“Gain this loyalty that’s so much more valuable than 5 thousand dollars”

POV Holder: James Next POV Aug 1st
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 2nd
HOH James Next HOH Aug 6th
Original Nominations: Shelli and Clay
After POV Nominations: ?
Have Nots Austin, Liz, Julia

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8:47pm Clay massaging Shelli.. She moans “you know all the good spots”

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9:07pm Hammock Jmac and James
James asks him who he’s voting for if the noms stayed the same

Jmace thinks Clay will fall on his sword for Shelli
Jmac – i’ll vote with the house.
JAmes – i’m telling you the house is probably going to Shelli going out
Jam es- we’re looking at it as Game.. Shelli is a competitor.. she’s got 2 HOH she almost won this third one.

Jmac – James.. sometimes you’re a d1ck .. RAWHAWAWHAA WA
They chat about the amount of “Dickness” in a person and how if you don’t have a bit of “Dickness” you get walked all over your entire life.
Jmac – you can get on the show unless you have a bit of a d!ck in you
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9:09pm Austin and Vanessa
Wondering what Clay and Shelli are going to try and do to get Austin on the block.
Vanessa says James turned down 5 thousand dollars and a Europe trip he’s not going to change his mind and use the veto.
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9:21pm Vanessa, Clay and Shelli Bathroom
Vanessa asks her if they have any ideas they want to rn by her.
Vanessa says she’s not getting a lot of game talk with James the line’s been drawn snds she on the other side.
Vanessa says she’s really sad about this, mentions how this is a big hit to her game to.
Vanessa can only see one way they could stay but it would mean a real dirty blow and would a big long shot.

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9:26pm Jmac and Austin Weight Bench
Mac says Austin is no was going up. Jmac says Shelli and Clay are the same he doesn’t have strong preference on who goes home.

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9:33pm James and Jackie
James- we got blindsided by the other half of the house and we gotta break that sh1t uop.. if they won HOH we would have all been f****D.. the only person I’m really worried about is Vanessa.
James says Clay and Shelli knew they were going up on the block, “It was Vanessa.. she’s not telling them the whole thing they’re giving hints.”
Jackie – the whole point is not to tell them like they did to us
James – Both times Vanessa was HOH she caused someone to go home on an flip flop decision… Oh I changed my mind at the last minute
Jackie- And it’s our friends

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9:42pm HOH Shelli, James, Meg and Clay

Shelli give him an arguments if she stays in the game that’s two Jury votes for James. If one of them goes home this week James will lose a JUry vote.

Shelli – basically what we’re saying is we want the opportunity to end up in Jury. that’s more money for us..
James- Right
Shelli says if they win the HOH they can put Shelli and Clay up they don’t care they just want to get to Jury, ‘We won’t put y’all up”
Shelli – it just seems too early to be take shots at each other.
Clay chimes in asks them what they have to do to get the Veto used. Clay starts to recommend they use the veto put up a person that is on their own so james won’t make any enemies. Shelli jumps in says they will work with tme that’s two people.
Shelli – Why not why can’t we mend it it’s not too late it’s not too late to work with y’all like a team
James- I knew going into this decision this was going to be a HUGE wave ..

James says there was a lot of decision last week that went down that he wasn’t part of it nor was Meg.
James- if I keep both y’all in this game I sat out on 5 grand my daughter could use and I sat out on a vacation.. (He chose POV instead of prizes)
JAme s- if I was to change anything it would have to be a HUGE thing for me to do..
Clay – keep us in this game and you’re closer to 500 thousand dollars.
Clay – I have yet to go back on my word..

Clay says the Jason decision they regret they regret it every day. “We’ve already built a solid foundation of trust with you two, everything we’re saying is 100% sincere having us in the game we’re bigger targets”

Shelli – Passing on the Money to get the veto might the best thing you could have done. The veto is so much better than the 5k or the trip because it gives you the option to use the veto, put up another target and Gain this loyalty so strongly that’s so much more valuable than 5 thousand dollars We would not go back on our word.

Shelli – it’s a no Brainer we’re giving you our word
Clay – there’s 2 people in this game that is behind Y’all
Shelli – you can’t play next week we can play next week.. if we win Next week safety.. there’s been times when you’ve been on the block and we never voted against you.. you hurt us we hurt you eye for an eye can we rebuild .
Meg – what’s scary in the house is for me VAneswa put up Jason.. she said you know I have the majority of the house and for me that meant you guys..

Meg – Shelli you’re beasting this game.. you are killing this game
Shelli – why don’t you want to work with us
Meg – last week was so scary

They tell them last week Shelli and Clay betrayed them and they know if their side hadn’t won the HOH they would be put up. Meg and James were legit with Dark moon.
Shelli – Getting Jason out was not the goal staying true to becky was

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9:59pm Austin and his twins
They’re worried what Shelli and Clay are saying but feel there’s no way James will use the Veto because he chose it over the prizes.

