POV Holder: | ? | POV Competition | Sept 5th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Sept 7th |
HOH | ? | Next HOH | Sept 10th |
Original Nominations: | ? and ? | ||
After POV Nominations: | ? and ? |
7:01pm Twins in the Hammock room
Liz tells Julia she needs to win this next HOH, “It’s going to be days you have to win this”
They don’t want Vanessa to win the HOH.
They agree Vanessa will be the next pawn and Steve will be the target.
Liz – Steve is going to win this thing he’s got to go
Liz – Go practice your days, don’t b1tch and complain about eating
They go over the HOH competition both of them guessed on the final question.
7:05pm Vanessa saying the scariest thing is a double eviction and they can’t play HOH.
Steve points out that Vanessa hasn’t been able to play in either Double eviction HOH’s
7:10pm James’ suitcases arrive Liz says she’s going to pack James’ remaining stuff.
7:10pm Vanessa and Austin
What will Steve and Johnnymac do if they win HOH
Vanessa says 100% they will go after the twins
Vanessa – does that scare you
Austin – I’ll survive
Vanessa says strategically he has to throw the HOH.
Vanessa says she can make it happen campaigning is her thing she can get Johnnymac to vote to keep him.
Austin – Sh1t ok
Vanessa- strategically from my perspective it’s what you gotta do otherwise you will wind up in a really f*** up situation
7:14pm Hammock Room Vanessa and Austin
Vanessa pushing for him to not win the HOH tonight
Vanessa – I’ve been very loyal to you.
Vanessa – logically you’re going to be F** if you win I’m going to be f*** if I win
Austin thinking he’ll put Steve and JOhnnymac, Steve as the pawn
Austin – I’m still going to try (To win HOH)
Vanessa – at this points we’re down to 6 people I’m too scared.. I don’t know man maybe both of us throw it
Austin – that’s a risk what if something goes wrong
Vanessa – and Liz can’t play now
Austin says if it’s down to Julia they will throw it to her but he’s not feeling they should throw the HOH to Jmac.
7:19pm Austin and Steve in the bathroom Austin the next HOH what do I do if I win.. If Johnnymac comes down what does he do “I don’t want to put you up it’s too risky”
7:25pm Vanessa tells Jmac to go reassure Austin he’s going after the twins that way Austin will throw the HOH.
7:29pm Vanessa tells Steve Austin will throw as long as they all tell him they are pautting up the twins.
Steve asks if John told Austin he’s targeting the twins.
Vanessa swear Austin is going to if they all tell him they won’t put him up
Steve – Oh my God Austin is a idiot.. he shouldn’t throw this
7:33pm Steve says the twins are idiots for working with John
Steve – You are idiots.. you are idiots.. there’s a 3 in 4 chance you are going up.. .you should have evicted Johnn.. I’ll benefit from your mistake.. thank you”
Steve – You’re idiots.. Idiots… Nolans… Idiots..
(LOL OK steve calm down)
7:37pm Vanessa, Jmac and Steve
They tell Jmac to not throw the HOH until Austin and Julia are out.
Jamce agrees.
Vanessa tells him to run off and Study.
Steve tells him to stick around Austin so that they don’t get suspicious.
Steve decide to rest to prepare his mind.
(WOW Vanessa doesn’t waste any time)
7:47pm Bathroom Jmac and Austin
Jmac telling him he’s not putting him up if he wins HOH.
Austin says this is a tough HOH for him to win “I’m in a tough spot”
8:35pm Kitchen twins and Vanessa.
There’s a worry if the Jury is filled with too many girls they will be biter.
Vanessa tells the twins as a Feminist she would happy to have two girls in the final 2.
Vanessa says if one of them are taken out this week she’s 100% down with taking the other to tine end with her.
Vanessa tells them Steve had to go up against Johnny
Vanessa tells them Deal don’t mean sh1t now they have to win and stick with the people they are riding with.
8:53pm Vanessa and Austin
Austin – Both Steve and JOhnnymac say I’m good with them.. But I have a gut feeling I can’t (Throw the HOH)
Austin – What if there is a Pandora’s f*** box, It’s too risky..
9:35pm HOH Competition is starting
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Now that James is gone im done with this season there is no-one left to root for just give Liz or Vanessa the check right now. Steve and Jmac, ugh, dont get me started on these idiots just leave a 4 person alliance in the house, have fun coming in 5th and 6th place. I’ll check back in on finale night just to see who won but i really wont care i’ll most likely just be waiting for it to end so survivor can start.
I so agree with everything you said. NO ONE left to root for.
For the people who said Steve should vote out Julia yesterday.
Liz would have been furious. Liz won hoh, Steve would have been put up. Steve sucked at pov. He would have been voted out. Meg/James would have kept Jmac.
I don’t think Liz would have won HOH because she would have been blindsided and crying hysterically and to mad to ficus and even if she did Julia would have been gone and someone else would have won veto. I don’t think he would have been gone
You don’t “think”. Sounds like confident logic to go by when playing BB. Seriously it is no wonder why the people they put in this house are so clueless.
Your boy Steve ran straight to his mommy Vanessa. Still dont know why people like Johnny wack for??? I knew this was going to be another awful season when they brought back the production favorite Battle of the Block. I am sooooo ready to NOT have to hear or look at Nasty Nessy anymore……chick has got some serious mental health issues, dont let that crazy bitch around a gun!
She may have been so distraught…she wouldn’t have won!
Voting out Meg was a DUMB move. If Julia would have been voted out, Austin & Liz would have been frustrated in the HoH comp. Even IF Liz or Austin would have won HoH…
NEWSFLASH: Meg (Pawn) & James (Bigger Target) would have been nominated and STEVE AND JOHN would have still been safe with James or Meg going home in the 2nd Eviction.
