POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | Sept 6th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Sept 8th |
HOH Winner | Frankie | Next HOH | Sept 10th |
Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? | ||
POV Players | ? |
10:23pm Frankie wins the HOH they are contemplating pressing the button
The Card on it reads “The choice is yours it only takes one”
They decide to push the button a count down start
Derrick says there is something happening on Wednesday night. Cody and Caleb are excited they think it’s something good. Derrick thinks it might be a eviction, “It’ll be something that alters the game”.
Derrick points out Wednesday at 5 o’clock there will be something that alters the format of the game. (Derrick isn’t happy)
Cody says there might be a live show on Wednesday
(It will be interesting if Frankie makes a move and stabs someone in the back then with the rewind it doesn’t matter)
10:37pm Fire Room
Frankie keeps saying pushing the button was the best thing to do isn’t thinking of the negatives, “what a boring week there could have been but not now”
Derrick isn’t happy about the button being pushed. Caleb and Frankie are saying they have to push the button never in BB history has anyone not pushed the button. Frankie stresses that the fans would be pissed if they pushed the button. Caleb says the only thing he was worried about is it saves Victoria by messing up the nominations.
Frankie – I’m going to put on my best makeup Wednesday night”
Frankie asks if they want to talk about Noms. Derrick doesn’t want to ruin the day but Frankie is the HOH they can do whatever.
Frankie says Victoria is the target.
Frankie thinks the button means they are going to have a luxury comp. he starts sticking out his tongue starts saying BLAH BLAH (See image)
10:56pm Storage Room Frankie and Derrick
Derrick was worried that pushing the button would dethrone Frankie’s HOH.
Caleb joins them. Frankie says Caleb has kept him safe twice and so has Derrick but Cody only kept him safe once.
Frankie grabs at Caleb crotch, ‘Stop it Frankie people are going to think I’m fruity.
Frankie – You’re not fruity i’m just a homosexual man in a house with hot guys
Frankie leaves.. Derrick whispers to Caleb “Frankie ia beast man “ Frankie comes back in they talk about Nominations sounds like Victoria and Cody are going up.
Caleb – at the end of the day Victoria is our target
11:15pm Derrick and Frankie
Derrick – Franke i’m being honest with you i’m going to win the next HOH and you are safe
Derrick says he’s not going to get out another TA member and get booed like that. Derrick can’t win in the end against Cody or Caleb or Frankie but he would rather Frankie win it because of the charity.
Victoria joins them and Frankie leaves. Derrick says for her not to get too upset if she goes up. Pressing that button is going to be REAL BIG it’s not a luxury competitions a celebrity visit or a trip it’s something that Alters the game
Derrick tells her she’s the TOP girl of BIg brother 16 “At this point it’s a friggin crap shoot.. you are the number one girl out of all these girls.. you already won I still have 3 guys to beat”
Victoria is scared to get booed now. Derrick is scared to.
Victoria points out Zach got no boos and Christine got a lot there is something up. Adds that Nicole got huge Cheers.
Derrick – Victoria you won you’re the top girl in the house”
Victoria tells him if she leaves this week he needs to win it.
Derrick is worried because they are starting to see him as a competitor.
11:35pm Everyone in the living room
Chit chat about Christine getting booed
Frankei – There was a sigh when I won the Veto..
Derrick tells them how awesome big brother Canada was. Frankie says they had crazy production.
11:48pm Talking about the competition
Cody says he had 7 Seeds planted, “My sh1t was flying”
11:55pm bathroom
Victoria is nervous
Frankie is too they have no idea what is going to happen on Wednesday
Victoria says she’s the last girls in her eyes she’;s already won
They hug Frankie tells her
Frankie tells her they are in the final 5 they should proud of where they are “Nothing is over yet don’t get all melodramatic”
Frankie wonders if Christine if furious right now. he tells Victoria about when Caleb was picking the HAve nots and was Asking who only did it once. Christine was pointing at Frankie but Caleb picked Nicole and Derrick volunteered.
What was said about the twist
If That button is pushed in the coming days then next weeks live vote will stop live on the air The two nominees Will immediately come off the block The Game will rewind and the entire week will be replayed that means next week’s nominees could go from being on the block to becoming head of household. It’s a week you do not want to miss as we are full steam ahead to the finale. Tune in Sunday to see who is the new Head of Household To see this Big Brother Rewind twist unleashed on the houseguests and to witness the return of Big Brother legends Jeff and Jordan for a surprise announcement. Then to make way for the NFL we are changing our schedule for the rest of the season. POV back up for grabs Tuesday 8/7c then the Live Eviction will be Wednesday 8/7c will another house guest be evicted or will the game stop dead in it’s tracks.
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Expose Derrick to Victoria. Frankie for the win, plays a better game to watch than Derrick the pig.
Calling Derrick a pig just shows what kind do person you are, no wonder you want Frankie to win.
Who’s the Pig ?Who wanted Vic to be gang raped
Did they really do a twist to save Victoria? smh.
it seems like this is the first twist where the outcome is actually half way positive. In fact, it couldn’t happen to a (not) nicer guy, the fact that Frankie is HOH, Frankie puts up the noms, Frankie will no doubt win VETO or someone who does not change the noms will be ideal, and then, voila, stop motion camera, and everything they planned for is undone.
sure Victoria isn’t going to win the HOH that is replayed, but Cody might, and sure Victoria will still probably go up, but let’s also face it, Victoria will have already been told they planned to get her out because they are going to Britney her before the vote, which probably means while live feeds are still on. Cody will by this time realize how close he came to being a target, given he goes up next to her. There is a real chance he could be HOH, then just not put up Victoria, which would be kind of awesome.
Interesting thoughts Sunnydee. I’m a little worried that Frankie will just win the rewind HOH anyways. It would be a waste of this “twist”! I think derrick/ Caleb made a big mistake not getting rid of Frankie when they had the chance. he is better at the competitions and will continue to have to upper hand — which makes me so annoyed.
You wasted being first, idiot. This was as immature and delusional as Frankie James Grande.
Nice going Skankie, you just cancelled your own nominations… And you can’t play in the next HOH.
Ha Ha
Why cant he play in the next HOH? If its a reset then he should be able to play.
Called it .. Pushed and Nothing changes … How this week plays out .. Victoria is the “target” … Pov is played and if Cody wins Derrick/Caleb goes up who cares right .. But prolly Derrick goes up. But most likely noms remain the same. Victoria is told she might be leaving .. Boom Victoria you are saved ! Wow thanks production for saving Victoria .. Next hoh obviously Victoria doesn’t win and she is up again and is the target again … Nothing changes .. Thanks for wasting my time .. There is gonna be nooo drama at all .. No one left to do it. It’s gonna be a slow pick off till the end and really who cares … All four boys are just as likely to get final three … But does it matter .. Nope .. Snooze fest since zach got booted. (Really it was an eye opener when Donny and Nicole were hoh and I realized how loner they were by not banding together and putting up the four boys making one group have power from beginning to end and the others going bye bye one by one .. It also showed me there would be no drama when they turned on each other as Christine was gonna get booted first chance so that equals smooth sailing no drama no back stabbing allllll talk!)
