9pm HOH room. Haleigh and Fes. Haleigh – I want something sweet. Fes – I’ve got something sweet for you. (Cue photo above) Fes – don’t say anything about the Sam thing. Haleigh – what do you mean? Fes – that Sam came up to me. Did you tell him (Scottie) already? Haleigh – no. He said Sam was pitching the same thing. Fes – to who? Me? Haleigh – to you. Fes – what did he say the reason? Haleigh – Sam was doing it because she genuinely wants me to go up. But he (Scottie) is doing it because he knows you will never put me up but wants everyone to think that we’re fighting.
Day: August 19, 2018

Scottie “This is the part where you’re going to hate me, I’ve already put it in motion.”
5:10pm HOH room. Fes, Haleigh, Angela and Tyler. Fes – before I talked to Scottie. She was in the kitchen with a big smile on her face. She said okay I am ready to play this game and I know who you should choose as a replacement nominee. And then listen to this .. she said if you do this for me, I will quit smoking. That was her pitch. Who do you want on your team. Me or Haleigh. Do you want someone who can hold on to a tree for hours or Haleigh who only takes and never gives. And then she was like pinky promise. Haleigh – what did you say? Fes – I was like this is a big offer .. I’m going to need to think about this one.

Fes “You’re getting thrown under the bus. He [Scottie] called you Kaitlyn 2.0”
3:22pm HOH room. Fes and Haleigh. Haleigh – so what’s going on? Real quick? Scottie just said when I get out of the DR I need to talk to you. Fes – I don’t know what he needs to talk to you about. Haleigh – He’s not involved in all of this? Fes – I don’t know if I should talk to you before Scottie or let Scottie tell you what he has to tell you. Haleigh – what is it all about? Fes – Just talk to Scottie first. Haleigh – just give me a blanket statement about what its all about. Fes – you’re getting thrown under the bus. Haleigh – By? Scottie? How? Fes – he called you Kaitlyn 2.0.

Fes “So House Meeting guys! I wanted to let y’all know..”
*** UPDATED ***
12pm Backyard. Angela and Scottie. Angela – I am going to play this game to what benefits me and not what benefits everyone else. Something happens and people forget. They’re not even going to remember that you had their back. When it comes down to it all we have is our word. I’ve just tried to always keep my word to the people that I am loyal to. Scottie – did you eat sh*t (fall down) in that comp? Angela – no. Scottie – damn! Angela – I heard you poured vegetable oil on the floor.