It is here! official confirmation of Big Brother 22 starting August 5th. We get a cast release on July 29th via the feeds. Coronavirus be dammed CBS is going to run the show with whatever “Allstars” they can drag off Instagram. It’s going to be grand and I’m here for all of it.
Month: July 2020

Big Brother 22 Allstars 2 Live Feed Page and other great news.
Holy smokes folks after the last two weeks of coronavirus updates from the beleaguered LA County I was getting worried Big Brother 22 was not happening. Looking again like it is happening!
Big Brother 22 Live feed page is up.
Hamster watch tweets out August 6th start. (For feeds)
Backyard drone shots show’s activity.
BB22 AllStars Merchandise briefly on sale.
TMZ article about bubbling the crew