8:15pm Pumper Pool Room – Alyssa and Kyle.
Kyle – I wonder why production has been so nice about me sleeping. Alyssa – because you’re depressed. Kyle – could be that. Kyle – are we still friends? We are. I am sorry I am so sleepy.. I’m like an old man. Let me shrivel up and die. Alyssa notices that Brittany goes into Turner’s HOH room. Alyssa – she is going to try and trap him and ask him game questions. Do you think? Kyle – I don’t know. I have not thought game much. Alyssa – you haven’t? Kyle – hell no. What am I going to think about? I still have hope that when you go home and watch the season you’re like I don’t hate Kyle. And maybe we could hang out in a scenario where he isn’t lying to me. Alyssa – would you lie to me in real life? Kyle – no. Alyssa – maybe one day we go on Amazing Race. Kyle – there is zero chance I ever go on another tv show ever again. Yeah, lets bring Kyle back he was a real hit! Thanks though for that .. thanks for the optimism. Am I going to get Boo’d?