Tommy to Sis – This is the best case scenario! Sis – literally .. like what more could you ask for? Tommy – I didn’t have to be in a position where I had to choose. Jack will not be going home. We get to be punished for what we did. It is literally perfect! Sis – I know! Tommy – we made it up to Kat by giving her that f**King thing (Hawaii vacation). Literally perfect! Sis – I was sh*tting bricks! And I was feeling bad for Nick ..I didn’t know what he would have.. Tommy – he would have had to take the veto if she hadn’t because he was a possibility to go up. Sis – this is best case scenario! Tommy – Also Nick has been struggling in the house so now he gets 5 grand.
Month: August 2019

“I’m shunned… Exiled” “Welcome to the group that’s how everybody felt with you guys, Sorry”
10:29 am Nicole, Jess and Holly
Jess brings up Michie and how he seemed in better sprites today
Holly going on about Jackson’s nightmares “It scared me. he ruined 3 shirts completely soaking wet”
Holly – He said If he wins he’s keeping it the same.
Holly – I’m glad he didn’t get houseguests choice because he didn’t know who to pick and he didn’t’ want to put me in that position
Holly says Tommy will take Jack off. Nick and Kat will keep it the same.
Jess will keep it the same.
Holly says she can ask Tommy not to use the veto but he still will.
Holly – they will use Christie’s power
Jess – Christie will tell me if not then she’ll be a really big target. She told me she would not.

Jackson “If I’m going to be on the block on Thursday.. I’m BLOWING SH*T UP! BLOWING IT UP! KAPOW!”
8:35pm Bedroom. Tommy and Holly. Tommy – I want them to make up. Holly – I do too. I really do. Tommy – I am pissed at Jackson .. gamewise but.. I want them to make up badly. Holly – I am mad at his (Jackson) game.. well I am mad at his (Jack) game also. I am actually mad at the six. For A, not trusting me. B informing me. C respecting my HOH. I am actually trying really, really hard to not to be as mad as I think I should be. But I am taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture. Tommy – you do know I tried really hard to come talk to you… and I spoke my mind when I was upstairs .. and no one spoke up for me. I felt so alone. Holly – I mean the whole Kat thing. Why didn’t anyone just ask us if we knew each other?!

Christie “Michie goes this week and Cliff goes next week.. this should be fun!”
5pm HOH room. Jess, Kat, Nicole, Holly and Sis.
Holly – both of the guys knew it was coming. Jess – I know it sucks that its just a repeat of another HOH.. and legit 24 hours ago that probably would not have been the case. And seriously like so much information.. I was like information over load. In all honesty it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with me because like I said I wasn’t apart of the 9, the 8, or the 6. And none of them took me into consideration with absolutely any of the votes, any of the flips or any of the anythings. Like figure it out.. In all honestly its about making everyone else happy. One banished me and one put me up. I wasn’t going to touch any of you ladies.

“I’m just sad and really confused right now with everything.. I really have to pee”
2:57 pm Sis and Jack
Sis crying.
Jack – this game’s hard
Sis – I know I f*ing hate it I signed up for the wrong thing
Sis – I really trust you and everything. I don’t know what to do about Christie.
Sis – it makes me scared because if she was close to you and is doing whatever the f* she is doing I don’t even want to know what she could do with me
Jack – I already know what I am going to do
Sis – what
Jack – I don’t even want to say it out loud. I know what I am going to do
Sis – I don’t know what to do

“I’m not going to take credit for manifesting your win But I prayed .. I prayed in the booth”
12:54 pm Jessica and Christie
Jessica – what happened yesterday through me for a loop
Christie goes on about hos “painfully awkward” today is.
Jessica – I kinda have an idea of what has to happen
Christie – you have my full support. I respect and I support you in no matter what you do what you do
Christie – I’m not going to take credit for manifesting your win But I prayed .. I prayed in the booth..
Christie says she prayed that someone from the other side wins HOH ” I feel that there needs to be a shift something needs to happen. I feel like your win had to be”
Jessica goes on how she doesn’t want to backdoor anyone
Jessica – you are someone I trust whole heartily
Christie – same
Jessica – I was never part of the 6 the 8 or the nine

“I’m trying to think .. this comes down to two big guys.. If one of them comes off put one of the four up”
4:07 am Holly, Jessica, and Kat
Holly is going over some of the excitement before the feeds.
Holly said she listened into sis and Tommy talking about they were going to flip the vote but not tell Sam because they wanted him to go ahead with his original speech so that they weren’t onto them flipping
Holly – did that just happened.
Kat – what got to me is they both looked me straight in the eye and said I swear to god. Sis you’re such a bad liar
Holly – that made my heart sink. She also told me today she called me a b1tch
Kat – Jack and Sis were scheming all-day

HOH Competition Results! “You tried to bury me today.. Like you’re a piece of sh*t!”
8:16pm The live feeds return. Christie and Sis are in the boat room. Christie – literally he just showed his cards to everyone that he is feeding everyone little bits.. little bits.. and I don’t care if my personal feelings about Jackson came out. I wanted to work with him until it was convenient for us. I still wanted it to be me, you, Tommy and Holly. But I don’t know if that’s risky. Sis – the Holly thing makes me nervous. Yesterday when we went upstairs and you were in the DR.. Sam had just told us all. I think that we need to talk to her. Holly had no idea and Jackson knew the minute he and Sam were in the boat room. Jackson knew for that long and he never told her. Christie – I agree, I want to talk to Holly .. the three of us. And not anyone else. Tommy doesn’t need to be there.

Big Brother 21 Week 5 recap and Live Eviction Results
Holly wins Head of household beating out Sis in an endurance competition. Holly sticks to the six’s plan and puts up, Sam and Nick. The target is Nick. Nick goes on to win the Power of Veto and obviously uses it on himself. Holly was considering Nicole as the replacement nomination but under heavy pressure from Christie she puts up Kat. Sam is the target.
In the hopes of helping out his bottom feeders, Sam wants to expose Christie’s game. He was going to do this during his eviction Speech but decides to do it the day before. The core of his information was how during Cliff’s HOH Christie was 100% on board with getting out Jack. She was going to accuse Jack and Michie of bullying and use that

“me, you, Sis, Nick, Christie that’s 5 right there we can get the whole house to flip”
2:44 pm Tommy and Jack
Jack says there is no way he’s going with Jackson
Jack says Jackson is trying to split them up.
Jack says they need to pull Nick in.
Jack – part of his sale he’s heard stuff that he has Kat and that kat and Holly knew each other going into this ..
Jack – those 2 are tight
Tommy – they’re a secret trio
Jack – I don’t think they are a secret trio .. the fact that Jackson has slept with both of them
Tommy is pushing that that trio has 2 locked votes in jury.