They all have medieval costumes on. It was a maze competition. JC – four vetos in a f**king row! Tyler – four vetos! You’re the f**king champ! Kaycee – how the heck did this happen, I suck at mazes! Kaycee tells Tyler that he was so close. Sam – I ran through it like a f**king psycho. It wasn’t even that hard of a maze either. Angela – it wasn’t hard but once you start running you forget where the last one was. Tyler – not easy! Sam – congratulations, that was hard. I have no idea how you did that so fast. Sam – JC you did good too. I was the only person that didn’t complete it.
Month: September 2018

Nomination Results! “I probably have more blood on my hands than you or any of them!”
***updated ***
Tyler – do you hate me? JC – well I definitely don’t love you now. Tyler – are you ready for the veto? JC – That was the most bullsh*t crap like excuse. Tyler – her speech? JC – yeah. Because you know that I probably have more blood on my hands then any of them. Tyler – you do?! JC – Don’t give me that! Tyler – you have blood on your hands, I know. JC – and you don’t think that Brett going there (Jury) telling everyone I was behind every single one of their evictions. Tyler – Fessie was already telling them that. JC – the only thing with my relationship with you is that you think that you don’t have a chance with me. 2 because of that .. and its bullsh*T.

“I feel things now, you watched me grow a heart .. Defrosted it.. melted the ice”
12:43pm Angela and Tyler
Angela says she had the “dreaded appointment” last night
T – did you get red face
A – mmmmmhhhhmmmm
(talking about the showmance in the Diary rooM)
Tyler- the world knows.. they probably already knew before we even knew..
A – you’re probably right
T – it’s just a matter of time
T – it’s crazy.. is this real life..
Tyler- the most perfect girl in the entire world comes in and you expect me not to do anything
A – ohh hush
They bring up the only 2 people left in the house that knew about their showmance left yesterday.
Angela – I can’t get why Brett thought he could tear that apart.. how dumb are you

HOH Competition Results! “Third HOH! You live up there.”
9:50pm The live feeds return. Sam – that was crazy hard. What are you going to do? Angela – I don’t know yet. I have no idea! This is the hardest one I’ve ever had to imagine. Sam – oh yeah you are pretty well at it now it is your third one! Angela & Sam head to the kitchen. They talk about how Angela won. Tyler – third HOH. You live up there. Sam – the second HOH in one day! Tyler – do you have 3 vetos? Angela – two but one that I asked for. Tyler – you earned it. Angela – three competitions in one day. JC – you did really well at them. Kaycee – maybe we’ll get the backyard tonight.

Big Brother 20 Week 11 Summary and DOUBLE Eviction Results
This was the week that Level 6 started to break up there was also a “i love you” for those showmance fans. One more thing to note is Haleigh thinks she was staying so expect her to be blindsided again.. Once a HIVE always a HIVE.

“Everyone is going to vote out Sam. If you hear anything different can you tell me I don’t want to be blindsided”
*** UPDATED ****
10:25pm JC and Haleigh
H – where’s your head at for tomorrow.. where your thoughts are
JC – I haven’t talked to anyone today
Halegih – I talked to Angela and she thinks that everyone is going to vote out Sam. Brett told me similar he wants me to stay here..
H – Tyler told me he wanted me here and he thinks everyone is going to vote to keep me.. this is what they are telling me so I don’t know
JC – I haven’t talked game today
Haleigh says she talked to Kaycee and she said if it’s a tie she’s keeping Haleigh.
JC – ok
H – so maybe just talk to Brett if you want for that confirmation
Jc – yeah of course..
Haleigh – if you hear anything different can you please tell me I don’t want to be blindsided..
JC – yeah for sure.. people make up their minds Thursday morning that’s for sure if I hear anything I will come tell you that’s for sure

Sam “It may seem stupid to y’all but I am bound by a pinky promise, even if you spit in my face”
1:25pm Tyler and Sam on the stairs.
Tyler – I know you’re sketched out with me because you don’t look me in the eye any more. Its fine. I just need you to know that if you win this week.. no matter what you want to do even if it’s some crazy sh*t that might not look like something I want to do. Does that make sense? Sam – yeah, well I already have a plan. Just in case. Tyler – you just have to trust me. I know what’s going on. I just need you to trust me. I support you no matter what. Sam – okay. Tyler – does that make sense? Are you reading my mind. Sam – I am going to be myself and do what I think is best based on what I am able to back up because my imagination.. my gut feelings or whatever.