Right on to tge poster who nailed Frankie as a narcissist. 100% believe this is an accurate assessment of that douche bag. If he somehow pulls out a win for A’s fave bcuz of sissy’s prepubescent fans I (ewwwww, question the scary threat!) will finally break up w my little guilty pleasure that is BB! For tge love of God is everyone in Hollywood so deluded and out of touch that production thinks viewers are just enthralled w his perma audition? On another note, any thoughts on how to restore BB? It’s become absolutely predictable. Unless production changes the way the screen/select players I’m afraid we are in for the same show again and again. This whole voting w the house, openly telling players they are going up/home??! Seriously, WTF is the point of watching? I know….don’t watch then. I’m just bummed to see my summer indulgence go down the tubes. As if we weren’t tortured enough with that fist full of a holes that was BB15!
Agree – is it Frankie or Caleb that cannot play for HOH with the reset?
Its a reset, he will be able to play. His best option right now is to ensure that he does what the boys want and not try and backdoor anyone. its obvious they will nominate victoria but the second nominee needs to be unanimous so that theres no backlash on frankie if he does not win HOH after the reset.
I think they threw the comp to Frankie Frankie had planned to throw this comp
Frankie said he was going to throw the comp, but do you really believe he meant it? I never did. When you watched him, you could see his determination to win.
Too bad that button can’t rewind the entire season…going back to when they were casting these dolts.
A few things really pissed me off about tonight’s episode..
#1) Fuck Team America, No Donny, should be over! Or at least give us a good ‘fuck-you’ option to pick between, not those two lame ideas that only benefit TA and aren’t even entertaining and barely game related
#2) Rewind button… where the fuck was this when Zach/Cody were on block or when Nicole/Donny were on the block. Fans BEGGED for this kind of twist at that point… And they actually had this twist up their sleeves and didn’t use it then and waited until now! Well too little, too late CBS!.
#3) CBS better allow an audience that gives it worse to Frankie than they did to Christine. BOOOO the fuck out of Frankie please!!! Do NOT muzzle the audience or fill with Frankie friendly members (AKA Ariana fans)! AND NO FRANKIE, the audience wasn’t booing Christine in your defence, are you that fucking delusional?!?
#4) Vote Donny AFP! Zach and him are the faves, no doubt… but Zach was one of ‘them’ (the only good one mind you). But it will destroy Frankie if Donny wins it! If Zach does win Frankie will convince himself it was because of their close relationship (fuck ZaNKIE)… He has proven himself to be this delusional, so PLEASE vote DONNY AFP!!!
Agreed! It’s absolutely CRITICAL to vote for Donny. Although those Ariana Grande “tweens” don’t “WATCH” the game, you can bank on it that they WILL VOTE. Like little lemmings.
If we don’t vote (and Frankie wins AFP) it’s on us!
Vote For DONNY!!!
Totally agree 100%. When I first heard about the button, I was like what f***ing good is that NOW! All the people we wanted to see get some justice in this game are already gone. All it will do is save a piece of $hit for another. Team America died the moment Donny left. Donny for AMERICA”S FAVORITE all the way.
TEAM BEARD FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn’t even read your comment, your screen name echoes my sentiments exactly & for that you get an up vote!
I agree with everything you said, especially allowing the audience to boo the hell out of Frankie! I was thinking the same thing last night – Frnakie, if you think this is bad, wait until your ass gets in front of the live audience!
CBS is still doing the hard sell of Frankie to the audience. I’d be surprised if they allowed him to be booed if he ever gets evicted. He’s so delusional and self involved that he wouldn’t even notice the boos unless it was an overwhelming chorus.
And who is naive enough to believe that that narcissist, self-centered Frankie is planning on using a paltry single cent on homes for children in Africa or wherever he claims he was planning on spending his winnings? Good God, wake up people! I will bet my entire life savings that he isn’t using that money on anyone but himself!
(It will be interesting if Frankie makes a move and stabs someone in the back then with the rewind it doesn’t matter)
This is exactly what I’m hoping for and also that he doesn’t win the HOH rewind!
frankie already lost his golden opportunity to veto christine and vote out the replacement, then derrick could not compete for hoh and team FC gets out another. no balls in the house. sheeps to slaughter.
This could prove to be very interesting. Hopefully everyone shows their cards, and the lines are drawn in the sand, and the next few weeks will not be boring.
It would have been better if the button caused all of the current houseguests to switch places with the jury members (except for Christine). It would be much more entertaining to see the likes of Nicole, Hayden, Zach and Donny battle it out….they even have their very own Victoria in the form of Jocasta.
That is exactly what I was thinking, Something to stir this competition up but good. Not just rewind these last few. And I know everybody hates Frankie, but I would much rather see him win than Victoria, She has done nothing to be where she is except ride Derricks coat tails and be protected by him. At least Frankie has competed. He won that football comp all by himself. Victoria’s shit talking about Donny, was disgusting. So I definitely would pick Frankie over her.
I only want Derrick to win if they reveal on the final episode how he ran the house and manipulated everybody every step of the way, and that he is an undercover cop and that aided in his game. Also about TA, If they won’t do that then I want Caleb to win because he thinks he is going to win America’s fav…and he’s not, He thought he ran the house…..and he didn’t, he thought Amber liked him….and she didn’t, He thought Donny was special forces….and he’s not, he thought throwing the football challenge would cause Frankie to loose and it didn’t. I kinda feel sorry for him. And Cody is just plain disgusting.
Derrick is running that house, he is playing the best game. He manipulating all of them and they don’t have the slightest of clues. He knows how to stroke their egos just the right amount of time and in just the right way. Of all those left, he deserves tho win. In my opinion, he didn’t personally attack anyone and for that, I can feel good about him winning. I pick Donny for America’s fav.
That would have been GREAT if it sent them to jury and brought jury members back! Ha ha! Would have also been a bogger twist if the 2 nominees inturn came off the block and could each nominate 1 person in thier place!
will Frankie be able to play in next HOH with the rewind activated?
My understanding is that yes he will be able to.
Will Derrick? Would think not if rewinds to before Frankie’s HOH when Derrick was HOH but I’m not sure.
Something fishy…. Someone there must have been given a hint as to what the button does. Why else would they push the button within minutes of Frankie winning HOH?