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10:09pm Bathroom Austin and Vanessa
Austin says lay and Shelli are not saying anything bad about them or the twins they are trying to get Steve up because he doesn’t have anybody.
Vanessa – you have nothing to worry about Steve has something to worry about
Austin doesn’t know wsay James is into BIG MOVES

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10:18pm Clay, Shelli, James, Meg

James says it’s been brought to his attention there was plans in the house to put him up this week.
Clay – there are people in this house that gravitate towards power and are doing that right now.. all you have is you you and Jackie..

Shelli – Clear as DAY he will not put you up (Clay to James)

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10:24pm HOH Meg, Clay, James, and Shelli
Shelli says they’ve never solidified anything if they keep her and Clay in the game James will have their word.
James- when we’re up in the HOH room and we’re talking I was like I’m looking for someone to put up..

Shelli tells him he can always put up Steve he’s go no one in the game there will be no blood on James hands.
Clay says the house wants Steve to go home. “We’ve thought this through.. there’s really no risk.. NO blood on your hands”
Shelli – No blood
clay says they are not the type of players to go back on their word.
James says they were all so secretive.
Shelli – We’re friends with Vanessa but she was HOH she had conversations we’re not aware of.”

10:53pm Shelli tells James it would be amazing for her to have a close bond with James where she’s telling him who is coming after him
Clay – the information throws through all 4 of us (Meg, James, Shelli and Clay if James agrees to Clay[‘s alliance idea)

11:07pm Shelli and Clay leave. before heading gout James tells them he didn’t want to put them up.
James – I say stick to teh plan
Meg – we use this a little bit.. We could get Austin and the twins up here
James- Honestly Meg.. If I find out who they are putting up I would put there a$$ on the block.
They wonder who was the Person that told Shellia and Clay they are taking James. James thinks it was Becky.
Meg doesn’t trust what Clay is saying
James- something is fishy no one wants to crack on these names, Vanessa won’t tell me nothing.
Meg – Becky doesn’t make any sense to me
James- I don’t know who else it could be supposed I’m close to them.
James- If I was in Clay situation I would be singing like a tea kettle.
Meg says Vanessa isn’t as close to Shelli and Clay anymore
Jame says he’s not changing his noms he’s using this chance to take them out.

James – Vanessa’s got to go too
meg – She’s too involved in things..

Austin comes up They tell him they want to call meeting with him and the twins.

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11:26pm HOH LIZ and Austin
Meg – Shelli and Clay came up to plead their case we want to make sure you guys still feel the same.
Austin – you went out of a limb this week.. for me what you want is what I’m going to do 100%
Austin says Clay is going around demanding people give him his word they vote him out and Keep Shell.
Meg wants to work with Austin and the twins and “really take down the house”
Austin says if they look back at originally Big Brother that is what ye have right now 12 people left in the house no Battle of the block.

Meg – we all need to change our mindset in this game
liz – or this house will get boring quick
Meg – exactly
They tell James him not using the veto speaks volumes
Meg saying after this week they will all be onboard with Getting Steve out because he’ll dominate the competitions like Ian did.
Meg says Clay’s game will be better off with her out.

Julia comes in, “I just had a freezing shower”

Austin says Clay is less of a threat when if comes down to competitions.
meg – I agree
Julia wonders if perhaps Clay has been throwing the HOH’s
Liz – we might see his true personality
Austin – week 1 clay totally different guy
Julia says Clay has never made a effort to reach out to her that i why she would rather he goes
Julia – you for keeping the noms the same
Meg – yes

Meg – It’s kind like a reset.. We feel really really good about you guys and Jackie feel really really good about you guys.
Austin – we do to

11:50pm Meg about Shelli going home “He knows”
Meg says they have teh votes as long as Austin and the twins vote with them. They guarantee they will vote with James.

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11:52pm Clay and Shelli
Shelli – We definitely didn’t want Jason up there
Shell says Austin is trying to throw her under the bus, Do yo thin k
Jmac says no
Shelli – why
Jmac doesn’t think he is
Shelli does
Jmac asks her who’s idea was it ti put up Jason. Shell won’t say but it wasn’t them.
Shelli is pissed they are getting blamed for Jason going up.
Jmac says Vanessa was causing a riot in the backyard, during that Meg said bad things about Shelli and Clay.
Jamc points out he though tthe plan was theirs to get Jason out during the double eviction.
Shelli says she never wanted to get jason out.
Shelli starts to cry says she’s too loyal to throw names under the bus. She believes Austin and the twins are throwing her name under the bus in the HOh right now.
Shelli “Why why why is no one backing me why I don’t want to be here”

Shelli says people that are on her side are selling her out “Nobody is willing to stand up for us.. Nobody NOBODY ”
Shelil says Jason doesn’t deserve to leave, they did so much to save Austin “Its not right.. that man is throwing our names under the bus.. and now to save our a$$es we have to stoop to that level and lobby to get out Steve”

Jmac tells them his main target it JAckie.
John tells Clay he’s had to lie a lot to keep the 4 jof them safe. Says he told Steve they’re going to the end together that’s a big lie he has no intentions on Keeping STeve around.
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12:16am Bathroom Julia and Shelli