If juju had been evicted Liz wouldve been a complete mess. No way she wins the hoh. Steve and John are going to so regret there choice.
All you people are so blinded by hate. Your logic and game play suggestions are just so stupid.
Last night you wanted Steve to throw his game away to save Meg.
Do you not understand, Meg/James would always vote Steve out over Jmac.
Two double eviction weeks wasted. Granted I suppose who you root for makes that true or not.
I will not be watching the tv eps from here on out, the only person I like in there is Jmac and frankly, he’s the least deserving of the entire bunch.
The twins really messed up tonight, they’d be sitting pretty damn good had johnny went home but now the house is officially divided. The move surprised me but it was still boring, seeing the twins or austin scrambling would of made for entertainment but once liz won you knew the noms.
SHAMR on big brother for that veto comp, that was redic at this stage of the game. A game of chance like that for a veto at this stage isn’t fair to anyone. It should of been switched with the questions if you ask me. I honestly think both jmac and James threw that cause that was embarrassing display of play.
It’s ridiculous to think they threw that. Why would they?
You have to be so measured in that comp, which is next to impossible if you’re nervous. People overshoot when they’re nervous, like Johnny Mac did. James saw everyone throw it off the board and was so concerned with throwing it too hard, that he threw it too light.
It’s just a very difficult comp if you’re not completely relaxed. The Austwins did well at it because they were perfectly safe.
I don’t think there was a chance James threw that especially see howing John and Steve wouldn’t flip the vote.It was just a crappy comp. It looked liked he was trying to not throw it too hard so it wouldn’t fall off the board twice.
Have you ever seen a more intense, smart, beautiful and shapely player in BB history? Honestly I pause the screen when I get a good view of her beauty.
I hear she is a 4.0 gpa and has STUDIED drama for many years (that is why she plays everyone like a fiddle).
Please peeps appreciate what you are seeing, never in how many years of we seen this type of mastery. She plays Austin and gets her rocks off while doing it.
Thank you Liz we appreciate you.
The only thing Liz is good at is letting Austin give her the shocker. She and Julia are both as smart as a herpies sore. I can only imagine the stench of that HOH bed after Austits and her rolled in it. Then you get Vanessa and her stinky beanie up there. James, sorry you got voted out, but in the long run, be glad you are away from the smell of this final stinky squad.
Are you Austin’s twin?
Steve and Johnny Mac made a wise decision when they kept Julia. There was no way that Meg would have won a comp. James didn’t win either. Liz won the 1st HOH. If Julia had been evicted, Liz would have wanted revenge, and she would have sent Steve or Johnny Mac home instead of James. By saving Julia, Steve and Johnny Mac were able to survive the double eviction. Now Liz can’t play in the second HOH. Julia might not win it. Vanessa may throw it, so Steve and Johnny Mac’s only real competition is Austin. If Steve or Johnny Mac wins 2nd HOH, the twins will be the target. If they are able to take out Liz, the “Austwins” will be OVER. Julia hates Austin.
Or, more likely, Liz would have been blindsighted by her sister’s eviction, been too rattled to win HoH tonight, and things would have progressed entirely different.
I miss Ranceypants too
you are so right … James was entertaining … and fun to watch .. this whole season I think was a total joke… boring .. and uneventful… of all the seasons this one is the WORSE one yet … thank goodness for survivor and BB Canada… at least there are things thrown in the mix with BB Canada .. this year BB17 was major SNOOZE VILLE ..
Is it really a snoozeville, or is it just that your favorites were targeted week after week? Let’s be real here.
I agree. I’ll watch on Thurs to see the ugly faces when THEY get evicted, but all the good people are gone.
The trash is left to win the $$.
Had Steve sent Julia home, he would have been evicted tonight. Like I said prior to this evening’s eviction, people are blinded by their dislike of Austin & the twins and don’t think of how them being there helps others in the house strategically. Trust me, I’m no super fan of the twins, but I get why Vanessa did what she did during her HOH, and I also can acknowledge that Steve would have been evicted tonight had he not done what he did.
There’s so many pouters this season – how about rooting for the person that is playing the best game??? Big Brother isn’t a popularity contest. It’s a game. If everyone would start looking at it like one, and aknowledging the fact that some in the house are playing better than others (and deserve to have the title of winner of Big Brother 17), you’d all be a whole lot happier.
See worked out perfect for Steve not voting out Julia.
Van, Steve, Jmac vs Austin in next HOH. (Julia doesn’t count)
Austwins are done.
Steve just set himself up with the best odds to now win the game.
He is 100% right, Austwins are idiots for evicting James. Van told him they would, but he didn’t believe them.
Care to explain how Steve has the best odds of winning?
Austin and Julia has proven themselves to be good with mental competitions. They have been on second on most comps. You say that Julia is worthless but so is JMac who’s only competition record wins is when people had been throwing competitions. Vanessa will not be trying hard on this HOH, it will not be in her best interest when she can sail to final four with just sleeping. This week it will be him and Jmac vs Austin and Julia and if Austin and Julia wins he better hope that he wins the veto or else he is gone. If he or Jmac wins then one of the twins will be sent home. Basically, it is two vs three.
We will revisit your post next Thur when one of the Austwins is heading out the door.
You just have to watch Liz & Julia in the POV last wednesday to see how bad they are at competitions.
Julia and Austin 2nd in most mental comps??? No, they have only been 2nd one time each. In the other mental comps both went out fairly early.
Steve is stupidly running to Vanessa cause he doesn’t know what to do and Vanessa is already setting him up to get evicted. She told him to tell Austin he’s going after the twins. I promise you the twins will find out somehow. Then Steve and Jmac are targets once again. Steve should have gone with his first mind and got rid of Julia. It’s obvious to see she doesn’t want to be the one to go after Austin or the twins. That’s why she was trying to convince the twins to go after Austin and Jmac and Steve to go after the twins. Had they kept Meg and James, they would have had the numbers to get Vanessa, Austin, and Liz out.