They are a bunch of little kids with ADD.
This is Big Brother….every button is pushed, every Pandora’s box is opened etc. etc. As much as we all hate these houseguests, there is nothing wrong or unusual about them pressing the button.
Naw, they’re all just greedy little bitches.
Because Frankie is a grown man trapped with a 5 year old girls mind. And what do 5 year girls love the most? Bright shinny objects.
lol !
And attention…
ROFLMBO!!!!! Good one! 😉 <3
Production would’ve strongly urged them to push it anyway. It’s bad enough that BB16 has been a milk-toast season. Not pushing it would’ve made them look even more boring.
Derrick is the only one really freaking out about it because it’s outside of his sphere of influence. It’s an unknown that cannot be smooth talked into submission and he hates that.
They’re trapped in a tiny house 24/7 for months on end with literally nothing to do.
Of course if you give them a button, they’re going to push it — and you would too.
They were so stupid to push it right away. They gave up any of the incentives that BB would have thrown at them to encourage them to press it. You wanted $10k to push it well,nope we will all just push it . No drama of who would take the bait….so boring
The button was pushed because Frankie thinks that it’s going to be a big luxury!
He thinks that production and America adore him, he’s always making comments.
Poor little pink skunky head…so delusional. Finally, some fun in this game, talk about the eleventh hour. These folks are in for a rude awakening. I think that BB should track them for 3 months after the show to let us see the realization and the fallout..
Soooo….all of the plotting and game playing and discussing means absolutely nothing for the next 5 plus days. What an AWESOME present for the live feeders! THANKS CBS!!
How the hell does this dude keep winning?!?! Like Evel Dick has been saying on Twitter…#FUCKFRANKIE
Remember when Skankie won a similar POV all by himself when Caleb refused to play as a team? It was the same type of competition, moving an object through a maze indirectly. The HOH was the same kind of puzzle and they knew in advance that Skankie excelled in it. The challenge was designed for Skankie to win.
I think that’s why we’ve seen mostly puzzles this entire season because Frankie excels at them. We haven’t seen an endurance comp in weeeeeks
I’m hoping this whole twist is designed to CRUSH Frankie. They gave him an easy win. He’ll be especially annoying this week – which will make it all the more satisfying when he’s pulled down and has to play an HOH that he (hopefully) can’t win. Cody wins it, Frankie gets evicted and booed, and finally the audience gets a bit of enjoyment out of this season.
Congratulations Frankie! You are the new HO—RESET BUTTON!!!
Ok this might be interesting now, Frankie makes a big move and pisses everyone off and then its all undone :D. I think I’ve come to the conclusion that a garbage deserves a garbage winner…so im pulling for Victoria to win…
And this double eviction just increased my anticipation of seeing Frankie evicted because im positive his boos will be even more scathing and humiliating than Christines.
I wouldn’t call putting up Victoria and Cody a big move. Looks like another predictable week. Either way, Frankie and Derrick will probably be safe again this week.
Finally some action! why couldn’t they pull this stunt two weeks ago!
Production just thought of this in the past 2 days……pathetic.
The only things I am looking forward to is the secret announcement from Jeff and Jordon and Thursday night football. This season is over for me!
Announcement from Jeff and Jordan = upcoming marriage? (and not BB16 related?)
maybe they were waiting for the right time for Frankie to think he’s the shit and then get it taken away! ahahahahaha
That would be nice. Then can they do it to Miss Piggy next?
Not even mad about Fakster winning HOH cause it’s its VOIDED hehheeee (I sound like a child with my glee over this reset )
I just hope he doesn’t win again. Maybe Cody will win this time and pay him back for the nom. Something has to happen to get rid of this guy who is so vain that he already KNOWS(according to him) he’ll be back for an All Star season of BB.
this is all
That didn’t take long. A whole week for nothing. Who will end up on the block?
Frankie just told Caleb and Derrick, he is putting up Cody and Vic. Rewind is worthless, it just saves Vic. What will she do after rewind, nothing. She can’t win comps.
So rewind twist amounts to squat.
Fakie is in full diva mode. He’s bragging that he’s only had 18 days that he hasn’t slept in the HOH and how those were a rough 18 days. The look on CrazedCaleb’s face was great. Could a light be dawning? Nah! It is CrazedCaleb after all.
But if NoBalls or Derprick wins the HOH then things could change real fast especially if Fakie can’t play for HOH.
Full diva mode can’t even describe it. Nothing can describe it. His ridiculous mugging to the TV audience and JC, his stupid remarks and not to mention the twirling and posing, were the most obvious display of attention-grabbing foolishness I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine there is anywhere in his life that this is accepted.
And let’s not forget those shorts he had on!!! They came from the Jr. girls department no doubt! And the shoes that did not match that blinded all of us with their brightness! I was nauseous the whole hour looking at that beat up old circus clown! No HG has ever made me so sick in 15 years of viewing! Well the so called mastermind, Derprick has nobody but himself to thank for this jag off still being in the house! Cody and Caleb too since they had no balls to get him out! There were 2 great opportunities in the last 2 weeks that just passed on by and we are still stuck looking at that non-human piece of filth! My fear is the ship has sailed and this waste will be sitting in the final 2. if that’s the case, I am done and will never watch another season of this rubbish! hey Grodner, you and your flunkie, fairy boy suck!
It’s sad but true , they will most likely be back in the same stupid situation as in before they pressed the button. all these dumbasses put themselves in this situation because like Nicole said ” they have been playing like big babies not big brother”. If they would not have kept such a conceded backstabbing fake ass liar like Frankie for so long they could’ve been in a better situation. Basically they are just handing over money to a guy who has tons of it and that’s just wrong . Why didn’t CBS just do a celebrity big Brother if they wanted money to be donated
I don’t think a celebrity would take 3 months out of their schedule to do BB. The next option is to bring in the humping pervert who is related to a so called celebrity. Frankie has been so vile throughout the show, his BOOS will be heard out in the CBS parking lot. Last night on BBAD, he was laying up against Derek in a way that was so disgusting. It looked like Derek was so uncomfortable. Why don’t those guys say or do something? He is violating their private space and they do very little to call him out. He is in for a huge wake up call when he steps out in front of that audience as well as the general public. Try rubbing up against someone in public the way he does and he will find himself in a different reality – either he will get the cr-p beat out of him or land up in jail.
And all he had on was a towel
And the way he walked away with his hands in front of his private area, my first thought was that he had a you-know-what….
Mathematics. The show was extended 1 extra week, so basically, this week (9/4- 9/10) is a waste of time.
9/10 is supposed to be final 4
9/17 is supposed to be final 3
(Leaving 7 days of dead air until season finale).
