Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin “I can’t Believe Jeff actually thought he was safe this week”

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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6:00pm HOH Natalie and Kevin. Natalie says that they have all the control this week unless Jordan wins PoV. Kevin thinks Jeff might win POV but Natalie most likely will not. Natalie reminds Kevin that Michelle is coming after Kevin regardless of what Kevin does whereas Jeff might let him live another week. Natalie now tells him that Jeff may be coming after them regardless because Jeff is going final 2 with Jordough. Natalie thinks either way its win win for them. Kevin “FUCK MAN”, “now I?m flipping to Michelle!”. He didn’t know Jeff was coming after us too but Michele is just dumb enough to vocalize it. Natalie is sure that Jeff will beat them in final 3 but the Jordan doesn’t have a chance. Keivn mentions the competition they had earlier and how the clue said he had a choice to unleash Pandora?s box with either a prize for him or for the house. He explains the Key and how if you turn if your free his other option was to stick his hand in a box to get 10grand for the house. Kevin says, ?Bitch grabbed my hand. I think it was Haley.? He tells her that is why he was yelling for someone to grab the key. Natalie says she tried to keep the key a secret because she thought that she would split the prize with Kevin which is why she told Jeff to not go up there
because the door was locked.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
Natalie changes the subject back to Michelle and list off the reason why she shouldn?t be in the house. Kevin agrees that michelle is a very strng -player but she’s also alone. He points out that Jeff is a) stronger b) has Jordo c) is smart
so he’s a triple threat, “Jeff needs to go”. Kevin goes over his nomination speech he started off telling them their not going
to like what he has to say Kevin goes on and says that this was our only option, good decision and one of them is going home unless Jordan wins PoV. Natalie says that this week is going to be crazy Michelle and Jeff are going balls out all week in the POV and campaigning. Natalie was asked by Jordan if they are planning to back door her. Kevin wonder why they would waste a backdoor on Jordan.. Natalie told Jordan not to worry she is safe. Kevin doesn?t think she should go around telling people that you never know what will happen. Kevin says that Jeff can’t knock the logic either and it strictly makes the most sense. He continues to say that it would be stupid of Kevin to do anything else.

Kevin wonders what the competitions will be like for the next 2 weeks. Natalie starts explaining in very good detail the completions in BB8. She says so far this season comps have mirrored BB8’s.

Kevin makes a comment about how stupid Jeff was to get Russell out.. Natalie adds that he was thinking too far ahead. Kevin agrees says that Jeff would of had a guaranteed final 4 now he won’t reach it. Natalie lays out how the competitions must go, she needs to win HOH next week to secure her and Kevin’s safety and ensure they make it to final 2. Kevin corrects her and says it’s more important for them to win POV. Kevin starts to smile I cannot believe that Jeff actually thought that I was going to hand over all the HOH powers to him this week, “how stupid does that guy think I am, I know I can’t play next week” Natalie says she’s seen Jeff and Jordan counting shit he’s good with numbers. Natalie say Jordan and Jeff are Fucking liars, Jeff knew that Kevin would win HOH that’s why he wanted to get on Kevin’s good graces. She goes on about how J/J are liars but not as good liars as Kevin and Natalie.

Kevin asks her if her Michelle was strategic to make Jeff and Jordan think your with them or was it personal. Natalie says it was 100% strategic, “they all think we want her out and not them so they aren’t as hunger during the comps to win”. Kevin continues to ask her questions about past comps.. he tells her they need to study the memory wall big time.

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Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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6:42pm Spish Splash room Jeff and Jordan. Jeff “I’m pissed that he went back on his word… Actually if i was him i would of done the same thing”. Jordan says she will win POV and safe them both. Jeff ignoring her, “it was a smart move but in a way it was dumb because if either you or me win veto than he’s going home next week.. Actually he’s going home next week regardless of what he did” He tells Jordan they have to really start winning competitions like he said last week if they don’t win they go home. Jordan tells him she’s trying he snaps at her that she better try harder acuse right now one of them is going home. Jeff “doesn’t matter what will happen I?m going to win POV than i’m going to win HOH again and put him and Natalie up than you vote Kevin home and we’re off to final 3 and 500K”. Michelle joins them…. Silence. (Michelle thinking… haha I told you so) .. Jeff tells Jordan it doesn’t matter what they say tonight or tomorrow Jeff needs to win POV or he’s in trouble. Jordan tell him she thins he will.. (Whispering so COO COO MAGOO won’t hear)..

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
START WATCHING the live feeds today! See what they CAN?T show you on TV!! TRY it FREE for 3 DAYS!

