Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Adam: “Hey Jeff let me know when your done your Cardio so I can have a smoke before we lift weights”

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6:00pm Backyard Adam and Jeff Adam saying to Jeff that in terms of game play Porsche is the much stronger player then Keith. Adam adds that Keith really doesn’t know how to play the game he’s tried but failed horribly. Adam continues that everyone dislikes Keith and he’ll be on everyone’s radar, he suggests that it’s kind of like Russell from BB11. Jeff: ‘What are you trying to do sway me to the other side” Adam tells him he’s not he’s just talking through the pros and cons of keeping Keith or Porsche. Adam: “After the “tickets” (Golden keys?) are given that next competition will be an endurance comp” again Adam brings up BB11 how once the cliques were broken up they had the endurance comp with the diplomas. Adam says that the downside of keeping Keith is that during that Endurance comp Keith will have 3 weeks of stress free eating and sleeping he’s going to last in it. At week 3 Adam thinks that Porsche will be more appreciative that they kept her more so than Keith so that is why he’s on the fence about who to get rid of. Adam knows Keith is a easy target and idiot in the game but he’ll have a good chance to win an endurance comp whereas Porsche is a dangerous player in terms of game play and social game but has a poor chance to win the endurance comp. Adam says this is why he’s on the fence about who to vote. He’s pretty sure though that the house will vote with the HOH though, “Cmon it’s week One..” Jeff: “Yeah it is and we’re not telling everyone what we want we want to see where the votes come from.. Keith joins them. Adam: “Hey Jeff let me know when your done your Cardio so I can have a smoke before we lift weights”

6:10pm Chess board Dom and Cassi They are playing some game that Cassi made up and doing a bit of game talk they are whispering very quiet almost impossible to hear. It has something to do about Cassi talking to Porsche and asking her something that will get back to B/R and imply something Dom does not want them to know. Cassi doesn’t think it implies anything she did it as a test. Dom knows she did but thinks it’s really risky to be doing that right now… (sorry it was really hard to hear them)

6:25pm Working out having smokes chit chat

6:30pm HOH room rachel and Brendon studying dates for the next comp.

6:36pm Hammock Cassi and Dom Adam and Jeff are lifting weights near them
Cassi: “it really is nipply today”
Dom: “cover your snatch it’s hanging out”
Cassi: “ohh the hot tub looks good I might jump in tongiht..”
Dom: “do it”
They call to Jeff cassi asks him if he’s figured out the guys he’s going to introduce to her. Dom tells him to make sure he’s a big guy.. “Girthy” big.
Jeff: “To bad you have a chick adam she be all over you like bacon”
Adam jokes that he has a crush on Tori Spelling (WTF ADAM) he says she’s coming into the Big Brother House Augg 7th. Jeff all of a sudden “Wait What.. whats happening on the 7th” Adam explains that it’s his birthday then and Tori Spelling is coming to say Happy Birthday.
Dom: “you a home wrecker”
Adam: “I wouldn’t do anything if she had the baby and a divorce”

They all start joking around Dom rips on Adam, Adam rips on Dom, cassi rips on Dom, Dom rips on Jeff… cassi jumps off the hammock flipping Dom .. (LOL)

18 thoughts to “Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Adam: “Hey Jeff let me know when your done your Cardio so I can have a smoke before we lift weights””

  1. “Smoking has lots of health benefits. Smoked ham, smoked ribs, smoked elephant, smoked contestants, the list goes on and on!” Copyright, from Allison Grodner’s upcoming, edible cook book.

  2. I’ve stopped watching dani and brenchel on the feeds cause all they say is the same conversation about how great they are…when really their strategy is only working cause the new people in the house are as a collective not smart. I think cassi, dom and lawon are trying to do smart things but the other new people ditched them to hero worship and ride the coat tails of the vets. I reallllly hope cassi, dom or lawon wins the next hoh…do you think it’ll be a quiz one? and if you have the golden key…that means you can’t play for hoh either right? so dani, rachel, and probably porsche will be sidelined for the next hoh…if its a quiz this spells great news for the new people…

    1. I believe it will be a quiz 2nd week usually are. Brendumb might have a chance but he”ll be too caught up thinking about Rachel to pat attention. I hope Cassi or Dom wins HOH,

    2. agree 100% what is porshe thinking “let me tell all the vets secrets and be their puppet because they like me and when it gets down to 5 jeff will def take me over his 2 yr relationship or rachel will def pick me over her fiance” what a moron good luck dom and cassi

  3. This is the first time I’ve checked this page today and everything I’ve read is the same thing I’ve been reading for the past week or so. I’m feeling very sorry for simon right now having to watch the feeds and see and type virtually the same thing over and over. It always seems to take the HGs a while to have a conversation about something other than game. BB really needs to do something to help break up the monotony and start shaking things up to get out of their predictability mode.

      1. Simon, that reminds me. In the square advertisement you have on this site, sometimes one of the camera snapshots it shows from a past season is a gray/green night camera scene of a blonde girl who appears to have no pants and maybe even no thong on, and she’s about to straddle a guy who looks like Jeff. Is that really Jeff and Jordan? Even if it’s not, I haven’t seen a pic of that scene yet, and I’d very much so like to! Anyone have details or pic links?

          1. Ahh, okay. Thanks. What a crazy season that was. Strip parties, house members in gay porn scandals, and the friggin winner uses the CBS prize money to deal drugs with another contestant and gets caught and fined/jailed massively. Non US seasons of Big Brother have topped that, but I don’t think any other US season of BB will ever top Season 9.

  4. Hey Everyone!
    I wanted to thank ILL-Will for posting that link for Evil Dick.
    It’s hard to catch up on the site sometimes.. but wanted Simon and Dawg to know your hard work is appreciated.

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