Get Ready For Big Brother, Tuesday 3pm PT/6pm ET
Ragan Fox and Daniele Donato rev up the Big Brother 13 pre-season with their new show Rumor Control. There will only be three shows, so catch every one! Tuesdays June 21, 28 and July 5! Call in and ask your questions: 1-877-448-6639
Watch live webcasts on SuperPass every week!
** Rumors will be updated as we hear them live **
• Dani and Ragan think the new houseguests might get pregnant from the round bed because it’s been used and abused.
• Ragan says that he read the theme is supposed to be a Venace beach theme.
• Ragan thinks they Candy Room will turn into the have not room soon after the beginning. Where the have nots will get no candy/treats/ice cream.
• Backyard photo has been released (Only the image of the kitchen where you can partially see into the backyard): There is graffiti on the walls and theres a bench along the wall.
• Don’t complain about the houseguests complaining about one another
• Don’t say that a minority (Black/Hispanic/Gay) past houseguest that returns is a good or bad representative of that group because you wouldn’t say that about a heterosexual or other.
• Ragan thinks Big Brother 14 will be an ALL STARS season.
• Rachel is coming back? Ragan says this is false because the houseguests were a week ago and he says that he hung out with Rachel and Brendon last weekend. BUT that we should expect the unexpected!
• Ragan suggests that if one of the new houseguests gets asked to take a bath with someone they don’t like, then they should pee in the HOH tub.
• Don’t crash my party commercial? Does it mean it will be past houseguests against new houseguests? Ragan says no that even CBS doesn’t know the twist until after the houseguests are released into the house.
• Asked if Dani or Ragan are more into the show now since they’ve been on the show? Dani says that she’s become a way bigger fan but in a different way knowing that a lot is edited out.
• Season 13 will be better for the superfans or the general public? Ragan says that the goal is always the general public but that they try to create a delicate balance. Ragan says that he really thinks this is going to be an explosive season.
• Hoping for completely new unexpected competitions. Ragan says that it got to the point where in his season they could predict which competitions were next. Ragan doesn’t think there will be a face morphing competition this season.
• Jessie has disappeared from Facebook and so do you think he will be coming back this season? Ragan doesn’t think so, and that maybe no one will come back in anticipation of a possible all star season next year.
• Isn’t it ironic that one of the surf boards has a Brazilian flag on it and that there is a soccer theme in the living room? Ragan says no I don’t think its ironic and that it probably doesn’t mean anything.
Nicely done DAWG…. HEY LOOK DAWG IS BACK holy cow