7:05pm Storage room. Jack and Kat. Jack – you’re good. You have votes. I would guarantee you have at least 10 votes and I’m a part of that. Kat – thank you. Jack – you need to keep what people are saying about their votes ..by make waves about the votes you getting could potentially lose them. Kat – the only people I don’t know where they’re at are Kemi, Bella and Nick. Jack – I trust Kemi as far as I can throw her.
Month: June 2019

Kemi “F**k yes you’re [Jack] going up! I am gunning for that f**king HOH!”
2:17pm Bedroom. Kemi and Jess. Kemi – I know that I have thrown his (Jack) name out there ..like not out there but that if I were to win HOH I would put up Jack. And I stand by that. I will own that. If I win, he is going up. Especially now that I know he is targeting me and wanted to backdoor me. That was so aggressive to someone that he was seemingly so close with. F**k yes you’re going up! I am gunning for that f**king HOH! Jess – I think that Ovi knew you had said his name and he told Jack. Kemi – yeah they have an alliance. I have to remember that they have an alliance.

Jack “I trust your decision with my life. I have your back to the Nth degree!”
1:20pm Bedroom. Kat and Jess. Kat – this week I am not really going to do anything. I need to keep Jack in my corner because he can flip the whole house. I know the girls have my back but I also don’t know if Bella is going to flip her vote. Jess – she wouldn’t. Kat – I don’t know though. I have Cliff. I have I think Jackson. Jess – I want to say that Bella has more loyalty to Jackson than Jack. Kat – I feel like we in the long run we need to get rid of Jack. Jackson is more of a girls guy and Jack is a guys guy and a backstabber. Jess – I feel really bad for Ovi.

Big Brother 21 First POV Results! “I’m going to tell him that he’s the pawn.”
Other bedroom. Kemi and Kat. Kat – I am so glad that Cliff got off. I wish I could just have a week off the block so people can see that I’m cool. Christie – I’m going to go talk to Ovi because I’m sure he’s blindsided. I’m going to tell him that he’s the pawn. I just need you to trust me. It sucks but I am playing my game and I want to keep this fair. He is the best option to A) keep you here, keep the girls here. And I am going to tell him he’s the pawn. I’m sorry. Kat – its okay. Christie – you’re good I promise but stay social. Stay present.

“the boys have been throwing out my name to go up and your name to go up while bringing Cliff down”
Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. Veto players were: Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole. POV was Host was Tommy. Sam wins the Power of Veto, it was called Food fight. Sam plans on using the Veto on Cliff. Christie plans on putting Kemi/Ovion the block as the replacement. […]

Big Brother 21 Breakdown – Episode 1
Ken and Simon are back for Big Brother 21 Breakdown. Check it out on soundcloud or on Kill Show

Sam “A lot of crying! I’m not used to that sh*t! Its week one, calm the f**k down! I’m still f**king using it!”
Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. Veto players were: Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole. POV was Host was Tommy. Sam wins the Power of Veto, it was called Food fight. Sam plans on using the Veto on Cliff. Christie plans on putting Kemi on the block as the […]

Christie “I feel bad because now Kat is going to go and I made her feel safe all week.”
5:40pm Boat room. Christie and Tommy. Christie – it seems that everyone does not like Jack. And I am thinking what am I a schmuck for pulling at this backdoor? Get my hands dirty and his clean?! And now I am just praying that Sam doesn’t use the veto. But I am scared that he’s going to and I’m scared that I’m going to have to put someone up. And I feel like an idiot because I don’t want to play anyone else’s game. And obviously this “alliance” is not a thing! Tommy – this sucks. Christie – because Nick made it cleat that its not.

Jessica “Nick & Bella are going to try and turn everyone’s vote if its Kemi.”
2pm The house guests on a backyard lock down. Big Brother is likely cleaning the fish tank / replacing the dead fish. Jack is talking to Analyse & Holly. He tells them that there was something that happened 4 weeks ago … 5 weeks ago… that you would not believe that I still considered doing this thing. My parents were like how the hell are you going to go on Big Brother with what’s going on. There were probably 10 things that were going on from not being able to take a job, quit a job, not being able to make enough money, totaling my car, medical issues, getting cheated on, getting lied to, family issues, dog issues…

“Me, you, Kat and Holly we’re the 4 southern folks, Keep us four as the core.”
Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. Veto players were: Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole. POV was Host was Tommy. Sam wins the Power of Veto, it was called Food fight. Sam plans on using the Veto on Cliff. Christie plans on putting Kemi on the block as the […]

Christie “He [Jack] thinks he is running this game and its pissing me off. This isn’t the Jack-Show!”
7:45pm HOH room. Christie and Analyse. Christie – I literally don’t trust him (Jack) at all. So we went in there and he stopped talking. Analyse – well you better go f**king ask him about it. Christie – no, he’s going to lie about it. He’s the best liar I’ve ever met. Did he mention he was going to talk to Kemi today? Analyse – Never! Christie – so I wonder what the f**k he is talking about. I don’t trust him at all. He is salty right now. Chritstie talks about how Jack wanted to talk to her this morning and she didn’t feel like it. Jack was like so I’m not your ride or die anymore?! And I was like no, totally!

Jack “Are you feeling swole right now boss?” Ovi “A little bit.” Jack “D*uche!”
5:40pm Kitchen. Sam and Jack. Ovi walks by and Jack asks – are you feeling swole right now boss? Ovi – a little bit. Jack – you look swole. Ovi – thank you! Ovi goes into the backyard and closes the door. Jack calls Ovi a douche. Sam – I told Christie that I keep looking at Kemi because I feel her staring at me a lot so I keep missing her eyes.. so I make sure I keep looking at her. I got got something out of the freezer and she asks me what I need.