POV Holder: | ? | POV Used | ? |
HOH Winner | Caleb | Nominations: | Frankie and Victoria |
1pm Frankie is awake eating breakfast in front of the memory wall studying the faces for the upcoming face morph power of veto competition. Victoria is in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Victoria joins Frankie in front of the memory wall. Frankie comments about when she went to sleep and how he didn’t hear Derrick come to bed. Victoria says that she sat by him last night and he moved his chair away. So I got pissed and just walked away. Derrick walks by and goes to the bathroom. Frankie joins him and hugs him. Derrick says its unbelievable. Frankie says they love us. Derrick says it doesn’t change anything we still have got to get there. Frankie says this is affirmation that they’ve seen how hard we’ve worked Derrick says yeah because they chose that. So either way its a win. Frankie hugs Derrick again. We’ve got to get there. Derrick says its still going to be difficult and if we do we’re guaranteed to win 550K. Derrick says there’s nothing we can do with the jury at this point they’re already there. If they’re bitter, they’re bitter. Frankie says and they love us together. Derrick says oh America, yeah. Absolutely. Derrick says and this is in addition to what we’ve already won so you’re going to be around 575K. That’s mind boggling. Mind Boggling. But we’ve got to get there. Frankie says today’s an important day. Derrick says it starts tonight, one of us has to win the veto. But if Cody wins it he’s going to keep the noms the same. Same with Caleb. Frankie says but apparently I would.
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1:30pm – 1:45pm Derrick sarcastically says exactly that’s why I don’t trust you. That’s why I went to Caleb to try and get you out with Cody. Second time I’ve done that now. Frankie says my god .. well Caleb has to go next week .. there’s no other option. Derrick says I agree. He’s a great kid but he just knows he can’t beat you.
Derrick “it’s still gonna be difficult to get there but we can do it, we can definitely do it. and if we get together, we guarantee that one of us gets an extra 50 thousand”
Derrick says there’s one thing you can’t take away from you.. comp wins. Caleb always tries to one up you. He still doesn’t think he can beat you. I think he’s well liked in the jury. If we didn’t make it together we would need to cross reference sh*t like he (Caleb’s) done nothing. If Cody gets there everyone likes him, he’s good looking. If you win today Caleb’s jaw is going to drop but I don’t think he wants you out this week. It doesn’t matter because I’m not going to flip and Cody isn’t going to. 1:35pm Derrick says “There is only one way, one option to guarantee that one of us wins $550k, and that’s we both have to be there” . Because if I nick you off and I get there .. nobody might get it. One of us is going to be the biggest winner in Big Brother history! Derrick says I wish I had won more Comps. Frankie says but that was Dan’s strategy. Derrick says but he won comps at the end. Derrick says even if we win HOH next week we still need to win veto to guarantee Caleb goes home next week. Derrick asks do you think we could beat Cody in the end. Frankie says Cody has less comp wins and has had no game other than flirting. Derrick says if the jury goes with the bitter aspect then we have no shot. Frankie says if its you at the end with Cody I will convince them. Derrick says don’t even think like that, we’re going to get there. Derrick says I would hate to be in the jury and that extra 50K goes up in the air and no one gets it. Frankie says America wants us to go to the end together. Derrick says they want us to win the money, they want us to go together. It’s evident! Derrick says A) We like you! B) Go win Big Brother! and C) One of you can win 50K for doing it! Congratulations. Frankie says if I’m sitting at the end with you I’ll split it with you. Derrick says okay .. enough said. Frankie says 100K second place. Frankie says if I win 550K, I will let you win 100K. Derrick says okay thank you. Frankie says the card should have read.. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Victoria joins them and the conversation ends.
1:45pm – 2:25pm The house guests are awake in the kitchen chatting about random things and studying the memory wall. They talk about how they think the Power of Veto competition will be during the evening because the light will affect the projector. Cody is doing the dishes. Frankie, Cody and Victoria talk about the luxury competition. Frankie says that was the first time Jocasta broke a sweat. She didn’t even break a sweat when she go dehydrated because she didn’t have any water in her. Caleb joins them. Caleb says if this week is a double eviction.. I will be the last HOH up there. He says so from here on out I want each person to spend a night with me. Derrick says nope! Caleb walks away sad.
2:30pm – 3pm Cody and Caleb slow motion judi-chopping in the kitchen. They all then discuss what order the house guests names were on the board of the POV face morph comp. Cody, Frankie, Derrick and Victoria continue studying.
Caleb heads up to the HOH room to listen to his HOH cd and stares are his HOH photos.
3:18pm everyone either studying or taking a break from studying.
50K vagueness
Lots of excitement about the 50K still vague but just to clear it up
Shelly Moore from BB13 asked CBS on twitter
“Did I read correctly that the @CBSBigBrother DR told Frankie and Derrick they would get n extra 50k if the make it to final 2? Fair? Not!”
Chris roach who works on Big Brother answered with this
“@ShellyMooreBB13 That is not correct”
Here’s teh link to the tweet https://twitter.com/ShellyMooreBB13/status/510544806234570753
I got nothing against Derrick, and I really hate to say this, but Frankie right now at this stage in the game have outperformed Derrick in the game. Derrick has a good social game, but Frankie has out shined him in the social, mental and physical aspects of BB. to take it even further, team america not only protected Frankie, it equally protected Derrick. if Derrick was not in team america I believe Frankie would of taken a shot at Derrick very early in the game. anyone who watched BB from previous seasons know production will interfere and actually save one of their favorites for the sake of the show. production planted Victoria as their safety net to keep Derrick at the position he is in the game. Victoria was a lost cause from the start of the season and all of a sudden she’s walking around calling herself the princess of BB16. Victoria is without a doubt being coached by production to protect their investment of having Derrick’s chances to make to the end. it was also no coincidence that this past week with the BS rewind week button, bringing a dog in the house, past HG’s and a luxury comp that this season is turning into a major disappointment. even with all the added activities this week, it turned out to be a total fail, and watch Julie keep telling us this is “the most twisted summer ever” in a few more days.
