Audrey “He said it was you!” Jason “He can eat a d!ck! I will F**king Chima his a$$ right now!”

POV Holder: Steve Next POV July 3rd
POV Used ? POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner Team 1: James HOH Winner Team 2: Jason
Nominations 1 : Steve, Jackie Nominations 2: Becky, Johnny mac
Battle of the Block Winner Becky and Johnny Mac Next HOH/ Next BOB July 2nd / ?
Original Nominations: Becky, Johnny, Steve, Jackie
Current Nominations: Jace, Jackie
Have Nots Austin, Da’Vonne, Liz, Vanessa

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Big Brother 17 Alliances
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12:15am UP in the HOH room – James, Clay, DaVonne, Audrey, Jason. James is confronting the problem of there being a snitch in their group. The nomination song that was never actually said got leaked to Jace. James says that James says someone in our group is not in our group. Audrey – we have to be careful because there’s a rumor that he is going to cause fireworks when before he leaves. What if it was Jeff before our group came together. James says if he comes clean and admits it then we let it go. Audrey asks what if no one admits it? James says then I can’t trust anyone. DaVonne says its a rat. James says I’m taking bullets for people. If he knew that song then someone from our group told him. Or someone is playing both sides. James says someone in our group is a rat! I only made that song up 2 or 3 days ago. I’m bring this to the group because we have a problem. We have a problem! I took bullets today from Jace. He kept wanting names today and I took all the blame. If I went to go talk to him, I bet he would throw that person under the bus. Audrey says if he is going to blow up people before he leaves .. that makes everyone vulnerable. Multiple people are promising Jace votes that he doesn’t have just so he won’t blow up. Audrey says we aren’t going to be able to trust each other if we keep questioning each other. James says if someone told him about the song, then they probably told him a lot more. Clay says I like the idea of asking Jeff if he ever mentioned it. Audrey

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12:40am In storage room – Austin and Liz are talking. Austin says he is going, there’s nothing we can do. Liz says we know he’s going home. We just have to be smart about it. Austin says I can’t campaign. I already have such a big target on my back. Liz says we need to start mingling with people. Austin says I’m trying to do that more. Liz says people just get up when we enter a room. Liz says we f**ked ourselves over. We have to lay low. I’m not talking game with anyone. I’m done. Austin agrees. The only people we can trust are each other.

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In the bedroom – Jason, Meg and James are talking. (They’ve figured out that its Audrey who’s the rat and was the one that leaked the song) Jason says I could see on her face. Meg says she only said that when I said that. The second I said he came up to me about the song. I should have waited till she wasn’t there. James asks why would she want to get me out of the room so she can talk to Clay. Jason says or she doesn’t trust me with Clay. Jason says you should go right back up. Jason says I know its been her for a long time! Act like we squashed it. They tell James to go back up and act like you don’t care. They talk about using Audrey for information. Jason says he (Clay) doesn’t trust Audrey. We talked about it today. Jason says it was Audrey that’s why she didn’t want us to go ask Jace.

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Meanwhile in the HOH room – Audrey and Clay are talking. Audrey tells Clay that the only person she told about the song was Vanessa. Audrey and Clay decide to go get Vanessa and confront her about leaking the song to Jace.
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12:45am Audrey comes out into the backyard. James says I’m just going to drop it. She points to Jason and tell him that Jace just told me it was you. Jason says he can eat a d!ck! Don’t make me! I will F**king CHIMA his a$$ right now! Audrey says he told me straight up. Jason says well he can come out here and say it to my face! GO GET HIM! GO GET HIM! Audrey then laughs and says just kidding. Bad timing. Jason says f**k that I will WILLY (Hantz) him right now!!

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1am In the cabana room – Jason talks to Clay about how they know its Audrey who leaked it. Clay agrees the best thing to do is to drop it. Jason leaves. Audrey join Clay. He tells her that they kind of know it was you. Clay says that they’re dropping it. Audrey says they’re not going to drop it I can tell they’re already acting different. Audrey says I am just going to start falling off the grid and being anti-social. How do we diffuse this Jace bomb.

Meanwhile in the bedroom – Jace talks about how everyone is lying and avoiding me. Jace tells Jackie that she’s fine. It sucks that I’m against you. The cameras switch to Vanessa telling Shelli about how Audrey confronted her earlier in the day.

1:10pm Hot tub time – DaVonne, Jeff, Clay, Meg, Audrey, Steve and Jason are all sitting around the hot tub chatting about past house guests.
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In the bathroom – Jace joins Jackie and Shelli and says that he’s happy. Something came over me and I am just content now. Shelli says you look like you’re going to get even. You’re up to something. Jace says its actually not devious at all. I was just reminded that god loves me. Some times you just feels so depleted and then god jumps right in and fills you with holy spirit. And I wanted a midnight snack. Jace tells Shelli he is going to miss him. She tells him she will miss him too. Jace says I don’t plan on leaving without a message for everyone. Shelli says that’s what you’re up to. Jace says no its not devious at all. Shelli asks you’re going to go out with a positive bang. Jace says yeah. People will find out who is really calling the shots around here.