Well folks. Just as predicted Vanessa makes the final table in the biggest WPT … oh wait it’s big brother. Same difference. She has them all fooled just the same. Haha! Good for you woman! You deserve to win. manipulating, convincing, strategic and wins comps when she needs to. Need I say more? Haters gonna hate but Vanessa has outplayed everyone and it shows! Still in denial? Goodbye to all who have given up on this season of bb. Too bad! The best is yet to come! 😉
Love it! Can’t wait to read the blogs!
There is just no one left to root for in this game At least for me it isn’t.
I loathe Steve, JohnnyMac I initially liked but then he just went batcrap lazy and stupid.
Vanessa…not a fan of her gameplay but it’s working..still not rooting for her though.
The twins…NO.
Austin…I thought I could get onboard with him gamewise. His social game is great and he manages to avoid the block and win key competitions. But he lsot me when he voted James out with an excuse.
JACE? Jace is such a nonfactor in this game, they took his picture down from the memory wall!
Just man up and say I can’t vote for you because Liz and Van will be pissed at me.
I don’t care who wins it at this point.
Bye, Goblins….have fun in jury!
You should change your name to #teamjury. Bahhhhrrrraahhhh. Signed, Johnny Mac, ultimate survivor.
Who is Jace?????
Ughhh….well I’m officially done with this season. Could the people who are left be any more unlikeable?!
Well the fun just went out of the house .
BBAD is going to get real boring now.
It will be a Austin & Liz fingerfest.
That is SO funny….:)
and smelly, probably why the house has staph in it.
Steve wins HOH!! Here we go!
Let’s get it started… Time to break up Austwins.. Predictable I know but exciting still..
I’ll be happy if whoever wins next nominates vanessa and Austin. I will smile all week. 😀
Funny Steve,,Earlier Today You could have broke up the Twins,,Now the two of them are gunning for You,,,Idiot
On the last seconds of the live show,,,Vanessa was saying how overwhelmed She was…based on the even overwhelmed She is smarter than the other 5 put together
Tonights show was like wanting a BB gun for Christmas,,,and instead getting a pair of socks
If you had any knowledge of the game, you would realize Steve is now in the best situation he could be in. One of the Austwins is going this week, the odds are too stack against them.
Everyone mad at Steve earlier today for not voting out Julia, were just using hate as strategy and not playing out the most likely scenarios.
The same people making these comments are the same idiots they put in the house and play like sh*t. Austwins voting out James was soooooooooooooo dumb.
You’re right. Leave the three headed monster in, because it’ll all work out.
you have something white on the corner of your mouth there..
Steve is an idiot. If only for letting Vanessa snowball him. Leaving Julia was good for Vanessa. Working with James would have been better for Steve.
But Mama bear said no, so….
Steve is the idiot here. The twins are vile people. Austin is a dumbass either following Vanessa’s orders or Liz’s orders.
Vanessa, as much as i don’t like her, is really trying to win. And the super fan just swallows all the shit she shovels down his throat. When she cuts him loose, he’ll deserve it.
She has a final 2 with Austin, and with Steve, and now with Jmac.
I’d also like to say i’m glad Meg is gone. i liked the goblins, but when she was asked by Julie if she regretted saving Vanessa she said no.
He dumbass, she just sent your ass out the door. You think MAYBE shelli would have come after you.
But you KNOW vanessa did. fucking moron!!
You are clueless. You actually think Steve was better off voting out Julia. Creating an enemy of Austin/Liz going into double.
Liz won hoh and would have put him up. He sucked at POV. Next time use your brain, unlike the idiots sitting in jury.
If Steve would’ve voted out Julia he would’ve been in jury crying for mommy
Don’t forget final 2 with julia which is who she really wants to take to final 2.
We’ll see what happens, but I guarantee nobody is throwing the HOH tonight.
I guess you haven’t been listening to Asstin & VaMessa plotting to evict Steve for weeks, or forgot how many times he’s been on the block and ask the stupid monologs he’s talking directly to you feeders constantly. He’s crying puking slobbering on everyone for Effect right? It’s just a coincidence he’s following every move Van counts out for him. And he doesn’t want to win either, right, grateful to make it this far ad he lists all his trivial bull about others they lasted longer than. Patting themselves on the back for letting the girls win and give them their script. Please get Steve Van out next, pompous asses.
That’s just Van talk. She said the exact same thing after last double eviction. I didn’t believe her then, didn’t believe her tonight.
Dirty stinky socks with lots of holes in them at that….
Dirty stinky Liz panties…
How much?
No you are the idiot Steve, you were too much of a pansy to get out Julia so you had a 4 on 2 going into de, I hope your mom punched the tv tonight, thanks for once again ruining double eviction, you might as well just give Vanessa the check and carry her bags out the door
Vanessa has no Jury votes…none. (Shelli maybe)
Quit using hate as a strategy. Steve played it perfect, he had no threats during DE. Only Jmac did.
Disagree! If Vanessa is in the final 2, she will win. She had a hand in everyone going to Jury, which means she played the best game if she makes it to F2. HG leaving are bitter at the moment they leave, but when the vote comes around she has the argument as to why she played the best game. Liz would be the only one that possibly could beat Van. I don’t care for any of them left, but someone has to win. Out of everyone left, Vanessa has the best argument as to why she should win.
Not this season. Last time I checked jury is full of bitter women.
Guess you missed the part that the jury houses discussed Vanessa playing a good game. They may be bitter, but they agree Vanessa is good!
Gotta give it to you that the in studio audience agreed… people moaned as soon as Steve cast his vote.
Are they doing the HOH tonight ?