this season was predictable from the start when Derrick stated he wasn’t going to tell the HG’s he was a cop. production ran with that storyline and scripted a way so Derrick can make it to the end and surprise the HG’s with his secret announcement. production figured a way to mix in the storyline of Frankie having a secret, Derrick having a secret and the mystery of Donny that had the HG’s questioning he wasn’t who he said he was. Frankie telling the HG’s he was Ariana Grande’s brother was also stage to the point where her new album was ready to drop. the record label def paid CBS for the promotion. that’s why I believe if you look back and see how DEVIN, ZACH and Donny got evicted, these 3 were dangerous for production’s key players (Frankie & Derrick). Caleb has been production’s puppet since the day Devin got evicted. they got in Caleb’s ear and have been coaching him using his “LOYAL” game. don’t you find it funny Caleb all of a sudden is thinking he will be AMERICA’S FAVORITE PLAYER. who do you think fed Caleb that crap? production wanted to create a new Dan Gheesling and when it’s all said and done they might achieve that task by crowning Derrick the winner of BB16.
Well, I’ve never been Frankie or Derrick fan but I like to see them at the end together.
Mostly, I don’t want to see Victoria or Cody at the end. Too bad for Caleb that he has no game sense.
with their teeth all knocked out! and hopefully burning the lolita’s talentless brother alive. want more?!
I agree with you whole house 100%
about Caleb being coached, I also think he got some counseling about amber…before he was obsessed, even after she left, I find it strange like all of a sudden he became happy, even kind of funny, but definitely turned around, I think they gave him some medication. He still slips up and talks about her here and there. Production you been doing serious damage control!
the sad thing from all this is, TEAM PRODUCTION could of saved Donny and they let him out to rot.
I wanted Production to step in and save Donny too. Production even talked to Frankie and tried to get him to convince Derrick to save Donny but Derrick wouldn’t agree to it. It will be nice to see if Derrick will take a chance at the extra 50 and save Frankie, but I have a feeling if Frankie don’t win the veto Derrick won’t save him. Production will have to step in and give Frankie the veto because it’s not like we will actually know what time Frankie finishes the comp. With all of that being saved, production did help Donny out and in a big way. They got him a part on Bold and the Beautiful. It may be small but the pay will probably be just as good as what he gets from BB which will means he would have earned more then the 2nd place winner. And if he gets AF he will have even more money. Production will take care of Donny, remember Julie said Donny you’ll be okay, after Donny said he hopes he gets his job back Julie mentions Donny offer with Bold and B at finale. The look on Caleb and Christine and Vic faces will be priceless.
You’re an idiot if you think a day time soap is going to pay Donny over 50k to be in one episode…
I’m confused. What is this extra 50K that they keep talking about? It’s not team America because they haven’t had that many missions and it can’t be a combo of AF and the missions because you can’t get AF if you are final two…did I miss something serious?
I don’t know…you make good points, but why wouldn’t CBS want Zach or Donnie to stay in the game also? Seems to me they are more loved by America than any of the other houseguests.
People think the season was boring. Imagine if they kept Donny in the game how boring it really would have been. He was barely there when he was in the house. Always blending into the wall and the plants.
That’s makes us look stupid!!!
somewhat, like you’re sentence structure and spelling.
And yours isn’t so great that you can knock someone else! Should be “your”, not “you’re”.
Haha Frankie is so delusional. Derrick os misting him blind. I wonder how long it’ll take production to tell Frankie Derrick wants him gone.
I meant is
Production may give Derrick “incentives” so that he changes his mind.
I think Frankie knows that Derrick is trying to take him out. He made some comments in the diary room that aired on the show that gives me the impression that he sees Derrick’s game plan.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo! <<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> I think they just did it. I’m not sure I can come back for another season much less make it through this one. <<<<<<>>>>>>>>
Who r u kidding. U’ll be back. We’ll all be back bc we luv BB! Best season eva! Holla!
I want to see them start cutting each other’s throat!! If this is all we have left, I want to see the gloves come off and get to it!
The only way the gloves will come off is if Derrick sides with Frankie and turn against Cody and Caleb. Derrick has been playing it safe all summer, I wonder if Production will turn on him and plant seeds in Vic and Cody about Derrick using them if Derrick don’t take Production offer. This will be the second time Production offered him to save a TA member and if he doesn’t save Frankie it will be the second time Derrick went against what production want. Production may get fed up with him because this is their job they know the season isn’t one of the best ones and they have to be thinking about their future fan base and ratings.
How to stir up the drama… I think a this point Frankie should try to expose Derrick. I think at this point, he has nothing to lose.
I guess my mean phone call to the BB production about how BBrewind screwed my big bro worked.
It’s fun to be rich, famous, and popular.
nope never heard of ya…. are you frankie dressed in drag?
Don’t be a troll. Everyone’s heard of Ariana Grande. She’s a smoke bomb!
I heard her name for the first time about a week before the season started. I have never heard her sing. Those of us over twenty-five have other things to do than lust after ” smoke bombs”. Particularly those who use gimmicks rather than pure old talent. I watched five minutes of her tv show and could not stand her speaking voice. The best thing about being old is that I don’t have to pretend everything is hot just because someone else does.
The very thought of seeing Frank in drag again will give me nightmares. I couldn’t get the image of the character, Buffalo Bill, from Silence of the Lambs out of my head. If he thinks his introduction to “90% of the world” of what a drag queen’s appearance is, he is overwhelmingly delusional. It was “low rent” at best and I’ve seen some attractive men in show business give a better effort.
U go girl! Let me caress your hair.
I agree totally! I’m disappointed about Derrick. typical five-O, shady behavior. I wish production would tell Frankie everything the rest are saying about him!
Way to go America! Derrick and Frankie in F2 is awesome! Luv it America.
I hope Derrick gets to final 2, then he will win, and we can somewhat salvage this season. as dan said, he has played 24/7, and that is refreshing. he had an advantage but he really has looked at it like a job. he is after the money, he is on assignment, and doing very well. his work with Victoria at this point beats dan’s work with Danielle, and I can’t wait to see Frankie NOT win. I just can’t handle a Frankie win, fortunately the jury likely votes for anyone but Frankie.
And there IT is!
