7:45pm Bathroom – Kyland and Hannah.
Kyland – I was talking to Tiffany .. I think you were there. Hannah – yeah. Kyland – but that wouldn’t be until … I am wondering if it should be tomorrow or Thursday. I’m thinking tomorrow. Hannah – I think she might figure that it will be a 7 – 1 vote. On Thursday I was kind of thinking of pulling her aside and being like sorry.. like what we did with Britini and DX. Kyland – yeah, exactly. I think it would just be like.. Hannah – because blindsiding her would be bad jury management on our part. Kyland – yeah, so I think it is literally just like on Thursday and or like I could pass the message. I could be like Alyssa has convinced Claire that you’re the best target for this week or whatever. Hannah – honestly .. because like SB knows that Claire is the anonymous HOH at this point right? Kyland – assumes .. yeah. Hannah – would it be a bad thing that if tomorrow we start doing that… that way so that Claire is even more weary of Alyssa? And vice versa.