It gets worse way worse
I’m diggin’ Steve in this last clip. Some people say it’s boring, I think it’s getting reeeaaalllyyyy good! Reading about Austin scheme to take out the twins is fun! And Vanessa immediately goes to work! At this point now, she has no one to fear. Not this week anyway.
I agree. Things are starting to get really good. It’s 3 on 3 and a couple of them – Steve and Vanessa – are playing both sides. Can Vanessa actually get Austin to throw it and get the twins put up? And if they do go up, can she get Austin up as the backdoor option? She’s just as likely the backdoor if she doesn’t win this. HOH will be very interesting…
Why is Steve and also John too stupid to tell the twins that Vanessa and Austin are trying to get someone to put them up. Steve is going to realise his stupidity when the twins back door him.
to back door someone means they never got to play the veto game, was then put up and vote out.
only 6 left now = all play in veto = back door closed and only front door open now.
Everyone screaming is going to get boring. I think it’s about to finally start getting interesting. It’s a three on three match up. The austwins are going to take a hit this week! Hoping it’s Liz leaving then watch for the fall out!
This is a tight group that made it from deep in the early game. once they start turning on each other there will be some fireworks..
Wait until Steve or Jmac put up Liz and Julia. Those girls are going to go on a rampage. I think Vanessa will throw hoh.
Looking forward to Survivor. At least they have a variety of players. By the time they go to the end even the eye candy is looking rank. Evens things out.
I just can’t anymore. Too much of a goober-fest that is left.
Another huge disappointment from Big Brother. After seasons 15 and 16, I really wasn’t sure I was going to watch this year, but I did and it’s been a waste of time and energy. I will come here for the updates to see who ultimately wins and out of respect for all the hard work Dawg and Simon put in to it.
Sadly, I just think I’m too old for this nonsense anymore. Peace out.
I usually refrain from going on rants but I cannot hold back: today’s double eviction nailed the coffin for Big Brother season 17 and maybe Big Brother as a whole. This was just pure awful, and for those people who will say “you’re only saying this because your people left!” well you’re damn right! Isn’t that the whole point of Big Brother? To root for YOUR favorites? To root for the underdogs? The Goblins were not masterminds by any stretch of the imagination, but man were they likeable! Who should people root for now? This is such an unlikeable final 6 (yeah I’m looking at you too JMac aka Mr. Go-Along-With-Everything). Guys, when is the last time we’ve even had a remotely interesting season? I’d argue 14 just because Dan was playing his ass off, Ian was likeable, Britney was a DR queen, Frank was a comp beast etc etc. if you don’t like season 14 you’d have to go all the way to season 10 to find a truly intriguing season with twists and turns, and take a wild guess who won? If next season isn’t All Stars why the hell should we even watch? The last 3 seasons have been trash. Absolutely garbage I just feel like the game has lost its luster, I’ve missed so many episodes this season when this show used to be a must watch for me! Guys I think Big Brother’s days may be numbered.
The whole point of Big Brother is to root for the underdog? What? I root for the person playing the best game. Also, why are James and Meg so likable? Does anyone remember the disgusting vile things James said about women. He talked about watching a woman ejaculate, was constantly humping the giraffe, spanking it and acting like it was giving him a blow job. He was disrespectful to the women in the house and the live feeders. Meg was so mean to Steve. She treated him like she was in the cool crowd and Steve was beneath her and her friends. She hurt his feelings, knew she was hurting him and then laughed about it. But because the others in the house are outwitting them, they are suddenly likable. Remember the first month of this season James was ranked at the bottom of the pack on this site and on Jokers site. I wonder if Austin and Liz were losing the game, would everyone love them??
Let me first say that I Do Not like the twins, however, after this last episode I do not like anyone else either, so just for my own sick amusement. I am rooting for the twins to win. Why? I want to see Steve and Johnny Mac realize they were stupid to not go with James and Meg. I want to see Vanessa weep as see realizes she has been on a road to “Fourth Place” this whole summer. And finally I want to see Austin’s face when Liz wins the last HOH and takes her sister to the final money. Three months from now when he has no money, no Liz (she will never be his gf after the show ends), and no former gf – I will take some joy at the suffering of these idiots.
🙁 🙁 🙁
James spent 72hrs after veto comp laying in a dentist chair next to Meg. James is an idiot for not going around making deals. Meg enabled that mentality and is partly to blame for James going so easy.
“I’m playing for my daughter”. No James. You were playing for some 80; something-day-old pu$$y. If he would have been playing for his kid, he would have let the h o go.
I told you guys James’s luck is run out. James’ social game is so bad. James’ biggest mistake is going against Vanessa vocally but kept her in the game. Thanks god, no more summer camp.
I am glad John made the right move again to keep Julia. If John did not keep Julia, John would piss off Vanessa, Liz and Austin. Liz would have won HOH and POV and John would be gone in DE because Liztin wanted to align with Meg and James.
Now John does not need to win HOH this week because the Freaks and Greeks will turn on each other now. John is a good position. John just needs to win POV. They have to piss off each other because there are two nominations and John can only fill one.
Is Austin not realising that Vanessa only says Austin is f__ked because she is afraid Austin puts up John and Steve, one of them wins veto and takes themself off the block…uh oh, who can be put up for a replacement….? Vanessa would be fucked, not Austin.
I have really enjoyed watching James and Meg on BBAD.
The only entertainment from here on out will be watching them turn on each.
You enjoyed watching Meg throw Jame’s game in the garbage.
I’m trying to decide, is this year worse than last year. . . . or not? Seems like the idiots get more idiotic, but . . . . . . just can’t say which season was worse. Maybe I’ll wait it out. <3
This year is definitely the all time worst. Last year the final 3 were at least likeable. The twits are just discusstingly (is that even a word?) despicable! Austin is just plain discussting. Vanessa has delusions of grandeur and the 2 guys left have no balls.