7:16pm Kitchen the remains of TEAM psycho all by herself.. (hang in their you might just survive this week)

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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160 thoughts to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin “I can’t Believe Jeff actually thought he was safe this week””


    2. Yeah, Dr. Will won without ever being HOH or winning a POV. But the difference is that he played a smart game, and made you love him and hate him at the same time, and when he won, you knew he deserved it. Nat on the other hand is just a slimeball with no redeeming features.


    1. Why do people keep saying ‘Jeff, win POV and send Nat home?” If Jeff wins POV, Jordan is going up and out – Kevin will not put Nat up unless Jordan wins POV – fat chance of that, but miracles do happen. I hope not in this case!

      1. if jeff wins pov theyre going to send michelle home….they wont send jordan cuz they dont think shes a threat

      2. So, you are saying if Jeff wins POV and takes himself off the block, that Kevin will put up Jordan and then Nat will vote Jordan out, and Jeff will vote Michelle out and Kevin will use the tiebreaker vote to cast out Jordan? That would be idiotic! Michelle is the player that should go, she’s stronger. If it does go down like that, that will be the dumbest move by Kevin so far.
        I think if Jordan goes on the block, whoever is with her on the block goes home. I wouldn’t let emotional views get in the way of strategically and surgically removing the strongest players. I think Jordan gets to the final two, but not with Jeff. I’m thinking Devin or Natalie might be there with her.

    2. The only scenario that can guaranty J/J safety is Jordan winning POV. It had better be something to do with counting things in the green room. I think that is the only comp Jordan might have a chance of winning.

      If Jordan does not win POV she can not save them both. If she does win, Nat goes up and goes home.

      If Jeff wins POV he only saves himself and Jordan goes up and goes. Poor Jeff all his eggs are in Jordan’s basket. I would be grouchy and snappish too.

      1. I definitely don’t count on Jordough winning POV if it is a counting challenge. Remember she can’t even tell time. I do think she will be in the final two though, she is the best one for any of the houseguest to take.

  2. ?how stupid does that guy think I am, I know I can?t play next week?

    Well, shit, Kevin, you can’t be all THAT bright, if you’re STILL sticking with Natalie and counting on HER to win HOH next week to save you.

    1. If Kevin was smart, he would keep Jeff and hope for the final two with him. Kevin would get all of the Jury votes. Piece of cake…so you’re so right…Kevin is not being real bright here!!

    2. Jeff and Jordan both said they want Kevin out before the Final Three. Natalie is the only person left on his team. It’s common sense. Jeff just THOUGHT Russell was going after him and we now know definitively from Russell’s statements in his exit interview that he would have stuck with the Final Four. But Jeff and Jordan really ARE going after Kevin.

    3. how is it that all the HG seemed to believe everything Gnat says???
      from all the past weeks til now, they “believe” Natalie over so and so

      If this show was called the biggest LIAR Nat would win, and Ronnie would come in second!

  3. @ Evel Russ…… Not only has a person made it to the Final 2 without winning any comps…. They won the $500,000….. Who you ask? Dr. Will from BB Season 2!!!

  4. Hmmm Jeff just said that he had the key to Pandoras box – we all know (or should know) that when Pandora opened the box she unleashed all the worlds ills BUT at the bottom of the box there was HOPE. I wonder if this means anything for Jeff?????

    1. Yeah, he better hope the POV competition is eating cookie dough ice cream. Hell, if last nights competition was about drinking the chocolate, Jordan would be HOH!

  5. The resentment Jeff feels for Jordan is spilling out more and more. And as it does, she has become increasingly more affectionate with him. LOL. She wasn’t kidding when she said she’d use a guy to get what she wants, was she?

  6. poor michelle. jeff and jordan are idiots— they need her now. can’t believe they still trust natalie more than her. i hope somehow michelle saves herself and nat, jeff, or jordan go home. don’t care which!

  7. Jeff and Jordan need to stay on Michelle’s side. Nasty Nat has to go. She has freeloaded her way through the entire game and doesn’t deserve the prize. She has won nothing and it’s pretty pathetic.

  8. “Kevin starts to smile I cannot believe that Jeff actually thought that I was going to hand over all the HOH powers to him this week.”

    The power got to Jeff in SO many ways. What a fool.

  9. I think there is more than the money thing with pandoras box……”when pandora opened a boxall the bad thing were released that humankind had not known previously ,however at the very bottom of her box,there lay hope” so jeff has the key maybe there is more to it ………….any thoughts

    1. What if the hope at the bottom of the box is an extra vote, no need for Russel to break the tie.
      Nat votes jeff out
      Jordon votes mick-a-roo goofy shoes out
      Jeff votes for Michelle

      Or the person holding the key can take anyones winning?

      Or the key holder can swap any of the nominations?

