8pm Kitchen. The house guests are talking about the evil clowns they’re seeing in the mirrors of the house. Christie – I thought one was coming but it was the smoke from the mac & cheese. Holly – I was so scared in the HOH room by myself. Nicole – that’s what goes wrong in every horror movie. Lets split up and then they die. So we can’t split up ..we stay as a group all night. Good idea? Good idea?! The others agree. Jess – I will be the one that dies last .. I’m a v!rgin. The v!rgin always dies last. If they stay in the walls we’re fine. If they come out we’re dead.
Month: August 2019

“oh my god are those condoms .. that’s hilarious”
1:05 pm Tommy and Jackson (planes overhead so parts are missed)
J – how are you feeling going into next week
T – taking it day by day. every day I’m scared.
T – my light is being dimmed with every person that goes out. I got to dig deep and find some new strength. HOw about you
J – Scared
T – it’s terrifying this game. You try not to be afraid of it. I have the same conversations with myself. This is a game the point of a game is to have fun. we play games in lif to have fun.
T – I find myself being scared and I’m trying to cut that out.
J – I’m having a blast. Alliances are f*ing shot
T – As far as I know there are no alliances.. which is crazy
J – Everyone has a plus one
T – I’m grateful being part of the group that ended up staying .. now we have more of an opportunity. with every person that goes out our odds increase.
Tommy brings up checking out the rule book to see how much money 3rd and 4th and 5th makes, “it’s 10, 75. 5 which is cool” (10 grand 7.5 grand and 5 grand)

Christie “I would obviously love to come off the block. Who the f**k wouldn’t want to be safe?!”
12:05pm HOH room. Jackson and Holly.
Jackson tells Holly about how Nick told Christie his entire plan / pitch. Jackson – she said that he wanted to know if he had her vote. Holly – wow! WOW! Jackson – I think we should get Cliff and Nicole up here and tell them and use it to instill some more trust. Holly agrees. Jackson – and keep them in the loop 100%.. so it could potentially drive a wedge between Nicole and Nick. Holly – maybe. Jackson – that’s not really the main thing but I thought it could gain some trust. Holly – maybe it would but it also might get back to Nick. Jackson – and if Nicole did that, then Nicole is screwing us over and then Nick is on the way out the door. I don’t think she would. Holly – I just don’t know what good it would necessarily do .. because them knowing that he is America’s prankster is whatever, it doesn’t really matter.

Big Brother 21 Breakdown – Episode 8
Ken and Simon are back for Big Brother 21 Breakdown. Check it out on soundcloud or on Kill Show

“Like literally if noms stay the same I’m literally toast”
12:49 am Nick getting ready for Bed.
Nick to Christie – Goodnight I love you
Christie – love you
Nick – love you more
They congratulate each other for doing good int eh POV.
Nick – maybe you’ll come off
Christie doesn’t think she will “it’s a game”
Nick – you should thought (come off)
Christie starts to cry “nothing feels real”
Nick – you’ll be fine sitting next to me
Christie- you think I hate you but I don’t want you to go either. This game just sucks

Big Brother 21 “FREE THE ZING” Power Of Veto Competition!
Boat Room. Nick and Jackson. Nick – ..loyalty is when people aren’t looking and you could do sh*dy sh*t.. that’s how you show loyalty. I hope you saw that. Jackson – who were you going to put up? Look I am sorry, I didn’t know. Nick – I couldn’t tell you. Are you taking her off? Jackson – I can’t use it. Nick – do you think I’m f**ked? Jackson – I have no idea but this is Holly’s HOH .. I can’t use it. Nick – no I gotcha. Jackson – and that’s nothing personal. That is strictly game. I love you man. I’m sorry. Nick – its fine. I’ll just have to get the votes now. You’re good. I couldn’t tell anyone.

“I would like to see some blowup where Christie becomes the enemy and things flip like last week”
11:07 am Jess and Christie
Christie telling Jess she had to do what she had to do last week to stay in the game. She made deals and agreed to be a pawn. She’s not surprised she’s nominated by the prankster she was going up anyway.
Christie – I’m trusting as long as the noms stay the same I will be fine
Jess – Nick doesn’t talk to me ever and I try to keep it that way. Its obvious where I stand with him
Jess was going to say “I love him he’s a great person” but didn’t because “I can’t lie”
Jess – I think he’s a funny guy I would like to get to know him outside this game.. maybe love him from very very far away he’s a human and I love all humans
Jess says she wants to respect Holly’s nomination.

Big Brother 21 Nomination Ceremony! “I survived last week, I’ll survive this week.”
Bedroom. Nick, Cliff and Nicole.
Nick – I’ve got a job to do. At least I have a chance. I knew I was going up. Cliff – well veto competition. Nick – I knew I was going up after I went up there the second time. I need some help from the gods. I’ve got one help. Cliff – she’s a strong competitor. Nick – If I am sitting next to her I have a good chance. I could always take myself off. I am going to need to pick someone for house guest choice if I get it. Cliff – if you need to pick someone you can talk to me later. Nick – Yeah I will talk to you later. Cliff leaves. Nick to Nicole – that’s Cliff’s target. That’s what he told me going into this week.

“let’s just pin them against each other and see what happens. Light that match, toss it get the hell away from it”
2:20 pm Jackson and Holly
They don’t think the prankster is known. Jackson suspects it will be Nick. Holly agrees, Suggests it could be Christie or Jackson.
Holly – who would he put up next to him?
Jackson – you’re looking at it
Holly – you think though? because he would think you could beat him in the veto.
Jackson – he also thinks he can spin me as a bigger target. Whos he not going home against in this house? Best chance is against me to stay
Holly – you or Cliff

Nick is the America’s Prankster “I love you America I needed that so bad thank you”
11:41 am Nick wins the America’s Prankster power.
Nick – I love you America thank you so much I needed that so bad thank you. I love you guys let’s f*ing go now it’s time to take a sh1t

“Christie, she’s already going back on her word.. I won’t risk firing blanks at Nick for the second time in this game “
2:23 am Holly and Jackson
Holly – I’m kicking myself I should have waited until tomorrow to talk to Christie
they talk about how Christie is not on board with going up
Jackson – that’s the whole reason why we kept you here
Holly – I was so afraid of this. I had such a bad feeling keeping her because I know he (No sh1t sherlock)
Holly – She was like, WEll I don’t think I would go up so soon
Holly – I’m also like well we didn’t really time it that’s not how this game works
Jackson – you said (Christie) you just wanted another week. well we gave you another week

“I want you to each go the storage room, make your pie and smash them in your OWN face!”
8pm Bedroom. Jackson gets called to the diary room. Holly – oh.. relevant… by association. The other house guests laugh. Jackson – guess who can’t compete next week! Jess tells a fascinating story about her friends wanting to order McD’s in Spanish. Jess – I am so nervous! Christie – why are you nervous? Tommy – for your punishment? Jess – yeah. Tommy – it will annoying for sure but you will get through it. Cliff – and there will be two other people right there with you. I don’t know if it will be tailor made for each of us. Tommy – between the pranks and the three punishments .. its going to be a lot of stuff going on this week. Jess – you would think it would because at eight things start to get really boring.