Final 6 Rap “Thank you Canada it’s been a blast signing off from your favorite cast”

POV Holder: Ashleigh Next POV May 20th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony May 17th
HOH Winner Sarah Next HOH May 20th
Nominations: Zach and Ashleigh
Have Nots Brittnee and Zach
POV Players Everyone participates

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9:51pm Everyone doing a task
Sounds like they have to come up with a dance/rap
“Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother.. Cold water electric shock hope your asses stays off the block”
“We’re putting Big Brother on the map final 6..”
“Final 6 we cannot sleep stupid clown what a creep”

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10:03pm rehearsing..

“Thank you Canada it’s been a blast signing off your favorite cast”

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10:32pm Final go
“We came into this house without our stuff, Seasons 3 been really rough, Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother, Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother, Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother”
“We’re putting Big Brother on the map final 6 this is our rap season 3 gears everywhere with this cast it’s hard not to stare”
“Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother, Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother”
“Keep you a$4 off the block”
“backstabbing lying what a shame you, gotta remember it’s only a game”
“Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother, Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother”
“Shout out to the host Arisa Cox these players playing dirty like my favorite socks”
“Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother, Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother”
“Steak, Chicken Pizza, pop, whats that I’m always on slop”
“Final 6 we can’t sleep stupid clown what a creep”
“Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother, Chill Big brother.. Chill Big Brother”
“Thank you Canada it’s been a blast signing off from your favorite cast”

11:21pm HOH lockdown

Godfrey tells them he thought he heard the vault. Sarah and Godfrey wonder if Zach is getting a secret Veto. Zach comes back up says he wasn’t in the vault.

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11:42pm They find some cards littered around the backyard with clues on them. The house guests can’t seem to figure it out. Godfrey thinks they should be checking out the vault.

Cards have written on them “60” “8 or infinity sign” “B” “watch” “Time” .. Every time they figure something out correctly they hear a chime. You also heard what sounds like Bruno saying “You look sick”

at 11:56pm Big Brother tells them to head inside for a lockdown.

(Everyone is confused by this)

12:03am Vault opens

1:06am Godfrey int he DR everyone else thinking something was up with him during the clues they think it was in on it.

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15 thoughts to “Final 6 Rap “Thank you Canada it’s been a blast signing off from your favorite cast””

    1. Seriously in love with BBCAN. How come the outfits for guys are never this skimpy in the US????

    2. For Real !!! Thought from the beginning he was/is the hottest guy this season – and it’s been a joy getting to see his personality. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. I love how he asked for cats 🙂 Would love to see God and Kevin replace Gary and Peter next year!

  1. When you get down to the final 6, this is the point in the season where you just want to fast forward the game as mostly comes down to the competition wins. The social interactions and live feeds start to get boring and don’t add anything in terms of game play. I’m pretty much ready to check out until the Wednesday HOH comp.

    I’ll occasionally check for updates to see if Zach has a chance to pull off another miracle and stay, but I doubt it.

  2. Not that it bothers me either way, but with this task (or whatever it is) happening, BB is sure making it difficult for the Diapers to put this play to get Godfrey on the block into action.

    1. It’s not a very good plan, and it will not work. Why throw Godfrey under the bus to Sarah and Brit. If Zach has Ashleigh’s vote and Godfrey’s vote then he stays. Isn’t Zach’s objective to stay in the game…if Zach and Ashleigh were smart they would sacrifice Pili so that Zach stays in the game. Throwing Godfrey under the bus will only ensure that Zach goes home on Wednesday for sure. Godfrey will deny that he is planning to keep Zach, and Sarah will be more inclined to believe Godfrey over Zach. Godfrey will then realize that he cannot trust Zach, and will send him to jury on Wednesday. If Zach was smart, he would let Godfrey blindside Sarah and Brit with his vote to keep Zach. This will totally screw Godfrey’s game, because Sarah and Brit will no longer have his back, and Zach along with Ash will turn on Godfrey the first chance they get. Godfrey will not make final three if he keeps Zach. Somehow, I think this whole keep Zach idea is an attempt by Godfrey to get Ash to vote against Pili staying. If that happens, Godfrey will attempt to pull Pili away from Ash by telling her that Ash was going to take Zach to final 2 over Pili. Hence, Zach and Ash were only using you. I believe that Godfrey wants to take Pili to final 2 over Brit or Sarah. It makes sense, it’ll be an easy win for Godfrey.

  3. Not that it bothers my either way, but with this task (or whatever it is) happening, BB is sure making it difficult for the Diapers to put this plan of getting Godfrey on the block into action.

  4. Godfrey is a beautiful chocolate man lol! I love all these outfits though. There are some great bums in the BBCan3 house.

    Too bad they aren’t on slice anymore or they’d be more edgy in the assignments/task they give the HG’s.

    1. with the equivalent of one to one and a half beer each when they get liquor delivery, long gone are the nights of Allison’s “healthcare peshional” meltdown, or the jon neda drunken argument where she says, “stop it jon, i’m not talking about our storyline, I want to talk about the real us (stop talking about production).” Is it sadistic that I miss the slice days?

  5. sleep deprivation is the new drunk. while dressed as extras from the worst 80’s music video ever. facepalm.

    1. These HG’s do well . Surelly they are aware the tasks are weak compared to previous seasons. If it was me, I would be like Sarah (BBCan2) and say ‘fuck. It, I’m not participating.

  6. Lol…I love how the Diaper’s master plan to try and persuade Sarah and Britt tonight into nomming Godfrey tomorrow…has been usurped by a impromptu Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo party. They are already sleep-deprived…can’t wait to see them try to pull this “big act” off on even less sleep and a hangover before the veto ceremony in the morning.

  7. Godfray is so much more handsome than Zach. Don’t get me wrong! Zach is a very handsome man too (despite the fin-nose), but God is whole another level of handsomeness.

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