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1:35am In the storage room – Jackie and Jeff are talking. Jackie says I think she’s got some f**king problems. I think she is causing a lot of f**king problems. She needs to go! Jeff says me, Jason and James were just talking about her. Jackie says she’s always in the middle of drama. You’re always going out of your way to talk to people that have nothing to do with what you’re talking about. Jeff says she’s going to get exposed. Jackie says she is really nice but she’s always lying about things. Jeff says there are two people like that .. Austin and Audrey. We’re going to try and get them both out. Audrey isn’t my immediate problem. I can use her. I need to get Austin out first. Jackie says Audrey is causing a lot of problems though. I don’t like these people.

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1:40am In the cabana room – Jace asks Clay for his help. I could really use someone strong for support. Jace asks who threw me under the bus. Clay says I don’t know. Jace says I can rally at least 5 votes and I could really use yours. If I stay I will take care of you. I am very loyal. Jace says I really don’t know why I was the target. I really like Becky but we’ve had our differences. Jace says I teared up when Shelli came in the room crying. I love that girl and I know you do to. You might even marry her. Clay says whoa .. lets pump the brakes. Clay says it is what it is. I know it sucks. Do what you can and get the votes. Don’t self-destruct. Jace says I need your help. That favour will never go unpaid.

1:45am Backyard – Jason and James talk about Audrey being the rat/liar. Jason says I think we all know now. I think if the opportunity arises later we take it. She is eventually going to get called out for lying and that’s when we take it. James says we know we have to be careful of what we relay to her. Jason says I’m positive it was her. James agrees.

Backyard – Jackie and James are talking. She asks did something happen? James says just be careful with people within the group. Jackie asks Audrey? James says wow there are 16 other people and you pick that one. WHat made you say that? Jackie says just a feeling. She is always lying or saying stuff. All these things keep happening and she’s already in the middle of it. James talks about the meeting Audrey called at 5am and talked about her theories. At the end of it we had no idea what she was talking about. James talks about Jace knowing the nom song. He says he was going to throw deals at Jace for him to reveal how told him the song and she wouldn’t let me saying no, no. James says if you talk to her don’t tell her any information. Just tell her lies. Jeff joins them. He explains that some of these people here are weak and she (Audrey) could get manipulated by her and then next thing they would be sent out of here. Jeff asks how do we play her to get someone else out of here. How about we get her to get out Austin. Jeff leaves. James tells Jackie to be careful.

2am In the bedroom – Jace talks to Audrey. She says she’s going to lay low in bed the next 4 days. Jace talks about wanting to find out who threw him under the bus. Shelli tells Jace to not do anything negative. Jace says I won’t. I’m not going to give up. I’m going to try and stay. It doesn’t make sense.

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2:13am Jace gets Steve to come into the cabana room to talk. Jace asks what do I need to give you to prove to you I have your back till the end. Jace asks how would the house know if you voted for me. Could you not just keep a straight face. Jace says I need you. Steve says I understand everything you’re saying. Jace says I need you. Steve says I can’t tell you 100% but I want you here. Jace sasy my strengths are your weaknesses and your weaknesses are my strengths. Steve says I don’t want to give you any promises. I agree with and have thought through and am fully aware. Jace leaves. Steve sits alone and says I want him here. He didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. Steve looks at the camera and says I want Jace to stay. I want Jackie to go.

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2:30am Backyard couch – Steve, Jeff, Becky, Jackie, Jace, Meg, Jason, James and Jeff are chatting and laughing. They talk about dating and

In the bedroom – Shelli asks why? Audrey says because there are a lot of demons in here. Audrey, Clay, Shelli create their own alliance. They try to come up with a name: Julie Chenjas, Sexy Peaches, Clay and the Georgia Peaches. Audrey suggested Team Audrey. Clay and Shelli love it! The continue the search for a name: Dark Moon Treehouse, Gummybears, Sassy Seahorses, Triple Threat, The Threesome, Two Angels and Clay, Shade Trees. Audrey says she thinks this season of big brother should be called Angles vs Demons. They talk about their name being Karma Sutras. Right then Audrey is called to diary room.

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2:50am DaVonne and Steve are talking on the backyard couch. DaVonne tells Steve without saying names that someone lied on him to sdeflect attention from them. Steve says he can guess who (Audrey). Jason joins them. DaVonne heads inside. Jason says we’re the methamphetamines of big brother. We ain’t having explosions but we’re not far off from that. I am just keeping my mouth closed and my ears open. Shoutout to Danielle Reyes. DaVonne joins them.

In the kitchen – Jeff talks to James and Meg about his conversation with Liz today. He says she said she wants to distance herself from Austin. James says that Audrey might be the saboteur.

