you for the donation 🙂
            I agree with you, its all for ratings. It really doesn’t matter to me which province the house guests come from. I wouldn’t root for someone because they’re from my city.

    1. I completely agree. The show seems to be doing well in Canada and for US fans. I don’t know why the prize isn’t higher. People will do a lot for half a million.

  2. I’m team Dallas from the two minute interview…..that may change once the live feeds are up.

    Thanks for being back Simon and Dawg btw 🙂

  3. Not crazy about any of these picks. And I really hate when they pick somebody like this mitchell guy. In a game like this where so much is decided by the viewers, this guy goes in with a huge advantage, his 38k followers on instagram.

  4. I’ll need to see how they behave in the house and deal with the international twist, but I’m claiming Mitchell, Sharry, Dallas, Ramsey, and Raul.

    -Jared will do well if he’s not seen as a physical threat.
    -Joel is another freaking Steve/Ian which people are bound to compare him to.
    -Maddie and Philippe are fireballs (I’m getting Tom BBCan 1 vibes from Philippe).
    -Paige could be an early boot. She so young, and the way she talks reminds me a bit of Michelle from BB4 (also an early boot).
    -Kelsey and Loveita are going to try and play nice. They’ll probably make jury but be booted. I’m not sure why Loveita would want to align with strong males if she thinks they are stronger than females physically (males tend to suck at the endurance comps which are the most physically demanding). They will knock her out at the end if they drag her that far.
    – Cassandra and Christine will be s**t starters lol! I think I’ll like them. I’m impressed that Christine plans on playing the unaligned Floater game rather than the usual multiple alliance Floater game. She may play similar to Godfrey or Johnny Mac.

  5. I’m taking the hour to look at everything for the new season all at once to try to get myself on board and excited. I’m not there yet. I only recently saw a commercial for the new season.
    The international twist (oh dear, twists already…) is not something I’m liking from gut reaction, but I’m really going to try to have an open mind, if I can stop cringing at the thought. If it becomes a revolving door of international house guests every two weeks I’m going to be pretty much hating on the twist.
    The same gut is looking at the cast. my immediate reactions in no order:
    The oldest ones / ones over thirty: should they unpack? Historically valid question. Advice: lie about your age.
    The ones that say they have no plan or strategy: damn you better be lying, or at least be entertaining or you’re a complete waste of time. oh look: the future jury.
    I’m hoping for some surprise (more from the hg’s than from the producers and twistos but who am I kidding).
    I’m hoping the normal expected cookie cutter alliances don’t happen this time (come on, for once break the mold). First episode brodown? An alliance of more than two women that can actually last longer than a week without an obligatory showmance guy in the mix? I can hope
    Nobody is standing out as the instant front runner to me. The first week will be telling I hope.
    I’m a little sarcastic and pessimistic right now, but secretly I’m hoping this will be a good season.

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