Shelli wants to know what is being talked about in the HOH, Julia says they are talking about Clay going around telling people to evict him.
Shelli – he doesn’t want that neither of us want him to go home
Shelli says people in their group are lying to them.
Julia says they are not.
Shelli – none of y’all are trying
Julia _ we’re trying
Shelli – no you are not.. we tried so hard to protect you and liz and y’all have done nothing.
Julia – OK.. I feel really bad you fee like that
Shelli – I feel like everyone in the house is lying to use right now and I don’t understand why.
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12:24am Julia in the HOH with Austin, James, Liz and Meg
Julia telling them about Shelli being pissed.
James says Clay is saying the house wants Steve up.
Julia – She literally tried to make me feel bad and stuff because I didn’t tell you something..
Julia – She said We did so much for Austin next week.. They only care about each other… She literally attacked me
Julia about Shelli’s conversation ‘She was such a b1tch”
The twins are scared to go downstairs alone they might get attacked by Shelli

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12:27am CLay tells Jmac about Dark moon.. “Vanessa was in it.. there was everyone but Steve, Jmac, Austin and Liz.”
Clay – I think Vanessa started it, initiated it
Clay claims that him and Shelli were not into it..
Clay says Vanessa took out jason and tried to pin it on them.
Jmac – WOW I didn’t know any of this sh1t. Becky never told me
Clay – don’t fault her because it only lasted two days.. you didn’t hear that from me

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12:37am Meg and James
James- Vanessa is telling Clay and Shelli a lot of stuff.
Meg agree. they talk about keeping the information the feed to Vanessa to a minimum

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104 thoughts to ““Gain this loyalty that’s so much more valuable than 5 thousand dollars””

    1. James is strong and will not fall for any of these shenanigans.
      His mighty spring roll is swinging with confidence.
      This duo will be no more.

  1. Ugh. I hope James doesn’t fall for Clay and Shelli’s lying bullshit. I think he’s smarter than that though. I hope.

    1. He will stay strong, he didn’t think twice week 1 with Jace pleading and dealing. James was cool as a cucumber… He will not use the veto. He need to use all the things Shelli is saying to draw Steve and Becky fully on his side. Gosh I hope it work.

      1. Ok Shelli. Go ahead and cop an attitude with Julia with your sassy self. See how far that gets you. Julia won’t put up with that, she will evict you and tell Liz & Austin to evict you. Then Clay will be in trouble next week if he opens his big mouth. Rule #1 of Common Sense = When you are on the block, don’t make people angry, be humble.

      2. annnnnd shelli is doing her spazzing just like I knew she would. Getting pissed at the people she needs to be nice to to stay in the game. Lol. What a nut.
        I don’t understand the showmance obsession. I guess cooped up like that feelings probably get intensified and having someone around seems like a way bigger deal. But seriously. Pull yourself together woman. This ain’t monopoly. It ain’t fake money. Ditch the pretty boy get the votes and stay in the damn game!

        1. Shelli literally just yelled at one of the few people that wanted her to stay over Clay and who even told it to James. Wow this is bad and getting worse

    2. Geez, guess Shelli never took a course on how to win friends and influence people. That attack on Julia could backfire on her, if Jules gets pissed off enough. One could only hope. If I were Julia, I would have told her to slag off, you act like you’re entitled to be in jury. What a bitch!

  2. “Shelli – Clear as DAY he will not put you up (Clay to James)”. probably because clay has never won an HOH or ever will?

  3. I don’t know man I kinda believe chelli. James need to use the veto and nominate vanessa. That would burn the bridges for chelli because I don’t think they are ride or die with austin and the twins

    1. I really think if Clay and Shelli would have put Vanessa’s name in the mix then James would have gone for it.

      1. Are these people so dumb that they cannot hold Vanessa accountable for anything?? Does Meg not realize that Vanessa took out both her friends Jeff and Jason?? Why isn’t anyone wanting to backdoor her?? Take the dufus Clay off the block and put Vanessa against Shelli. I am just flabbergasted as to how stupid this cast is this year!! OMG- James is the only one with a brain but yet he can’t even utter the words to Clelli and directly ask them – WTF HAPPENED LAST WEEK WITH VANESSA THAT SHE CHANGED HRR TARGET FROM AUSTIN TO JASON??? Seriously – ask this question to every mfer who were in on the whole Jason backdoor and then you will know who is lying. James is HOH and has the power to do that but yet everyone is so wishy washy – holy shit! dumb as a box of rocks

        1. James could ask all day long but the house would just say it was Shellie/Clay and then vote to keep Shellie!
          Even on the block, Clelli will not give up Vanessa’s name and ALL they had to say to James was it wasn’t their HOH….who was the HOH who re-nommed Jason? Who was The House when he went home?
          Vanessa is aligned with everyone in the house, low man or no and they all apparently have this blind loyalty to her. Hopefully, Jackie can talk James into putting Vanessa up…she is maybe the only one who sees through the mist Vanessa’s green hat is spraying throughout the house,
          This is the thing with James’ HOH: it shows he is ballsy, gutsy and into big moves which makes him a threat. However, he is aligned with the side of the house which is woefully down in numbers which means next week he will be a target….probably a backdoor target since no one will risk him winning POV.