Is there nothing Production won’t do/pull to save the Pink Flamingos A–?!
The fix is in.
To some extent you’re correct – but we can only do so much – “our” players still have to win POV and HOH. Don’t forget – we did all we could to keep Frank – but Dan’s funeral threw a wrench in our game plan.
No one’s blaming you. You cancelled an eviction when you learned Frank didn’t have the votes, you let him palm that houseguest’s choice token, put only 2 shamrocks in everybody else’s box in the POV comp, switched the order that the double vetoes could be used, and tried to talk Britney & Shane into switching sides and helping Frank in DR sessions. You did all you could for the guy.
Frankie is a delusional pr1ck.
This is the most ABSURDDDDDDD thing I have ever heard. I stopped watching and just start occasionally reading this site waiting until Frankie’s dumb @ss was evicted before I started watching again, and then they pull this! I don’t get it, I truly just don’t get it. Are they really going to keep this tool bag thinking that he is god’s gift to humanity?
Makes me totally sick. I only hope Derrick has enough character to NOT take this bait. Frankie is disgusting and obnoxious. I wonder how his sister likes him riding her coattails?
What happened?
yep, been waiting to find out how they were going to convince Derrick to make sure Frankie stays, in case Frankie doesn’t win Veto. here it is, Derrick, get Frankie to the F2, and you will win an extra 50K. You won’t be in F2, but you’ll have helped him win the 500K. Well, even if you are F2, you ain’t getting 500K (or in this case 550). Save him and you guarantee you don’t win first, and that is exactly what BB production wants.
There is no way America voted to give these fruitloops extra cash if they get to F2. If that was true, then they would have given a real incentive to making sure Donny stayed so all three were F3.
What is going ON??? Who is making them think America wants Frankie to stay in this game??? I’m not one to go around yelling at production, but I am seriously shaking my head and wondering what the heck is going on here?!?!?!
Let him goooo.
Exactly! What IS going on? Social media (not necessarily a reliable source by any means) “reports” that DR told Frankie [who then told Derrick] that TA gets an additional $50K if they are in the final two. Some think Frankie made it up. Others say the feeds indicate it was confirmed with DR (I assume that means those viewers believe Derrick checked).
I hope this is not true – especially since the “America” in Team America did not get to vote on this monstrosity of an idea. It seems like it may be true given Frankie’s declaration, “they love us…. this is affirmation that they’ve seen how hard we’ve worked Derrick says yeah because they chose that. So either way its a win.”
Forget my comment. It was made before Dawg’s clarification posted. (Thanks, Dawg!) Wish you all well and an enjoyable fall season. Other than voting for AFP (which they may not have or even tally), I am completely done – not that anyone should care. It isn’t about Derrick or Frankie, per se. I guess there is no place in the world (this country or other countries) where that EXTRA $50K could have been put to use.
Frankie and derrick are quite delusional. Where is this belief that they are well liked or that they will go down as the biggest winners in bb hstory stemming from? You two are only memorable in the sense that you bored us to tears, as you evicted everyone that made this season watchable.
Shortlist of winners who will always be remembered more.fondly than either of you:
Dr. Will
Rachel…make me want to puke and dig my eyeballs out with a spoon.
I actually think that the both of them would be more rememerable than Hayden. Hayden just played an okay game… He didn’t really make that many game changing moves. He didn’t even have any competition in the end. He had Enzo, who was completely useless, and Lane who was Victoria of the season. He took Lane to the end because he knew that he could beat him. I don’t like either Frankie or Derrick, but they have both played a great game this year when you take their personalities out of the equation.
I take boogie’s all star season where he won big time prizes, was hooking up with ladies, had an awesome birthday party and beat Janelle by getting her to screw up in the HOH comp after he walked off like a boss.
I’d argue that even though he had will, S7 Boogie is a much better winner than anyone here, he was playing with all stars. some were questionable(chicken George), but he was no worse than Caleb or Victoria in terms of game awareness. it just doesn’t exist.
so add boogie in there
BB just jumped the shark!
production will always have the last say to any eviction they feel will hurt the season. this conversation with Frankie and Derrick now puts in the play the eviction of Victoria. there was no way they will have Frankie get evicted in a national taped show. Victoria will have the honor to exit the BB house in a meaningless departure as the worst player of the season. jump the shark indeed.
I’m trying to channel Derrick – and I think he hears me – if Frankie doesn’t win POV – he’s gone.
Watch…Derrick will throw the POV so Frankie wins and he won’t have to vote. This is not fair to the other players. CBS SUCKS!!!
I’m starting to believe you are correct – Armageddon is upon the BB house.
I never believed Fakie would get evicted this week anyway. No big surprises here.
when you realize that bbrewind saved the most useless houseguest of the season and not production’s precious Frankie like they designed it for.
LOLOLOL. Now production is vigorously trying to fix their ‘mistake’ by offering Derrick 50k to keep Frankie and get rid of Victoria.
Yeah, messed up for real.
Production realizes if Frankie doesn’t win veto, he is gone. Then Caleb next week, because he can’t play in hoh.
I get the feeling they don’t want Derrick to win. Lets not forget they tried to sabotage his game with the cop picture.
I wouldn’t put bribing past production. They bribed Shelly to flip the house to keep Rachel and vote out Lawon. Frankie being the brother of a pop star us big business for CBS, especially if he wins.
Fuck him and his disgusting talentless screamy sister Lolita!
If Vacancy stay out of the mirror long enough to study, she could actually pull off a comp win without any help.
is that why she took twice as long as the winner of the morph veto last time? Half the time she’s checking the morph pic, the other half she’s checking herself out in the mirrors? Or checking out the pic of herself.
i agree with whoever says that TA should have been done when Donny was evicted, since the other TA were the ones who made sure he was evicted. I’m sick of TA.
Do we know if this is actually real, or Derrick blowing smoke up Frankie’s ass? In his weird, twisted mind, this may actually be some strange game move,
I believe that production has interfered some to protect their storylines of Derrick and Frankie such as feeding them info.I will be upset if production rigs the AFP to keep Donny or Zach from winning.