I’m gonna change things up usually people dog people based kon whon they like but I have jmac in a pool but he doesn’t deserve to win Vanessa does even though I don’t like her
Looking at the people left in the house is disgusting. 3 pansies, 2 gutter rats and a self-indulged, nut case. See ya next season. Maybe, it will be better. NOT!!!!!!
I really hope that steve gets evicted if Julia or Austin wins this HOH. While it’s stupid that the twins targeted James over John, it is still idiotic for him to say that considering that he made the two biggest blunder already on paper. Really this boy is a disgrace for superfans, the only way he can win now is to fight his way to the end and as BBCAN Peter says, there is something wrong in your gameplay if you needed to win competitions.
At this point I’m switching over to the dark side and start rooting for Vanessa, since week 2 she has been in control on all the evictions. She’s annoying to watch in the feeds but really is a great manipulator. She’s in a safe position until final four whether she wins competitions or not. She has final twos with everyone in the house and no one suspects any of it.
Let’s just fast foward this shit to suvivor
Celebrity big brother UK s16 is very good this year its US vs UK if you still want to see good BB check it out.
What happened to Simon in the poll?
This cast has been way better than last year
Vanessa and Austin need to throw it so jmac and Steve can do the bloody damage of getting one of them twins out. Liz and Julia are insipid. Insufferable. And they conquered DE tonight. It would be too dangerous for either one of Van and Austin to pull trigger on them b/c they know this game. Let Stemac do the shit you gambler lawyer/monster man cant do. You got 4 fans against two recruits. Now thin that herd pronto. Vanessa is playing unfortunately and fortunately an incredibly smart game. No jury can be bitter when great gameplay is involved (within reason). She has been very very clever in everything she does. What might derail her is when final 3 turns into Final 2 on finale night.
Boo hoo hoo all you “no one left to root for” it’s big brother imbeciles – accept the let downs and move on, why complain if you don’t care, just leave then!
You’re an idiot. They are passionate about the game, and can express their feelings much like you feel you have the right to call them imbeciles.
I’m first in line to want to root for the underdogs however the underdogs in this case did nothing except relax and made very little effort to play BB. I have no respect for that so the reality is …Vanessa played (like her or not) from day one…gave it her all. She deserves the win out of everyone.
Steve gettin cocky before an HOH. He’s an idiot. Say Steve wins HOH and puts the twins up, Austin can win veto take Liz off and you’re forced to put up Vanessa or Jmac…bet you’re kinda wishing u had meg or james left.
And go figure Jmac and Steve would SUCK at the VETO comp…they had to use their balls..they never had a chance.
Row by Row…………………………..Vanessa’s little tin soldiers take there marching orders. BLAH GAG ME!!!!!!
The difficulty now is who to dislike the most. I wanna thumbs up anyone who wants someone put. Except Steve.. He ruined bb this year weeks ago. Don’t even want him to have pleasure of jury house. Want him to be lied to every minute and then bam out number 2.
This feels like another Gina stupid Marie and Andy the snake season now that the last of the goblins are gone. Johnny Mack on a personal level is ok but I don’t respect his game play, too lazy. I don’t respect Vanessa’s because I don’t believe you have to be a coke tell lying, backstabbing snake to win the game. She’s so good at it and so paranoid on a ” maybe has a mental issue” level that there’s no way she isn’t somewhat like this in real life. Steve, oh Steve. How can I respect him when the only game he has played is Vanessa’s. And the Austwins, just say no. For the first time sine Maggie won the show, I’m done for the season. Thank you Dawg and Simon for making my BB summer so awesome. See you guys next summer!
I wish Vanessa would cover up those nasty old lady sunken deep set creepy worn out looking bug eyes.
BEST reply yet all season!!!!! So true. Thank you for saying what most of us have all been thinking!!!!! Not because we pulled a J-Mac and Steve but because she’s just not worth commenting over!
You know you don’t have to vote for three people in the polls…I was a bit stressed because I didn’t see Simon’s name and I didn’t want to have to vote for someone repulsive.
I’m sad that James left but he had a chance to target a 3 person alliance but chose Shelli and Clay. He also went against his word in a very bold way when he put them up. I get it he cashed a check in
It’s time for me to eat some crow. I can’t believe I am saying this but….
“I was wrong about Vanessa.” While she annoys the heck out of me, she IS the best player in the game. Again, personality wise I CAN’T STAND HER. But John’s survival is/was 95% her doing. Two weeks ago NOT ONLY did the Aus-twins want Johnny gone, they wanted him drawn, quartered, and fed to the sharks. Vanessa changed that. Realizing she was #4 in their group, she played the Aus-twins like a fiddle. Yes Steve helped some, but Vanessa did all the heavy lifting. Plus she JUST tricked the Aus-twin’s AGAIN by persuading them to evict James when they REALLY wanted Johnny gone. Dan G would be proud. Well done Vanessa.
(Okay. Let the thumbs down fly. Don’t care. Heck, I liked James TOO! He was fun to watch and I was pulling for him to do well. But as much as it pains me to say, I repeat: Vanessa IS the best player.)
Austin is almost as unlikable as Vanessa, but the truth is, he’s playing just as good of a game as she is. He’s situated himself perfectly and has never been on the block. He’s only made one mistake all season (pissing off Batshit Vanessa), but even then, Vanessa’s made an even bigger mistake during that HOH (breaking her deal with the house).
Vanessa is playing a louder game than Austin. She’s definitely more involved. But that doesn’t mean she’s playing a better game. To use an extreme example, Devin was involved in everything too but he wasn’t better than Derrick. Not saying Austin is Derrick, but sometimes the quieter game is the better game.