The reset button is supposed to fill in the dead air time:
9/10 – final 5 reset, no one evicted
9/17 – eviction, final 4
9/21 – POV, Sunday eviction and Final 3
9/23 – Tuesday, Final HoH part 1
9/24 – Final HoH part 2 & 3 (Season Finale)
Exactly, so the button was always supposed to be pushed!
I think there will still be someone evicted next wednesday: They’ll probably treat it like a double eviction:
– announce the twist
– play for hoh
– play for veto
– eviction
Then, this twist wouldn’t change anything about the timing, it’s just an attempt to make things more interesting… or at least “different”… oh, well…
ok, my bad… just read through the description of the twist again:
“will another house guest be evicted or will the game stop dead in it’s tracks.”
so, you’re right. no eviction at all this wednesday.
Julie Chen even said if the button is pushed, everything rewinds and the whole week is played out in one night like a double eviction. Maybe if you paid attention you wouldn’t criticize when criticism isn’t necessary. The twist is useless, but it isn’t filler. The missing day is likely a memory day.
Hahahahaha!!! That is what I thought would happen (Frankie won HoH) and the button was tempting. Can’t wait to see the look on Frankie’s face!!! Muah hahahahahaha!!! Sucka!!!!
Yaaaaaas Frankie’s HOH will be worthless
Hahaha Frankie!!! You are screwed!!!
Please Frankie make a HUGE move just to have to explode in your face! I want to hear you get boo’d and hissed!
The audience won’t boo him. They still laugh every time he’s on screen during the live shows. Either the audience is just a bunch of idiots (certainly not live feeders), or the producers instruct them not to be mean to their little pink sweetheart. ugh….
Fakie was very upset that he didn’t hear cheers when he won veto while Derprick heard cheers when he won HOH. I think as the week goes on and Fakie starts remembering the boos it will eat away at him.
would be awesome to see frankie try to back stab one of his members
Little did Derrick know that this is a blessing in disguise. Another shot at ousting Frankie.
As much as Derrick likes all his i’s dotted and all his t’s crossed, the unknown quantity of the button is going to drive him absolutely bat shit.
This button is going to change nothing! Frankie will nominate Cody and Victoria, the veto is used, Victoria stays on the block, they vote to evict Victoria, and Julie comes on the screen and tells them that the nominations are void. The game is reset and then we repeat the whole week over again, only this time if Frankie doesn’t win HOH, he is nominated. He will probably win the veto, and Victoria will go home. I don’t know what CBS is trying to accomplish with this twist….
Also, I LOVE the big “X” on Frankie’s hoh logo at the top of the page. Haha. Love you Dawg&Simon.
I totally agree. I absolutely LOVE seeing that big red X!
So true….I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if Frankie wins the HOH again. It’s increasingly looking like he’ll make it to F2. I really wish he could get knocked down a few notches then gets evicted. The self adulation is beyond nauseating.
I don’t have or know how to use Twitter… but people should tweet (tell) Jeff/Jordan to wear Donny Fear the Beard shirts on the show on Sunday… it’d be hilarious IMO hahaha
What an idiot. Frankies hoh means nothing. Ha ha ha 🙂 epic
Now they want derrick to win, cmon, as I said multiple times bb loves it that the jurys will be so surprised about derrick being an undercover cop, it is their own lityle 21 jumpstreet storline, and I seen it coming months ago, this season has been so predictable, oh, and I sure hope the rest of the idiots get boos from the audience and they didnt waste them all on christine!
I can’t wait to see Fakie’s face when he finds out his HOH is void. Hopefully he will be the one evicted
Little does Frankie know but this will screw him over big time!! Unless they are ball-less and draw Skittles again…he will nominate 2 people that will be pissed at him. When the game resets, unless Frankie wins the HOH again, he will be the target of those 2. Same goes for the POV ceremony, If someone uses or doesn’t use it, people will be pissed!! This is a surefire way of creating enemies amongst themselves!! Unless they Skittle up!! This is gonna be good!!
Oh this might work for us Skankie haters. I hope he makes his “big move” and then it blows up in his face and they finally get him out. I watched BBAD just as they were pushing the button. For some reason The Skank felt it necessary to strip down to his underwear and pose for the camera and walk around the house. Vomit. Jeez that dude just is wrong in the head.
LMAO…. what a visual.
On another site the contributors call Frankie “Mango.” I think that’s funny!
yay – Frankie’s noms are off the block – lets hope like I said before he doesn’t win HOH again and same o same o. Hope he puts up Der/Cody – He’ll probably put up Vic with who ever and veto may take Vic off and put up the other. Caleb not going up. Whichever way it goes lets just hope anyone other then Frankie wins reset HOH.
it’s amazing how Fakie was telling BMC to not push the button. Then he wins HOH and decides to push it. Karma is coming round. his noms will be voided Wednesday and his ass is going up and out of BB. Yay!!!!!!
honestly …. can’t wit for BBCan to start. 😉
I could not have wished for a better person to lose HOH due to this rewind button than Freakie. I only hope the next HOH actually heard what Dingus Fruit Loop said and starts playing the game!
Omg I Love it! By them pushing that button and Frankie being HOh that means who ever he puts up means nothing and there going to go after Frankie! He is going to wish he could go back in time and not push that button! I do believe it will be the end of ole Frankie he can go be booed off the stage just like Christine!
LOL! That didn’t take long… Hope Frankie gets evicted next week!
Frankie…it doesn’t matter what you do…you always look like an asshole.
Lol Frankie just planned his own demise. Well I am sure production had planned this rewind to save Frankie’s tail and now it just backfired on him. Hopefully Victoria puts his ass up on Weds.
Ok I misunderstood Julie, I thought she had said the two on the block during the live eviction become HoH and each putting one other person up? Now that I read what the twist says I am still a bit confused maybe someone can help me out. So during the Live Eviction the voting is stopped and they come off the block and the week is rewinds and they all compete for HoH?
She DID say they could become HOH. Exactly what she said.
Don’t worry. They’ll make the next HOH comp a mash-up of his YouTube videos (or something similar) to guarantee he wins again. They want to keep trying to sell that defective bag of goods to the audience when all we want is to witness his epic downfall.
Holy crap. Frankie won hoh. Worst person to win since he is the only one right now who would put Derrick up for eviction. But luckily, all these morons could not even wait more than 2 hours to push the rewind button.friggin hilarious. So hoh will have to be done again. Hopefully Derrick or Caleb win this time.
UGH!!!! Frankadouche blows
Now the week is setup for Derrick. Frankie won’t put him up. Even if he does, Derrick gets saved by rewind.
Frankie winning HOH and pushing rewind was best case scenario for Derrick.