I had somewhat gotten over the fact that production interferes because I know it happens every year… AND THEN this happens! I am so irate at this point. Not to mention you can bet that $50k will definitely ensure NO AFP. Disgusted with CBS and its blatant support of such a vile person as Frankie… I understand the support of Derr even if I don’t agree with it, but this is just taking it too far.
The only upside is knowing when Derr and Frankie get out of the house they will find out that America had absolutely no input on this crap.
Yotube the vid when Derrick gets the hollas from Zach…holla you fruit loop dingus…you’ll see everyone in the FR. Cody and Vic are in bed together and Vic is intimately caressing Cody’s arm. Cody sure don’t wait to move on! I wish I had his game.
So I wasn’t completely buying into them rigging this for this dirt bag, but I guess there’s no denying it now. I’ve never seen a bigger slap to the face. They make them think America voted to try to keep them.(HA!) No, no one likes you. This is a disgrace to Donny. The one person who actually deserved this. First time watching this show, never watching it again.
U can’t deny Frankie and Derricks popularity now. America luvs them! I voted for them, as did millions of other Americans! Frankie will be offered to host AGT while Derrick will get a role on CSI.
Zane, you crack me up! You should sign up for BB 17. Keep us laughing all next summer!
Hold up.
What exactly are they talking about? Production is giving them an additional $50k if they take each other to the final 2?
Is that what I am reading? Are they really controlling and fixing this game that much? WOW!
Megaphone people, please get on the case. If this is so, I am finished with BB.
Only ONE of them has to make it to the Final 2 AND win! Frankie can still be evicted this week if he doesn’t win the POV.
Just saw it clarified–both don’t have to be in F2 together. Either one can win the extra $$ if he is in F2. Hopefully, Derrick is blowing smoke up Frankie’s a** and will stick to the plan of getting him out if he doesn’t win veto.
If that’s the case then Donny should be able to get the money fuck Frankie!
I don’t want to see Fakie and Derrick working together. I want them to battle it out best one wins. America did not choose to see them F2 production did. How transparent. And how unfair to the others still left in the game. A last minute game changer that only F and D know about. Can you say fixed?
If production really is lining derricks pockets to keep frankie i am done, forever, with this show. Disgusting.
If Frankie doesn’t get evicted this week……I’m done with Big Brother. I know CBS could give a hoot if they lose one viewer but I can’t continue watching. If they are offering them cash bonuses (at this point in the game) I would be pissed as hell if I was one of them sitting in the jury house. WHY do they think the show can’t go on without Frankie??
They don’t have to make it to the F2 together. Just one of them and they have to win.
hopefully derrick won’t be stupid enough to think he has a shot at the 500K if Frankie is still in the game at the end F2 with him.
WTF is happening?
Did a new TA task happen where if Frankie and Derrick are the final two then the runner up gets $100,000 instead of the usual $50,000?
That is some BULLSHIT ‘twist’ to save Frankie and I am pissed…
Derrick needs to resist this shit because he has the $500,000 first place win if he takes Frankie out anyways.
I’m right there with ya king! There was no vote…so how could they have a “mission”?!?!? If they now are making stuff up to keep Frankie I’m done!!!
Yeah it is not fair that Production is making it so they get more money if they go to the end together.
America should have voted to see if they wanted them both to get more money and I know they would have denied it lol..
I just can’t believe Production would stoop this low..
There is nothing on the cbs website in the TA section about this ‘twist’. I thought Frankie came up with it as a way to get Derrick to not vote him out, but from the recaps here it seems production is going along with this tall tale? not sure. No vote option on CBS anyway, so how could America have voted anything.
why do they think Frankie would be better than Derrick for the win? Even Dan says Derrick is the player this year.
I thought America didn’t vote for having the play either, did we? I don’t see it on the CBS website.
I wouldnt be surprised if these “houseguests” were just a bunch of actors. Come on… 50K to vote out victoria this week? Ridiculous. Dumb. This show could be so good if they just left them alone. Stupid.
Can someone please explain to me why Derrick and Frankie are getting an extra $50,000 for F2? Did people vote for this? I didn’t get to watch the last show.
NO one voted for it ..Big Brother just gave them a card this morning stating that if Team America (Derrick & Frankie) get to the final 2 together … one of them will get another 50K. They assume america voted for it.. however its all production.
Maybe we get to vote who gets the additional $50k.
Soooo dirty! What the hell production?!? I hope Derrick doesn’t fall for it and gets his ass out! Frankie is not the end all be all on this show! He is super hated! We want him out!!!
If Derrick is truly playing a Dan G game – then he would stick to his original plan.
It is time for us to blow production out of the water – TMZ needs to hear about this – and that will only happen if we blow this up like we did last year with all the racist hate HG.
I agree that this smacks of game rigging! CBS seems to be walking a very thin line on this. Wish there was some authority to notify and have this looked into. Caleb, Cody and Vallerie, Veronica, whatever are being sacrificed to get the desired outcome by the network! Let this be fair warning to any future contestants. At any time, CBS could cut you adrift and deny you a fair chance at winning. So disgusted!!
Simon and Dawg have been good about this (that is, letting us refer to other BB sites) Keep up with Hamster Watch regarding this issue – if we need to callout production – HW will be on top of this – remember HW has put Frankie on total IGNORE for most of this season.
Never have I been so discusted with a show…If this is CBS way of last season of BB…they sure are doing it right….I believe they will lose loyal fans….NO ONE WANTS a blatant FIX and to lie and say WE voted….This takes the F……N cake
Dawg, can you verify the “together” part? Or is it that either or both could win an additional $50K if he or they reach F2?
I am totally disgusted. This is the kind of crap that may turn many fans away for good.
There seems to be a lot of confusion about the whole thing, as I’m reading around the web. Maybe only the winner gets an extra $50K. I’m not sure what’s going on.
What happened?
Let’s be clear Derrick and Frankie, America did not vote for you to have 50k if you made it to the end!
