Matt “I’m the dumbest player in the world to America. He’s getting yelled at by old ladies and this girl doesn’t like him.”

11:10pm Backyard – Matt and Makensy
Makensy – Here is the thing, I have already not spoke with him for as long as I have known him. Matt – like full transparency because I would say this on the outside as well and I have said it multiple times like if you have things you need tie up then like it’d be better for you to wait then for you know what I mean. Makensy – You are great. And so do I want to get to know you as a person and obviously see where that goes, because that is also important. Because, like, at any of the time, I wouldn’t be able to do that. You know what I’m saying? What is like, where is our boundary at?

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Angela “Oh, there’s Lisa. She’s just so high and mighty she never makes mistakes!”

6:30pm Backyard – Kenny and Angela
Kenny – First off I don’t take anything personal in this game. Its a game. I’m playing it and I’m good. Angela – I’ve been honestly watching you and feeling for you and what you’ve been going through in you’re absolutely right. I did that to you. There was probably a smarter move, but I didn’t know what I was doing. I honestly I didn’t have guidance in this nobody in particularly said do this to this. No one did that and I was shocked because I’m older. I thought what I was doing was making the right choice in the way that I saw and I’m just going to be completely honest with you.

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Makensy – “Like I’ve been waiting to get touched”

Leah – This is like how I stayed with my ex for five years and got everything paid for these f**king thumbs are like little diggers. Keep on digging.
Makensy – It’s pretty nice. The foot like it felt. It’s like a good pain. You know where it’s like ouch, but I enjoy it
Leah – If I have like a little lotion, I can go hard with the pain.
Makensy – I need to learn how to do that
Leah – I’m not a good toe cracker.
Makensy – All you need to do is pull mine.
Makensy – my gosh.
Leah – Oh my God. I’m going hard right now.

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“Everyone can know how much I hate that girl [Lisa]! If she wins HOH, I would like voluntarily leave! Like she is that annoying!”

7:25pm Backyard – Tucker and Makensy
Tucker – I think everybody knows why I’m here. Everyone wants to win and I want to just play with the best competitors and may the best man or woman man win.. and like just have a good time I mean it just exactly how you said it like it’s just the fact that we’re even here is crazy. I just really hope Kenny and Matt stay. You can just tell he is grateful regardless. Makensy – Yeah. Tucker – And like, I don’t know if he has it in his mind that, like, he can’t win this thing. It’s just the fact that he’s here is already a win, as everybody should see it was just emotional because he’s probably like, it was emotional
when you’re saying it

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Tucker – “I told everybody I’m a floater… I think floatings not a bad Idea”

4:40 pm Tucker and Leah
Tucker – I told everybody I’m a floater
Leah – Good for you, cuz it’s been like working
Tucker – Cams. Cams like. Yeah, bro. People take your floating. I told them like, yeah, that’s that’s what he’s doing. And Cam was like, yo, I’m floating till we figure this shit out. Leah – perfect then I would like to join the floaters
Tucker – Yeah. Yeah, I think floatings not a bad Idea
Leah – I’m like, I’m happy we’re having this moment too, because I haven’t had anytime to
talk to you.

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Kenny “I think my best bet is if I’m up against Tkor. If I’m in that situation and I go home I feel really good.”

4pm Backyard Hammock – Matt and Kenny.
Matt – I think you’re in a good position. Don’t lose hope. I think the best chance is if you can convince her to put up Tkor. I think we’re in a good spot Kenny. And then I am telling you next week we will start all over. Angela joins them. Matt – I just talked to Kenny about how we made up and we’re good now. Kenny – I knew that if I am up against him, it’s not good for me. I don’t want to go home. I think we had, I laid out to you exactly why I think you made a huge mistake putting me up. And there’s a very good possibility that I’m going home, which absolutely sucks for me and I my looking around like I don’t even agree with the reason why you put me up

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Lisa “Did my name come out of your mouth? Cam “Yes, I didn’t know if I could trust you. I saw you talking & I wasn’t involved.”

12pm – 12:35pm Unicorn Bedroom – Lisa and Cam
Lisa – if you come this way, are you okay to leave that? Cam – I am not trying to make ..I’m not trying to have people think that I’m playing both sides. Or playing but I am literally just hearing and feeling people out and then after tomorrow or after today. I’d like to see how the house is. Lisa – We need people in the circle to think about things that others don’t think about to make us all better. Like we all have our strengths. You and I are very similar in how our brains work. You’re on board to be here and be fully present here and to do your best.

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Lisa “I would suggest not making personal digs at people ever again. The personal attack especially his mother.”

Angela – I’m pouring my heart out to you right now. I see that as you did to me. I see that I could be completely 100 percent loyal to you and you only. I don’t know where their heads are at or they could give that to you. I need a best friend. I need a best friend more than ever. I need you. I’m like I want it to be you. I really wanted 100 percent of your heart. But you don’t really want me. I don’t want to make moves. I want to consult with you. I don’t want to open my mouth. I don’t want to have too many. I don’t even want to have side conversations.

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Matt “I’m telling you right now, my speech is going to shatter the glass in this house!”

6:20pm Chelsie and Matt
Matt – I know you’re trying to use it and put me up. I know. Put me up because everybody’s like, I mean, that’s more people that are just
like, what are you doing? And like, think about though. I don’t know if she’s thinking about next week. If she puts me up, I’m telling you right now, my speech is going to shatter the glass in this house. We have an alliance its the Barber Shop. Its me, you, Makensy, Cedric, Brooklyn, Leah, Cam.. we could do Kenny, Tkor. They agree it would be good to keep Tucker close.

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LISA WON THE VETO!! Angela “Do you know how good that would look to our grandbabies if we take down the macho man!”

Angela – What do you want to do with that? Just get
enough people around. He’s going to think if I put him up. He’s
already probably assuming if somebody pulls off, he’s going to
think I can’t rally people but wouldn’t it be the ultimate f**king
blind side? Brooklyn – But listen after what happened this morning. You can’t put anyone else up other than Matt. Angela – I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t dream about. So like, that’s already a given. So then if I can trust you with that and please, please, please, if you can help me. Really. I’m not good at this. I’m going to tell you. But I’ve been not good at this. I need help.

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Veto Players Picked! Angela “It’s a game and I just thank god that I am not stupid!”

10:16am Bathroom – Matt and Kenny.
Matt is upset / crying about what Angela did this morning.
Kenny – You wouldn’t even be your emotions and getting the best of you right now. You tired? I said, like, believe me, I’ve been emotional. I caught on the thing. I’m sorry. As soon as I said my wife’s name, I started crying. love you, man. Which is crazy to me, because I watch this show and I’m like, how do people bond with somebody right away? Like to have that immediate connection with you? I’m like, like, this is great. And you’re right. You have to second guess stuff. You have to hope it’s genuine. And I know you’re a genuine dude. But you’re a good guy Yeah, you ain’t insane. Vote me out. What do you think I’m saying? Vote me out. I miss my **** kids and my family.

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