With Big Brother Canada 9 premiere less than one week away We’re getting more information of the type of season we’re heading into here’s a news roundup before we check out the mess they’ve made of the house.
Month: February 2021

First Look at the Big Brother Canada 9 Cast! “TEAM DESTINY Vs TEAM DEFENDER”
Today Big Brother Canada released the all new cast of house guests. No all-stars season this year for Brother Canada, which I am happy to see after just coming off the Big Brother US all-stars season. So far there are going to be 14 new house guests entering the BBCAN house, unless there are any other newbies or alumni thrown in the mix after the fact. I’m pretty sure Simon said Emmett was going to be on this season so we’ll have to wait to see if the pantry is fully stocked with protein to see if that rumor is true or not!

Big Brother 23 Casting News & Updates – “50% Black, Indigenous and People of Colour”
An important and long overdue change that fans have been calling for a long time in terms of the diversity of casting for both Big Brother Canada and Big Brother US is that their casts will now be more inclusive of minorities. Starting with the 2021-2022 broadcast seasons, BBCAN and CBS have announced that they want their future reality series to have casts that are at least 50% Black, Indigenous and people of colour.

Big Brother Canada 9 rises March 3rd
premiere date set for Big Brother Canada 9. March 3rd. Mark your calendars and buckle up I’m sure it’ll be a blast 🙂