HOH Part 1 Of 3: Monte Vs Turner Vs Taylor Part 1 Winner: TURNER HOH Part 2 Of 3: Monte Vs Taylor Part 2 Winner: Monte HOH Part 3 Of 3: Turner Vs Part 2 Winner Final HOH Winner: Monte Liked the season. Thanks everyone for joining us in watching the feeds. Dr Will wearing […]
Month: September 2022

“To all the random live feeders thank you for watching.”
9:56 am Turner, Taylor and MOnte
Turner – Thank you to ever single life feeder that stayed loyal no matter what. I don’t know it early on you thought you would watch these three faces the entire season but lo and behold you have. No matter how hard you struggle it’s going to happen.. t
Turner – I don’t know there you go.. umm.. ugh.. ummm.. I can’t address.. I’m malfunctioning. To all the random live feeders thank you for watching. Thank you for filling the pockets of just another corporation.. That’s awesome.. because of you I had a job this summer.

“You think anybody will have a big secret to reveal tomorrow night?”
HOH Part 1 Of 3: Monte Vs Turner Vs Taylor Part 1 Winner: TURNER HOH Part 2 Of 3: Monte Vs Taylor Part 2 Winner: Monte HOH Part 3 Of 3: Turner Vs Part 2 Winner Final HOH Winner: ? 9:00 am Houseguests given their wakeup call. 9:30 am Monte is up Turner and Taylor […]

Monte WON Part 2 Of the 3 Part HOH! “I guess we’re chilling until Sunday now” **updated**
HOH Part 1 Of 3: Monte Vs Turner Vs Taylor Part 1 Winner: TURNER HOH Part 2 Of 3: Monte Vs Taylor Part 2 Winner: Monte HOH Part 3 Of 3: Turner Vs Part 2 Winner Final HOH Winner: ? HOH part two happened before 11. When the feeds came back at 10:50 am we […]

Turner WON Part 1 Of the 3 Part HOH! “Wild f**king day!”
11:40pm The live feeds return – Turner won part 1 of the 3 part HOH!
Taylor – oh my god! That was just really crazy ..to one be a part of and two to watch you guys. Turner – I can’t believe I won the one spinning comp we had.. I just figure that is f**king insane! Monte – yeah. Taylor – that was a big grip one. Monte – I think it was yeah more grip .. I think it spun for a little bit. Turner – the toss was way harder. Taylor – the toss was ridiculous! Turner – the spin was not bad at all. Taylor – the spin was chillin’! I was like oh a break! Monte – I know right! Turner – there was one part near the beginning that I thought was tough.. the hang.. I was like this can’t keep happening!
Taylor – oh my god picking up a fork and a knife is difficult! Wild f**king day!

Big Brother 24 Final Four Eviction
Almost done! This has been a fun ride no matter who wins out of Taylor, Monte or Turner I was thoroughly entertained this season. No Kraken this time. The week was pretty simple. Taylor won head of household and nominates Turner and Brittany. Monte wins veto and will vote out Brittany. Jury segment. Joe gets […]

Monte – “well.. I’m a very humble.. I don’t don’t think I come natural to brag about myself”
Monte – For my ego I would have loved to have said I can control anything
Taylor – we know you love your ego rubbed
Monte – well.. I’m a very humble.. I don’t don’t think I come natural to brag about myself. I’m not that type of person. I don’t walk around saying how tall or strong I am
Taylor – Okay .. go on
Monte – I don’t find it natural to take credit for things. I like the fact I was part of a unit that got this far. What I am trying to say the way things happened it works fine because it fits into my personality.. Things just worked out dude I don’t want to take credit.

“You screwed me over. If You take away my lifelong dream and ability to start a family you do not have my vote”
6:00 am Monte, Taylor and Turner
Enjoying the backyard for the last time this season. Making sure nothing was forgotten.
Turner “Alright Big Brother Backyard we love you”
Monte – Truly been a wonderful summer
Monte – we will miss the fresh air
Turner – get your last breath of fresh air

“If that was not the most painfully awkward boring conversation I have ever had, then I don’t know what was!”
7:40pm Hammock. Brittany and Turner.
Brittany – I cannot imagine not watching the show that you’re one ..like wouldn’t you just be curious? Turner – yeah right. Brittany – I really do hope for the most part that we all stay in touch. Turner – I think there will be a text chat. Brittany – I think that at least right!? Turner – that sounds like a bare minimum. Brittany – I can’t wait to see all the stuff you end up doing. I can’t believe we’re 9 years a part. Brittany gets called to the diary room. Turner – If that was not the most painfully awkward boring conversation I have ever had, then I don’t know what was! Oh my god! OI have had enough of that! What’s next are we going to talk about Austin Texas? So we have two people locked in the HOH.

“She goes on this whole Rant.. She thinks I should fear you as a competitor”
1:20 pm Turner and Monte
Monte giving Turner the debrief after his conversation with Brittany. “She goes on this whole Rant how umm.. She thinks I should fear you as a competitor vs her and how like.. She thinks it will be a smooth easy path for me to make it to final 2 with her as opposed to you or whatever have you.”
Monte – I’m just like K I hear you but at the same time we’ve all beaten each other in competitions. All of us. You can’t sit here and say one person is better than another. I will say Yeah we’ve had better performances based on the competitions we’ve had in the past versus Brittany. Brittany has been showing up recently. It’s not like she’s been losing any brain cells.
Monte says he told her he would rather Trust in Turner to make the decision to take him to final 2 than Brittany. “You are obviously going to choose Taylor”
Monte mentions how she brought up Turner’s game style being “unpredictable” this whole season and he might not take Monte to the end.
M – I was like what are you talking about? Every decision he’s made has been from input that You also put in.. First of all the leftovers was a collective thing we all decided to do to put up ameerah and Terrance. It’s not like he just went rogue.

Monte – “When it comes to staying the night here I don’t feel comfortable doing that NOW just to be honest with you.”
2:00 am Monte and Taylor
They are talking about Taylor making a comment about Monte not seeing his goddaughter. We start the conversation late.
Taylor apologizes “I am so sorry for that Truly.. you are not someone I want to deeply disrespect”
Taylor – I am not a person that will throw personal things into someone’s face with the intention of harming them. I did that unintentionally but I did that and I am very sorry for that.
Monte – I’m not going to say I don’t forgive you for what you said. Makes me know you have the capability to be more warm and not so cold. So toned deaf to sensitive things or rude and joking. I know that is not you all the time so to see that side come out today. I’ve seen that side come out before but honestly it didn’t care about it that’s Taylor that is who she is.
Monte – now seeing you revert to that it’s confusing and frustrating

Taylor “I’m still being lied to Monte! Nobody has owned up to voting me out of the house!”
12:40pm HOH room – Monte and Taylor.
Taylor – I am still being lied to Monte! Nobody has owed up to voting me out of the house still. Monte – what do you mean? You asked Brittany or Turner? Taylor – Mmmmmhmmm. Monte – what you talk to both of them recently? Taylor – not about it, just no one has said anything. Everyone has operated this week as if no one tried to vote me out. Monte – as if it didn’t happen. Taylor – yeah. Monte – yeah, I don’t know. I mean.. I find it hard to think that Turner would be so transparent about how he felt and then Alyssa trying to guilt trip him into not voting her out. And go all week confirming he is good with our final three and then decides at the last minute to flip his vote after Brittany came up to him saying that he should give her (Alyssa) and then tells us exactly that..