Not gonna lie, I voted Victoria’s Hair Extensions for best game…
They are playing one hell of a game!
It’s the toaster!
I voted for Sock Monkey. After all he’s had to endure with these cretinous creatures holding him, rubbing him, sleeping with him, its the least I could do for him. Plus the poor thing probably stinks to high heaven at this point.
… so basically, instead of watching the week unfold and think “this is all for nothing”, now we know for a fact that everything that happens this week “is all for nothing”.
I admit the only great thing is that it’s Frankie’s HOH that won’t count.
I’m looking forward to his face, and I hope Cody wins the “HOH that actually counts” and boots his butt out of there.
But in terms of twist, and of when to let us know what will happen in 6 days from now, this $ucks. Allison, I’m talking to you!
If only this twist could have happened when Donny and Zach were still in the house…
Also can’t Derrick just win the 500k, so we can be done with this season already?
My predictions: Frankie will put up Cody/Victoria, nominations stay the same. On Wednesday, Cody wins HoH, puts up Victoria/Frankie, Frankie leaves.
This is more wishful thinking I suppose.. I really don’t care for any of them, Frankie is just the worst of the worst;
This season has become to predictable and boring. There is nobody to root for anymore. Just give the money to the best player(Derrick) and let us be done… We have endured enough… Onto Survivor, or BBCan3. Are there any other good BB’s I should watch?
Sorry for the long post, have a good day everyone 🙂
Not too long at all. Hit it on the head. :0)
You can watch BB AU (OZ) which starts 8 Sept. I watch on youtube and there is usually a 2 or 3 delay but well worth waiting for. BBUK Celebrity is on now.
The downside of them pushing the button is it rewinds the week so Frankie will be able to play in the HOH again. Damn it!
The problem is that Frankie can beat everyone of these guys at comps. he just won POV and HOH . Unless the others start winning not sure all this will matter. That is the problem. How do they keep letting him win?
Don’t worry! The next HOH comp is going to be a staring contest…we know who will win that!
Another worthless twist. Target Vic, she gets saved by rewind. Then she can’t do anything about it because she can’t win comps.
I don’t understand why would they bring this twist so late in the game it’s not like Frankie is heading out the door, that man has more lives than a cat.
Boos were appropriate tonight.
Oh this will be EPIC if Frankie ends up going home due to the button being pushed. He was the one wanting it pushed the most, practically demanding it saying something like “I’m the HoH so I’ll save you guys if something bad happens”. I pray to God this ends up sending him home. LOL!!!!
OMG! Completely hilarious. I’m so glad they pushed the button, and that Frankie wanted it so badly! I wonder if he can compete in the Hoh competition then???? Oh, wow…. I hope he can’t!
So if i understand this correctly. All the planning and scheming for who should be on the block will be erased and they will play a new HOH, nominations, POV used or not used and a new eviction will happen all next Wednesday? Now will the current HOH Frankie be able to play in the new HOH? This might be worthwhile just to watch their endless discussion or who to put up and who to back door and then to pat each other on the back for how cleaver they are and then to watch their faces as it’s pulled away. POOF
We’ll have to see, but the Rewind probably makes Derrick stronger, and Frankie weaker.
Derrick will be cautious enough about the effect to hedge his bets and not fully show his cards this week. Whatever happens he’ll cover his bases.
But Frankie as HoH will have to reveal who is on the the bottom for him, and so whoever Frankie nominates this week, he’ll either become their target or lose their jury vote.
Frankie will be booed too.. Sad but true. His ego will be deflated fast. His games gonna get messed up this week lmao…
So to understand, Frankie wins HOH, the stooges push the button, and come Wednesday (live show), the Pink Flamingo will be dethroned along with the two of the Stooge Squad and a new HOH will play out. It will be pure karma bliss if the Pink Flamingo is sent packing!
Oh no oh no………….Frankie is HOH oh no oh no
He’s going home!! I can dream!!
The rewind will give Derrick more time to smooth over the guys telling Vic, they have been working to together all along. She is going to be pissed! But rewind will help Derrick manipulate her right back in, so she doesn’t go to jury super pissed off.
Here’s my prediction for this week: it will be every bit as boring as the rest of this season has been. Frankie will put up Victoria and either Cody or Derrick. The ones not on the block will think about sending the guy home but in the end will agree not to do it. Everyone agrees that Victoria goes home. The game resets and it’s another week of Victoria going home.
Haha You got it right!
What a bunch of ignoramuses. OF COURSE they pushed the stupid button. After being in that house for 73,837 days, and considering they all think that THEY are going to win it, why wouldn’t they think it out for more than five minutes before blowing all the “work” (makes me kind of sick to type that) they’ve done, and ponder on it a bit? The only person that has a good reason to push it is Victoria, and she can’t even comprehend the concept. What a pathetic, pitiful, greedy group of juveniles.
They’re trapped in a house for months with no stimulation whatsoever except talking to a bunch of strangers they don’t trust.
Anyone in that situation would push the button.
If the entire week is voided that means Frankie would get to play for HOH again…..right?
If its a reset of the week then technically it should be Derrick who cant play because he was the outgoing HOH. The way it was explained is the nominations will come down HOH dethroned and they all play for HOH again.
I assume this means everyone including Derrick will play, or Julie misspoke in the interview
Julie said this to EW: JULIE CHEN: Basically if the rewind button gets pushed, the two nominees next week come off the block and we immediately rewind the game one week. That means “ALL” house guests play for HOH all over again…. So there could likely be a new HOH, two new nominees, a new POV winner and then who knows who gets bounced from the house next.
I am starting to think this twist was to save Victoria and have the guys turn on each other.
That could be this seasons redemption!
Imagine if Victoria got to the Final 2 and actually won the game. I really hope she does but i don’t know who could she possibly beat. Maybe Frankie but he does NOT deserve 50 K let alone 500.
Best case scenario is Derrick getting 3rd place. So close yet so far and to top it off, Victoria would win!
for what reason are jeff and Jordan coming in the house? The only thing I can think of would be to have a luxury comp. Can’t see them adding another twist to the game.
I bet it’s to announce they’re having a kid.
It’s so Jeff can talk about what a homophobe he is and apologize to America. He is going to say something like “You gays have suffered enough with Frankie being on the show this season so I feel bad for all the hateful and wrong things I have said about you in the past.”
They could be hosting the veto comp
Probably to announce they are getting married since they bring Jeff back every season to ask him that very question. She’s pregnant and they’re getting married or they’re just getting married. Probably nothing game related unless they feel the need to tie it into a comp to give it “more meaning.”
