Austin “Its not like our fate is sealed. He doesn’t want to be in a final 4 with us 3” Liz “This is war!”

POV Holder: ? POV Competition Sept 5th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Sept 7th
HOH STEVE Next HOH Sept 10th
Original Nominations: ? and ?
After POV Nominations: ? and ?

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9:47am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the bathroom – Liz, Austin and Steve are talking. Steve says that he only got 3 hours sleep again. Liz asks him if he liked the bed. Steve says he did except the one light stays on. Austin and Liz head back to bed. Julia asks Steve if he listened to all his music? Steve says no, I only listened to one song and then I stopped and started talking to people. I wanted to make sure everyone had ample opportunity to talk to me. Steve starts scampering around the house whispering to himself. “This is purely a strategic move and I hope you can both understand. My hands are tied. You three have stuck together.” Steve keeps pacing back and forth to the bedrooms. He walks up to Austin and Liz sleeping countless times and stares at them. “Sh*t they’re out aren’t they?!” “Alright Steve, I need to sleep or go wake them up. Those are my choices.” (Steve plans to nominate Austin & Liz)

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10:50am Steve gets into the bed beside Austin and Liz. He keeps moving around and wakes up Austin. Steve says I actually wanted to talk to you but you went back to bed. Austin gets up to talk to Steve. He says he’ll talk to Liz after. Steve says I just want to let you know ahead of time I don’t think I can put the twins up together. Austin asks why? Steve says I just feel like too much of a slap in the face. Austin asks so you want to put me up with one of them? Steve says I have the votes Austin. Austin says so I am good. Steve says yes, I have the votes. Austin asks Johnny is good? Steve says people have told me I have the votes. Austin asks so who would it be me and Liz. Steve nods. Austin asks so Liz is your target. Steve says I don’t know. I don’t want you going this week. Austin says all I know is I can control Liz. I don’t have the same connection with Julia. Liz has a higher probability at winning than Julia. I can keep Liz from putting you up. Obviously I have to look out for my self. How come you came to that decision? Steve says because putting the girls up is just too much. I am sorry. You understand the position I am in and why I am doing it. Austin asks what Vanessa thinks of it, does she want me to stay? Steve says I have the votes. Austin asks I have your word that you want me to stay? Steve says you have my word. I am telling you because I didn’t want to blindside you. I am sorry. Austin says its okay, It makes sense. I won’t hold it against you. Just like I put you on the block and I told you, you have the votes. Either way which ever twin goes on the block I have the votes? Steve says yes. Austin says you’re still good with me next week. Steve says thank you for your maturity.

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Steve talks to Liz next. Steve apologizes for taking a minute to listen to a song and then talking to Johnny Mac. Liz says not a problem. Steve says you understand I am in a nasty spot because you just kept me safe. I am in a really awkward spot. I do want to let you know that you and your sister are not going up together. You understand how the numbers are getting down. I adore you and your sister. Liz asks so you’re thinking about putting me up? Steve says yes. Liz says I know your mind is made up. It just sucks. Liz says I just need fight for veto. I knew this day was coming. They hug and leave the room.

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11:05am Austin tells Liz this is probably the best case scenario for you. They head to the bedroom to talk. Liz says one of us is going home. Austin says not if Julia wins veto. If Vanessa or Steve wins it .. forget it. Liz says it just sucks, I just won HOH. Austin says I know. If we win veto one of us comes off. Its not like our fate is sealed. He doesn’t want to be in a final 4 with us 3. Liz says I just sucks because I couldn’t even play. Austin says it doesn’t mean you’re going. Liz says this is war. Liz is crying. Austin says if you’re ready to declare war on him, he will put up Julia if one of us come down. If you don’t he might realize he made a mistake. Liz says okay. Austin says maybe Vanessa will help. Liz says I’m scared. Austin says he told me I have the votes. So its looking like he is trying to break up the twins. Julia needs to win or one of the three of us will definitely go.

