12:04pm Bedroom. Angela hugs Tyler and congratulates him on winning. They head back to the kitchen. Haliegh – You did so good Tyler. Tyler – you were solid as f**k! Haleigh – Once I knew it was just me and you.. I knew you would outlast me. Tyler – my arms were about to give out. That was hitting us hard. If it would hit you from the front my feet would slip back. One wrong hit would f**k us up. Haleigh – were your arms tired? Tyler – my biceps were feeling like they were about to rip. Tyler – I can’t wait to see a picture of my dad.
Day: August 30, 2018

Big Brother 20 LIVE HOH Endurance Competition: HOH PIE SHOP!
10:42pm The live feeds return showing the house guests competing in the HOH endurance competition. Their each hanging onto ropes with a small foot stand as they get swung around in a circle hitting a pie. JC – this is hard! Kaycee – I literally might throw up. Scottie – looking good hot stuff!! Brett – thanks babes!! Scottie – now I’m in some alternate universe where all I do is spin.

Angela “Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie to the point where it was slander towards me”
8pm Bedroom. Scottie is unpacking. The others are sitting around asking him questions. Tyler – I feel like he expected. Scottie – I thought he was going to win it (battle back). I got the last three in. Tyler – and you saw Rockstar and Bayleigh make some? Scottie – yeah they were right there. JC – was Rockstar talking sh*t? Scottie – she was super relaxed. I mean she was still going around like B***HES! But she is relaxed. It was nice. Kaycee – how was Bayleigh feeling? Scottie – she is feeling fine. Angela – She’s cooled off now. Scottie – yeah she’s cooled off. Actually they were really mad when Fes said in his speech this is for Swaggy. They were like that was week f**king two! What the f**k are you talking about dude!!

Big Brother 20 Week 9 Summary and Live Eviction Results BATTLEBACK
Week 9 with still a month to go.. Holy cow these seasons are real marathons. Lucky for us for the most part this is a killer season. I’ll sum this week up in three posts titles..
Fes – If Sam goes home this week I look like a f*ing genius
Fes- “F**k Man! We suck at this game. You sent home Rockstar & I sent home Scottie!”
Haleigh to FES – “You can’t sleep for 48 hours”
It’s a pretty big night tonight we have Fes getting evicted followed by a Juror Battle Back and a Head of household. Should be a full weekend of getting foutte’d.
CBS sent up this.. confirming the head of household on the feeds..

Big Brother 20 Week 9 Animated Gifs
It was slim pickings this week. My favorite is Brett’s hair.. Brett’s such a awesome BB character having Winston leave was the best thing to happen for his game.
Second favorite would be anything LEvel6 love it…
third would be Sam performing the nutcracker..