3:30am – 3:40am James, Jeff and Meg are laying in the hammock. James says Audrey knows we’re on to her. Meg asks how do you know? James says she keeps looking at us. Meg and Jeff tell James that Clay is loyal to Audrey. James says if I ever win HOH again Vanessa is going up. She is like the weasel. Audrey of course is the snake. We’ve got a snake and a weasel. Jeff says Audrey’s a rat. The conversation turns back to talking about the Jace nomination song again. Meg says she didn’t want me up there last night because I would have shut it down. Jeff says she tried to make me look stupid in front of you guys. They talk about how Audrey has start 4 fights between them. Meg says I am going to work Liz. Jeff says Liz is on my radar. She would be a lot of fun. Meg says Jeff loves Liz. Jeff says I kind of do. Meg says he loves her. James says Meg’s jealous. Jeff says every time I turn my back Meg has her hands on Clay. I came into the room and she was straddling him. James jumps up and leaves Meg and Jeff to be alone in the hammock.

4am – 4:15am Jason, DaVonne and Audrey are the only house guests still awake. They’re chatting about deactivating their social media accounts. Audrey says that she didn’t get to do the Rachel Reilly interview because her TMZ story broke out. Big Brother blocks the

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36 thoughts to “Audrey “He said it was you!” Jason “He can eat a d!ck! I will F**king Chima his a$$ right now!””

      1. he’s playing good now because many people believe him but his trust in audrey may ruin his game….because audrey will spread everything clay tells her

      2. Not sure if he’s gay…doubt it…but he should wake up and realize the poison of Audrey! Wouldn’t pee-wee. sense he’s gay?

  1. After the veto comp 11 HGs are safe:

    1 HOH
    1 Dethroned HOH + 2 alliance members
    2 BB takeover twist award recipients + 2 chosen people
    2 BotB comp winners
    1 veto winner

    Next week: Ian Terry comes in and announces a twist called #ProjectDNBae

    10 HGs are related to each other they just need to name all 10 and they’re all safe for the week!

    1. James was calling her a rat and not to be trusted, then said he wanted Vanessa out. He is scared of Audrey. Too sad

  2. Jeff, Meg, James, and Jason are good together when its just them they figure out the ppl in they alliance who are keeping up all the drama Audrey& Clay mainly Audrey and try to give them as little information. cause they know they going to spread it. I like that Jeff is trying to wheel Liz in slowly so they can work together. also I can see Meg making it to the final 5 because she’s well liked she talks to mostly everybody and plus nobody see her as a threat they see her as a friend and a easy win so that lets her fly under the radar.

  3. I love this season so far, imo this is the best cast since BB10 / 11 i hope it continues to be that way.

  4. Davonne reminds me of Tamar
    Shelli looks like Danielle Donato
    Steve looks like Ian
    Vanessa looks like GinaMarie

  5. It’s sad that Audrey is using the transgender card to get by, she needs to go she is causing too much trouble!

    1. Unfortunately BB. will probably interfere to keep her if the time comes….and also she will cry trans.haters…card…if she gets put up…..I can see it already!

    2. Has she played the card? I haven’t seen or heard her play it yet. i think she will if she gets nominated for eviction.

  6. Jace could get the votes…im sure he could get becky, austin, liz, steve, johnnymac, vanessa, shelli…just needs to besmart

  7. Becky looks like Hilary Swank…pretty good looking!
    Meg is very nice too! Her smile and attitude…would like to see her make it far!
    Want Audrey out!

  8. Jace should have played less’ woe is me’ and more of ‘how is keeping Jackie good for your game?’ You can’t try to appeal to people by telling them how much you sacrificed to be in the game as everyone there has given up something.

    I don’t dislike Jackie. I just think keeping Jace around could make things more interesting. Plus her getting evicted will be a wake up call to anybody stupid enough to take going on the block as a pawn lightly.

  9. haha im the one who donated 0.01 (actually did it twice) during bbcan3…..i promise i will donate more next time…this site is great….btw have you thought of making a HG Ratings? i really see which houseguest is a fan fav and i want to vote for my fav but jokers will never give me an account…..

  10. Jace wanting to go out saying who is controlling people? Last time that happened the wrong person was outed as the Chief Manipulator

  11. If Austin wants to try to go after Audrey and her group he really has to try to form something with the outsiders Steve, Becky, Johnny Mac and Vanessa.

  12. Sick of seeing clips of hearing convoes going on but the camera focused on Audrey standing in front of the mirror putting on make up! Like focus the cams on the something more interesting…like Meg! Lol

  13. JohnnyMAC is player of the week. He’s killing it.

    I’m also way more impressed by Meg and Clay than I thought I would be.

    Glad to see Da has kind of fallen off of people’s radars.

  14. What is Jeff’s motivation for going after Austin? It seems like he was super offended by whatever it is that was said really early in the game and just wants to get Austin out so he can rub it in that Austin went out early at his (Jeff’s) hand. I have no idea if playing emotionally is something that could be avoided in the BB House, but it seems Jeff would do better to align himself with Austin.

    He also keeps saying he can use Liz and Jackie which bothers me. He doesn’t have a relationship with Liz and he keeps saying he wants Jackie out/but he won’t vote her out. If Audrey wasn’t so polarizing right now I think Jeff would be in trouble. I don’t know-I guess I just don’t like his gameplay.

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