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11am Cabana room – Steve talks to Johnny Mac and tells him that he is telling Austin he has the votes. We’ll see how veto goes. Johnny says Vanessa is freaked out that you’re not going to put him up. Steve says she thinks I’m not going to put him up? She wants me to put him up. Johnny says yeah. Steve says I get it she is freaked out. She is like F**k Austin, she comes first. Johnny says yeah.

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11:15am – 11:25am Austin talks to Vanessa. Austin says if you win you could use it on me. Vanessa says be very aware that he is with Johnny. I tried very hard. He kept asking about the fast forward. If he asks we never had a final 2. I will vote the way he wants. I won’t break my word. If I use it on you. Austin says then Julia goes up and we can send her out. Liz is ready to kill. I’m trying to calm her down. Austin leaves and Liz joins Vanessa. He is putting me up. Me and Austin. Vanessa says think about it this way you have two shots. What is better you go up next to your sister or you go up next to Austin. Liz says I know that’s what he said. Liz says I just won HOH yesterday. Vanessa says it wouldn’t have mattered who you got out. It would have been the same today. I saw this move coming a mile away. Go out there and play for that veto. Be respectful like James was. Julia could win the veto. YOu have two tickets right now and its final 6! Liz says I never even put him up!! Liz starts crying. Liz says if I go you need to win this. A girl needs to win this. Vanessa says maybe Austin is the man of your dreams and he wins .. then you can spend all his money. Liz laughs. Austin joins them. Vanessa says Steve made me and Johnny Mac to promise to vote his way. I haven’t broken my word but I will do what is best for my game. Liz says Steve told Austin he has the votes. So I am the target. Julia comes in to the bathroom and Liz takes her to the havenot room to talk.

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11:30am Steve asks Austin are we good? Austin says we are. Johnny Mac nodded to me in the kitchen. The only thing that worries me is Vanessa trying to flip it on me. She is down there talking to Liz right now. Steve asks do you trust her? Austin says I do but you never know. Vanessa and I have never been on the same terms since that week (The week Jason went home and Vanessa almost put Austin up.) Austin says this is more important to me. If I was married to her it would be a different story. I met her two months ago. Steve says thank you for saying that.

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51 thoughts to “Austin “Its not like our fate is sealed. He doesn’t want to be in a final 4 with us 3” Liz “This is war!””

  1. Well let’s see if Steve can keep his big boy pants from falling down and follow through with putting Austin and Liz up…he’s been such a wuss all season so…

    1. Finally the twins are worried! But I don’t think the arrogance will disappear. Liz wants to go to war over the injustice of it all, because she was HOH last week. Eat humble pie much?

      1. I don’t think the twins totally comprehend the numbers!! How in their right minds can they not think they are or should be targets when there are only 6 people left? Vanessa or JMac goes and they have a 3 person monarchy in final 5!! Stop crying about it and accept the results!! You’re damn lucky the 2 of you got to play this game together AND lasted so long!!

    2. He will as long as Vanessa doesn’t tell him to do something else. With all of her constant paranoid recalculations she may come up with something she likes better. If so Steve will obey.

    3. I heard that Steve’s Mom sneak his balls into the HOH basket. So now he’s going to be a playa to be reckoned with! LMAO!

    4. He should just go to sleep at night because Van is doing all his thinking, and making everyone’s decisions. Van should be eliminated for her illegal tactics, reset to her bribery talk.

    5. Mommy will have to put them on for him. I don’t mean to disrespect anyone who loves their
      Mother But really? Vanessa is treating him as a child and it may work. I am with you I wish
      he would do what he say’s. Otherwise, say hello to the jurors.

      1. We all have Steve’s mom to blame for this, smothering and coddling him to the point of not allowing him to fully mature and grow up on his own. A super fan in the Big Brother house who needs to be told what to do, when to exercise, how to nominate/vote. Thanks Steve’s mom!!!!!! Now vanessa is continuing your dirty work, since you are not physically in the house with him. And now she will have damaged goods when Steve gets home after vaneesa is done with him which will require years and years of therapy!!!! Karma!!

