8:48 am Claire and Tiff
Tiff says Sb brought up a lot about Alyssa. tiff wants to bring Alyssa up one more time before nominations.
Tiff – “SB has a gift of putting her points together.. honey she had a whole Christmas bag.. she just had more and more information when we first sat down”
Tiff says once she pointed out to SB her side of the house has winning all the competitions “She dug in her bag and pulled more things out she told me BIGD was going to do this or that Alyssa said this.. Xavier said this.. she’s like ummm ALyssa will lie with a straight face. I thought she had given me a lot of information. She let me know she had no loyalty with anyone in this game.. That’s a big statement to make.
Tiff – she told me DX, Ky and her had a final 3 she couldn’t decide to go with them or with us
Tiff – when you won SB you never got me and Claire together for jackpot
Claire – never