Joseph “I don’t see a way for you. At this point I just don’t see how you can move the waves in your direction.”

5:15pm Backyard – Joseph and Angela
Angela – I’ve been thinking about and thinking about it and
thinking about it because it’s like I am not tied to anybody. I don’t
have numbers with me. I care about Kimo. I like Kimo a lot. The
other girls, they don’t really talk to me except for Leah. Leah is the only one that really talks to me like about personal things outside of this house that make me feel normal again. And I appreciate that in our relationship in that way. And then and game wise you’re like the only one that I’m like I know you’re smart. I know you’re you’re you can analyze things you’re seeing things that I’m not seeing so that’s why I have no problem like asking you because Joseph for one, I do trust you.

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LEAH WON the VETO! “There’s a NEW Comp Beast in Town!”

Bathroom – Leah and Makensy celebrate. Chelsie joins them. Chelsie – watch them kiss up to you. Leah – I know. Chelsie – That would be what a crazy twist that would be if Thucker goes on and then all three of them are on the block that next week. That would be crazy. I don’t know if Quinn would want to put that blood on his hands, though I get that. But like I know I know that was a good one. That was a good win.

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Chelsie about Joe “He thinks his social game is so strong.. like Dr Will seasons ago”

12:05 am Chelsie, Cam and Makensy (Whispering)
Chelsie says Quinn is trying to be calculated about this week.
MJ – joe is not going to win
Production calls them out for not wearing their microphone properly
Chelsie brings up Joe telling her he knew if he made it to the end with Tucker he would win because of his Social game.
Chelsie – he said people who win comps don’t win this game it’s a social game. Not a physical game. the competition mean nothing.
Chelsie – he needs a resume
Cam – you can’t just turn it on that doesn’t work

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Chelsie – Joseph he thinks he has “the best social game here. He also thinks he has more airtime than you and me!”

8:34pm Kitchen – Makensy and Chelsie
Chelsie – So we can talk to him about doing a 5. At first he didn’t mention Leah. The second time he did, which is surprising. He mentioned you before he mentioned Leah. Makensy – I think he had a lot of respect for my game. Chelsie – oh he does and he does and he doesn’t like how you were treated and either do I. Makensy – I mean at least the four, he is very very confident on it. Chelsie – I teeter between Joseph and Cam. Joseph would throw Quinn under the bus before Tucker any day! I was just outside with because he tried to act like he knew Tucker’s game. And I’m like you were willing to throw your game away from him. Makensy – When I was up there he said what do you think about Joseph.

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Nomination Results! “I know she did it to herself but it is still hard to watch.”

Kitchen – Rubina and Tkor
Tkor – Yeah, it’s crazy how much of a new normal it’s become to just be here. And so I really do forget in that I am not at home, that these people would literally strangers to me less than two months ago. And we’ve been living together and it’s crazy how, like, more intimate that I’ve gotten with everyone. How much more I know about
people how used to. I’ve gotten with people being around me. You know what I mean? Rubina – no I forget all the time. I’ve forgotten at times when I really should remember. Where’s Kimo? Tkor – I think he is just a little hurt right now.

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“They lost their biggest asset in the game and now it’s a scramble.”

12:25 pm Quinn, Cam and Chelsie
Quinn goes over his conversation with Kimo. He hopes Kimo believe him. “I like Kimo on a personal level but you did choose Tucker over me”
Q – he’s like I feel like you think I chose him over you, but I didn’t.
Q – I’m like you literally did..
C – hopefully we can win the veto and keep everything the same.
Q – we want to form something…
Quinn tells Cam if he hadn’t won that Veto he would have probably gone home.
C – ohh 100%

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“Kimo, Angela, Rubina.. I stabbed her in the back twice she would be drunk to try to not send me home” **updated**

3:20 am Quinn and Joe
Joe – who do you want to put up?
Quinn – Angela, Rubina.. I stabbed her in the back twice she would be drunk to try to not send me home.. It would be crazy for her to be like I trust Quinn again. And I’ll put Kimo up here’s the truth..
Joe – I’m just going to tell you right now, Me and Tucker and Rubina.. They were both talking sh1t about you like how they can’t trust you to save face.. Just letting you know she might use that.
Quinn – it makes not sense for her to trust me.
Joe – her and Tucker were both going on about how they can’t trust you.

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QUINN WON the HOH! “I’m not about to waste my time taking her out but I’ll put her on the block as a placeholder”

Bumper Pool Room – Quinn and Tkor
Tkor – what are you thoughts on Kimo and Rubina? Quinn – I would put up Rubina. Quinn – so what are you thinking. Tkor – I am thinking you should definitely talk to Joseph about that. I don’t think Kimo and Rubina were aware of Tuckers plan. Talk to them about it and get some clarity but I don’t think they were aware of it.
Tkor – I think that Mackenzie is a very strong competitor. It does get a little tricky putting her on the block again and again and again and so I think that’s more so dependent on if she’s a threat you wanna work with or a threat you wanna work against.

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“I know it can be detrimental to the game, but we don’t give a f**k!”

Tucker – you guys have no idea how long we held that! Quinn – its okay! Tucker – we’re going to cuddle tonight. Chelsie – can you let us know when the first moment was? Rubina – we didn’t want to. Quinn – what you’re doing is really sweet. The approach was insane! Rubina – we didn’t want to. Tucker – neither of us did. We both had a lot of pressure about that sh*t coming in here and we both were super against it and knew it wouldn’t happen. And when you meet someone super sweet, you can’t deny it as much as you try to. And I know, I know it can be detrimental to the game, but we don’t give a f**k. We care about each other a lot. Rubina – I’ll just jump off a cliff if that’s cool with everyone. Leah – I am happy for you guys. You’re both genuine people.

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Chelsie – “Nobody has considered the conversation of Tucker because everyone is afraid.”

5:26 pm Chelsie and Quinn
Q – they can pretend we’re besties and we’re cool but they were ok with us being expendable.. even though they were safe in theat power structure with us.
C – In the power structure of the house Currently where do you feel lying?
Q – they’ll take out Leah before they take me out.. they keep weaking us in numbers. I feel comfortable saying this outloud to you. We have to have each other otherwise we are f***ed
C – I have your back 100 percent. We are on the outs!
Q – everytime they ask me who I will put up and i’m like Chelsie and cam but that’s just … I’m telling you if I win this HOH It’ll be Tucker/Rubine or Kimo/T’kor and then Joe is cool with eveyrbody.
Feeds flip..
Quinn says he’s fully committed to Chelsie. Quinn says the new alliance Kimo and Tkor have formed is now like the collective “They feel too comfortable”

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