  2. So glad the austwins get a chance to sweat now. OH WAIT. That means a week full of liz and Austin boo-lovin. Oh god. I’m feeling nauseous.

  3. So…’s how I see the house this week. The twits stomping and whining “Why Steeeeevah why?” Asstin trailing along behind trying to console Liz by rubbing her with his magic finger, JMac sitting in the hot tub cackling at nothing in particular, Vannasty wandering and muttering to herself wringing her hands to get the imaginary blood off like a demented Lady Macbeth, and Steve crying “Mommy help” while puling in the sink

      1. I puked in the sink the moment I saw Vanessa on episode 1. If you compare her wearing sunglasses with Joe Camel (box of Camel cigs), it is hard to tell them apart. That is one ugly beiber dressing raccoon.

    1. LOL Min O’Pause! All those images cracked me up – especially JMac in the hot tub cackling for reasons known only to himself! Just to play devil’s advocate here – maybe one of the Austwins do deserve to win. If for no other reason than the fact that all 3 of them are still in the game! Unbelievable that not only a showmance but also friggin twins have gotten this far. Really though, Van deserves to win. Much like Derrick last year, none of us like her, but you can’t deny she has played this game NON-STOP!! She has positioned herself well with all the remaining players. She & Austin were really the 1st of her alliances & I wouldn’t be surprised to see them in the final 2. She also really likes the twins, but realizes their usefulness has come to an end. I think she is just using Steve & JMac – but that’s o.k. cause they’re just using her too. Don’t get me wrong – even though I think Van should win – I’d much rather see Steve & JMac in final 2. (I know, they’ve disappointed me too – but I started out with them so I’m sticking with them, LOL!) UNLESS Steve pulls another Jackie/Meg & puts up JMac & Julia – then I’m really done with him. The only logical thing for him to do is put up Liz & Austin. As far as last nite goes – it unfortunately was an inevitable conclusion, resulting primarily from James & Meg themselves. They didn’t even try to make a final 4 deal with JMac & Steve – which would have been such a great move for all 4 of them. I can understand why Steve & JMac didn’t go with James & Meg – they just couldn’t trust 2 people who had made such consistently poor choices throughout the game. However – I really do hope James at least wins AF.

  4. Of course, as long as it’s not YOU Vanessa!!! all you need to do now is to calm everyone down until they all get evicted!!!

  5. Liz can almost count on Austin’s fingers how many days they will be apart! She needs to dry her tears and start working on getting that dirty finger fuc*er out before her and her sister. Of course if BB works it so Julia wins POV then Vanessa and all of her grand plans go down the drain. I am rooting for anyone besides Austin or Julia in the POV and Austin to get booted next week. He can sit in jury and lick his wounds (and his fingers) while Liz can get on with her game and her privileged life

  6. For long run entertainment purposes I hope Julia wins veto to watch Steves head explode in deciding who goes Johnny or Vanessa and if Vanessa who do the twins evict, now that’s good tv

    1. If that happens, no way he puts up Vanessa. She will give him a hundred reasons why JMac needs to be the replacement because it’s better for his game. And even if Steve doesn’t buy that he is too afraid of Vanessa to put her up.

  7. Steve still a pussy, he could’ve took the 1st shot at Austwins and took out Julia, litteraly the 2nd Meg in the house with the the exact same game, but like a bitch he backed down, and the little brat actually won something. I bet somehow Austin, Vanessa or even Jmac leaves this week.

  8. I love how Austin had the nerve to ask Steve not to put him up, 2 weeks ago, Steve begged Austin not to put him up next to JohnnyMac, to put Vanessa up as the pawn. Austin is a Wimped out and put up Steve and JohnnyMac, I think Steve is doing the right thing by putting up Austin and Liz, if one of them wins the POV, then put up Julia, they need to break up the Twins.