How would they even know that?
if production did that offering extra 50k for them both to get in the finals is bigtime crossing the line I would think the backlash will cost someone there job the little drama that is left is gone if this is true hope caleb or cody win out on the compsi truly think cbs feels like a pissed off audience is as good as any they will watch and be furious but still watch but hey maybe derrick said he got a note and is lying to Frankie never thought of that sweet
FU BIG BROTHER!!! FU! I cant believe the powers to be have teased the biggest money chaser (Derrick) by giving him a monetary incentive to keep Frankie around. BIG BROTHER: GET THE MESSAGE LOUD AND CLEAR THAT WE DON’T WANT FRANKIE IN THE SHOW ANYMORE. WE HAVENT FOR WEEKS!
As soon as their (mistaken) golden boy get in trouble, all of the sudden, there is an added monetary incentive to keep TA together. BULLSHIT!! Where was this incentive when Donny was around? AND BTW Big Brother, congrats on your big twist of Rewind. You ended up saving the biggest waste of player, Veronica. Again, where was this twist when fan faves Donny, Zach and Nicole needed it???
We hate you BB!
did anyone actual see this or were both told in the DR maybe derrick says he had a note for team America and is lying to Frankie wow that would be smart which one of them told the other about this anyone know then we figure this out just doesn’t make sense production doing it now I think about it
Why didn’t they just put Derrick and Frankie in the house for 10 days, let America vote for the winner and give us our summer back? I feel hosed.
There’s no Team America vote about this that I recall which makes me believe Frankie just made the whole thing up. Unless I missed something usually one person gets to read the TA challenge in the DR and explain it to the rest of TA. So I think Frankie maybe trying to trick Derrick I just don’t think Derrick will fall for it.
OK if this is for real then CBS is in for a world of hurt. The backlash is going to be intense. I think it’s more likely that Frankie made it all up, since CBS couldn’t possibly be stupid enough to do something so overt that the live feeders could see, screenshot, and use as proof. That’s why they do their interfering in the DR, where live feeders can’t see it happen. That’s my theory/hope/wish/prayer. If CBS is this stupid, they deserve the lawsuits all the other players would have all the rights to file against them!
As far as the game itself, I am a Derrick fan, but if he fails to evict Frankie this week (if Frankie doesn’t win POV) I will start rooting for the imaginary rat to win instead. Frankie is a vile human being and that’s all the time and attention I care to spend in that direction. Victoria appears to be a very simple kind of person – she’s the princess, the world is her oyster, end of story. I love hearing her versions of reality in how she got to be where she is in this game – does she even know it’s a game and not summer camp for the privileged? Caleb needs psychiatric counselling, and Cody needs to take Morals 101.
Of course, if Frankie was telling Derrick the truth about the card he supposedly got, then I change my mind. Cancel the season now and save the winnings, CBS will need them for those aforementioned lawsuits!
Been away for a few days – so 1st – want to congratulate Simon on his beautiful baby boy – Jack!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Now: Yes Caleb – you are loyal & you put up Frankie – even though that was the worse possible move for YOUR game. And yes Frankie – you are a true competitor. And yes Vic – you did impress me with your acting skills. HOWEVER…Every time I think I might start liking one of these houseguests – they open their mouths – & spoil it! ie: Caleb – “Nobody will vote for Donny for AFP – he is too old.” Frankie – “Caleb will not be perceived well for putting me on the block because everyone LUVS ME! Vic – “Can’t believe the jurors are so bitter they destroyed my necklace – and Hayden should have kissed my feet for being so nice to Nicole.” Ugh!! Really? Caleb is delusional, Frankie is disgusting & Vic is mean-spirited, entitled & CERTAINLY NOT innocent! I’ve said it from the start & even with all the down votes, I will keep saying it. Derrick is the only one who has played this game 24/7 from day 1. Like him or not – he deserves to win. I hope that he takes Cody with him to final 2. Cody is somewhat “impotent” but he is naive & sensitive & less offensive than the others. And as much as I like Zach, Donny is not only America’s Fav player this season – but in my opinion – America’s Fav Player of All Seasons.
INFUCKINGFURIATING! They’ve been rigging the game all along and shoving Frankie Evil Gay Grande down the throats of millions of fans of the show. TA was shit from the get go and has NOTHING TO DO with America.
Zach will be leaving with the grand total of 13k, while the despicable dickface, and GLOBALLY hated character, Frankie Lolita’s Brother Grande will leave with at least 130k. Zach Rance was and still is the show!
Please order a Drone Attack to the BBhouse!
assh##es ,why didn,t they try to save donny he was the best part of team amercia.i hate this shit don,t like either one of these jerks.you suck big brother for doing this haven;t you heard amercia doesn;t like either one of your lackeys.so done with this season .utopia on fox is a good show check it out
Ummm, because we don’t want to watch HGs go to bed at 9pm. Donny was such a bad player. Had to get rid of him. Keep the players to make it interesting. Villains make shows, not those that sleep thru skittle nominations.
You realize the house has continued to be boring even with Donny gone. None of them are exciting players that are left. We’ve been waiting all season for some excitement and it’s just been one dud after another! Even trying to backd@@r each other is boring.
Utopia is starting to be my favorite show. I love Utopia!
If they vote Frankie out, would Caleb put two and two together, he’s next to go. If they put up
Caleb and wins the veto, I hope Derrick gets evicted. That’s karma for using Caleb.
Boycott Big Brother! America Hates Team America!
I’m so over this kiss Frankie’s by CBS. oh no looks like they may actually get rid of grande, well we’ll just offer old Derrick 50k extra so he’ll keep him, maybe his sister gave them the money. I have watched since the beginning but this season has done me in, count me out from now on because these asses at cbs don’t care about the viewers.
They all seem very surprised that the jury is “so bitter”, yet Frankie is pissed that he was nominated. He hasn’t even left the game, yet alone been sent to the jury house. Again, it’s a case of “I can stab you in the back and screw you out of $500,000 but how dare you do the same to me!”
Maybe Derrick will have some integrity and say F$$k You and still votes Frankie out. Please tell me it’s a dream sequence and they will all wake up again and that never happened.
Derrick’s greed will turn him into a backstabbing monster. Good bye Beast Mode, Cody and Victoria. He will throw the comp to Frankie to cover his a$$ and get Frankie and Caleb 1 to 1 tie vote to evict to Cody so he can vote Victoria out to save face and keep the jury vote. Why Frankie and Caleb would agree to let him hide behind them? I don’t know (stupid?) but I can see it happening.