SO this means Frankies HOH and noms will be Void and then they all play again for HOH and veto, putting Frankie back in the mix to play to maybe win HOH again . This seems like it will blow up Derricks game while keeping Frankie safe.
How can anyone not LOVE this next week. Frankie thinks all is golden and come Wed Night his nominees get rescinded and new nominees go up hopefully including himself…. Love it…
Riiiiight… Because becoming Victorias target has been the demise of all the jury members.
This twist is pointless.
The only good thing thing that can come from it is seeing Darrick try to backtrack with Victoria after they ‘Brittney’ her Brigade-style right before the voting.
Hey Christine, ain’t Karma a bit¢h? You stabbed Nicole by sending her out the first time, and now you were stabbed in the back and you are going out right after her. That’s what happens when you betray a good friend like Nicole. Christine was booed for being a married woman who was CONSTANTLY all over another man while looking at him with googly eyes. But, she also was booed for back stabbing Nicole who was her close friend in this game. I Never heard someone get booed that bad and she deserved every bit of it. Cody deserves to get booed also. He is not innocent in this!!!! He is just as guilty because he was all over a married woman. They both continued this behavior after zingbot warned them. After the zingbot warning, Derrick told both of them to reel that sh!t in, yet, they continued to lust all over eachother. They showed absolutely NO respect for that woman’s husband or his family!!!!! Now, her poor husband is probably hoping that Cody is in the final two so that he doesn’t go to the jury house where he would be sharing a house with his wife without cameras running!!!!
Caleb was totally staring at Frankie’s package in his swimsuit. Bareback Cowboy;)
Is anyone else embarrassed at Frankie’s antics on the live show. Does he think his prancing and simpering is cute? What is he 30 or something?
Gays all over America must cringe every time this silly dolt twirls across the floor or grabs extra air time chit chatting with Julie Chen.
Yeah he’s precious all right.
He’s 31 but I remember hearing within the last week or so on the feeds that the houseguests think he’s 29. Ok. I think he’ll be celebrating 29 even when he’s 50.
Still trying to understand why Christine got booed so much. Frankie thinks it’s because she said HORRIBLE things about his family and sister. This guy is beyond delusional.
“Frank telling Derrick “if he gets voted out the person that evicted him will be booed”…
I just went back and watched tonight’s show again and when Frankie won veto I heard cheers from the audience. I could not believe it. Who would cheer that a&&hole. Maybe his family was in the audience.
No offence meant but i have to say of all the big brother formats ive seen around the world, the BB US production team is really not creative and does not come up with enough exciting ideas. They have called this the most twisted season yet but apart from the BOB and double HOH…nothing new!!!!!Pathetic
Satan is still in the house. May the forces of Good unite and make The Evil Gay Clown getting evicted from the BB house!
Crustine was vile, brutal and despicable, but the real source of evil is Frankie J Grande — right there with Ahmadinejad and alikes.
Ok here it is. This rewind maybe that it does let Frankie play again. But nobody has thought that it is a true do over DERRICK cannot play because he was the last HOH before this twist. HMMM something to think about.
according to Julie Chen to EW Derrick will play in the HOH in the rewind
from Entertainment Weekly interview
JULIE CHEN: Basically if the rewind button gets pushed, the two nominees next week come off the block and we immediately rewind the game one week. That means” ALL” the house guests play for HOH all over again…. So there could likely be a new HOH, two new nominees, a new POV winner and then who knows who gets bounced from the house next.
Watching the feeds and conversation keeps circling back to Christine’s boos. It really has them spooked. Personally I am surprised they didn’t have a clue that some of them would be unpopular. You can see the wheels turning as they all (except Victoria and Frankie) start reflecting on all the crap they talked and trying to mentally judge if they are boo worthy. So sad.
Lets be realistic, with everyone left still making decisions as a group, the rewind button will most likely do absolutely nothing to change the game unless Victoria actually wins something.
Heres how this week will play out:
After group decision, Frankie nominates Derrick, bc never been on block, and Victoria, as intended target. They inform Victoria they have alliance, she’s Britney of season, and going home. Unless Derrick or Victoria win POV, its not played and noms stay same. (If played, Frankie puts up Cody.)
Rewind Wed., same games are played with likely same results and Victoria still goes home. The only exceptions would be: the guys turn on each other, they grow some balls and make a move, Victoria wins something, Frankie doesn’t win anything. All are very unlikely.
On a slightly more ironic note is this: if Derrick is put up, but after rewind he is not, it will be like his time on the block never existed. And with only one nomination ceremony left, there is a real possibility he can say he made it through entire game without ever being on the block. WTF?!
Last night on BBAD the big 4 were discussing telling Victoria that she would be leaving at next eviction a few hours prior to the live broadcast. So, it will be interesting to see how she handles being used the entire time by Derrick. Then the rewind occurs. She will be an absolute hysterical mess and goodness knows what she will do. Hide the knives and scissors.
this twist gives Frankie and BMC a chance to play HOH, I just don’t see a good chance at getting rid of Frankie
gosh I hate that he is going to win thanks to production. smh.
Did Julie chim say most twisted season ever? What was she smoking? Omg-and pushing this button means Nothing!! Omg lets get this over with!! And CBS wants America to vote on A mission, are you kidding. There is no longer a team America there is 2 stupid guys that got rid of team America . Remember! No One Vote!! Best thing that’s happened was when America showed how much they love these people left in this house starting with Christine . Let the Boo’s begin.
They are all doing a really good job of pretending to like each other and be friends – but you can tell it’s starting to wear on Cody. He’ll run up to Frankie and hug him (acting) – but then when he walked in on naked Frankie about to step in the shower he stayed quiet, didn’t respond to Frankie’s sexual comment and just walked away. I think part of him is upset that Christine is gone because she was a big buffer for him against Frankie. He’s just pretending to be okay with be grabbed and groped (like Caleb and Derek) but deep down I think he hates it. All three guys have to let Frankie make his comments, parade around nude, grop them ect in order to stay in the game. They probably recognize that production doesn’t care and I’ll bet someone has complained to production and found their words falling on deaf ears. So they put up with the sexual harassment in hopes of winning the game. How sad. After Christine left Cody just went to the CLOSED door bathroom for the longest time – the only place where he wouldn’t be monitored. He went to the bathroom right after Frankie said, “I’m not going to lie. If you said you wanted to have sex with me I would.” Cody “Uhh. I’m going to go the bathroom.” So he could have been in there because he was upset and was worried he too would be booed when he left – but watching the feeds I’m really thinking that he needed time away from Frankie. Then he got his acting face back on, left the bathroom, went to the kitchen and attacked Frankie – acting. I think once they leave the house (other than Caleb wanting to meet stars) no one will be hanging out with Frankie. No one.