    I think it is so funny how Julia was saying if she won HOH, she was going to put up Steve and JMAC, not that the tables are turned and Steve is HOH, they have the nerve to be pissed that Steve is targeting the Twins. I have to crack up every time I hear Austin tell Steve he can control Liz, and when Vanessa said she could talk Julia into not using the POV to save Liz, ok Vanessa, you are not that good.

    I Hope JMAC wins the POV, please do not let Vanessa win the POV, I don’t want to see her running around like she has the power again, I can’t take another week of Vanessa having any kind of power. I hope they vote Liz out, and then JMAC wins HOH, JMAC puts up Austin and Vanessa, JMAC then wins the POV and they vote out Vanessa.

    Next Steve wins HOH, and then Steve puts up Julia and Austin, and JMAC wins the POV, and Austin gets voted out, so he can go and be with his imaginary Girlfriend Liz in the Jury House, this is where Austin will know that he does not have a future with Liz, he has served his purpose, Liz can let him know that she was the one who voted for Jeff to stay.

    Wait until Austin goes home and watches the show, which I’m sure he has recorded on his DVR, he will find out
    that the reason ZingBot made comments about him smelling so bad, that started with Liz and Julia, he will also hear how Liz told Julia she she was whoring herself out to him just for protection, and also why she wears a sports bra to deter Austin.

    I hope JMAC ends up in the Final 2, he has kind of disappointed me in throwing comps, and I know he did not really have a choice but to work with Steve and Vanessa, because James and Meg were also blind in this game. But out of all of the people left in the house, I would much rather see JMAC win, and maybe Steve in 2nd place, I do not want Vanessa, Austin or the Twins to get one single dime.

    I am so happy to finally see Austin and Liz both sitting on the block next to each other, and hoping the Twins will be split up, and I hope and pray Vanessa is the next person out of the door. Let Steve and JMAC team up and make it to final 2, I want Austin and Julia out.

    One last thing, when Austin hears from his friends and Family how Liz has talked about him, and how the Twins really feel about him, I think he will feel like such a fool, and if he thinks because he has been dropping hints to be on the “Bold & Beautiful”, that is not going to happen. Austin’s TV Time is over once Big Brother ends.

  9. Just an observation here. Not being a hater so don’t start that crap. I just think that if Asstin and Gizzard were at a mall he’d be sitting on the dead pecker bench with old guys holding the purses and the packages. Just sayin’…

  10. Steve sleeps with his teddy bear? OK I get that if he was still a teenager, but he’s over 21 right?
    The boy needs to get some ass after the show, and shed that innocence. The big brother groupies will be all over his dick, especially if he pulls off a win..

    1. Sorry, dude -even if he won the $500k, it wouldn’t be an incentive for me. Weird and gross combined are just too much for me.

  11. Hopefully this will be an exciting week, hopefully JMAC wins the POV. I want him to be safe this week, I don’t want Vanessa to have the chance to get in Steve’s head and flip the vote, we all know how Vanessa changes her mind every 10 minutes.

    Love that Julia did not win the HOH, she was targeting JMAC and Steve, so glad things worked out this way, can’t wait to see the Jurors faces when Liz walks into the Jury House, and hopefully Vanessa walks in the next week. I can finally start enjoying Big Brother again this week, the past 2 weeks have been boring as Hell.

  12. Hoping that Julia wins veto, takes her sister off the block and Steve puts Vanessa up. Vanessa goes…Oh that would be sic to watch her being back door’d…..

  13. Forgot to mention one more thing, have you noticed how Vanessa started planting seeds with the Twins last week, to make them start doubting Austin when Julia was on the block.

    Also just read where Vanessa told Austin she promised Steve she would vote how he wants, and then she told Austin, but you know I will vote how what works best for my game. This is what pisses me off with these people, when Vanessa is HOH, she expects everyone to vote for what she wants, but when someone else is HOH, she is always the first person to say, you cannot bully me into voting how you want. I am so ready for Vanessa ass to be evicted, hopefully next week.