      I think it’s something along these lines—explains Kevin being handcuffed—symbolic?

  10. I think it has been mentioned before that Jeff needs to get Mich on board, and at the POV, Jordan needs to outlast Kev and Nat (a big IF) then Jeff and Mich throw the POV to Jordan. She takes Jeff off and then Nat is put up and they vote Nat out.
    Only problem is will Mich trust them enough to go along with it (they might just as easily vote Mich out) – she probably not trust them seeing as how Jeff backstabbed Russ (and her) and broke up their F4 alliance.

    1. if they vote m off over pig pen then j/j deserve to lose ….i ve been thinking this all week and its making me sick that they couldn t see thru her. i think jordon was just so happy to have nat befriend her and this swayed jeff. you can look at pit bull and see how sneaky she is. always biting those nails and sceaming. bull sh….t

  11. I am so sick of GNAT!!!!!! Who the hell does she think she is. She has done nothing but complain the entire game. She has not won a single competition and has been carried by other people this whole time. I don’t believe a word that comes out of her unshowered ass. I can’t wait for Jeff to win POV! I’m also sick of all u j/j haters.

  12. Kevin: “Kevin makes a comment about how stupid Jeff was to get Russell out.. Natalie adds that he was thinking too far ahead. Kevin agrees says that Jeff would of had a guaranteed final 4 now he won?t reach it.”
    ROFL! No kidding. Nooooo kidding.

  13. Whatever Jeff is going through now is well deserved! I was rooting for him but the moment he broke his promise, that was it! I couldn’t believe he trusted Kevin and believed the ‘Russell conspiracy’ I was very disappointed, still hopes he win POV, Natalie needs to go!

  14. When is Kevin gonna realize he needs to squash the gnat. He will not win against her she will have the jury house on her side except lydia

  15. Jeff and Michele have won the most competitions, so in theory it was a smart move. It’s also smart to leave Jordan out because she isn’t strong in comps so she can’t win and force Natalie out.

    The smarter move would’ve been to put up Nat and Michele…and see if you can backdoor Jeff but if not, then he’s still not targeting you and you can get out Michele.

  16. I am so sick of GNAT!!!!!!! She is gonna walk to the finals doing nothing at all. Way to go all u j/j haters. U have a dirtball close to winning a half million dollars. She is a horrible person. She has done nothing but complain and has been carried the whole game. I’ve never seen anyone besides china talk about production so much. Hope she likes the jury house after jeff wins pov! Maybe when she gets home her dad will give her some hygiene lessons she clearly needs.

    1. Nat has made the biggest move in the game so far. The wizzard powers were given to Jeff but Nat helped create the LML. In that LML she saved herself and kevin and now has a 20% chance at 500k and it will be 25% next Thursday. I didn’t like her at all before 2 weeks ago but if J/J are dumb enough to buy her lies more power to her.

      Jeff had a clear path to the finals but decided to listen to 2 players he had little contact with after a conversation that lasted all of a few minutes. I’m glad he’s going home because he’s a fool and fools should not win this game.

  17. Jeff deserves to go up for trusting Kevin/Natalie. Sorta like how Russell trusted him last week, and then he back-doored him.

    1. why oh why is everyone ignoring that Russell clearly stated in the DR room that he would get jeff out the following week ……………………..they dwell on the fact that jeff broke his word, he had to ……why was it going to be ok for russell to break his word and not jeff. the whole game is about deceit and watching your own back

      1. He didn’t have to break his word. He let the paranoia get to him, and he believed the BS that Kevin fed him about Russ. I believe Russell would have stuck with the final 4 plan, call me crazy.

  18. Michelle and Kevin would make such a great team…why can’t they see it???? Oh, wait, Kevin would have to make a decision for himself then because Michelle wouldn’t dictate all his moves to him like Nat does….

  19. Just seeing Natalie on live feeds, talking, with a giant fist full of food in her mouth….
    I wished she were dying a slow death from a MRSA infected vagina.
    That’s when you really know you’ve watched these people too long!

  20. Kevin smartest move would be to align himself with Michelle now, I doubt very much if Pig Pen or Jordough will win the HOH next week if up against her. Who knows though what Michelle is thinking, I can see her putting Kevin up on the block and going to final two with Jordough, she’ll walk away with the 500 G’s then. Hopefully it’s Bye Bye Jeff/Dictator. Can?t wait to see footage of the Jury house if Jeff walks in.

  21. hahahahahaha go kevin
    thanks for showing dumb keff anf jordon how dum they are
    I would be happy to see keving winning lol
    he hates the queer jessie so perfect hahahahahahahahaha

  22. LOL it’s so funny to see you all flip from Jeff being most to least favorite. It’s a game people. If Jeff isn’t America’s favoriate anymore he’s definitely still this Canadian girl’s favorite. He’s the only one who had the guts to do something that everyone else was too scared to do. Sure I feel bad for Russell for going home, but I can honestly say that I thought he would not go to the final 4. And it’s easy for him to say now that he would since he was sent packing.