        2. U tripping, james need to stick to his plan, and he will, what going after Vanessa gonna do, but keep shelli and clay together, it’s obvious them together are running the show, gosh we r watching to diff show, it was shelli and clay that talk Vanessa out of BD Austin, and replacing him with Jason … Austin was a goner!!!! …. Right u don’t remember???? …. But anyways get rid of 1 of the ‘power couple’… They can work on nessa next wk.

          1. Hey assholes – Vanessa made everyone believe shellie clay wanted to backdoor Jason. it was actually steve the dweeb that told her to keep Austin because he was in her alliance. I actually think she set the whole thing up to make it look like she has no control over her own HOH’s and blames ‘everyone else’ because she doesn’t want blood on her hands when in actuality – she is using reverse psychology and was going to backdoor Jason all along. POS

      1. I wish James could evict that whole nest. One thing at a time. He can only evict one person. Shelli is it.

    2. James should have said save it… this is what’s up, im 90% sure im not using the POV… but if beast mode asian cowboy were to use it, I would only take off Clay and put up Vanessa…. but that’s probably not going to happen….you two make a case why I should put her up and get her out, and now remember, I need strong case for this…and only this scenario, no one else but Vanessa…if not then you both are excused

      1. AND, after they sell out Vanessa, tell her all about it. And then tell Austin that Shelli sold him out, too. And let the games begin!

    1. I seriously wonder about Autism, there is something not quite right with him. Watching his DR sessions make me cringe, he talks like a 12 year old pre-pubescent boy, all excited about the (slim) possibility of getting a kiss from Liz? And this is from a man in his thirties? Next he’ll be be telling the guys in the schoolyard that he is going to try and cop a feel. I would hate to see what he would do if Liz told him she might have sex with him in the house.

  4. im so sick of meg! she is clouding up james judgement about vanessa. james belief vanessa is coming after him, BUT NOOOO, in comes meg chiming in saying “vanessa wouldnt do that, she had a fallout with shelli/clay.” If i was james i would put up meg as a replacement, F**K it!

  5. if I was James I would take Shellie and clays deal if he doesn’t he’s got a target on his back next week Jackie and meg Dont have a shot at winning HOH against everyone please. Take the deal and take out the person that’s responsible for taking out two of your peeps Vennessa she was gonna take out James until Jeff ran his mouth and then it was Jason she keeps saying house wanted them gone bullshit she wanted them gone green hat girls gotta go James put her ass up

    1. He’s got a huge target on him now no matter what. There is no forgive and forget from that side and only a moron would.

  6. Very disappointed in Shelli I thought she was better player then this I cant believe her pitch to get the veto used is wouldn’t you rather be in jury with us. Also the fact that they keep saying we wont come after you and you can nom us again next time. Bitch he doesn’t need permission to nom you he already did.

    1. It really was a horrible pitch. Both her and Clay were bumbling all over themselves as if they never expected at all in this game they’d have to play defense.

      The old ‘I’m playing for jury’ plea is lukewarm at best. It shows a lack of creativity. They are a perfect example of why the backdooring has been overused this season and has come back to bite. It makes people extremely leery of working with people who profess a public strategy with their ‘alliance members’ and then execute an entirely different one.

  7. Oh my gosh, Shelli and Clay are so dumb. James isn’t an idiot, he’s not going to fall for their lame proposal. They told him you can put us up next week, why? He has you guys up this week lol. They keep saying we want to make it to jury, well so did Jason and they could care less. If they want to be taken seriously they should throw out Vanessa’s name. I really want Shelli out but at this point either one is good. Now get to steppin’

  8. I think she’s trying to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge! James, Stay away from the wicked witch., and her boytoy ..they’ll poison you//

  9. I wonder if Clay and Shelli actually believe they have a real chance of selling James on their BS. There’s no way James could trust they’d be his allies going forward if he took one of them off the block – and we know it’d have to be Shelli by request – even if he wanted to. With Shelli being so upset about James putting her and Clay up despite the deal he made to keep them safe, how in the world could James be expected to trust that she and Clay wouldn’t love the opportunity to do the exact same to him (if he were foolish enough to bite on their offer; which he won’t be).

    Only thing for James to consider at this point is if he wants to pull Clay off the block in order to replace him with Liz or Vanessa. And the only reason to consider that is if he was worried that Clay may get voted out over Shelli – which seems a truer possibility than I wish it was. It’s going to take five votes to get Shelli out, but Jackie and Meg seem like the only definitive two to vote out Shelli at the moment. Although if Austin, Liz, and Julia don’t follow through on their word to vote with what James, Jackie, and Meg want then they will make themselves targets for those three instead of being able to truly work with or pretend to work with them going forward.

    And those three wouldn’t be able to say it wasn’t them that blew getting Shellie out simply because it’s their 3 votes plus Jackie and Meg’s that should ensure Shelli is sent packing this week.

