The premiere of Big Brother Canada is set to air in just one week on Wednesday, February 6th at 7pm ET/PT. We’ve already seen a sneak peek of the newly redesigned Big Brother Canada house and today we got our first look at the new group of house guests. I’m sure you’re wondering what’s next?! Twists of course! It wouldn’t be Big Brother Canada if it wasn’t jam packed with Twistos Twists and Chevrolet Power shifts.
Month: February 2019

Big Brother Canada 7 Cast
Here we go Folks! The Big Brother Canada 7 Cast. A well rounded BBCAN cast to go with the amazing BBCAN house. No one from Vancouver Island but plenty of West Coasters 🙂 Should be a fun bunch. Big Brother Canada 7 starts March 6. You would expect the feeds to start sometime that night. […]

Big Brother Canada 7 House Pics
Big Brother Canada 7 house looks great. Every Year they seem to put a lot of resources into it. (Like that light wall in BBCAN5 That was cool) Big Brother Canada 7 starts March 6th. House pictures via

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Finale Results
Tamar votes to evict Dina LOCO votes to evict Kandi Ricky breaks the tie votes out Kandi Kandi was evicted by a vote of 2-1 Head of Household Winner is Ricky Ricky Evicts Dina and LOLO LOLO is pissed at Ricky.. “It’s frustrating” LOCO goes on a rant about Ricky.. LOLO comments to Julie how […]

“whats frustrating is the Kandi situation.. she absolutely doesn’t need the money “
12:25pm LOCO and Dina
LOLO – whats frustrating for that is Kandi situation is she absolutely doesn’t need the money
Lo – that’s what’s really frustrating..
Dina – at all
Lo – she just really wants to win
Lo – she makes more money in two episodes of her show than I would make My whole year..

LOLO WINS the Power Of Veto! “I am glad that it was one of us!”
Dina – what do I do during that? Ricky – the veto ceremony .. Lolo will get up there and she will say I’m using or not using.. Dina – she’s keeping the veto ..obviously. So then I get that but what do I do Tuesday? Kandi – we don’t do the vote until Wednesday. Dina – oh so I’ve got to wait!? Kandi – everyone leaves the same day. Dina – so I don’t have to play the other games though right?! So I don’t have to do the thing tomorrow right?! Ricky – the HOH? Dina – no, yeah! Ricky – tomorrow is the veto ceremony. Dina – oh! So I still have to do that? Ricky – do what? You just have to sit here.. that’s all you have to do.

Tamar “Its just too much today! Too much! Everything is not a damn television show!”
7:46pm Bedroom. Tamar talking to the cameras. Tamar – this is like enough of the cameras stuff today. This is too, too much. Big Brother – the bedroom lights must remain on during the day. Tamar – I don’t know who asked about the bedroom lights. I just said the cameras stuff. Its just too much today. Too much. Everything is not a damn television show. I’m in the reality business too .. its just too much sometimes.

Celebrity Big Brother Messages from home..
It’s been a slow day.. . 10:00am – 2:44pm 4:30pm They get messages from home. Ricky’s Wife.. CRYING 5-6 nothing 6:10pm LOCO complaining that this whole time the treadmill hasn’t been working.. 6:21pm CARDS!

Tamar “This is nothing for Kandi. She makes 110K per episode. Get your life! This is Vegas for her.”
10:10pm Bedroom. Tamar and Lolo chatting. Lolo – so you’re basically telling me we’re both f**ked? Tamar – If its up against me and you… they’ve got to vote for one of us.. you know what I’m saying? If you go up against another person .. they’re going to pick the other person. You’ve got Natalie, yeah. And Tom, maybe. Who else? Who? You know not Ryan and on the account of Ryan you no not Joe! And on the account of Ryan and Joe .. you know it ain’t Jonathan. And you know you didn’t get to know Mooch that well. If I’m not up there, then me. Who else? Ricky?

“those are not your friends don’t associated yourself with them ..on any social level.. the way he looks”
Big Brother gives them a special meal. Looks like they throw a lot of it out 🙁 11:44am HOH Ricky 11:46am LOCO and Dina talking about the nominations being today. Dina looks up at the Camera “VEto got to win .. they’re putting me up they don’t like me.. most of my friends are gone” […]

Ricky WINS HOH! “Kandi is in trouble unless you guys save her. I need your permission though.”
Click here for your CBS All Access – Live Feed 1 Week Free Trial! 10:55pm The live feeds return. Bedroom. Lolo, Ricky and Tamar. Ricky has the HOH room key around his neck. Ricky won Head of Household! Tamar – I was so tired. I didn’t get scratched up .. no wait I did! Lolo […]

Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers DOUBLE EVICTION
Power of Veto is played.. Toms wins Tom uses the veto on Ricky pulls up LOCO Kandi votes to evict Natalie Tamar votes to evict Natalie Rick votes to evict Natalie Dina votes to evict Natalie Natalie is evicted.. As Natalie walks out “FO SHOW FO SHOW… GET IT.” Breaking Celebrity News twist … A […]