8:05pm Hammock. Angela and Brett are studying the days / events of the season. Brett – I made a map with M&M’s of all the dates and then when I came back in one day it was all gone. Angela – who took it? Brett – them (production). If I win HOH, no matter what I do there are going to be butting heads. Like there is no easy choice. Angela – well kind of. Brett – I am just saying I am going to get push back hardcore. Angela – but I feel like it is kind of easy for you. Brett – one. There would only be one person in the house that would nominate me.
Day: August 20, 2018

“I don’t speak because I am mute.. I’m going to cease to exist here”
****** UPDATED *******
Big Brother Spoilers It’s been slow.. not very much happening to post on.
12:41pm JC, Sam and Fes
JC – what did you do to SCottie that made him want you on the block
Sam – I don’t know
JC – you have to stop playing with the guys feelings.. you can’t tell them you are going to marry them than not marry them
Sam – oh my god JC.. that’s the exact opposite and you know it..
Sam says she’s talked to SCottie, “I just told him I was sorry.. about what is has happened.. I told him I felt bad for him and I know he’s a person and he has a family and feelings.. and I would never change the way I feel about him”
JC mentions Scottie throwing her name out

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “I’m A-OK”
Big Brother Spoilers Brett used the power of veto on himself. Fes nominates Kaycee in his place.
10:09am JC and Fes
Fes – it’s going to be smooth right
JC – yeah ..
Fes – you always freak out before the vote..
JC – everythign’s going to be okay
Fes – you don’t want to keep Scottie
Jc – no, What the f* why would I keep Scottie