Going into the Big Brother Canada 7 Finale – Adam was the last evicted house guest. Facing off in the final HOH is Anthony, Kyra and Dane. Part one of final Head of household Carry the chip through the water and stack at the other end. Dane wins. Part two of the Final HOH Kyra […]
Month: May 2019

“Final three, since day one I’ve been thinking that”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Dane is going to put up Adam and Kyra. Dane wins the power of veto. The feeds are now down for the season. Before they went dark Arisa came on the screen and said there will be an eviction today. I think Adam is going to be evicted. 7:54am Wake […]

“I just hope you’re not playing me”
Mark was evicted 2-0, Dane won HOH. We may only have a couple more days of feeds left. 8:20pm Adam and Anthony Adam asks what changed Anthony’s mind at the start of the week he wanted Dane and now it’s mark. Anthony – DANE has fought this game for PB Anthony – what was it […]