11:10 am Ky and Sarah Beth
SB – Derek came to talk to me
Sb – he’s fighting to stay..
Sb – he thinks BIGD is coming after us
She gives him a summary of her conversation with DerekX
Sb – I’m choosing to beleive what I’m being told from the three of them they are going after Tiffany and Claire.
SB – keeping him doesn’t shift any targets from us.. if he’s here he’s not taking a shot at me he’ll use his influence
Sb – BabyD has a lot of influence in this house he would keep you and send me home
SB – if he gets rid of me he thinks he’ll pull you in .. what’s ky going to do play the game by himself?
Ky – I feel personally closer to Tiff and Claire but I feel less safe with them.
Sb – I just don’t believe him that he wouldn’t come after me next week even if he said he wouldn’t it wouldn’t make sense for his game to do it
Ky says DX will win power and blame it on BIGD