  14. On a side note, Vanessa has a nice shape but looks bad in her choice clothing on the show. Those black sagging pants are gross looking from the back. Looks like an adult diaper.

    Vanessa is the Queen of Leverage. I’m not a fan of hers. Her whole being a scummy. Besides the generation of spineless people in the BB House, she actually leverages everything including her attitude if you let her. She’s done the best at using people to get from week to the other. It was on her HOH watch that Jason was kicked out. But she leveraged information she had and let everyone know it wasn’t just her decision but that Shelli was included as being on board. That was an inadvertent nail in Shelli’s game. She will even attempt to take your words and use to against you to tell them to people who can’t seem to think for themselves.Shelli’s personality got on my nerves.But she’s was really the only person of potential influence that could have went toe-to-toe with Vanessa because she has a certain pageant b*tch quality that Vanessa wouldn’t have been able to handle. Both of those women influential is seeing the game we are seeing now. Now she’s using another player to get out one of her alliance members. A player she will have no problem cutting off if she needs to. I’m guessing it was her idea not to put the twins up?? Because I’m not seeing the logic from Steve not doing that. As a matter of fact since he didn’t I will be thoroughly amused if Julia ends up winning the veto.

  15. Why didn’t Liz throw DE HOH to Julia? She (Liz) is better at comps and could have played and possibly won this HOH and avoided the block. Just sister bitchiness that could cost her the game. Also blind to Van not seeing that getting out James and leaving in Jmac was best only for Van and Steve.

  16. I have got to say this has been the worse season ever! I couldn’t even remember the names of these people (except John) until recently. The twin thing is ridiculous and was unfair to everyone else in the house. If I was in there, I would have to ask Austin what he is thinking when he sticks funky rubberbands randomly throughout his nasty hair? Lol I would have cut them out by now!

    1. They’ve known since week 2 Liz and Julia were twins. They were protected by Vanessa and Shelli until they both came in then no one really considered taking a shot at them because they were huge targets and now it’s a crap shoot as to getting them out. Plus how many people can afford to take 3 months off of work?

    1. Bald Austin might be funnier. Especially if the beard and everything had to go (after all, that’s part of his head). He would probably look like a giant nerd without all that hair. Jury is still out for me on that one.

  17. We’ll see how the twins react now that a little tinge of reality sets in,…..In 3……2…..1 Scampering commence! They feel so entitleduhh, that even Austanky won’t be able to calm them. Add to that the amount of garbage Vanessa will be putting in their ears! Oh my, this might be good, just wish it would have happened a lot sooner…Is it possible Steve backdoors Van? after veto? Doubtful, but maybe Jmac if Van has it her way? I don’t freakin know.. I think I’m like Jmac, in that it must be so damn hard to read REALLY dumb people, although Van has made an entire game of it

  18. Liz and Julia are the antithesis of anything American . They fucking suck so bad. I fucking hate them. 2 shittiest people ever, in the history of US. I never want to see or hear them again. I hope it ends bad for them. Not like the game, I mean like career and life . Awful -awful human beings – disgusting in every facet

  19. Vanessa tells Liz, “I saw this move coming (Steve putting up Austin and Liz) a mile away.” Ya gotta laugh since Van is the one who orchestrated the move. If Van had just kept her emotions in check and owned her game in DR, it would be a lot easier to want her to win. But I’m still hoping Jmac wins….just like I wanted Jordan to win against Natalie. Natalie played a better game, but she was just so dadgumit unlikeable

  20. If only the twins were smart, they’d campaign to vanessa, guarantee a final 3, then 2 with vanessa winning. Do I want it? No! But that’s the only way to get them both off the block.

  21. I thought Vanessa wants Austin out so she gets the twins, ultimately taking Julia to f2. Jmac will leak after POV that Austin wanted Julia out. Vanessa tells the twins she learned of Austins deception but couldn’t tell them but had their backs the whole time. They are monumentally greatful. Van taking everyone to f2 .

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