Comic Bedroom – Felicia and Cirie.
Cirie – I’ve never depended on people. I depend on myself. Felicia – in the church we had a saying.. What you can’t do alone we can do together. Because I relized that you can’t do nothing by yourself. Cirie – I’ve done everything myself most of my life. Felicia – I know and what you can’t do alone we can do together. There are two books ends. There ain’t no bookend without the other. This whole is game is about using and being used. We’re fine! Bowie Jane could have won that competition. She picked up the wrong one intentionally because she didn’t want to win and have to remove someone after she put them on the block. Now it looks like she is forced to take somebody down. I watched her a$$! She’s been underplaying herself this whole dame game. Cirie – Jared said that. Jared said watch Bowie Jane turn it up at the end of the game. He said that exactly that to me. He said Bowie Jane is faking. Felicia – I really wanted Matt to win.