If this is true – we can all just not watch the rest of the season – ratings drop maybe CBS would learn they need to do some things different for next year. So if it is true spread the word to NOT watch.
The math is pretty simple. Millions of Grande fans equals spectacular finale ratings and guarantees another 16 seasons. Those millions of viewers outweigh the 3 Donny fans here.
I really hope now Victoria and Caleb are in the finals, this is beyond a slap in the face to viewers and the cast, this should make all the other cast members furious when they find out they didn’t have a chance from the start. Shame on you CBS.
This cannot be real. If this is real it will probably be the end for me.
I’ve watched every single season. This season has been such a disappointment.
I have watched every season too – but that’s done. Liars, idiots & thieves – I’ve had enough!
Did CBS tell them they will give them each $50,000 if they go to the end with each other? If so, that is garbage!
I loathe those two, they both feel they are entitled to the money. CBS has given them enough advantages.
I would rather have Delusional Caleb, Clueless Cody, or even Warrior Princess Not.. Victoria.
If Derrick goes with this. He will tell Clueless Cody he has a great idea. Lets make Delusional Caleb vote out Frankie, then he will tell Delusional Caleb why they need to keep Frankie. Bye, Bye, Victoria. If Frankie wins veto, Derrick will talk Caleb into putting up. Clueless Cody and Cody will be voted out.
If they try this scenario, I hope Cody, and Caleb grow a brain and either Frankie stays up or Derrick goes up . Whoever goes up, goes out!
What in the world are they doing to my show?? BB is my guilty summer pleasure and they are throwing it in the garbage.
They gave BB the Mtv makeover. But don’t fret, they still have BBCAN,BBAU, BBUK and many other countries and those shows are way more entertaining than BBUS. I think AG said screw you guys after Ian won. I mean, look what happened to the show since then. It’s circling the toilet now. I’ve watched this show since the beginning and the last 2 years have been a real disappointment. the show isn’t ours anymore, it’s the new generation. BB is just bringing in younger fans, nothing wrong with that, but in the process, the game has changed. It’s now become a mob mentality game that only makes 1 or 2 people play while everybody else just sits back and hopes for the best. What would really shake the game up is making the HG’s compete for jury. Anything less is just beating a dead horse.
How long can a bunch of morons stare at the wall.
First off, congrats, Simon! That’s a beautiful kid you have there. Thanks Dawg, for doing double duty. Is it just me or is this becoming the Joe Shmow Show?
Derrick would do anything for money.
That’s all I have to say!
CBS get ready for law suits!! Not only should the other players sue CBS, but all live feeders who paid to see a game ! American didn’t vote to give them anymore money for F2, we didn’t vent vote for $5,000 for a play, why would we vote to give them $50,000 extra yo fix the game!! This is really grounds for a law suit. Production blew it , they should of checked with their team of lawyers,
Unfortunately – viewers have no standing – email TMZ (if this is true).
see derrick even fooled you theres no 50k extra it makes no sense so they are talking about it half the things in the house are bull dawg just reported what they talked about
Awww too cute to see Derr who is married getting jealous of Vic and Caleb getting close haha I always knew he loved the attention he was getting from a young 22 year old girl
Is anyone 100% sure that Derrick is even going to go for this? $50K is a lot of money, especially since he’s not a media mogul and all, but he might still want Frankie out so he has a better shot at the $500K. I think he will really be thinking both options over if Frankie does not win the POV and he does. If Frankie wins it, Derrick goes up on the block and Frankie and Caleb could take him out. Not sure he’s willing to take the chance of keeping him because I don’t think he trusts him deep down.
For me it is not even the matter of if Derr tries to save Frankie because of this or not… personally I don’t think it will change anything because he can still get the $50k if he gets to the final 2 without Frankie. The 2 things that bother me about it are 1. The blatant attempt to save Frankie at all costs, literally and 2. That this most likely means Derr or Frankie will get the money that should be going to AFP.
These guys have gotten enough free money for doing nothing… putting Amber up as a physical threat- really?? (especially when they were HOH so they didn’t even have to do anything for the mission), making the hgs think there is a mouse for 2hrs??/ Its just BS.
Can you post a link to where Simon shows us a photo of his son? I some how missed this and would love to see his little boy. Thanks!
Congratulations Simon and a big welcome to the world to your little boy!
Simon, he is just beautiful! I wish you all health and happiness!
He is gorgeous. Perfect little face! Congrats!
simon and dawg did one person see the card or did both see it together very important detail now if derrick came out of DR and said this to Frankie I would think hes just trying to do backup work for veto if Frankie wins please let me know on the edge of my seat if its true production went way out of bound that’s why im trying to be objective could be a genius move on derricks part if Frankie told derrick he would be in DR to verify
Beautiful boy there… Congratulations. Cent’anni!
congrats and blessings on the newborn.
CONGRATULATIONS SIMON on your beautiful, bouncing boy!
An extra large thanks to Dawg for pulling extra shifts!
I never really believed the product fixing things for people until now. wtf
i like frankie because i think he is funny sometimes but its his time to go.
production is stupid.
This is Frankie trying to mist Derrick into keeping him. He knows if he doesn’t win POV, he is gone. Derrick and Cody control the vote. There is no TA mission. Frankie is making this one up to save his own sorry butt! I hope Derrick realizes this, which I’m sure he does.
I knew that production would do a lot to influence the game, after them putting back in the duo twist to save Rachel and now this, I’m kind of pissed! CBS has no integrity. But I’m not really surprised, of course they care more about dollar signs than the opinions of a few viewers because I would too if I was and executive! They know that for most of us we have followed the show for so long, it will be hard just to stop watching. You assholes at CBS…. touche!
Totally unfair! CBS is controlling the outcome to save Frankie! This is no longer a game, they fixed the outcome from the start! Totally unfair to all the other players and fans to give $50 extra to Derrick so he keeps Frankie safe! The other players should sue CBS.