    1. Shelli is blowing smoke. She really said who would be more fun in the jury house than she and lover boy. Hard to believe this is all they could come up with. Save us so we clay and she’ll could make more$$. Doesn’t all the house guests feel the same way. Plus were more fun to be with. James is a lot smarter than they give him credit for. He has the biggest balls in the house. Cannot believe he will fall for this bull

    2. Truly sound analysis here. To the word, I think you have it right. I have to hand it to Shelli and Clay, they made the best, mostly honest, pitch they could have under the circumstances. They were smart not to “namename” Vanessa because as another poster said, James et al would simply tell Vanessa and Austin et al they had done so, and that would ensure the POV wouldn’t get used. Now…if I were James, and worried that Shelli might be saved (and he is a bit), I might tell Vanessa and Aus-twins that anyway. But…based on Shelli’s words with Julia, I don’t think he needs to now. If the Aus-twins DON’T vote to save Clay, Austin should be target #1 for everybody next week. I keep flipping back and forth who I want out more this week: Vanessa or Shelli. Right now, I’m wanting Shelli gone because I think Vanessa is playing the better game for now. I DO hope she’s target #1 next week, along with Austin.

  10. James if you crumble…your balls will shrink. Van won’t bother you but Shelly will bite your head off and eat it for breakfast. You can break a deal , so can she. Revenge remember. Now wouldn’t that feel shitty. Keep your head!!!

    1. What amazes me is that Vanessa was the HOH that put Jason up and yet no one holds her accountable, She told Meg that it was majority, a huge majority, that wanted Jason up. Meg should have called her on that seeing as her, James, Jason, and Jackie were not involved in the decision, She could rightfully assume that Becky, Steve, and Johnny weren’t either, then it wan’t a huge majority of the house just her alliance. Meg should have pushed for the names who did want Jason up. Then again on last nights show Vanessa stated that the house wanted Jason up and she was backed into a corner, Yet no one mentions as HOH it was her that made the final decision. If Vanessa is able to continue deflecting the blame to others, and the HG’s continue to believe it, she will win hands down.

    1. Oh you’re right. Lets just have a house full of floaters. What fun that would be. Vanessa and shelli are the only two that can actually play the game. Either you to watch the real game of big brother or just a house full floaters having fun.

  11. meg cant talk for the life of her, ” like like like like like” permanent dumb blonde syndrome? she’s talking to austin and liz trying to find information from them, and she cant seem to properly convey her words into what she wants to say, so she’s just saying like like like like like repeatedly.

    how did this girl get on this game? she’s useless in comps and she cant communicate properly. is she trying to be jordan lloyd or something? i have zero hope for james alliance if meg is the benefactor thats going to carry him next week. james only hope is jackie.

    1. Well then Meg and Clay would be perfect together! Haha!

      Meg: like, like, like
      Clay: kefir fly, dkdidkemwm if I diejmm

  12. Meg and James are on the feeds and they were so close to scratching the surface of putting Vanessa up. And they realize that Shelli and Clay were trying to protect Becky. JJM needs to stay smart and not trust the Rats (Steve, Becky, Jmac), and don’t trust Vanessa (I wouldn’t really trust Austin/Twins either, but they’ve got to work with someone).

    “Shelli – basically what we’re saying is we want the opportunity to end up in Jury. that’s more money for us..” Right because you and Clay need money more than say Jace, or Day, or Jason?

    “Meg – Becky doesn’t make any sense to me” Really Meg? Does she not sit in on your convo’s and magically Clay and Shelli become aware of this info?

    JJM are in such a rough spot. Jackie would seriously have to win HOH during the DE and try to knock Vanessa out if they wanted any chance of working with Austin/Twins. AJL can’t think for themselves and rely on Vanessa for everything. Austin even said the Twins would ask Vanessa who to target.

    If James keeps noms the same then Clay will leave, Shelli will be pissed, and his HOH will have been a flop.

    James and Meg need to get some people to crack. I’m shocked that Clay and Shelli aren’t spilling the beans. How are James and Meg suppose to believe you want to have their backs 100% if you’re not willing to throw Vanessa, Austin/Twins, Bekcy, and Jmac under the bus?

    1. In Liz and Julia ‘ defense asking Vanessa who she would want to see up isn’t a bad thing. Julia was right not to trust Creepy Austin. He lied about what he told Jason. That Julia was expendable.
      As far as info Vanessa shared with them, they can use it against her if they need to.
      And Meg sweet Meg, although she hasn’t won any HOHs..her social game is great. We love her! She is loyal and everyone has a reason to trust her.
      Becky who has been found out…she went from having no game play at all..to coming into the center of naming James. CLELLI didn’t have to name her, just by omission, gave her up.
      Everyone seems threatened by Steve. Eh, I don’t see it so much yet. He gave Vanessa great advise about keeping the numbers strong. Dad though, he is not valued by those using him.
      JMAC, has a game, but no real allies. It may hurt him soon.
      Love this game, love this show, love Simon and Dawg more…

  13. I feel that james was begging for chelli to throw vanessa under the bus because he repeatedly said if you give me info that is important then he would change it but chelli is too loyal to vanessa to do it

  14. I don’t know what to think.
    Firstly, Meg’s game talk consists of 3 words: sucky, lines and fuzzy. It’s painful to listen to.
    Clay doesn’t know his audience. Offering Steve to James to help him “keep his hands clean” has got to be the dumbest thing I have heard all season. Based on current noms, James don’t mind no blood.
    James tells them the three of them were to have been exchanging info/Intel and they never did.
    Clelli says they want to work with him. But can’t give a reason why.
    Kudos to Shellie for kinda offering up Vanessa as a sacrificial offering…she knows James didn’t pass up all the POV prizes for a Steve or questionable loyalty.
    Still thinking it’s best for James to remove Clay, put up Vanessa and then the whole house will know who is loyal to who.