Yep, I guess Austin thinks herpasyphalitis is worth 500k.
I agree with what you said I have one more thing to add to the idiotic list of goblins aka james. He is likeable but there was a very simple way out of this. Go to Jmac and Steve tell them you know they are in an alliance with Vanessa otherwise they would have gone up this week. Tell them you swear that if they save you and Meg you will not target Vanessa and all of you can move forward together without Austwins, the blood wouldn’t even be on Vanessa’s hands. Any reasonable player could figure out that Vanessa is smart enough to pull them in vs Austwins and use it to your advantage. Had you offered them that deal this game would be completely over and it is glaringly obvious. For that fact, a move so easy, I’m not sad to see James or useless Meg go. Had Steve been offered that deal he wouldn’t have turned it down he just can’t play with someone as dumb at the game as James. Vanessa is running circles around these guys, there are still leaks in her game (aka not Derrick or Dan level) but still enough ahead to crush everyone. For those of you who think Vanessa doesn’t have jury votes you have got to be kidding me. Jury on survivor and bb have been voting for the best player for the past few years, they know going on seeming resentful looks bad to the fans and they are all there for their fame. So just smile tell both finalists they played a great game and hand Vanessa the check. She deserves it.
Oops submitted on accident. James did “bounce” a check in big brother but it hurt him. He also never attempted to build alliances with Steve and John after his team started dwindling down. It’s going to get better after HOH
So Vanessa is trying to talk Austin into throwing the HoH, Vanessa says she’s considering throwing it too?! I don’t buy that though. These people are about to start cannibalizing each other and no one is safe. It’s time to piss people off and I don’t think they are smart to throw it.
As for Jury, I think the twins would be the most bitter but I think most of the rest would at least look at people’s game or lack of game.
Just read a juicy rumor
CBS is helping Van because they have a deal with some major Vegas casinos for a new show called Pokerface. They want her in the finals and to look like a great player.
Time will tell.
Do you think the twins and Austin will realize before they’re in the jury that they missed the chance to put Vanessa up tonight?
Didn’t really mind that Meg was evicted but really hated to see James go. I was rooting for him after all the other goblins go. Have to admit that the other side played a masterful game mostly led by Vanessa. But this will be the first time in many season I am not going to watch an episode. Unlike others I don’t think this was a boring season, I just found it hard to like anyone and root for them. I wanted to like Vanessa but her tactics bordered on bullying. Twins are vial creatures and Austin…I just wanted him to put on a shirt. Totally confused by Steve and annoyed by Jmac. I’ll watch the rest of the season to see the implosion but just can’t watch tonight.
what time are they doing the HOH
The best case scenario now is that Vanessa and whoever gets to the the final two and no one votes for Vanessa. I would love to see her deflatted a little. For her to get to the end and then get no votes would be fun to watch.
Pansy City.
Vanessa is manipulating way too easily.
She’s gonna make 500k from a 72 off suit. What a joke. Weak.
She is coasting like Derrick only 2 minutes of her give me a headache.
Vanessa just got lucky that there were more people in the bb house with I.Q.s lower than hers (a pile of decrepit crap) otherwise, she would have never made it this far.
Wasted de. Thanks mom.
With the others that are done could care less now who wins no more for me cbs
I’ve only missed one episode in all the seasons combined, but I’m done now. I know CBS has rigged the game – done with it and AG. IF they ever bring back REAL people who want to be on BB & really play the game, then I might watch again. Honestly, I hope it’s cancelled after this horrible season!
I wanna complain but I just can’t . Yep Vanessa is a nut – Austin a girl. Steve- a vagina . The twins are worst 2 humans alive . But the other side was so inept socially and the comps ? wtf James and jmac playing boomerang …gross . Bla bla they left the twins in .. Bla bla Vanessa … All reality the correct 6 are left . Gross to say that because beside jmac I fuckin loathe them all.. So agree production sux- they are all fuckin pussies- the season sux balls- and in life some of these clowns will be exposed to the harsh reality that they are fuckin garbage people, but the best 6 are left, so buckle up and watch them eat each other-
Steve = vagina Jmac = vagina Austin = vagina these vaginas really need to learn something from the women who are left in the bb house. It is rather funny that the remaining women have bigger balls then the vagina boys.
If Austin throws HOH he is stupid. I hope Julia wins HOH and Steve winds up leaving.
I really hate cocky little Steven these days…
Fuck this season ruining pussy Steve, i can’t wait until this condescending little turd is back in his little shithole town, having his Mommy microwaving another hot pocket for his stupid ass.
Yeah he stuffed all it way back when he evicted Jackie that was the turning point and he sealed the deal just now.
He is a space cadet.
It’s just a show… everything is going to be ok.
BBs ratings wont be okay. Twitter is raging.
Has vanessa decided who she is evicting this week yet…sounds like she is planning either liz or Austin maybe?
most likely auwstin
I’m 100% sure John or Steve are next.
I guess I was wrong but the outcome will still be the same bye jmac
I still love JMack! Guys, he is living on borrowed time and doing what he has to survive! Vanessa is the only one deserving of the W cause she has played the game since day 1. JMACK realized this and buddies up to her for protection. It’s not lazy, it’s smart. I do wish he would have flipped it to work with James and Meg, but he couldn’t do that without Steve… I think Austin has a smart social game, but does what Vanessa says… as does everyone, which is why Vanessa deserves to win. Also, if JMACK had not teamed up with Vanessa he would be back in jury. Y’all are stupid for calling for his head, he is just trying to survive and has done so by laying low and getting some protection! I don’t think he has played to win this whole season, but only Vanessa has played to win anyway. Everyone else is there for summer camp. JMack for favorite favorite… but I’d be OK with James winning fan favorite too.
What happened to Simon on the poll?