How is it possible that Victoria got uglier tonight? That picture of her grinning is grotesque – as in the gargoyles that hover over buildings.
She truly believes she ‘beat out all the other women’ and that is why she is the last one in the house.
But then again, she believes she was swooped up by a crow when she was 2years old – same maturity level.
Really Frankie? Out in the real world would you dare grab a straight man’s privates? Why does production allow it? If a male HG cupped Victoria’s crotch I am pretty sure it would not be tolerated.
It is official they are rigging the game for Frankie.
Production just attempted to blow up Derrick’s game. They put a picture of him in his cop uniform in his hoh basket.
I was wondering the same thing. Does anybody know what the picture really was? And the pictures come from family members/friends,right? Why would any of them include a picture of him in uniform when they know he has kept that a secret all season?
Hahahahahahahaha. Agreed. The “evil gay clown,” pink flamingo, whatever the hell that thing is needs to go. Not sure this twist is the best thing though…unless of course he’s the one sent packing, meaning he has to first lose HoH and POV…and I’m sure if he doesn’t win one, he’ll pull out the other. Sigh. The thing just doesn’t die.
The audience is a handful of invited guests (those with some sort of connection) but mostly fans who gain access to a ticket. Before the taping begins the audience is told to cheer as loudly as they like but to refrain from booing, as it’s a hard game (you can’t understand the pressure HGs are all under unless you’ve actually played the game yourself), even more so in the case of a double eviction in which you haven’t had time to prepare yourself to possibly be voted out.
Whomever booed, and it sounded like more than one, willfully ignored the direction they were given. If this audience is composed of fans then they should have been respectful of the very few directions they are given.
Go ahead and post your dislike for guests online – they’ll certainly find out about it in due time – but it is simply poor behavior to act this childish during a show taping. And if Christine has left the show as is being reported because of the reception she received, this has a direct impact on the outcome of the game – something I and all of you have invested hours of our summer following. THAT pisses me off.
You need to get on youtube and watch an eviction of the UK BB game. they yell “get so and so out!” they even chanted “2 second Steve” to a guy who had sex in the BB house because he only lasted about 2 seconds. the audience participation in the UK version of the game is what makes it a game. people boo at sporting events. I think they should be allowed to express their opinions.
Here’s how I see it. Big Brother is put on for us (America) to watch so CBS can get ratings. They (CBS) should respect America enough to have listened to us all season and if the audience doesn’t want to cheer for a HG they don’t have to. We are not playing the game and have signed no agreements with CBS so boo away. We don’t have respect for most of the HG because they themselves have exhibited a complete lack of respect for each other and America many times. You can play the game hard without stooping to the juvenile behavior they have engaged in. Last night a message was sent and I for one am more than ok with it.
Without the fans there is no show no matter how you want to spin it.
I am a realist so this is my bottom line on this whole push the button rewind the week crap,i have come to the conclusion this is either Derrick or Waterboy’s game to lose.Vic Cletus or Cody are all basically props now in the remainder of big B,I have tried to be objective in my viewing this summer but to many things have persuaded my opinion.#1Frankie has been given free range on comments made groping hg’s and blatantly being rude and or mean.#2Derrick has coasted to the easiest path to victory and seems to be friendly on a first name basis with a lot of production.#3Frankie and Derrick both have done just enough to keep the pressure off the hides.#4Donny Zach and Nicole who seem to have the most fans are gone but not without keeping us hoping for some miracle they would stay.#5Seems they get more diary room and or camera time than any other hg.Finally their sing song chant that went on forever almost in honor of King Flawless. I could be wrong it has happened once before but mark my words unless either come down with some unexplained illness,i see Mr Never been on the block or You know my sister is famous sitting side by side to set up a finale we have never seen the likes of before.Both have imo played the hell out of this game regardless of what we think they did or did not do!Finally production for all our bitching and complaining have gave us as D-Bomb Holla would say a title fight between #1and #2 this season!!Whether we like it or not they twisted our brains this summer and I for 1 am pissed I missed the signs
You are so right. I was thinking along those lines a few minutes ago and still really can’t find the words to explain it.
I’m sure Victoria will get feisty now and finally form that all girl alliance! 😉
Christine gets rightfully booed and Fakie says, “that means we voted the right person out”. Of course, he turns it back to him and presents himself in a positive light = narcissist! I can’t wait until he gets booed even WORSE!!
I hope V wins the veto and F has to choose between C and D to put up!! It probably won’t happen but I would live to see it !!!
I can only hope Frankie get booed even harder!!! Seriously, the guy is delusional to an unprecedented level. I imagined that every time someone laughs in the audience during the live evicitons, the’re laughing AT HIM!!! As of the other HG’s: Derrick, congrats on the 500 g’s , but I personally am rooting for the toaster. GO TOASTER!!!!!!! #TOASTERBB17ALLSTARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m Marshawn Lynch, the one and only Beast Mode. Hope you watched me run for 110 yards and score two touchdowns when we beat the Packers tonight. So Bitch Mode Pussy, what you got to say about that? You talk about everything you claim to have done, I just go out and so it on national TV.
Can’t stand these HG’s, it’s been boring, predictable season. Can’t wait for next week for BBAU to start. Much better show. Check out Tim (last years winner) tour the back yard of Big Brother Australia : http://video.au.msn.com/watch/video/big-brother-tour/xs9cdt8
Seriously can’t wait!
Check out Joey’s (first houseguest evicted) video on YouTube. She gives her opinion on each remaining houseguest.
Thanks Beast Mode Douche! I taped the game and you just ruined it for me. I thought suffering through this season of BB was bad enough
I love how the guys are all telling Victoria that since she is the last girl there she has already won. She’s eating it up. Haha when is she going to realize that there is NO money for her being the the only girl left? Maybe you’re first place girl but you’re in 5 place! Wake up already. Good God she’s not that bright
Sorry I know this has been asked and answered but where can you watch BBCAN?
the third season of bbcan is in casting now. the first two seasons were shown on the slice channel, but will be shown on global (the parent channel, for season three, with the after dark airings on slice).
in my opinion, the production interference has been far more blatant and ongoing in the Canadian version. the bomb/detonator/shower of napalm misery would have been destroyed by production by week five in the Canadian version.
They’re gonna announce a big brother 17 winter how much so you wanna bet
Frankie grabs Caleb’s crotch and says it is because he (Frankie) is a homosexual in the house with hot guys. Why the heck isn’t Frankie called out for his actions? I’ll tell you why …. it is because he is a flaming gay and he gets by with it because CBS thinks its cute. A heterosexual doing the same thing would be called to the DR, receive a penalty nom and/or be sent home and be crucified in the press.