  15. ugh, i give up. james needs to have jackie up there in the HOH with him instead of meg. this bimbo is useless. meg is ruining james game plan for sure. her speculations and thoughts on the game are so inconsistent with ALL reasoning. i cant with her, i just cant.

  16. Clay and Shelli will promise everything and the sun to James including there first born son and then stab him in the back next week…it’s good he’s not falling for their bs. Why the heck would he take one of them off the block?? Who cares if someone is gunning for him he knows people were gunning for him lol

  17. Just watch the last Jackie/James convo! James is the MOST intelligent player in that house. He sees through all of their BS. #WTGJames

    1. He hasn’t even figured out the 6th sense even after he was told about it. Lol. You’re giving him way too much credit. Anyone not in the 6th sense would be gunning after a power couple. It’s not rocket science.

        1. Well we’ll see today. IF he has Vanessa figured out like you say, then there’s NO WAY he won’t pull Clay down and put Van up against Shelli. If he doesn’t do that, then he doesn’t know the half about Vanessa.

        2. Figured her out huh? Vanessa is running the house, has all the blood on her hands and is sitting pretty. So much for that….

  18. I hope moving forward CBS stops giving James the hillbilly edit, because James is far smarter than he appears (I RHAP mentioned this when Andy was on too I believe). Meg though I want to telepathically slap some sense into. It should be obvious Becky is one of the Rats in the house.

    James has to realize that Clay will leave over Shelli so long as Vanessa is calling the shots. Getting rid of Vanessa separates Shaly from Austin/Twins/Steve. That would be the smartest game move. Please Lord let Shelli and Clay throw Vanessa so hard UTB.

    1. I don’t know. Liz in her nonsensical babbling just outed her own alliance with Shelli and Clay about three different times in the HoH room and it is flying right over James’ and Meg’s heads.

      1. Are the twins still up in the HOH room with Meg? How are James and Meg missing the signs that Austin/Twins were working with Clay/Shelli? Why else would have Vanessa changed targets from Austin to Jason (which was such a stupid game move that has left the house is utter chaos, but makes for golden feeds!).

  19. This tit for tat destruction of all the power players is not a good strategy for long term game play. If Shelli or Clay leave than the bloodshed continues. Whoever is left will come after James and his group with everything they can muster and there is a lot of people out there who will go along for the ride. The bloodshed will go on till someone wakes up and says “oh shit what about these floaters”. They will float to the end while all the Power players will be sitting in jury. Someone has got to stop this “eye for an eye” bloodshed or we may be looking at a final that has Becky, Steve, Meg in the finals.

    1. Exactly. James and Meg are thinking way too emotionally here and are making this decision out of Revenge instead of what’s best for their game. They should take the deal with Clelli and get Vanessa out. They would control the numbers that way.

      1. The problem with that is that Clelli has no reason to keep their deal with James. He made a deal with Shelli and then went back on it (good for him), but why would they suddenly be loyal to James? They’re saying whatever they can to make it another week. They don’t mean it. Having Vanessa go up would be good, but keeping both of them isn’t a great idea. Shelli needs to go. I think James should take Clay down but put Liz or Vanessa up to make sure Shelli goes. If he doesn’t do that, Clay will most likely go instead of Shelli.

    2. Not totally true. When Shelli, Clay, & Vanessa were asking everyone last week who they would go after this week if they won HOH, Jackie and James names kept coming up. The other HG names weren’t mentioned. For James to not put up a power couple or power player would have been dumb! This is the kind of move he needed to do!

  20. BBUpdates: I think I can cheer for JMac when he says things like the following-

    “John tells Shelli that Vanessa wants to be loyal to everyone and didn’t want to come tell them that she thought they would be nominated #BB17”

    But then he says things like this-

    “John to Clay- To keep us four safe (JMac, Becky, Shelli, Clay), I’ve had to lie to a lot of people. Steve thinks he’s going to the end with me #BB17”

    “John- I gotta win HoH and take Jackie out. Shelli- Why? John- Cause she knows about the deal we made weeks ago. Us, Jeff and Jackie #BB17”

    Why are JMac, Becky, and Steve so ready to lay down their games for people who are completely using them? Andy may have been a Rat Floater too, but at least he had a mind of his own, and took control of his BB destiny.

    Jmac wants to target Jackie because she knows about the Jeff thing? Is Jeff even relevant in the game anymore?