Brett “Whoever sends Angela out.. all those votes that were gone could be back.”
**** UPDATED *****
8:35pm Storage room. Brett & Tyler.
Brett – the girls have been so good to us and I feel like they’re loyal as F**k! Tyler – I know I have been trying to test it out to see if there is any sign of them not wanting to be with us in the final four.. and they’ve never given me any.. Brett – I know, I feel like they do. And we could deviate and increase our odds but at the same point we are guaranteed if we just stick to the plan. Stay loyal, don’t stir it up. But at the same time yeah we piss off Sam and JC but the likely hood of them winning and coming back after us is so small. But at the same point .. I know if we get past a couple HOH’s we’re going to beat JC and Sam. We’re going to have some bitter a$$ jury votes. Tyler – thats what.. the jury already hates us.

“I just think I can be more beneficial than [Sam] in the long run. I’m really genuinely thinking that”
3:50pm Haleigh and Angela
H – I just don’t know how to do this week..
A – when did you want to start talking to people
H – I don’t know.. the only thing.. everyone knows how she is.. unpredictable, rash, up and down.. (Sam)
H – as far as jury goes she was the only one to keep 2 and rockstar thinks she kept her.. that’s what Scottie said
H – I think I played the game and she’s getting away with throwing comps siting back
H – she’s throwing comps because she can get away with it
H – I think if she would have gotten in power you and I would have been in danger
A – she says I wouldn’t be but.. mmmmmm
H – I’m with you.. you and kaycee.. I just want you all feel comfortable with what you all do
A – I think how things have gone down this week has kinda smoothed everything over.. we’ve all taken our shot
H – The house will be a lot more enjoyable to live in

Brett “You & I both know why Haleigh has to go. If we’re sitting next to her, we would lose!”
8pm Brett, Kaycee and Haleigh are over by the hammock chatting about working out / gyms. They talk about gyms that give away free pizza and pancakes & bagels. (WTF?!) Kaycee and Haleigh head inside. Brett – Haliegh has to go. You and I both know why Haleigh has to go .. because if we get down to the nitty gritty and lets just say hypothetically we were sitting next to Haliegh… we would lose. JC – yeah. Brett – that’s a fact! We would lose to Haleigh .. she has four people guaranteed votes. Guaranteed 4 votes. And all it would take is one other person that was bitter about you sending them out. Its a “W” for her.

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “She’s banking on the fact that everyone talked sh1t about Sam”
2:15pm Brett and Tyler
Brett – dude, noms are locked
T – deuces
Brett – JC wants one of the girls out
Brett – JC wants us Final 3 final 4…
they laugh taht JC just wants the girls out
T – he just doesn’t like females”
B – he hates females..
T – I think even if Sam put one of us up next to Angela the target is Angela
T – yeah that is what I am thinking
T – Angela and Kaycee 100% want us in final 4
B – I don’t know dude I just had a moment today where I got really f*ing nervous.. Halegih started laughing and Kaycee got really nervous
T – yeah skaycee got nervous

JC “She is one ungrateful b***h is what she is! To give me looks!! Seriously?!”
9:19pm Backyard. JC and Brett. JC – Haleigh is asking me about this week. Brett – she hasn’t said anything to me. JC – I think she is waiting till tomorrow. Brett – Kaycee’s going to keep noms the same right? JC – she’s not that stupid. She doesn’t want to do anything to piss off Angela or stuff like that. But she is about to explode. She is the new Rockstar. Brett – I keep thinking about hypotheticals and like f**k dude, I hope they don’t do something crazy. JC – we’re fine. We make it through nominations and then we do damage control. Worst case scenario is Angela wants to make a move to take you out. We could work out the votes.