It’s the same reason that Christine let Cody fondle her. No difference. They are all adults. They can say NO. Doesn’t matter if they are gay or straight ,what the real issue is are the married players being physically inapprorpriate with one another. So, Derrick and Christine are actually more disgusting than Frankie in a lot of ways because Frankie is not married but they are.
It’s unbelievable how CBS is trying their hardest to keep Frankie in the game. Where was this button at when Donnie/Nicole were up together? And why are they still doing Team America? That should’ve ended when Donnie left since they never included him anyway. Let’s just give Frankie the money now and end this terrible season. Oh and by the way CBS, going forward you should probably pick celebrity siblings for Big Brother, since that’s what this show has now become. Anything for the ratings!!!!!
Ugh this twist isn’t going to do anything! I’m no excited at all!!! I was so mad when Beast Mode Pussy didn’t back door Frankie!!!!!! The only thing that’s going to happen is Frankie is going to win HOH again or POV…. I said it when Beast Mode Moron put Vic up as a replacement and I’ll say it again. Those morons just guaranteed Frankie is going to win this game. Because they all suck at competitions, it should be an easy win for him.
A #BB16 Rewind! This will be the first time Derrick goes on the block this season! Wow BB16, now this is what I call “expect the unexpected!”
I love how Simon is so over Frankie’s antics that his recap says : Blah, Blah ( see pic). I can only imagine how fucking exhausting watching Frankie must be. He’s convinced himself that the button is a good thing because it didn’t matter what everyone else wanted. It was an opportunity for him to be the center of attention & grab some more camera time. All he’s thinking about is that Julie Chen is going to talk directly to him regarding this damn button. Evict his ass now! And grabbing at Caleb’s dick? That’s not acceptable behavior – man, woman, gay or straight.
Oh you know what this reminds me of. When Jeff won the Diamond power of veto and Chima’s HOH was totally usless. And we all know what happened to her don’t we. She went crazy and evicted herself!! MAybe Frankie will do the same thing 🙂
If Frankie could stop winning HOH, that’d be great.
opps I meant when Jeff usued the coup d’e tat not the diamond power of veto
These idiots, especially Fakie saying “push it, I am HOH, I will save you guys!” Doesn’t he realize the game is down to 5 now and they must turn on each other. They all can’t be safe because there is only one winner! What the hell is wrong with this cast? I swear they don’t have 2 brain cells between them and this includes Derprick! He made me sick last nite telling Princess V that “this is what the house wants!’ This guy blames all of his choices on everyone else. I am sorry but he played this game blaming everyone else and hiding behind them. That is hardly worth half a million to me! And I recall Fakie telling everyone ‘I will break your hands if you push that button, do not push that button!” Who pushed it…exactly! Asswipe!
That is exactly Nicole’s point! The past few seasons I have been shocked at how the whole house has voted together as if they have no ability to think on their own. This season has took it to another level. What’s worse is not only did everyone vote the same, everyone listened to everyone else on who to nominate instead of doing their on nominations! They always talk big game moves but always chicken out and worry about “getting blood on their hands”…
When will the HG ever learn that it is okay NOT to push the button, open Pandora’s box, etc? History has shown that in doing so, it is not luxury for everyone, someone gets the shaft. Frankie will not put up Derrick or Caleb. At this point, the target is Victoria and he will put up Cody. CBS designed the HOH this week knowing Frankie did well in a similar competition and he would most likely win and they knew he would not be able to ignore the button. Unless Frankie changes his mind and puts up Derrick and/or Caleb, his HOH is now worthless. I am just hoping that Victoria wins the next HOH and watch Frankie and Cody cower as Vic won’t put up Derrick or Caleb.
Derrick using the boos to his advantage, letting Frankie know he’d never dream of evicting him because if he does, he would be boo’d. Planting the seed that if Frankie puts his fellow team America alliance member up, the fans would hate him. I can’t wait for Derreck to take Frankie out! It’s been a terrible season, but when Frankie gets voted out it’ll all be worth it!
Derrick finds a way to use almost everything that happens in the house to advance his agenda. This guy is not playing around.
This is some seriously next level sutff.
I am gay and feel Frankie’s groping of the other guys is not proper. But I also think that these guys are grown men and if it really bothers them so much, they have a mouth to complain to Frankie or production. So what is the real deal?
Oh boo hoo that Christine got booed. You engage in despicable behavior week after week, knowing it’s all on live feeds, and then you should get a pass and go out to cheers? I don’t think so. The game is stressful for everybody, but everybody isn’t as hateful as she was. (“I hate Nicole, I detest Donny, he disgusts me,” etc.)
I’m starting to wonder if Derrick is a production plant to help Frankie win this game. He has been like his BB guardian angel, everytime it looks like he is close to going , here comes Derrick to save his frooty ass.
You know what would have been a good twist with the button? Allowing the 6 jury members to compete with those left in the house to reverse their places. If the current house members lost then they would head to jury and jury would head back inside to play the game. To bad that wasn’t an option. They couldn’t complain about CBS tricking them because they are the ones who decided to push the button.
I think they should do a BB, with past Survivor contestants!
the only way that the rewind is in any way helpful to entertaining the viewers is if Victoria the ‘target’ becomes Victoria the pawn; that the rewind does not occur until after the votes are announced, to show the backstab was going to happen. in my opinion, that revelation is the only thing that will in any way promote a change in the season of status quo.
the fact that the button was pushed in the belief that it was a luxury button when it was in front of a wall of the word game flipped backwards and forwards? who is buying that? production is trying to save their season. the button would have been pushed if it had a skull and crossbones or a biohazard symbol on it. too little too late. even if Frankie were voted out in a twist, and the viewers booed him… does that gratification change the last couple of months? nope. still the least twisted most scripted season I’ve witnessed.
I don’t think production came up with that twist hoping to save Frankie. His chances of winning this hoh were higher than ever. He’s not a production favorite and he had horrible edits these past weeks. I hope the twist doesn’t involve a competition because he might win it again. They should let the nominees decide or better yet they let the audience vote for the nominees.
Freakie, is a sick bird, he is no entertainer, he is a criminal, a sexual molester; and that he is allowed to assault the house-guests makes BB and production accomplices to his feral acts. He is disgusting and should be locked away.
This was probably already stated, but I wish they saved this twist for when Donny and Nicole or Zach and Donny were still in the game. This has been pretty boring season, I wish they even would have let America decide who to nominate weeks ago, to alter the game or even offered up an extra veto. Each week I’ve know who would go up and who would go home before it aired, no surprises at all….it seems like production has removed every player who could have stood in derricks way in an attempt to make him one of the greats, which isn’t working. I feel like they are trying to shove the idea that he is the best player ever down our throats.