After almost a full day of live feeds being down Global decided to let us know that the show has been canceled due to the coronavirus. This season will be remembered as a dumpster and is the biggest example of why this franchise BBCAN/BBUS desperately needs a change in casting direction. 1 person quit 2 […]
Month: March 2020

“yesterday there was a group of four people working on her (Carol) to change her mind”
Around 9:00 am Houseguests start waking up . 9:30 Am Vanessa and Carol Talking about dreams.. Vanessa- I’m starting to only dream about in here and the people in here. Vanessa gets called into the Diary room. AS they walk out she says that Rianne has the coffee made and ready. Carol – we’ll I […]

COOL KIDS “This is solid.. we have to get Demon out of here”
10:45 am Sheldon, Vanessa, Sue, Brooke, and Chris Their alliance is called the “cool kids” (shoot me) Vanessa – we have four people going into this competition. Numbers are in our favour we got to win umm.. yeah Sue – and we have to get Demon out of here Chris – demon, whose next Sue […]

Minh “I’m going to pray everyday that I get that next HOH.” Brooke “I feel like you would be drunk with power.”
10:46pm HOH room. Sheldon and Sue.
Sue – lets say that we vote to evict Minh and the second after Carol self evicts. Sheldon – which she would probably do. Who is down to evict Minh? Sue – Me, Vanessa, you.. Sheldon – Vanessa is down? Sue – Mmmmhhmm.. I just talked to her. Sheldon – Chris will do whatever we want. Sheldon – do you think the whole house would be down? Sue – if you wanted it .. yeah. And then once we evict Minh.. Carol can self evict. You have to tell me if I’m being too savage right now. Sheldon – it is savage but I am not happy about Carol going home. Sue – me neither but to me whether we evict her .. she is just going to self evict anyways.

“The bull, I just wish there was a day I could be 100% comfortable with him because he’s a bull there’s always that hint of doubt”
Power of Veto players: , Minh, Carol POV = HIRA 9:58 am Maddy, Rianne and Minh They start talking about not knowing where Vanessa’s head is at. Minh says Vanessa is a lone wolf in this game. Ri mentions that Vanessa and Chris are getting closer. ASks Minh if Vanessa will start to try and […]

“I get the feeling nobody else is playing. Whose talking game, in general, that’s not going to be to us?”
6:00 am Minh is up getting ready for some crazy 10:07 am Sue, Sheldon, and Brooke Sue says Ri doesn’t want to go up as a pawn this week “She feels safe right now” Sue pushing for Maddy to get put up as the Pawn beside Carol Sheldon – I don’t think Maddy will do […]

Sheldon “It should be easy because the target is clear.” Chris “Do you want to make the five official?”
1:22am HOH room. Sheldon and Chris.
Chris – do you have things figured out? Sheldon – yeah, I just want your opinion. Chris – we have the same target right? Sheldon – yeah. Chris – Backdoor is the most efficient. Sheldon – yeah but who do you want as the other pawn? Who would we do? Chris – Carol. Sheldon – I am going to propose it in my talks tomorrow and there is a chance that someone is okay with it. And there is a chance .. its obviously the most efficient way to do it. Chris – we just have to convince them they are 100% safe and let them know.. Sheldon – that everyone is in on it. I’m sure someone will so I will let you know how all those conversations go in terms of people volunteering. I figure it will be late like tomorrow night.

Big Brother Canada 8 – 1 Quit, 2 Expelled, 1 Evicted, 1 Wants to Quit
This season has turned into a mess. Last week Sheldon won Head of Household and Nominated Maddy along with Ri. Maddy won the veto and Sheldon put Minh-Ly up as a replacement. It’s obvious she is the target. Minh-Ly calls a house meeting where Jamar ‘threatens’ Kyle. Jamar is expelled from the house for this. […]

“I’m very very serious I’m done. I would have at least doubled my followers that’s all I really care about”
11:26 am Carol and minh They argue for an hour 11:45 am Angie and Kyle Angie says she wanted to say “Stuff” during the house meeting but it got so wild. Angie – she’s lucky not everyone got their chance (To speak) At the end of it she would have said everyone was ganging up […]

Minh “I am really like scared of Kyle.” Sheldon “What kind of scared?” Minh “He behaves like a sociopath.”
12:20am HOH room. Minh is crying to Sheldon. Sheldon – what are you thinking? Minh – I am just feeling like .. i just feel along right now .. you know?! Like I feel alone in this house and alone in this game. And the one person that I felt had my back .. just got himself evicted. So I just feel like I don’t know how to move forward in this situation. It like never ends! It never ends. I was talking to Vanessa and said I just want you to know that I never talk sh*t about you .. ever. And she was like well I am hearing stuff today. Kyle said something and Carol. Then I went to see Carol and she was upset and thinking about self-evicting. She was like this place is hell. I understand where she is coming from because the first week was tough for me and now I am like feel like it is tough for me right now.

“When Jams left yesterday Minh was like but we never got to have s$x”
Sue to the house meeting on Monday at 4 pm the feeds were down for close to 24 hours. During the house meeting, Jamar lost his temper and proceeded to threaten Kyle. Production removed him from the game. Feeds were off for almost 24 hours more could have happened we just don’t know. A great […]

“I’m going to placate him so he doesn’t lose his flipped mind then if I win next week. I’m putting up Jamar”
Power of Veto Ceremony results Maddy used the veto. Sheldon put Minh-ly up as the replacement. Jamar Lee Removed From ‘Big Brother Canada’ 10:50 am Brooke and Sheldon Brooke mentions how Minh is ignoring her. Sheldon says all they have to do today is act sad. “You feel sorry that Minh is stirring up all […]