A few days ago I bet my bottom dollar that prod”i”ction would make it so Skanky Derrick were the F2. I wish I bet more beacause I would be richer than Skanky’s sister! I even stated that Vicky would still be the one sent home. I hate it when I am right! Ugh! The worst season ever by leaps and bounds!
Where are these two getting all the information. They seem to know what’s going on. Caleb and Cody are in the dark.
Boring Boring Boring…. can’t wait until the finale, this is the next episode of big brother I am going to watch… I dislike ALL of them….. for me it is the worst season of bullshitter ever 🙂
complain on this link:
just sent my email, you need to copy and past this as many times as you can, we need to unite and let CBS know how us BB fans really feel, simon and dawg, please let us keep posting this great ideal over and over again!!!
I just did, thank you for the link , everyone flood CBS let them know how you feel about them fixing the show against the other players. And live feeders let them know you will sue!
I also sent CBS an email message expressing my feelings about production’s interference with the game. I agree with the previous posts. Keep posting this website so that other concerned BB fans can voice their concerns. We need to get the word out! This is just WRONG!!!!!!!!!!
Just sent off my email! This is outrageous!
Hope CBS clarifies this asap…………….
Hairyanna who?
can they legally rig this show like this? I kinda remember back in the day a tv game show was rigged and the studio got fined big time. before airing don’t they have to submit the rules and regulations? I just don’t get how they can get away with frankies toughing, grabbing, rape comments and everything else, if this was a corporate America company they could be sued for not addressing Frankies sexual harassment, am I wrong???
I don’t think it’s classified as a game show it’s classified as something else. Like “professional” wrestling maybe
well then Caleb should be able to beat the living shit out of Frankie then, lmao!!!!
I’m in the running to take over BB next year – tables will definitely be flipped.
Can they rig the show like this? The answer depends on the contracts the HGs signed. Somewhere in there is probably a clause that says BB can change the rules at any time. However if each HG is supposed to have an equal chance of winning then they could make the argument that this protection of Frankie puts other HG’s at a competitive disadvantage and could be grounds for breach of contract or fraud. Depending on what CBS does to appease the losing HG’s they could face civil or possibly criminal charges. Neither scenario is likely though as I’m sure CBS will grant a little bonus to the evicted HG’s and tell them to prove it or pound sand.
I just checked twitter, which is going crazy, and apparently they dont both have to make it, only one of them to get the extra 50k. GOODBYE FRANKIE
Simon or Dawg, is this true about Frankie and Derrick or is this Frankie assurring his safety. It’s just hard to believe Production would do this sort of thing. And if Derrick is such a huge BB fan, he’ll go ask. Wouldn’t he??
I doubt Frankie is lying. It’s too easy for Derrick to check the story, and then Frankie would look super shady. Frankie is smart enough to figure that out. It would be pointless to even try pulling off a lie that would be immediately discredited.
They don’t have to both be in F2…just if a Team America member is the overall winner then he gets an extra 50K!
Bring back Donny for the win!!
You think the jury is bitter? Just wait until Caleb and Cody find out that production has been lining Derrick and Frankie’s pockets all season and threw a last minute bribe at Derrick to keep Frankie and back stab their alliance. Vic will just be happy that her precious Derrick got more money. I hope Derrick resists but I doubt it. He doesn’t seem to have any integrity when it comes to money.
Suck on this, Skankie!
Mayim Bialik Has a ”Problem” With Ariana Grande Billboards: If She Has a Talent, Why Is She Wearing Lingerie?
Fill the fishtank with pyrhanas and push Pinky in. Nothing left but his earrings. Then be sure to dose the pyrhanas with peptobismol or something so’s the ASPCA doesn’t get their fur ruffled.
Now that they have thrown the additional $50K out there, they will probably have America vote for either Frankie or Derrick to receive the money if they are the final two, thus being “America’s Favorite”. If this is the case, I will not continue to watch “Big Brother” because I would be supporting a show which rewards people who treat others with disrespect, encourages rape and allow inappropriate groping, and the show then makes that person look nice in the editing.
Is the biggest rig attempt I have seen in the final 5. wow. OK.
fortunately Derrick wins the jury vote.
I hope “Twitter” is right that only one has to make it. I still don’t think it is fair to other players and it is a sign that production has a heavy hand in determining the winner. All my nagging doubts are gone. I would only watch next season if it is all stars and Donny and Zach return.
Hopefully Derrick will still see that his chance at the top prize is much better without Frankie in the mix. Derrick should realize that Frankie can point to his comp wins and social game to appeal to the jury where Derrick has to sell them on his puppet mastery which may be a hard sell next to Frankie. I really want both Derrick and Frankie to get tossed before the F2.
hey dawg when you were watching the feeds were derrick and Frankie pulled in the DR back to back or was one of them giving the info on a card like Americas task if so who got the card this is bb and I don’t have the feeds as you see everyone is jumping to conclusions just like we were in the house lets calm down here I hope derrick spread the info I think its brilliant if hes making it up
If this is true I’m done for sure. I almost feel for the first time BB is a game between them and the. BB Feeder/blogs. Think about it every time we were joyful that a good play wax going yo be made something happen and it never came to fruition. We have been bored and disappointed all season. Now this! All over the feeds people have been looking forward to Frankie leaving, this is like a slap in our faces.
This makes me think that on finale night Frankie sister is going to perform.
Yes this show is Big Brother VS Live Feeders
I think this is all a Frankie scam. It will be interesting if Derrick falls for it. I do think production may be involved but only to put the idea in Frankie’s head. If you follow the summaries on this site, Frankie was getting ready to go in the diary room,, and then in the next summary they are talking about this.
Is this for real? Or is Derrick making it up. I understand there is production interference but if this is true it is too much. America never voted for this task. I dont understand why production wants frankie to stay when America hates him. And if this is true do you think Derrick is seriously thinking of keeping frankie ?
It’s still vague to me..
told everyone several hours ago did anyone see them go into DR if it was just derrick 100 percent hes making it up because it makes no sense dawg was just reporting what they were saying im sure derrick came up with that because if Frankie told him that no way he would believe it but everyone started freaking before they thought about it
The only numb nuts now are many of the commenters here. Derrick is misting Frankie so well you’re buying it too. Derrick will be winning veto and voting Frankie out as planned imo. He’s a genius in the power of persuasion.