    I want to see Jordan win the VETO. Then she can take Jeff off the block and Kevin will have no choice but to put Natalie up! That would be so funny! Then Jeff/Jordan could get her out HEEHEE!

    Then Jordan can go. Jeff has done all her dirty work, now it’s time he wins.

    As long as Nat doesn’t win, I’ll be happy, but I’m really rooting for Jeff.

    1. The sad part of your theory involving Jordon winning the POV and removing Jeff is that even if Kevin is forced to put Natalie up, the Jeff and Jordon will vote to keep Natalie! Everyone in that house (with the exception of Michele) has blinders on where Natalie is concerned. Natalie has conned every single one of them since the very beginning and she’s still there being “protected” by the other houseguests. Snaps to her for her gameplaying; but I still find her absolutely despicable.

      1. KEVIN WILL NOT BE FORCED TO PUT NATALIE UP! I don’t know why everyone keeps saying that. If Jordan wins POV and uses it on Jeff then Kevin can put Jordan up. Kevin just has to be smart enough to remember that. In a past season Marcellas used the POV on a friend to take them off the block so the HOH put Marcellas up and Marcellas got evicted.

        1. No, Buddy they changed the rule after that incident. The POV holder and the person who is saved are BOTH Safe. This is why Julie says only the HOH and POV are safe all the time

    2. I’m still rooting for Jeff too….he is still my favorite and I got news for all you assholes…..he is still Americas favorite…… go set with with Nasty in the corner with your finger up your nose…..or any othe orifice it will fit …………….;)

      1. I guess we will see who is America’s favorite of the final 2, and who our favorite jury member is, because we get to vote for both of our favorites. No point in arguing pver opinions now, we’ll just see in a few weeks.

        1. there is a big difference between being Americas favorite……and then being a favorite out of just 2 players that are left. Because if America could change it again….we would…in a heartbeat. We have baseball, mom, apple pie and then there is Jeff.

    3. KEVIN DOES NOT HAVE TO PUT NATALIE UP!!!!! Once Jordan uses the POV she can get put up. It happened to Marcellas in a previous season. that would be classic to. I would love to see Jordan’s face if Kevin remembers this and puts her up instead of Jeff and she goes packing.

      1. that’s why it is now the golden power of veto – they would both be safe – the veto winner can not be nominated, and they can pull someone off who would then also be safe

      2. Yes he would have to put up Nastalie if Jordan wins POV and takes down Jeff. What you are thinking about Marcellas is that he was on the block then he won POV and was told he was safe so he decided not to use the POV on himself and was then voted out….

  23. the show they aired that week showed russell telling michelle if they get a chance to take jeff out before final 5 they need to do it… kevns lie was actual truth……. and when russ told julie he would have stuck to the final 4 he was full of shit

    1. 1. Final 4 deal
      2. LML
      3. Jeff aligns w/enemy
      4. Jeff becomes paranoid and egotistical
      5. Jeff turns on his alliance
      6. Jeff treats Russ like crap for 2 weeks
      7. Russ realizes Jeff is going to break his vow and put him up.
      8. Russ THEN starts analyzing ways to stay in the house
      There was no truth in the lie.

      1. Michelle could have squashed the LML by adamantly saying to Jeff that it never happened, and who the hell did Jeff hear that from?? But instead Michelle said “uhh…I don’t remember”. Then later Michelle just talked shit about Russell non stop. Jeff bought the LML because when he confronted Michelle about it, she did not deny it.

        1. I do agree Michelle could have done more to convince Jeff. But Jeff barely considered the LML could in fact be a lie. Even as it was told to him he jumped on it saying he already knew. The LML played on Jeff’s distrust of Russ. Jeff should have immediately gone to Russ and Michelle together, instead he didn’t confront Russ at all. Russ is the one that initially approached Jeff asking him what was up. Jeff himself said if, when they finally decided to try to get to the bottom of it, that if Russell blows up he knows Russell is lying. But that didn’t happen, and Jeff STILL didn’t give much though to the fact that an enemy will tell you anything to stay alive. Michelle said she didn’t remember, and I believe at that point she was actually confused because she couldn’t remember. Jeff should never have told Michelle that HE overheard her say it, because she believed that Jeff actually did, but it looked to me like she could never place the conversation.

