Bedroom – Terrance and Daniel.
Daniel – I just want to see… get filed in… you know like I don’t want to be in the dark. It obviously doesn’t matter, I do think I’m going home. Terrance – I don’t think that though bro! Daniel – well I am definitely going to talk to him and do what I can. He seems pretty level headed about the game part. Terrance – everybody was upset in a sense it was kind of like .. they felt like she was moving like POOCH in a sense. Like with the things that were said as far as she said she was going to put Turner on the block, she told Monte she was going to put him on the block. Like as pawns or whatever. Daniel – yeah she didn’t run it by me.. not that she had to. But if she had I would have been like hold on. Daniel – I would never just roll over and die.