Kevin lies to Bruno & Bobby “Pull Bobby off and let him save his thing for next week”

POV Holder: Kevin Next POV May 1st
POV Used ? POV Ceremony May 3rd
HOH Winner Kevin Next HOH May 6th
Nominations: Bobby and Brittnee
Have Nots Zach, Bobby, Willow (Season slop pass)
POV Players Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili

** The 2 round HOH twist that was leaked last week is once again back up for this week (Week 7). **

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4:30pm Out in the backyard – Bruno tells Godfrey you’re getting big man! Godfrey says I’m just an organism trying to turn into a beast! Meanwhile up in the HOH room – Pili says that she saw Bruno and Bobby talking earlier. Willow says it can’t be good. Something is up. Kevin joins them. Pili tells him you’re doing so good. Kevin says I’m on big brother Canada wearing a maid costume …its a dream come true.

Out in the backyard – Sarah tells Bruno not to push Kevin too hard to put up Zach. Just feel him out because I don’t want to loose God. Bruno agrees. Bruno says I am going to tell him that when I was HOH Zach tried to get me to b@ckdoor him. It might be a little much but that’s what I’m going to tell him. Bruno heads inside for coffee. He asks Zach you don’t have to clean the whole house do you? Zach says sorry bud. Don’t go up stairs. Bruno comes back to talk to Sarah. He says we just need to win HOH. Sarah says yes .. because if Zach finds out its not going to be good. Kevin probably thinks the same thing and someone has to strike first. Bruno says you only have one shot. They talk about how Zach has a bad attitude about the maid task. Sarah asks who does he think normally does the cleaning. Bruno says he spent an hour and a half on the dishes.

Up in the HOH room – This is happening …

4:50pm – 5pm Bruno comes up to the HOH room. Kevin says that Godfrey knows. Bruno asks that’s what you want to do? Kevin says yeah. Pull Bobby off and let Bobby save his thing for next week. Bruno says if that’s what you want to do. That’s good. I trust you. Its hard to find someone in here you can trust. Bobby joins them. Kevin tells him thanks for being a good sport about going up. Bruno says if that’s the plan then that’s good. Kevin says yeah that’s been the plan from the start. (The real plan is Kevin is going to us his veto to take Brittnee off the block and nominate Bruno as the replacement.) Kevin tells Bruno that Sarah was campaigning to get you to go up. Bruno asks me? Kevin says yeah but obviously she doesn’t know we’re working together.

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5:20pm Up in the HOH room – Kevin tells Godfrey people think you’re being backdoored. He (Bobby) won’t be on the block after the POV ceremony. I’m telling you everyone thinks I’m b@ckdooring you. Godfrey says I’m not coming after you if I’m not on the block. Kevin says the POV ceremony is going to be crazy! Godfrey says I’m going to play it cool yo! I’ll just continue to say that I think I’m going up.

5:35pm – 5:45pm In the bathroom – Bruno is cleaning his ears. Big Brother says Bruno stop that!! Bruno says I’m not letting him clean my ears! Godfrey says he needs his toe nails clipped. Zach graps the clippers and starts clipping his toe nails. Godfrey says ouch! Zach asks do you want them clipped or not?! Godfrey tells Britt and Willow that Kevin pretty much told me I’m going up. It was inevitable. I pretty much knew it was happening. Britt leaves. Godfrey says that he tried to talk sense into Kevin to put up Zach but he just wasn’t listening to it. It just sucks to go up against Brittnee.. The best pawn in the business. Willow says you never know there might be some kind of twist. Godfrey says I want to see if Sarah will talk him out of it.

5:50pm – 6pm Willow tells Zach everyone is scheming. Zach says I know I can feel it. Willow says Godfrey’s going up and he knows it. Willow asks what do you want? Zach says I want God out. Willow asks do you think I’m right about the thumb thing? Do you think he’s making it up? Zach says he could be. Ash & Bobby join them. They tell Zach Godfrey is going up.

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15 thoughts to “Kevin lies to Bruno & Bobby “Pull Bobby off and let him save his thing for next week””

  1. It seems as if Kevin is trying to form an alliance with Godfrey and Sarah as he has told them the exact same plan to BD Bruno.

    1. No Kevin told Sarah and God different plans. God thinks Bobby is coming off the block and not Britnee.

    2. Kevin told Sarah he’s going to backdoor Bruno and also he told Bruno that Sarah is pushing for Kevin to put Bruno up. If Bruno calls out Sarah on that, it may affect Kevin&Sarah relationship down the road.Kev shouldn’t have thrown Sarah under the bus to Bruno.

  2. is kevin forming a back up plan? by that I mean is he trying to ensure that he is safer than Zach by pulling godfrey and sarah in closer? would make more sense than getting closer to bobby and Bruno, given that he believes they are closer to Zach and Ashleigh.
    still not sure of his actual plan, beyond misdirection of everyone in the house, and feeding them info that they are all suggesting each other to go on the block.
    part of me is expecting a Bruno talks to bobby and god convo that includes the sentence “sarah is poison.” if it hasn’t happened already and I’ve missed it.
    I still think the most difficult part of kevin’s hoh will be to convince Zach to make a move in week seven instead of waiting for week 9. or the jury vote. or the wrap party.

  3. I absolutely LOVE how Kevin isn’t even letting Zach know his plan to throw Bruno on the block

  4. As much as I like Bruno, this is definitely a good move on Kevin’s part, if he actually takes Brittnee off and puts up Bruno. Bruno is one of the best players this season, and if he stays I could see him getting a lot of jury votes in the end.

    Even though I wanted a Kevin/Bruno/Sarah alliance, if there is a Kevin/Sarah alliance happening then that would make me so happy. Imagine them being the ones to take out Zach, it would be epic.

  5. if Kevin holds true to what he is gonna do .. we are gonna see a lot of fish with their mouths opened wide … this is going to be so good… looking forward to seeing everyone shake their heads.. two thumbs up for Kevin .. but only if he does what he says he is .. calling bobbies bluff ( what a dumb azz) and letting Bruno know that Zac is not the brains.. just the waisted space ..

  6. Kevin’s plan reeks of production to me. If he doesn’t tell his Diaper Alliance about his plans to backdoor Bruno before the POV ceremony then he will lose trust with the majority of the house. Remember how the houseguests reacted to Zach ‘s decision to not change the nominations. I anticipate a similar reaction after Kevin’s POV Ceremony. I don know….this just reminds me of BB15 when all of a sudden Elissa wanted to save Amanda. Something is not kosher.

  7. I think the final three could be Kevin, Godfrey and one of the girls, either Willow, Sarah Brit or Pilar. I would prefer Sarah or Britt to be the third.

  8. it is just too bad kevin thinks that putting bruno up is going to be a huge jaw dropping surprise. what would have been is putting zach next to bobby. or next to britt to ensure a number of people would vote zach out and bobby would not be able to vote.

    imo here bruno is talking to kevin clearly did not take the opportunity to start mentining zach. lets face it at this time bruno cant make a wrong move as far as kev is concerned he is going up and out. te only thing that would hlp him is making a case for zach not godfrey or bobby

  9. Dawg – Thanks for the clarification on which lies are which. Sometimes all these lies get to me and I don’t know if I am coming or going. If I spent more time on the feeds, I’d probably have a better feel. For some reason this year, 85% of the time I get to see feeds, they are off. Must be my timing.

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