Christie “It would be a dream come true! Like America would eat it up!”

7:19pm Hammock. Nick and Sis.
Sis – you want to know what my dream come true? Nick – if we got to final two. Sis – no but that is a dream. Nick – if what? If Jess went up on the block? And Christie stayed? Sis – why do you talk so loud!? Nick – is that it? Do you think we can make it happen? Sis – yeah! Nick – Bro! I’m rocked! I already have an idea of how it could work. Did you talk to Jackson about it!? Sis – no, I am going to but Christie already talked to him. Nick – About it? Sis – yeah about if we make another six – Holly, Jackson, Christie, Tommy, me and you. Christie already talked to him about it. Nick – what did he say? Sis – she said he didn’t really say too much about it. Nick – I was talking to him before Cliff came out about Jess. Jess is saying a lot of sh*t. Cliff told me some sh*t. She thinks that Me, Michie and Tommy have a final 3.

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“The rest of the house is going to be freaking the f**k out!” – Christie

1:09pm Bedroom. Sis and Christie.
Christie – I feel sh*tty about it because I don’t want to .. if you come off the block and she goes up ..I feel like she will just know that it was like a plan the past couple days. And it sucks because I love her .. but she does make the most sense because Nick has to vote and he is not going to vote out Nicole. He is not going to vote out Cliff. I hate that, that has to happen. Sis – I look at it like .. we both have a chance to be here at the end of the week and we have to do what we have to f**king do. And I know you’re so good with your words and you can convince him that if we make a f**king deal we will stick to it. And we will get one, two, three out…. and then Nick. And we will f**king be here still. And you don’t have to win HOH .. Cliff isn’t coming after you.

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“I was encouraged. I had a dream and GOD suggested… Like a big message it was two-spirit guides”

midnight Tommy, Christie and SIS
T – Christie I love you and I’m really sorry
Sis brings up her conversation with Jackson earlier today. “He told me he didn’t owe it to me because of what he heard in camp comeback and because right after the big blow-up with Jack he just felt really alone. he didn’t owe it to anyone to tell what he was doing”
Sis – then he was saying how.. he put me up knowing you would go home against me I was just like I get it but why would you put me up against someone… I mean I wasn’t throwing you under the bus.
Sis – I was like why would you put someone on the block that made a deal and left you out of it.. he’s like I know I get he would have left up against Christie. (I think she’s implying Cliff, why didn’t Jackson put up Cliff)
Sis – I was saying it just sucks because we could have all been in a 5 person thing and totally had each other’s back and now it sucks because if we still wanted to or something like now it’s hard (LOL) down a number I lost someone.. I’m losing a number, Tommy’s losing a number, Nick’s losing a number, You’re losing a number and he was like I KNOW but that’s just the risk I’m going to have to take
Sis – I pitched to Tommy maybe the deal or something. Tommy thinks it’s worth a shot

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Jackson “The white whale is harpooned! Justice is being served!”

4pm HOH room. Jackson and Holly celebrate the win. Holly looks at Jacksons HOH key and veto around his neck – wow so much new bling! Killing it! For a guy that doesn’t win comps or vetos. Jackson – yeah we don’t win HOH’s or Veto’s right?! The white whale is harpooned .. we gonna do this thang! We gonna do this thang! Holly – the game is about to take a big turn! Jackson – Yes it is! Holly – Sis was saying something about it being personal. Jackson – its not. I could careless about her being on the block. I just want to guarantee Christie goes. Holly – she is a lot more sour than Christie is. I hugged Christie after the comp. She was fine.

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“I’m going, to be honest, I’m not talking to a soul today. Nothing is real in here, nothing.”

9:47 am Nick, Christie, and Sis
Nick – why are you questioning me…
Christie – it seems really strange that she’s on the block. it’s not strange I’m on the block it’s strange she’s on the block..
Sis – I’m not mad at you I’m on the block for my own reasons
Christie – it’s strange you are not on the block
Christie says Holly said Nick threw the HOH.
Christie – you were the one that came up with the deal .. (the 6 person last week)
Christie – everyone is whispering when there are deals made (sucks you’re not part of them )

Nick says all he did was went up there (HOH) and they told him he’s good.
Christie reminds him that Holly “was trashing him” last week
Nick says he’s getting upset. “I’ve been nothing but transparent”

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Christie “My beliefs are real and the universe does have my back.”

9:55pm Bedroom. Christie, Jess and Sis. Christie – people keep asking me why I am not crying. Like I literally cry at the drop of a hat. At this point I am just numb to it. Christie – and if I go .. I f**king played an honest a$$ game and I am proud of myself. And if I go, I go.. Never played in nothing dirty. Never was a phony b***h! Just clean, clean game. All I had was my truth. Maybe I spewed my truth a little too loud sometimes and that made me a target but everything that came out of my mouth was genuine and when everyone goes home and watched this .. they will see that. Jess – that’s really all that matters. Christie – and it was fun..

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Nomination Ceremony Results! “You two are my biggest threats”

4:55pm The live feeds return to all the house guests in the kitchen hugging. Jackson to Tommy – If you want to talk, we can talk. There are are a lot of angles to this. Tommy – I know, this is your week. That’s okay. Its your game. Jackson to Christie and Sis – I said to them but I am happy to discuss and explain the reasonings. I’ve been completely upfront about everything this week. And this is not personal. This is the exact opposite of personal. I came here to win and quite honestly you two are my biggest threats. Christie – its fine.

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“I am bold, I am opinionated, I stand up for Justice.. I’m ready to go to Jury”

1:16 pm Sis and Christie
Sis – I’m being honest I really have no f*ing idea what he’s going to do
Sis cries
Sis – I f*ing hate everyone here.
Sis I don’t want to be here anymore
Sis – I just f*ing hate it this is so hard
Christie – way harder than I thought. I feel stupid I feel like I’m giving up
Tommy joins them. Sis now saying “I love everyone in the house the energy is so low”
Christie – I’m ready to go to jury
Sis crying “I don’t want to be here alone”

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“I’m just going to say screw it, shoot my shot and put Christie and Sis up”

9:24 am Holly and Jackson
Jackson – here’s what I’m thinking I thought about it a lot last night.
Jackson – If I put up Christie and Sis that leaves both of them on the block and only one of them can come off with the veto. There’s a small number of people the odds of Christie and Sis playing are HIGH anyways
Jackson – If Christie is on the block and SIS wins the veto and she’s not on the block she can protect Christie. I got 2 of the 3 safe.
Jackson adds if Sis and Christie are up and one of them wins Veto Cliff goes up as the replacement nomination. Says that now Cliff and Nicole have to vote out one of the two so they are not going back on their deals.

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Jackson “I am ready to take some shots! I am going to right some wrongs. I want Christie gone!”

8:36pm Boat room. Holly and Jackson.
Holly – I am so proud of you! Jackson – we’re safe! We’re safe! Holly – and uhhh second place! Jackson – oh what the f**k! You’re half my body size! What are you thinking? Holly – I don’t know. I am thinking I don’t want to think. I am thinking this is your HOH and I support whatever you do. Jackson – I am going to make some moves! I am ready to take some shots! I am going to right some wrongs. To the six .. we don’t HOH’s, we don’t win vetos.. we don’t have anyone. Holly – we don’t win anything. Jackson – there are three people in that room. Sounds to me like 2 noms and a replacement if one of them comes off. Holly – I will stand behind you. Jackson – I just need to make sure I have the votes.

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