    2. THANK YOU! Even in defeat, Russell lied. Jeff was ruling the house, and had a huge target. He was going up this week regardless of who won HOH (except Jordan)

    3. Although jeff made his bed his is lying in, the fabricated lie KEVIN and NATALIE conjured up about russ and michelle, was not a lie, the bb cams showed conversation btwen Mich and russ saying if they get the chance to get out jeff then they need to take it. Now no one knew this so whether jeff made a pact with Kevin, or not based on the lie, the truth behind the lie. nat is a leach, completely pathetic, and if she wins i will be so disappointed. I wish that Jeff would see the truth, he needs to work with michelle on this in order to secure there safety and get natalie out at all cost. she is like a child, so lost, a lil puppy nipping on others tails and when she looks at the house guests with her eyes wide like she is innocent and sincere it makes me sick.

      go jeff,

    1. I’ll never watch football again if the Steelers don’t win the Super Bowl this year! Yeah, what the freak ever…

  24. Jeff is going to win so suck it up all you losers!!!! Go Jeff go you got it and played the game all the way!!!!

  25. Kevin needs to hookup w/Michelle, if so btwn them, they can knock the rest of 1 by 1. It’s really a toss up for me who I dislike more, scumbag Nat or dumb/dumber. Stopped watching once J/J became dumb/dumber. Wish bb producers wud allow America to vote for the dumbest moves made in BB history. This wud be a win hands down for the 2 idiots that kissed off the big prize. Go Michelle…still rooting for u, and hope u win. Apprec ur updates, since I no longer watch.

    1. I agree he needs to team up with Michelle. I wish he would’ve to keep Russell and vote Nat out. I don’t think Michelle can win the Jury house with the people left though. I would love to see her win but not sure she has the jury votes.

  26. your the best jeff if you dont win i will never ever watch big brother AGAIN!!! 🙂 tammy bush


  27. kevin is in great position. he takes out his big competition this week. he doesnt care about HOH next week, because the POV winner picks who is evicted. (another move he might get to make) removing his second strongest adversity. thats final 3. Kev beats Jordo. and maybe beats Nat, if the jury house thinks with logic. I dont know, Kevin is looking good….

    1. I agree but he would be in much greater position if he teamed with Michelle and kept Russell and kept the target off his back if Jeff does win the POV.

  28. The POV comp after the “fill up a large bowl using small cups” HOH competition in BB8 was one where the houseguests had to look at computer generated pictures of other houseguests. Michelle has been looking at the memory wall a lot (as have K/N) so I have a feeling she will do well, but I hope Jordan wins so Nasty Nat can get out

  29. i knew kevin was gonna stick it to jeff. jeff was my favourite to win but now because he did what he did to russell (russell was my second choice i wanted to see win) I don’t care if he does or not. I do not however want to see Natalie ( what a sneaking liar she is) or Kevin (who sat back never winning and just playing every side) to win. right now I’d love for Michelle to blow em all out and take home the prize, especially since she has been hated (behind her back of course) by everyone on the show (even rus although they ended making up). 🙂 Lastly, if that dumb fat cow Jordough or jordhoe wins I will be very disappointed. remember how dumb she is and i don’t think it’s an act. remember she said her role models were the “girls next door” (the reality show with hugh hefner). those girls are so dumb one was spotted on a plane reading a book and the book was upside down. LOL and the other thought she had to study for a pap smear test. LOL and the last girl was asked to count to 3 and she said she did not have that many fingers LOL

  30. See Kevin. If you would’ve teamed up with Michelle and kept Russell think of how this week would be easy for you. The POV with both as your teammates instead of having Natalie who is basically worthless and not knowing where Michelle is at. Even if Jeff won POV. You could’ve put up Jeff and Jordan and then replaced Jeff with Russell and got rid of Jordan to keep Russell for a target of Jeff next week. And you would’ve had Russell and Michelle competing for HOH and gunning for Jeff since you can’t and them for the next POV to and waltzed into a minimum final 3 most likely final 2. Now you depend on Natalie. Hope you say your prayers

    1. I’m not so sure Michelle would have teamed up with Kevin last week. It seemed like they might have entertained the idea, but don’t think either of them had enough guts to screw Jeff so bad – or enough confidence they could trust Russell

  31. Michele’s crying her eyes out about Jeff calling her a liar right now. She should have said spit in his guido face!

    1. Yeah, he called Russ out for calling Jordan fat, but it’s ok for him to make Michelle cry. She has had his back for a long time, read her blog. He is an insensitive asswipe. I hope Michelle kicks ass tonight and we can all laugh when Jeff leaves.

      1. He’s trying to get her upset so she will screw up the competition – it is all game to play with her mind. He knows exactly what he is doing.

