Big Brother Spoilers – “Bwak Bwak Bwaaak .. Bwak Bwak Bwaaak.. How did the Eggs turn out”

10:19 am Christie, Jess, Sis, Cliff

Christie – She’s not allowed to speak English
Christie – she had to do one round of sunny side, one round of Hardboiled and one round of Scramble
Christie – this is her fourth round

Jess – why don’t I have 4 plates
Christie – she doesn’t have to deliver them every time. We got sunnyside
Christie explains she can pick and choose who gets what eggs
Jess – ohh so you don’t have to wake everyone up

Christie said she never ate the Sunny Side but they looked good.

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Power Of Veto Competition Results! “I didn’t want to hurt you. I just feel so bad. I feel like a monster!”

Tommy – I love you guys so much! Everyone did amazing! Tommy heads upstairs to shower. They’re all covered in goo. Cliff tells Kat she did amazing. Kat starts crying and telling Cliff that she’s sorry. Cliff – you don’t have to apologize its a game. Kat – I didn’t want to hurt you. I just feel so bad. I’m so sorry. I feel so bad. I feel like a monster! I just want to be let in… (to the DR). Nicole – no one feels like that. Holly – you’re literally fighting for your life in this game. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Kat – I feel so bad, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Cliff – I love you because of who you are. Nothing changes that. Its nothing that you shouldn’t do. Kat – that’s not the way I compete. Cliff – there was one slot left for the both of us.

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“I actually have to win now. I’m not going to let an opportunity with her on the block and us not having to put her up slip by “

9:46 am Cliff, Jackson, and Holly
Jackson – I got you big HOGG I’ll do everything I have in me
They are agreeing Christie picking Nick to play in the veto means he’s got something worked out with her. otherwise, Christie would have picked SIS
Cliff leaves.

Jack – I actually have to win now. I’ll win and keep them the same. I can’t risk you getting put up.
Jackson – If she picked Nick, Nick is working with them and we aren’t
Jack says if Nick wins it he’s using it on Christie

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“I’m so depressed, I feel like America hates me, I don’t know how I look, My personality is really strong”

12:03 am Nick, Sis, Christie, and Tommy.
Christie – IF I win the veto blow it up I don’t give a sh1t
Tommy – I’ll say this only in this room, I think Kat is more dangerous than Cliff
Tommy – Number 1 he’s a guy I don’t want a guy going out this week
Tommy – number 2 I respect him and his game so much (don’t you love it?)
Tommy – If Cliff is on the block at the end of the week I can say to Cliff I have people that will vote the way I want them to vote. I heard you want me as your number one target
Tommy adds if Cliff offers him 2 weeks of safety he’ll tell Cliff he’ll get him the votes to stay. Nick and Tommy both saying they want Cliff in the house “I value his word moving forward”
Tommy – THe goal is to get you off the block this week, Make the deal with Cliff and Get Kat out. I want to get out of this week with no blood on my hands.

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Big Brother 21 – Nomination Results! “I’m just kind of embarrassed by her response.”

Tommy to Cliff – I am so sorry. Cliff – you know, nothing changes what we’ve got. We’re playing a game. Like I told you beforehand we’re good. If I go out the door on Thursday, you and I are still tight buds. I don’t take the game as a personal thing at all. Tommy – good. Cliff – I’ll play, if I win, that’s good. If I don’t whatever, we’re buddies right? Tommy – yes. Cliff – no we’re coll Tommy.

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“If it was America’s Vote what was the mentality behind this.. the thought of being hated is freaking me out”

3:24 pm Christie and Nicole.
Christie explaining how hard the competition was for her.
Christie – It is what it is. It wasn’t meant for me to win and it was meant for me to be on the block Everything happens for a reason.. it is what it is.
Christie – I really hope I win the Veto. Maybe if someone wins it and wants to take me off It’s not fair
Christie – 3rd Nominee UGH that just blows

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“I really think it’s Best for the house, She’s a dangerous player by getting her out I weaken everybody”

10:39 am Tommy and Holly
Tommy says he wants the 5 to stick together but he doesn’t want to talk about it this week.
Tommy says they can’t make the other people feel like outsiders.
Holly says the “outsiders” are closer together than they are letting on.
Tommy – YOu don’t have to worry and neither does Jackson. It would be really stupid for me to put a number of mine just to appease the house
Holly says Jackson his back, “he’s a risky pawn”

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Big Brother 21 Week 7 recap and Live Eviction Results

It was a happy week on the Big Brother 21 Live Feeds. Everything seemed to fall into place and something I totally wouldn’t have predicted 2 weeks ago happened. With my joke being if Jessica wins HOH she’ll put up her allies and do whatever Jack/Christie said. Not a Chance! Jessica did win the Head of Household and took the shot we all wanted. Couple this with the blow up last Thursday and the season is finally out of the dumpster.

Before the live show last Thursday there was a big BLOW up between the 6 shooters resulting in their final disintegration. On one side you had Jack, Christie, Sis, and Tommy. On the other side, you have Michie and Holly. Most of the outsiders have coalesced into Cliff and the angels. Jessica wins the HOH staying true to her Angels nominates the two strongest men in the house Jackson and Jack. At this point, Christie’s power is still active so everyone is playing nice.

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“The offer to you and Nick must have been legit because me and Kat got Sh1t”

Cliff – I love Tommy as a person but.
Cliff and Nicole both point out how Tommy has been following them around, “He was an observant person”
Cliff says when he was HOH Tommy knew how many times Sam came up to talk to him and how long he stayed for each time.
Kat – I hate that you feel like you are walking on eggshells.. why can’t I just live my life

Cliff – Christie is going to freewheel a little bit she will feel very isolated and I’m not sure how she will handle that
Cliff – Tommy can latch onto a whole lotta people in this house
Nicole – If Christie goes Tommy can integrate with a whole lotta people if he goes and she’s alone she’ll try to latch onto people but she’ll be a basket case. you are going to hear it. I hear it already
Everyone laughs
Jess – she will implode

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Jack “What I wanted to offer you is a deal of eviction immunities from multiple people that I trust.”

1pm Boat room. Jackson and Christie.
Christie – I just want you to know .. and I’m going to cry.. please don’t make fun of me! Jackson – I’m not going to make fun of you. The reason why I said that was because Sam told me that you cried to him 3 or 4 times.. Christie – that is so not true!! I never cried to Sam. Jackson – this is where it came from.. it wasn’t just me being a d*ck. Christie – I can only have my truth in this game. I never cried to Sam. I never had an emotional or personal relationship with Sam. With Sam it was purely game .. me trying to get a little information from him and stay loyal to the the six… while still maintaining a front to him gamewise.

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