Help support OBB by making your Amazon purchases through our link below. It doesn’t cost you anything and we get a percentage of what you buy. Amazon Canada Amazon USA 11:07pm Hot Tub. Anthony, Kyra and Cory. Anthony to Kyra – have they given you any.. Kyra – who’s they? Anthony – anybody. Has anyone […]
Month: March 2019

“I don’t think KIKI and Esti should be together in this house or even in this house at all”
6:41pm Cory and Damien Trying to figure out what BLOOD veto does. Cory – because it’s the blood veto Kyra HAS to use it to get Blood on her hands.. Damien – do you remember what the letter said>? Cory – the letter said the holder of the power of veto won’t compete will be […]

Sam “If I go home in the next couple weeks, I’m never going to talk to you again.”
11:15pm Havenot room. Sam and Adam.
Adam – I talked to Mark and he was like I don’t understand why I’m even on the block. I told you and Sam that you were good. He is clueless why he is even on the block. I don’t think that he would come after you. Sam – okay I trust you. Adam – this is your week. I talked to Kyra and all I heard was me, me, me. She is not thinking about you. She is not thinking about me. Its all about her. Sam – everyone is convinced that you guys are working together that they want to break it up. I don’t know if I can trust you and Dane. I feel like I’m disposable when it comes to you and Dane.

Adam wins Power of Veto
Big Brother Spoilers – Adam wins the Veto. Doesn’t smell like it’s going to be used. 10:00pm KIKI crying.. Dane comforts her. KIKI says she’s got to pretend she’s cool with Kyra because she needs “her” vote but sh’es “so pissed at Lyra” Dane – we’re going to get them out.. OK.. YOu me and […]

Esti “I think that we will win back to back, back to back, back to back to get them all out.”
9:50pm Blood Veto room. Adam and Esti.
Adam – I just don’t want next week to be like whoever wins lets just go after Adam and Sam. Esti – no. That’s the thing that I was thinking. If its 5 of us, if any other of us wins .. like lets say the other people win. And they want to put one of us up.. as long as its another person from the other side .. we will have the vote. Sam joins them. We just have to convince them to put one of them up. We will have the votes for at least next 5 people that leave. Sam gets her to re-explain it. Kiki joins them. Esti – I think that we will win back to back, back to back, back to back to get them all out. Adam – Cory is worried as f**k about what we were talking about.

“KIKI and Mark .. The ripple effect this will have on our game will reset the dynamic in this house”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Sam won the Head of Household after the double eviction and it’s looking like KIKI and Mark are going up. Not sure what the Backdoor Plan is yet if there is one. Kyra has the blood veto .. 10:44am Sam and Kyra Sam brings up a conversation she had with […]

Sam “I can’t believe I won! I am probably going to put Mark and Kiki up.”
10:30pm Kitchen Mark and Dane. Mark – we are so beyond f**ked. Dane – we are f**ked. Mark – she is going to come to us and be like Dane why did you lie to me. We’re going to have to spit some sh*t man. Dane – I looked at her and she smiled at me. Mark – the sickening look on her face man. We had lots of conversations. Mark asks Dane to come into the storage room. Mark – I am only saying this to you because I want you to hear it from me and not someone else. I’ve said a lot of f**king sh*t in there. I’ve spewed my f**king a$$ off in that room.

“You [Kyra] got to go.. You have to be evicted asap”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Tonight is a double Eviction. WhooWEE! The vote’s are pretty much locked to get Chelsea out. 9:57am KIKI alone Saying she needs to get Kyra out of this house before jury, “You got to go.. You have to be evicted asap” Stef joins her. Stef asks if CHelsea has talked […]

Chelsea “Just tell me so that when I walk up the stairs I can blow sh*t up before I go.”
9:35pm Bedroom. Chelsea and Kyra.
Chelsea – you are going to do better without me in this game. Kyra – I know I will. I know will. Chelsea – just like how I would do better than you. Its best that we separate. Chelsea starts laughing – I wish I got to play this without you. I’m joking .. kind of.. Kyra – you would not do better without me because you would just make these big alliances everywhere. Safety in numbers. Chelsea – oh yeah?! What alliance am I in now?! Where are my alliances? Show me my alliances? Oh big alliances. Kyra – I can’t wait to talk to you after this and tell you the sh*t that I’ve seen. Chelsea – tell me. Kyra – I am so f**ked. I don’t know what I am going to do.

“pfffff … I am lying right through my teeth”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Chelsea will be evicted if the votes stay where they are at right now. I don’t see a flip happening at this point. 5:09pm Kyra and Cory cam 1 Cory saying that from ta game standpoint Chelsea’s been all over, “I agree with you on that point” Kyra – even […]

Sam “I was chirping you about chirping! Is this how you deal with conflict?! F**k you! Jesus Christ!?”
8:15pm Backyard. Adam and Sam
Sam – that’s what I want to talk about .. real life sh*t. You looked at me and said f**k you! I don’t ever, ever, ever let anyone tell me f**k you. Adam – what did you say before that? Sam – I don’t know Adam but you looked at me and said f**k you twice! Adam – and what did you say before that? Sam – Adam, I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. I would never in a million years look at you and say f**k you. Adam – and it wasn’t serious.. it was like f**k you. Sam – it was very disrespectful. Adam – there are different ways of saying f**k you and F**K YOU! Sam – so if that’s the way you like to talk to someone you care about.. that’s cool but you can turn that energy towards someone else that you want to care about because in here or in my normal life I don’t talk to someone..

“That’s what I am going to do I am going to have a housemeeting”
Today is basically Chelsea campaigning to everyone. She’s trying every angle. 10:03am Dane and Anthony saying that Chelsea blew up week 3 she was on a good path until then. 10:13am Dan and Kyra Kyra saying that CHelsea doesn’t know what else to do other than say she’s after Dane. Dane – I heard whispers […]