  32. I have a feeling the lixury competition has something to do with the POV ceremony… It will be awesome if Jeff does have the highest amount of money and he is able to buy his veto!! That will be sooooooooooooooo awesome!
    Honestly, I was quite disappointed when Jeff nominated Russell. I wanted to see Jeff and Russell or even Michelle as final two….. Having said that.. if there was a nother CDT.. I would still vote for Jeff….. I just hope PP doesn’t win a dime! God I feel like screaming or even stuffing some paper in her mouth when she talks…… Not too fond of Kevin and Jordan too actually… Am rooting for Jeff and Michelle as of now…. But I would prefer Jeff over Michelle for sure!

    1. whos pp Nat the pit bull ?she is annoying and the way her butch ass controls the queen kevin and when she”d s**t right on him no problemo

  33. F’ck CBS is giving Jeff some more help??? Now with the ” mystery key” that is probably going to save him. That is BS!!!! like big brother would say. !!!!!!!!!!!!CBS STOP THAT!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. what are you talking about everyone had a chance to find the key and Nastalie was trying her best to cheat through the whole competition Jeff happened to find the key it wasn’t like someone told him where it was Nastalie looked in that room and didn’t find it so how is BB rigging it for Jeff? Nastalie is nothing but Liar and a Cheat her boyfriend must be so proud….

      1. I didn’t see if CBS announced what the key could do before it was found by anyone. Curious … did they do that? If not, then then CBS can actually rig it for anyone. They could decide what it could do based upon who found it. It would do one thing if Jeff found it, one thing if Jordan found it, etc. If they announce what it could do after the fact, then they could definitely rig it.

    2. Neli… As much as you’d hate for that to happen… I would love to watch something of that sort happen….. I WISH!!!!!

    3. you crying asswipe….Nat had every chance to find it evidently……and Kevin said he was screaming about it….and you want to start squalling about CBS….where is that damn alien ya’ll were talking about earlier????
      because I think Neli needs an anal probe or something…STFU 😉

  34. Unless they changed the rules then Yes. If you remember that is how Marcellas got put up. He used the veto on a friend and the HOH then put him up.

      1. I keep seeing that to and I guess since it really doesn’t happen that much that people assume you can’t. I hope Kevin realizes you can and sends her packing. that would mess Jeff’s emotions for the next HOH comp and get in his head.

    1. Keesha was the blonde chick in BB10….you saw her talking to Kevin and Nat? WOW…..the ghost of BB10 Past…….

  35. Facts: Natalie has received 3 votes so far?one from Russell when Jessie & Natalie were put up after Jeff used the Coup d??tat and also by Lydia that same eviction. Natalie also received a vote for eviction the week Jordan was HOH and Natalie & Lydia were the nominees.
    Jordan has 2 votes for eviction so far. One from Natalie and the other by Russell.
    Jeff, Kevin, and Michele have never received a vote to be evicted, nor been on the block? [well Jeff was on the block the week Ronnie was HOH but he won the POV and took himself off the block and Jordan was put up in Jeff?s place.
    [The above info just incase something happens in the game that how many votes someone has received plays into the game].
    Food for thought:
    I?m wondering if Natalie is holding back and just whining about not winning anything to get people to think she?s weak. [She seems to go out early in every competition].
    The reason I say that is remember on the 1st competition ?wedgies? Natalie & Russell were the final 2 left hanging from the toilet seat. Also, as we all know, Natalie is really 24 and not 18 and in October 2002 she was the bronze medalist in the World Champion Tae Kwon Do and is a big poker player, so wouldn?t you think if she had enough training to be a ?World Champion? even though it was almost 7 years ago, she would still be better at competitions that evolve strength, endurance, balance, etc? I think she?s holding back!

    1. I don’t think Nastalie is throwing any competitions.. The reason I would say that Nastalie was able to hold on for so long in the first HOH is because she had the adrenaline going and also because she is the lightest person in the house so she had less weight to carry during that competition. Nastalie says she is a big poker player and that she played in the WSOP all I have to say is that anyone can play in those tournaments if you have the cash or win a seat into the competition online. (they have contests) Watching BBAD and all Nastalie does is try to figure out ways to screw the other houseguests by cheating because she can’t win anything fair and square. She might have won a bronze medal but from what I hear her opponent was BLIND and had only ONE leg… lol

  36. what’s going on the house with the aliens? and is anyone else bothered by the way everyone is treating Michele? they all have abandoned her and don’t talk to her, then talk shit about her behind her back! can’t they say it to her face? I feel for that girl, I think she’s smart and I like her a lot. I want to see her and Jordan in the final 2!
    I have lost respect for Jeff, he became like Jessie. I hope Jeff goes to the jury house so Russell can ‘mop his face on the floor’ 🙂

    1. I agree with you… I feel bad for Michelle too…. but I am sure I wouldn’t want Jordan in the final two… it would be disappointing….