But what is the benefit of making that up to derricks game? And frankie can easily check with diary room and ask if it’s true. It seems like a big risk to take by Derrick with little reward.
OK, I get it…this is the Big Brother Series Finale. It cannot be any other way. This is so blatantly STUPID!!
Why are you doing this CBS? Why?
I just miss Zach so much…
I read on another site that they received a card stating that they get a extra $50,000 if one ( or both) make it to the final two. It had not been confirmed. The problem I have is they think America voted for it. Now, of course, Frankie ran with this saying “they love us, they want us in the final two” that’s not necessarily what it means. It could be a cash bonus for one of them if a member of TA makes it to the end.
I don’t get this. Was it ever even in doubt that Derrick would get to the finals? The lack of suspense is one of the reasons this season has been so incredibly boring. So, why this extra incentive to give him another $50k for continuing to play the game? If that’s true then Production is dumber than the houseguests.
Donny deserves the money. These scumbags don’t deserve any extra TA money or one cent more.
did anyone see them in DR together or back to back use your head here it doesn’t add up I bet derrick said to Frankie hey we got a mission to get to the end together and hes lying about everything now that makes sense everytime they had a mission only one of them actual saw the card something to think about
Ugh these two talking AGAIN about how America loooooooves them makes my stomach turn. TA should have ended when Donny was sent packing and these two sob’s should’t be rewarded with another red cent! I don’t know what kind of crap the DR/Production are feeding them but they are in for a rude awakening when they get out.
Also can they please put a sock in this talk about how Cody is so “adored” at the Jury House! Uhm…maybe by Christine but that’s about it.
Ok, here is what this means:I believe the statement on the paper was that 1 member of TA will get an extra 50k if 1 of them makes it to F2 and wins.
Derrick evicts Frankie this week(as long as Frankie doesn’t win POV).
Derrick then goes on to win the game and the 500k.
Donny is voted the TA member to get the 50k(he is still part of TA even if he is outta the house)
Then they give Frankie the 25k AFP award(even though it would have been Zach finishing 2nd in the voting behind Donny).
That way they keep Frankies sister happy by showing him how much America LOVES him.
I think I’m going to puke now
Frederick gives cops a bad name, Frankie gives homosexuals a bad name, Caleb is just stupid, and Victoria is clueless. The best twist would be to give America’s favorite the $500,000. Just saying….
TA was formed for America to vote for the missions that were to take place. So if this is true about production giving them this mission that’s bulls–t and totally against what America would choose. I think it has to be Frankie making it up. The only reason production would want to keep Frankie is so the network will get partial credit if Frankie donates money to charity for real. Thinking this will help their ratings.assholes
I meant Derrick.
Derek will just get rid of Frankie and get the 50kI don’t like Frankie or Derek.
Derek will just have a bigger ego.
Just when you thought that the fix was in, then here comes the no doubt moment that it is. WTH? There was never anything on for an America’s vote for this crap. Who would honestly vote for this? Now if it was when Donny, Nicole or Zach were up – I wouldn’t be complaining but production is doing everything they can to keep Frankie in this game and in the final 2. It feels like the Rachel/Jordan season, and that season sucked too.
I’m glad to see Jocasta returned and dished a bit of payback on Frankie, Derrick and the rest of the HGs. In fact Derrick and Frankie are constantly talking about her. It’s great she dished some psychological warfare mixed with karma to both Frankie and Derrick. I hope you bring her back again next week because she’s definitely a valuable asset. To see the old Jocasta come back is worth watching. It’d be great if she also convinced the jury to abstain from voting so neither Derrick nor Frankie win. None of the HGs in that house deserve to win.
This is Derek s mist again in case Frankie wins veto.
I told you guys don’t jump to conclusions
First off….i hate frankie as much as anybody. But just a few weeks ago yall were begging for production to get involved to save donny……? Now youre mad bc its rigged. …yall are some sad people and obviously obama supporters with that logic
Complain here:
For all the comments about Frankie’s inappropriate sexual antics, I believe Victoria should receive the same amount.
She has stroked alot of the boys and been ‘aggressively cuddling’ throughout the season. Just because she’s a girl (I think), doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be held accountable for rubbing so many guys. They discussed alot when she wasn’t in the room. Her touching Hayden’s junk and she straddled Cody a few times, but the guys found her repulsive, needy and immature.
I think she could be accused of sexually assaulting a few people too.
This is crap, horsesh$t, nonsense, utterly rediculous, bullsh$t, etc., etc., etc!!!
I can understand production wanting to spice things up like with Frankie’s solo BoB win, using the editing process to create a story or portray a HG in a certain way, or use the DR session to stir the pot and create drama but this is blatant bribery to achieve a certain outcome. Production seems to think Frankie brings something to the show and so goes beyond stirring the pot to coercing other players to do what production wants, which is to keep Frankie.
There’s a difference in being a villain and being loathed. You can hate the villain but enjoy their antics but Frankie is loathed by many because of his character. After BB how many viewers will care what happens to Frankie? Few. Most of the others are not loathed even if they are unliked. I don’t like Jocasta, Victoria, or Hayden but I don’t want them to have miserable lives after the show. I wouldn’t feel bad if I read Frankie’s TA car crashed into a manure truck and burst into flames. If it was anyone else I’d feel bad about enjoying the smell their burning flesh mingling with cow patty stench.
I am not the least bit surprised that Derrick would agree to this he has had $$$$ signs in his eyes all summer. I am sure every pore of his body smell like GREED.
If production really did this then all the live feed people have a right to CBS and tell them what they think. America would not vote for this, only Ariana fans would. These people at CBS need to be sued.
There should be no TA as these two disgusting people sent Donny home because he was onto Derrick.
I’ve been watching BB since season 8 and have read these boards every year. Every year everyone states this is the worst season ever, lol. I wonder, has there ever been a season people actually liked?
I really dislike these people. All 5 of them. Just totally dislike ’em.
The POV is a timed event , we see the times at the end of play so the winner can be whoever production wants to win.