Well I’m done watching until the finally.
my rankings 6 jmac 5 austin 4 liz 3 julia 2 steve 1 winner vanessa
So many comments about this being the worst season.. I don’t think it is at all not by a long shot. Last season was 10 times worst.
I liked the goblins they were GREAT but they played a poor game for the most part.
i think season 15 worst
Lets just say they are both shit.
Don’t forget this one isn’t over yet too. 🙂
Meg played Big Brother like she was on the Real World. Donny… oops, James spent more time playing let’s win America’s favorite since his last hoh than Playing to get to the finals.
The cries of the season’s ruined and worst season ever tonight could have been cut and pasted from the same point in the game last year.
At least the outcome of this season isn’t quite so predetermined as last season.
At least there are still two teams trying to outfox and out-maneuver each other.
Last season was Leonard 6. See if you can find that movie=)
I’m so over this season that for the first time ever I’m not even staying up to see who wins HOH.
Vanessa and Austin have played best game no matter if you like them or not
austin at bottom twins alliance!
For sure but he’s carried them there
jausatin social game isnt hat great just like james he going screw himself over that ive austin 5th place finish!
It’s been a great season so far. Much better then last year. It is just about to get really good too. All the butt hurt James fans are going to miss the best part of the season if they do indeed stop watching. This group now has to turn on each other, it will be great to watch…
Agree, last season was sleepy-time tea predictability. I wish Van wasn’t so defensive and that she didn’t believe in her instincts so much as she’s proven them to be incorrect in some earlier moves. It’s to the point no one dares disagree with her or she’ll tongue-lash them. That’s unbecoming.
I don’t know if people are just butt hurt because of James or because of the type of players that have been resident the past three years where the game doesn’t have consistent power shifts. It may be more of what he represented in the game . And that I would agree and don’t blame people for being disappointed with him leaving. I wanted him to stay but it was impossible for him to make it too much further in there with how some players refused to flip. But I personally, will watch the rest the of the season and follow the updates on here. As a matter of fact, I’ll likely be back later to see who won HOH. I think this season is still better than last year’s season. Too bad more power shifts couldn’t have happened in the past couple of weeks. But I’m going to watch and see who Vanessa’s manic behavior toward her target and see who gets a taste of the medicine the just watched others get.
No Steve then John will go unless they win something which they won’t. Then the 4 cheaters will be able to sit back and stop stressing that was their plan all along.
We got robbed of the final we should of had this year.
CBS wants Van to win they have money invested in her for a show called Pokerface. That’s why she gets a good edit on the show and also why she can break the rules and offer the houseguests cash and cars to let her win they have even told her the other housemates plans if they would put her in danger its a joke.
BB’s time is over. It’s become so predictable and boring,it’s hard to watch it. Ever week everyone just rolls over and plays dead.Everyone is afraid to play the game.Week after week it’s a unanimous vote.No one wants to ruffle any feathers.Boring,Boring,Boring.
who was ruffle derek feather from last season?
For all the live feed fans James had I thought his applause when he got evicted would blow the roof of the studio but he barely got anything. Meg got a lot louder than James.
That’s because they were crying and to sad to cheer
I’m so glad meg left she complained about everybody’s game but didn’t have one of her own glad we didn’t have another victoria\porsche even though it would’ve been easy win
Its pretty sad that only Jmac is above Dawg in the polls. Talk about bad casting!
Dawg, in 2nd place!
All I can say is congrats on your amazing showing in the polls! If you’re not careful, you’ll win this year’s BB without ever having to walk in the door. Well done!
after years and year he’s finally number 2..
Pssst Jmac is a lapdog of Vanessa’s VOTE DAWG!
i’m working through a lot of stuff running through my head while reading some posts on here.
I don’t want to court any anger when i write this, but my perspective seems out of kilter with the majority here.
Meg vs. Julia. in terms of their own personal attributes in the game i didn’t care. As she was complaining that all of her friends keep leaving, i got tired of hearing it and thought maybe Meg should join them. Julia. that says it all. Julia. the twin twist has been revealed. since then she’s been sort of pointless. Did Meg try to offer an alliance or deal to either of the people that could have flipped the vote? No. Did Julia? Yes. Real or fake, she made a better offer.
James vs. Jmac. I read people saying that’s a bad choice for Liz to make. She should take out a big target? Since when are a guy that’s won multiple comps and doesn’t honor his deals, and a guy she already had a hand in evicting once that also has won comps not big targets FOR LIZ? At one point or another in the game she showed she was against the Goblins, she’s shown she was against Jmac. From HER perspective in the big brother fishbowl, her choice was neither unpredictable or unreasonable.
People may not like the moves or the results, but in this case neither move is incredibly illogical for the players that made them.
Team Vanessa. She is goung to town and it is amazing. Smartest player (though a bit crazy eyed in the process but so what!) this season and deserves to win at this pount. They all do in their own way except Julia. Go Van!
no had the balls put up derek
i am betting BBAD will be fish because they will be doing HOH, so unfair to us night Owls!
People talking how masterful Vanessa has played but in the end it won’t matter because she will never get enough jury votes to win. She has to have 5 votes to win and Meg, James, Becky, Jackie and Shellie who said that she blames Vanessa for her and Clay being voted out won’t vote for her so she’s screwed. That’s the only thing i can take pleasure in what’s left of this season.
They will rig that too. I bet every one of them kisses Vans skanky butt and she wins with a unanimous vote.
Take a little look at what is left…..
Vanessa: Terrible tearful insecure theatrics! Outstanding will, manipulations, strategy and dedication to her goals. Plays the game 24/7. A true cut throat.
Austin: Would sacrifice his own mother to stay off the block. Remember when Vanessa was going to put him up? He came completely unglued, almost to his knees begging for a pass. Good Bser, no game.