  37. So I did some research and found that unless the rules have changed that the person that uses the POV can be put up after they use the POV. So if Kevin realizes this then if Jordan does win the veto then he should replace Jeff with her. That would send Jordan packing and probably pull Michelle toward his side as an ally next week if she won HOH. So all you people who want Jordan to win so Nat would be evicted sorry if Kevin pays attention that ain’t happening. And how great would it be to see her reaction getting put up instead of Nat. And to see Russ watch the footage in the jury house as he watched her screw herself over. That would be priceless!

  38. CBS wants Jeff in the house because he’s a huge draw. I was concerned that production would intervene and help Jeff in some way. That may happen. Not sure what the key will do, if anything. BUT, since they haven’t said WHAT it can do, they can now turn the key into anything they want it to be. I’ll bet if the key does have a “benefit”, that CBS had already determined what the “benefit” would be based upon WHO got the key. In other words, the “benefit” would be one thing if Jeff got it, another thing if Jordan got it, etc.

  39. I think natalie is acting like an 18 year old and kevin is being naive too! They are counting everything soooooodumb! jordan just said she would rather let jeff go on then win the money. I think she had another dumb blonde moment. She is the one that needs the money. Other posts are suggesting cbs is helping jeff and i agree. the house would be boring without him because jordan would be like a mouse search for cheese in the corner of a circular room! by the way if I was on the show I would give michelle a hug!!!!!!

  40. i can t wait till pit bull throws kev to the curb …..she would never want to be final 2 with him….she walks around like shes a mini michael jordan…i only wish j.j would wise upand stop talking so damn much. i luv them but ther no the brightest

  41. After seeing Michelle crying again over Jeff calling her a liar I think she does have a mental problem.She cries and talks with herself in a way that is not normal. It’s scary.

    The reason she is crying is not because she has been called a liar-she is crying because she still thinks that if she could ship Jordo to the Jury house-she would have a whole week to show Jeff the difference between a real intelligent , educated , sexy woman in bed and a dumb bimbo, little sassy, in’ it weird girl.

    1. Grow a heart and soul. Her brother died a few months ago. Grief is a hard process to go through. She has held up well under the circumstances, she is alone there, everyone except Kevin and Casey have called her crazy and made her cry, but she still manages to keep it together. I hope you never find yourself suffering the loss of a loved one and being berated for no reason.

  42. POV winner is immune, last I checked. I think Marcellas was on the block and decided not to take himself down so his team could vote the other person out. Instead, he got voted out.

  43. Kevin, u need to team up w/Michelle. Agree w/comments that u shud hv teamed up w/Russ/Michelle instead of scumbag Nat. Comeon Kev…cause some more drama, get into Dumb/Dumber heads, screw them up big time. I guess I am more mad at myself for being such a J/J fan that I really can’t stand them for going against their sworn alliance. I believe Russ/Michelle wud hv. Thanks for ur updates, this is the only way I am able to decide if I want to watch my BB/BBAD tapes or just erase them w/o watching. Can’t stomach watching scumbag Nat gloat. For whatever it’s worth, BB producers shud really take a hard look at how many of us say we are no longer watching…believe me I hv no intention of wasting my time watching the tapes unless it is to watch scumbag Nat/dumb/dumber FEEL THE PAIN and get booted.

  44. chima really was raped. (in 1999) I saw a show on the ID channel today called cold cases and she was not only interviewed ( in 2005 once the case was solved) but they showed pics of her swolen lip ( as if her lips could get any bigger) and a black eye. apparently the rapist had killed 2 other victims before her but she got away by biting his penis while she was giving him forced oral sex. maybe thats why she is so weird now. I know that could mess with your head. still a friend of mine says that was fake ( as fake as Big brother) and that she was problably acting ( in the cold case show) as well as big brother cause he tinks all the cast of big bro are actors trying to do anyting to get on the tv, and even kevin said last noght that he was tired of the diary room guy telling him to say something funny and he also said when he was ahed of the can comp for hoh he thought they were gonna stop and freeze him so he wouldnt win. who else thinks the show is coached and the cast are all actors? I saw sheila from lastr season on the doctors show anbd she did a Q & a and made it a point to say she was an ex penthouse pet, actress and her last gig was big brother . so whatever.

