11pm – 4:42pm The live feeds were blocked for the Power of Veto competition. It was the hide the veto comp. All the house guests are now chatting about their hiding spots and starting to clean up the mess. The house is destroyed! Christie – it just sucks that we have to do this.. like we didn’t even want to play this comp. Tommy – I just want to throw all the rugs away. Jess – I am just surprised that they let you guys do this.
Month: August 2019

“I’m so freaking excited. I can’t believe it this hasn’t happened for a very very very long time”
Head of Household Winner – Jackson Have note are: Nominations are: Jess and Chrsitie Power of Veto Players are: Jackson, Christie, Jess, Nicole, Cliff, Tommy Power of Veto holder: Power of Veto Ceremony: Grab your live feeds —-> BB21 Live Feeds Subscription Link Rank your houseguests —-> Big Brother 21 Ranking 9:30 am Power of […]

Jackson “We’ve had a hand at sending out 3 of her friends. We’ve literally shot every tire they’re driving on.”
Head of Household Winner – Jackson Have note are: Nominations are: Jess and Chrsitie Power of Veto Players are: Power of Veto holder: Power of Veto Ceremony: Grab your live feeds —-> BB21 Live Feeds Subscription Link Rank your houseguests —-> Big Brother 21 Ranking 5pm The house guests are in the kitchen making food, […]

“We all have to be careful PMS is a real thing and I’m f*ing scared of it. “
11:47 am Jackson, and Tommy
Jackson telling him to do what he wants with the veto “I don’t want you to feel that you are not included. I know that in the past few weeks you’ve lost a lot of people but I’ve got your back I’m not going to do you dirty
Jackson tells Tommy that he’s not going up he would rather put Cliff up as a renom.
Tommy says after this week it’s battle of the duos
Jackson – would you rather go against Nicole and Cliff or Christie and Jess
Tommy – ohh ohh Cliff and Nicole

“If those 2 and those 2 find out about each other and I’m not competing in this next HOH it’s 4 against 1”
1:20 am Holly and Jackson
Jackson – we get another week up here.
Jackson – you’re so hot it’s insane (ZOMG)
Holly – you just haven’t seen many hot girls in awhile
Jackson – I don’t want to. I have no desire to.
Holly – Tommy and Christie were thinking of coming up and talking to you but they didn’t Christie is exhausted. She was like I’m just sick of going up on the block.
Holly says when Christie was in the DR she talked to Tommy. She wasn’t sure if Tommy knew Christie was going up as the pawn but he did before she said anything. He told her that this wee Tommy wants to “talk game” and “be involved in stuff this week”
Holly – I don’t want to f* over Tommy, I don’t want to lie to Tommy, I don’t want to betray Tommy I don’t. F* how did we get here
Jackson – I couldn’t risk Tommy going after Cliff and Nicole
Holly – I know

Jackson “I’m thinking Christie & Jess.” Cliff “But who is your target?” Jackson “Jess”
8:10pm Bedroom. Cliff, Tommy and Christie.
Cliff – coming in here the idea of doing the slip & slide and the wall competition is not something that I would be good at but still fun to do. Tommy and Christie agree. Christie – it was really cool and I feel lucky that we got to do it. And I feel so lucky that I’m still here. Cliff – Final seven! Christie – I know, so nuts that we’re still here. Can you even believe it? Can you f**king believe it. Cliff – nine people are gone and someone could come back. For all we know Jack or Nick could come through this door but at least for now we are final seven! Christie – I really don’t think there will be a battle back. I really didn’t want to break Nick’s heart but I really don’t think there will be one.

BB21 Head of Household Endurance competition haunted WALL
Head of Household Winner – Jackson Have note are: America’s Prankster – Nominations are: Power of Veto Players are – Power of Veto holder – Power of Veto Ceremony – 7:14 pm Everyone still hanging on. Scary Ghosts fly at them 7:16 pm WOW! super surprised Jess was the first one to fall. She jumps […]

Big Brother 21 Week 9 recap and Live Eviction Results
Three weeks in a row now we’ve had Christie on the block. She’s not getting evicted. The feeds were very slow this week. Last week Sis got to join Jack and the soon to be AFP Kat in jury. Big Brother introduced PRANK WEEK which included some clowns, bird calls and a fan-voted power. The […]

“Listening to his campaign & being like Wow, yeah! You don’t need to leave and then I was like this is why you need to leave.”
8:30pm HOH room. Jess and Holly.
Holly – I listened to his campaign and I was like yeah, yeah.. you should stay .. and then I was like no this is exactly why you have to go. Jess – do you think that the consensus is that everyone is sending him (Nick) home? Holly – I am guessing 4 – 1 or 5 – 0. Guessing .. but I don’t know. It could be 3 – 2 or I could be surprised. Ummm.. I believe Nicole is deciding whether to throw a sympathy vote or not. The only person to worry about is about to walk into this room. He (Tommy) would be the only other person that I would be worried about. Jess – I would be very, very, very surprised if he did that. Holly – I think he wants to .. well I know he wants to.

“I’m like really against breaking my word but if stuff is happening I might have to”
12:30 pm Nick and Tommy
Nick reading the bible Tommy organizing his things.
T – how do you feel
N – Chill .. I feel fine whatever is meant to be is meant to be.
T – AS far as my vote goes I know I told you like, where like.. my head was at in the beginning and you know I’m in a tough place because how the beginning of the week went but. I just want to say to you anything can f*ing happen just still campaign to me
N – OHH I am, I’m campaigning to everyone
T – anything can f*ing happen

Holly “I’m not f**king controlling! I have no f**king control over anything in this house.”
Head of Household Winner – Holly Have note are: Cliff, Nicole, and Jess get punishments America’s Prankster – Nick Nominations are: Christie & Nick Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Holly, Nick, Jackson, Jessica, Cliff Power of Veto holder – Jackson Power of Veto Ceremony – Jackson did not use the power of veto […]

“Are you guys really going to let Christie survive the block three times in a row. you can’t beat that in the end “
2:35 pm Nick and Nicole
Nick says to stick with Michie and Holly “they are trustworthy. Tommy will never vote for you he’ll do whatever is best for him”
Nicole – I love him but I know what you are saying
Nick says use Michie and Holly as a shield “they like you and they know you are super loyal”
Nick – if you win HOH next week and I’m not here hook up with them
Nick saying that Tommy was all about getting Christie out last week now he is not mentioning anything about it.
Nick goes over all his points to campaign to Tommy. He Adds after he gets evicted Jess will put up Cliff and Tommy because she’s probably made a deal with Michie and Holly so she will put up Tommy and Cliff.