  21. James is not changing the noms but there is some dissension in the ranks. Clay already told Jmac that Vanessa was behind Jason’s eviction. It will not be long before Clelli throws Vanessa under the bus. Would love it if James made a deal with Clelli, takes Clay off and puts Vanessa up. Production please stick your nose in it like last week.

  22. First of all, I don’t understand all the Clay/Shelli hate on this board. Say what you will, but they have been PLAYING the game hard from week one, which is much more than we can say for people like Meg, Jackie, Becky, and even our beloved Johnny Mac. So regardless of how you feel about them personally, as PLAYERS, I want to see them stick around. Not only that, but they did get the short end of the stick here and are taking all of the blame for Jason.

    But from a game perspective, I think the smartest thing James can do is take one of them down (preferably Shelli because she’s most at risk of going home) and put up Vanessa. And it seems so obvious to me that I’m shocked that so many fans are thinking emotionally and crying for him to get Shelli out instead just because they don’t like her. It makes no sense strategically.

    First off, I will say that it was definitely a smart move to put up Shelli/Clay initially. I agree with that. But the smartest, most impactful decision he can make now for HIS OWN GAME is to take one of them down and put Vanessa up. And here’s why:

    He needs to know about 6th sense and that He/Meg/Jackie are essentially alone in this game. Since Vanessa/Austwins have completely sold Clelli down the river, they should have no further ties with them. So James and Meg need to know that once Clay or Shelli leave, it’s going to leave Vanessa, Austin, the and the Twins together, who all have close ties to Johnny Mac, Becky, and Steve as well (in addition to whoever is left over from Clelli – who I’m assuming will be a free agent at that point, but in no way willing to work with James). That leaves 7/8 people against 3. If they think they have the loyalty of Austwins, they are sorely mistaken. Being stubborn and taking out Clelli is so shortsighted that it pains me to watch it go down.

    If on the other hand he saves Clelli and gets rid of Vanessa, I genuinely believe that Clay and Shelli will ride with James and Meg and be loyal. I sincerely do. Say what you want about them, but they really don’t play that dirty. They will be grateful to them for saving them, and be pissed as hell at the rest of the 6th Sense who sold them out. They can then use Clelli to do their dirty work for them. With Vanessa gone, Austin and the Twins will be alone, the new foursome of Clay/Shelli/Meg/Jason will have close ties to Jackie, Johnny Mac, Becky – and possibly even Steve – and Austin and the Twins will be sitting ducks.

    Basically what I’m saying is if he accepts this deal with Clay and Shelli, he and Meg will not only have the numbers, but be in charge of the numbers as well. Not to mention Clay and Shelli will ALWAYS be bigger targets than they are.

    I like players willing to make big moves, and I respect his decision to put them up on the block. But I think he and Meg are holding grudges and being way too stubborn here…. They need to take the deal, look at the big picture, and play the long game.

    And while I understand why it’s hard for them to see everything when they’re in the house, I don’t see why people on this board really think this is the best move for James’ game. You guys are thinking emotionally, not strategically. And we all know how we hate when players do that…. 😉

    Take Shelli down and put Vanessa up. Please.

    1. I agree that Shelli and Clay have been playing the game since the beginning. So has Vanessa.
      I don’t think they are any more deserving of salvation than she is, nor are they any less deserving of salvation than she is. Whoever can save themselves, more power to them.
      Each of this season’s three hoh’s has made what could be considered big moves. There have only been three hoh’s for evictions this season: James, Shelli, Vanessa, Shelli, Vanessa, James. Each of the three has shifted blame for their eviction choices. It’s what they did during battle of the block. If he can find a way, James will try to do the same, again.
      Shelli and Clay actually have the worst track record of the season for loyalty. Since they have had a deal with every member of the house, they have to be going back on their word weekly. What makes this deal different? As soon as another deal that will improve their situation comes along, they’ll jump on board and abandon James, Meg and Jackie. As opportunists, it’s how they play the game.
      Their method of gameplay isn’t the problem with Shelli and Clay. It’s that they play the hero to the cameras in d/r and to each other when they are alone. They know they’ve played shady and insist on talking to each other as if they haven’t. Crocodile tears and revisionist history don’t change the facts. They get a great edit on the episodes, on feeds it’s quite another story.
      They are no better or worse than Vanessa. If they can’t get themselves out of being evicted, they deserve to be evicted.


    3. Your logic falls has a lot of holes. First, you cannot guarantee that Vanessa goes home and second, you can’t count on Clelli honoring the agreement especially since James did not honor their agreement in the HOH comp. The better solution is take Clay down and put up Vanessa. He honors a committment with Clelli and pits the other side against each other guaranteeing James at least 3, possibly 4 new people in his alliance.

      1. For sure either clay or shelli would definetly have the votes up against vanessa ensuring that she gets evicted on thursday.All the votes they need are MEG, JACKIE, BECKY,SHELLI/CLAY(which ever one gets taken down) and JOHNNY MAC. done!!! cya nessa bye gurl bye.

      2. If James puts up Vanessa with the intent of evicting Shelli he makes an enemy that has consistently won comps. He loses his final seven 2 person save deal he made with Vanessa.
        James has worried that assaulting Vanessa could create problems with Austin and the twins. He isn’t sure if they are allies or friends.
        I think people are getting greedy because in the back of their minds they think this is the only shot James’ side will get to take out a target. Only one person is going home, not both of them.