  45. is jeff into scat? all he ever does is talk about sh******g, farting, anal sex etc… maybe hes a bottom boy LOL they say how smelt it dealt it 🙂 and doesnt talk to jordhoe like shes as dumb as she is? he had his nerver telling russell he had no respect for women considering how he treats jorddough

  46. I told my friend (Jeff & jordan lover) that we will see Jeff”s true colors when he becomes HOH.Jeff is a big fake. He’s using Jordan to get to the end. He’s such the gentelman yet he talks to jordan like she’s a child. He’s so honest but he used Russell to his advantage then threw him under the bus when he felt he didn’t need him anymore. I never trusted Jeff and couldn’t understand why America chose him for the Cou-de-ta.

    Everyone thought he was such a gentleman to let Jordan be HOH, but it was only strategy. It gave him the opportunity to basically get HOH twice for he controls Jordan nominations.

    What sense did it make for Lydia to go home? Obviously, Jeff was going after couples so that him and Jordan would be the only couple standing.

    By taking Jordan to the final two, he knows nobody will vote for a woman who didn’t win anything and couldn’t play the game.

    To sum it up, Jeff is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

      1. I can’t believe those idiots are playing a game that encourages lying and backstabbing, by actually telling lies and going back on their words. What a bunch of game players. The only honest one was Jessie and he’s just to stupid to lie. Go paco

    1. Exactly. Jeff wants everyone to do exactly what he says and is always the first to say “It’s just a game”. Now, that he may go home, he complains like a little baby. Incredible.

    2. i am not a j&j fan. but, i do have one question to ask; how is jeff using jordon? seems like to me it is the other way around. she is using him.

        1. I am a Jeff and Jordan fan also I hope somehow Jeff stays and him and Jordan and Michelle get rid of that total little snake natalie and her stupid friend???? Kevin those two esp. Natalie has done nothing but ride the coattails of anybody she can hook up with.

    3. he was the onlytrue playerin the house. I will no longerwatch now. I am tired of evil always winning these shows

      1. How can Jeff be the only true player.. when he 1. Couldn’t win a damn thing before he kicked Jessie? 2. Was pretty much handed the power to rule over everyone from the shadows (without winning a competition)? 3.Only qualities are his “down-to-earthness” and good looks (which in turn gave him his Coup de’ tat)?

        I mean seriously.. the first large word you can think of is: Technotronics? True player… pshhhhhh… if anything Jessie was the only true player and he got screwed over… although he played a very incredulous game, during his short-lived stay….

      1. Ok carol where’d ya get yer diploma… If I’m not mistaken it’s psyche not pysch but hey you probably just didn’t have Internet access to look it up and by the way I deliberately mispelled “you” and “your” early on in my post. Let’s save our criticism for those that really deserve it, rapists, murderers, jeff Jordan and gnat (did I mean gnat the bug or Natalie oooh must have mispelled it)

          1. Jeff is so hot. I hope Jordan and Jeff get married and Jordan win it for her mother. She really needs the money.

  47. Jeff has nerve bashing Russ .When I see him and Jordan laugh at M for crying it makes me sad.She has noone.Hope M wins POV.Jordan is so fake I use to like her but I see a side of her that makes her look ugly.

  48. I love Michelle.. I don’t care if she’s socially awkward.. she still has been the strongest woman in the house.

  49. o please to all of u !! part of this game is luck. Jeff has done a good job from being at the bottom then on the top of his game. As for his aggravation towards Jordan, I dont agree with the way he talks to her, but can u blame him, she is pretty clueless at times. You have to understand he is playing for 500K .

  50. It is great to see jeff on the block and Jordan is going to be right next to him. I want to see Jeff and Jordan throw each other under the bus this is going to be great.
    I hope everyone now see’s what Jeff really is.Send jeff packing then next week get rid of Jordan she doesnt belong there she is an idot. Jordan has done nothing she should of been gone long ago. I dont know how the idot got in the house.I hope Jeff turns on her big time…let the fun begin.

  51. go kevin..get rid of Jeff.. Jordan can go next week..she will fall apart with out jeff to tell her what to do. Jordan is so stupid it isnt even funny watching her any more..

  52. i don’t like jeff and jordan i wish jeff will leave this week next week jordan …. michele, nat, kevin good luck guys

  53. come on america jeff and jordan not to come here money they come here romance let them go both of them other people deserved money if they saved jeff this week bb i will never watched it’s rubbish ppl bb it will be fake cry like baby jeff remember what u done other ppl in the house it was fun even he is a big lier to anyone include jordan , jordan is a lier too i hate both of them bye bye uncle jeff and big fat jordan

    1. Please! Evertbody I know,including myself LOVE JEFF&JORDAN! Natalie and Kev skated by the entire game! If they go to the end, kev and nat-there wont be bb party ar my house this year!!! Per all my friends thar watch with me all 15 of them!!!

  54. Jeff’s biggest mistake was Jordan. She is so stupid. Michelle will take her to the end. I don’t understand why she believes Natalie over Michelle

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