“I think I Buzzed in maybe a second before you in that last one. I think you knew it was day 63. “

2:53 am Makensy and Cam
Makensy says her winning the veto was “Luck” (Grods lucky buzzer)
MJ – I think I Buzzed in maybe a second before you in that last one. I think you knew it was day 63.
Cam – Yeah I just did Day 61 at first and then I was doing day 63 the last time.. Yeah…
MJ – So you were counting up to your second?
Cam – Yeah
MJ – So you had Buzzed in before I put 63 already
Cam – I was about.. I was at the 1 getting to 63
Mj – That’s why I am saying I only put in one number .. so that’s what I’m saying you were faster WAY faster..
Cam – doesn’t matter I still lost it’s okay it is what it is..

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“I’m terrified about the decision I have to make. I know this sounds conceited but neither have done anything for me.”

5:12pm The live feeds return from being blocked. While the feeds were blocked Big Brother switched out the large kitchen table for the tiny one. Rubina – nothing on the screens, right? (She’s asking if the tv screens say the veto ceremony is today?) Chelsie – no, nothing on the screens. Rubina – okay, I just thought I’d ask.

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Big Brother 26 Final Veto Results – Makensy wins!

2:54 pm Girls are chatting about the change in schedule this week. They just had the veto competition.
They start talking about how fast Cam was moving in the competition. There was a running and a button pressing component. Cam really tried.
Rubina – did you hear when he smacked the…
Chelsie – I closed my ears because I knew it was coming
Cam’s flip.. When we’re back they are congratulating Makensy on her win.

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Chelsie “The hard part for me is they’re very equal.” Cam “Regardless its one after the other..”

8:55pm – 9:25pm HOH room – Makensy, Cam and Chelsie
Makensy – are y’all ready for tomorrow? Chelsie – No. Makensy – All right. Well, at least you’re honest. Chelsie – What do you think? Makensy – Oh, I thought we were getting Kimo out? Chelsie – I still need to talk to Rubina. What would you say are your pros and cons for both? Makensy – Rubina’s cons are she’s a little bit more physical than Kimo, but her pros are that she’s less mental and is the exact opposite of Kimo, both beatable but he does better in high pressure. Chelsie – I’m trying to weigh my options of like in these next couple competitions. Are they going to be physical? Are they going to be mental and both I think are prone to put any of us up regardless. Makensy – Oh yeah.

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“My head & my heart worry cause first I want my heart, I want Cam there because we’ve been talking about that but my head says Rubina”

8:40pm – 9:30pm HOH room – Makensy and Chelsie
Makensy – It has been a day of nothing. I haven’t eaten all day and I’m about to drink wine. Chelsie – yeah while you have a headache. Makensy – at this point I haven’t felt anything in a very very long time in that sense. Chelsie – you don’t care? Makensy – I don’t give a f**k! Makensy – its been a day of nothing, I thought I was going to see my family and I didn’t. I am trying not to stress out about next week but I feel like I am. Chelsie – if I win HOH and you or I win veto, who are you sending home? Makensy – that’s what I wanted you to think about. Chelsie laughs – hold the hell up! There is a greater probability that you would have to make a decision than me. Makensy – listen… shut up and let me talk.

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Feeds LIT “Look Look pull her out, you put her in… she looks kinda like that, Cracking on top”

4:49 pm
MJ – Y’all better listen up … LOOK.. Look at this.. it’s done. When it looks like this take it out. Okay! THen you let it rest .. Look Look pull her out, you put her in there for.. first of all you missed me put it in the oven. You put it in the oven. Make sure the oven is at 350. You put it in the oven for about, 25-30 minutes, OKAY!
MJ – You bake em.. she looks kinda like that, Cracking on top, you take it out. THen you let her sit, you just let her sit and COOL, don’t touch it don’t mess with it, don’t try to take it out of the pan yet. Let it sit.
MJ – you also missed, never put two cakes in the oven at the same time, unless you have a special type of oven. They will cook unevenly. Okay… Okay.. One at a time.. Cool

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