9pm HOH room. Haleigh and Fes. Fes – she loves Scottie to though. Its going to be a bloody week. Haleigh – these are not my underwear!! Who’s panties are in your shower FESSIE?!! Fes – Rockstar. Fes – what have you been doing all day. You’ve been doing laps around the kitchen island. Haleigh – Why haven’t you come down. Fes – I am chilling right now and enjoying my privacy. Haleigh – I didn’t get any privacy on my HOH. Fes – not my problem. Haleigh – why are you being rude. Fes – I feel like people are scared to come up here.
Day: August 17, 2018

Nomination Results! “I don’t have a target, I just need some truth!”
5:05pm HOH room. Scottie and Fes. They talk about the past votes and evictions. Fes – Kaitlyn got played that first week. Scottie – I literally thought it was JC who flipped the vote. At first I thought it was Rockstar. That’s two weeks in a row where I though his (JC) vote was locked and then in the last millisecond he flips. And those are just the two I know of. Fes – they only thing is that JC has told me every time. I know he runs around but it can’t be JC because he’s told me every time. It can’t be JC because JC voted to evict Brett the first time and JC gets paranoid. So if JC voted to evict Brett he knows he’s coming after him and then when has another chance to evict him, why would he not do it?

“I’m your dream girl and outside of all this one day you are going to walk up to me and be like I’m completely in love with you”
**** UPDATED *****
Big Brother Spoilers Sam has created a showmance final 2 and a 3 person alliance. She’s created a husband and a happy life for herself when the show is over. LOVE IT
1:54pm Brett and Sam
Brett – they think we have a final 2.. they’ve thought they had one from the start,.. Rockstar was the one that originally said it..
SAm – Really, I had it in my head that you had a final 2 with me you just didn’t tell me about it .. without my consent..
Sam giggles…
Sam brings up Rockstar having Stories about her and BRett having a final 2 and Brett was secretly involve with her (ZOMG)
SAm – Like I’m your dream girl and outside of all this on day you are going to walk up to me and be like I’m completely in love with you
Brett – Scottie and I had a running joke that every time me Scottie would talk to me, Rockstar Haleigh and Fes would interrogate the f* out of him
Brett says every time Scottie would say he was just trying to get to the bottom him Brett’s and Sam’s final 2
Sam – oh my god

“I don’t know how to play this game.. I know how to be loyal and win competitions”
****** UPDATED *******
Big Brother Spoilers In what is the cherry on top of stupid land. Fes is targeting Scottie the one person left on his side other than Haleigh. Fes’ target is Scottie if veto is used Tyler goes up. IF SCottie wins the veto things get interesting if Scottie doesn’t win the veto Scottie goers home. Of course this can all change by Monday.
10:46am FEs and Kaycee
Fes is telling Kaycee he’s targeting the people that are playing both sides. Kaycee tells him she’s respecting any decision he makes.
Fes – it’s the lying and flip votes that’s making me mad..
FEs says you are supposed to lie and cheat but he doesn’t know who to do that
Fes wants her to respect his nominations this week she’ll be fine though. “I don’t know what exactly i’m doing”
Kaycee – you got it
Fes – I’m a man of my word
Kaycee – I know you are
Kayce says fes reminds her of her best friends she has his back this week and next week