      1. @ My airbag… I had to like your comment because it’s pretty damn funny.

        Yes. I’m long winded. Especially when dealing with players and commenters who make game decisions based on revenge/emotion rather than on strategy. Getting Vanessa out has a much bigger impact.

        Vote out Shelli – short term goal
        Vote out Vanessa – long term goal.

        It really is that simple.

    4. I see all your points here, and they’re sound ones. I would totally go for this scnenario IF…it it could be guaranteed Vanessa went home, AND that Shelli and Clay would keep their word and thus, isolate the Aus-Twins for targets next week. But…I am not as confident as you that Clay and Shelli would do that. And I don’t want James’ HOH to be wasted. As you say though, taking SHELLI down and putting up Vanessa might just work. I hadn’t thought of that scenario.

  23. Yes finally chelli is about throw vanessa under the bus they just need to tell james that immediately ehich I think they will do it soon

  24. Sheesh kebabs.. Tonite’s feeds just goes to show julia is totally clueless about the game, and is in for the ride.

    She’s NOT aware bob is OVER, tommorrow is veto ceremony, NOT a comp day *duh* and is totally unaware of what is going on around her, except she just have to see how Liz and austin are doing, and will go with the flow.

    She might la de la herself all the way to the top, with her nice body (erika placed 2nd, flaunting her body to mike boogie, slept witb

  25. /contine (posting via iphone sux)

    Flirted her way to second place.

    Just observing.

  26. Vanessa is smart, but has too many irons in the fire. I did feel bad for her during the times that she needed she’ll to back her up on the decision for Jason and Shelli didn’t own up to that. I saw the look on Vanessa face..as well during hoh comp, she’ll made a deal for her and clay. Not Vanessa. So I understand her cutting the strings with them. It’s all good entertainment. I don’t care too much for Vanessa, but I do like her birthday polar effecient thought process.

  27. Meg is dumber than Victoria from BB16. At least Victoria knew when to keep her mouth shut. Clay does not want you Meg—-support James who stayed on that wall for you and Jackie. What a dumbass. She keeps saying things like , “it was so fuzzy dark and sketchy last week, I don’t know what’s gong on”. This is the girl who last week was like Im going to play the game hard for Jason. She’s way too emotionally immature for this game.

  28. I am watching the feeds at 5AM EST and Clay and Shelli are questioning Meg like she is a Nazi war criminal for why she would not help them stay this week. Meg is being interogated as if she is the one that is guilty and you must come clean!
    Come on Meg, you are the one that should be asking the questions!

  29. It’s time to go SHELLI! If she is gone, Clay would probably a mind of his own than being run by her BB mama.

    1. ‘I had a dream’ where Shelly had been evicted and Meg scooped up the lost puppy Clay, and they spent the rest of the season in sheer bliss incoherently cooing to each other on the hammock outside.

  30. It’s time to go SHELLI! If she is gone, Clay would probably a mind of his own than being run by his BB17 mama.

    I wonder if the studio audience will boo her when she walk out???

  31. James is not stupid to fall for Shelli’s desperate pleas, I’m sure he came here for $500 000, not to forever show her loyalty!…. Especially after she stabbed him and his alliance in the back last week! Reality check to Shelli, you’re not that important!

  32. Doesn’t Shelli remember her and clay saying last week they need to keep Austin for their numbers and then. With Vanessa hatched the plan of putting Jason on the block. Sorry girly girl but Vanessa may have been the one to have to pull the trigger but your hands were in that. So stop your whining that your number plan did not work out for you.

  33. So, whose idea was it to put Jason on the block last week?
    Geez, I am getting so sick of all this lying and beating around the bush, trying so hard to throw each other under the bus but NOT rat each other out! ugh! Obviously, these people have never heard that the truth will set you free!

  34. Sorry but even I am starting to get confused. I can’t keep up with all their lies and who said what to whom. I don’t know how they can do it. It’s no wonder Shelly is a mess!

  35. James this is an easy decision put top 2 players on Shelli Vanessa this way you win for sure because no matter what you do now they are coming for you .And if you dint win hoh you would of been on the hot seat now from either one of them they are both backstabers your chance to get rid of one now

  36. Watching BBAD last night and listening to Clay and Shelli plead their case to Meg and James I noticed they both talk the same .. Their bio’s say one is from Texas and the other from Georgia and yet their speech patterns are identical.. If I had to hear “ya all” and “ya know” one more time I was going to scream.. I think they are either related or a couple and need to get to jury to win something! They also promised James they would not put him up, but never once said they would not vote for him if he was up. I think James should use the veto on Clay and put up Liz or Julia then he is guaranteed 2 votes to get Shelli out.

  37. If James doesn’t put up Vanessa this week he won’t be able to get her out for a while. She is the manipulator of everything and can win comps easily. James will have to rely on Meg who can’t win a comp and Jackie to keep them safe next week because for sure one or two of them are going on the block, Vanessa is just too covered by people

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