The Twins: Two mediocre looking chicks with good bodies parading around as the BB eye candy. Both pretty good in the hate department, but switch hates at the drop of a hat, or on command. Strategy-less.
Austwins: A rudderless gang that relies on Vanessa to guide them. Even the poll shows they suck.
Steve: Insecure, immature and indecisive. Has strategies only after Vanessa’s seal of approval. Not winning qualities.
Johnny Mac: No game, but fun to listen to haaaa, ahaha. ????
Not the fan favorite, VANESSA has been the only one playing this game to win from day one. All others are playing to be kept in the game.
ROFL Steve stuck his hand in his bum and then sniffed his fingers must of forgot he’s on the show.
Does Vanessa EVER quit talking?
i think this season is better then last year cause of the big moves
last year they was always send a floter home with Donny on the block
in I thought what are they doing please make some big moves
I think this game of big brother will be better if they let us vote out people
in do the replacement nom
I’ve watched most of the season but who are the ‘Insiders’ that Austin speaks of ?
Thank goodness BBUK celebrity is available on youtube. I watched it tonight instead of this waste of time. Check it out. It’s a bit bizarre but fun
Dont know why people dont think van wont get the jury votes since shelli, becky, james, steve, jackie, n a twin will vote for van if its van vs austin or steve or a twin in f2 minus if a twin if in f2 with vanessa as most have said they will vote on game stategy n she wins unless against jmac she might loose becky n meg. Think abt it here odds r pretty good besides meg will def vote against her whoevwr it is cuz she holds a grudge.
Jackie vote for Vanessa….bawahahawahhhhhahwhawhhah!
BBad a bust tnite!!! Hoh started n there not gonna let us watch… figures!!!
Vanessa is definitely playing everyone. If Liz goes next, she has the dirt on Austin to get Julia to make a final two pact with her. If Austin goes next, she can still play victim card. If Steve or John go, she still has the final 4 deal with them. Basically she is the only one sitting pretty. Austin is screwed. Twins are still in it. But one will definitely be leaving soon. Steve and John, I don’t understand what their plan is. It would be nice to see John winning it but he would have to win two hoh’s and have either steve or Vanessa win one hoh. No one will take him to final two. He’s got the jury votes.
Steve won hoh? how many people threw it?
I hope jmac wins hoh last person to root for.so sad james meg left the best non.showmance couple.of.all.time i.hoping.they have all stars or second chance for them. Jmac.said liz told me she wasnt going nom him what a dumbass its a numbers thing. Can someone ask james.did.he thow.the veto because he was sad after the hoh and didnt care if he go home. Last thought steve is a pussy. He was not himself. In the double look like a pussy to me. From here on out you have to win because you dont know what happens. When will derrick appear.its odd he did not.come for a comp.hosting will a bb alum appear to host cant wait.for.interviews its going to be interesting. I hope.meg give james a chance. Well james for afp i wanted.to give jmac but.bad gameplay right now.hopefully he proves.wrong if made final 3. He is the only one.who.is playing a clean game. I hope austin angels.go home i want to hear boos
Whether you despise Vanessa or you are a fan, you cant deny that she is playing the most analytical game out of anyone in the house. The majority of the players that had been voted out so far had been voted out directly or indirectly by Vanessa. Even though she had manipulated everyone to vote in her favor, she is still on top by being part of the two major alliances (She is with Austin and the twins and with Jmacc & Steve). So far, neither of these groups are talking about voting out Vanessa.
Vanessa will make it to the top two, whether she wins is debatable. She had made a lot of enemies on that jury, so I don’t know if they will vote her to win. Derrick from the last season played it best because he kept his hands clean the whole game. Most people liked him at the end, you really can’t say that about Vanessa.
James was fun to watch but he wasn’t that great of a player. His defining moment was putting up Clay and Shelli and in the long run that wasn’t the smartest thing for him to do. The people he should’ve targeted that week took him out tonight.
did they rig dereks win
I still want Clay to win, only because he was so beautiful to look at. Okay now that I am through with voting with my genitals here is how I see it. Steve HAS TO get Liz out of there. Liz is the glue in the Austwin mafia. If Liz stays Steve is out, JMac will probably be out followed by Vanessa. So let’s say Liz is out and Vanessa wins HOH next week, Vanessa’s smartest move would be Austin as target and as Jmac as pawn. With this Vanessa is left with Julia (can’t win anything) JMac (can’t win anything) and Steve wins HOH. Steve will NOT PUT Vanessa up so he puts up Julia and JMac (who cares who wins that week) let’s say Jmac stays If he doesn’t win HOH next he may as well ask Julia to hold the door open for him because If Vanessa wins she has no choice (and since the choice is solely hers) but to vote out Jmac because he has her beat in Jury. If Steve wins (and assuming that his balls still haven’t dropped) he will also vote JMac out. I don’t know that Steve necessarily beats Vanessa in Jury. My guess Shelli, Becky and Jackie and probably JMac for Steve. Austin, Julia & Liz vote for Vanessa. This leaves two votes Meg & James. Some of you might think this is easy and they pick Steve. I am not so sure. They both may not like Vanessa very much but I think that James admires her game play (even if he thinks she “plays to hard”). That respect for her game may get her James’ vote and thus Meg follows giving Vanessa the win. Now if it’s JMac against Vanessa I believe it’s Shelly, Becky,Jackie, Meg, James for JMac and Austin, Julia, Liz and Steve for Vanessa thus JMac wins.
Vanessa is a BULLY! There’s strategy and then there’s “bullying.” She falls into the latter category, IMHO. Austin has no game — he does what Vanessa tells him to do. Steve — same thing. The twins — sorry (not sorry) just too annoying. I was hoping James would win, but now that he’s gone, I’m backing Johnnymac. Don’t really like him that much, but he is the least offensive player (to me) at this point.