7:18pm Backyard. Kaycee and Sam. Kaycee – tomorrow will be interesting. Sam – tell me what the ideal situation is? Kaycee – Hopefully she doesn’t put me up. For her game though that would probably be the easiest because she already put me up. Or the less blood on her hands. You know because she already put me up. When she put me up she said I wasn’t the target but if she puts me up then I am pretty much the target. Of course she put me up .. why wouldn’t she put me up again. We’ll see tomorrow. Sam – but Tyler is still good? Kaycee – of course. Sam – as much as I love angielala..
Day: August 12, 2018

Fes “[When] the game is over we shouldn’t be hiding.” Haleigh “No, I agree.”
2:15pm HOH room Fes and Haleigh. Fes – as the numbers get smaller its better to win HOH. Heleigh – You, Rockstar, JC or Brett have to win HOH. Or Sam. Fes – I think Brett would put me up. Haleigh – he might. I would talk to him but I don’t think he would listen to me. Fes – somehow Tyler uses the veto on Rockstar. Kaycee and Angela are sitting next to each other. One of them goes home. I win HOH. We put up the reminder one and who else? Haleigh – HHmmm. Fes – we put up Brett or Sam right? And if one of them takes themselves off we put up Tyler? Haleigh – no we put Tyler up.. we backdoor Tyler. Obviously! We tried to do that this week. Haleigh – I wonder what the new twist thing will be? Fes – another one!? Haleigh – they’re not just going to do a two week twist.

“Look at them as pieces on a chess board.. you want to keep your queens. Kaycees not necessarily a queen”
***updated ***
Big Brother Spoilers I don’t see Tyler using the veto on rocks he’s using it on Angela. Kaycee will probably be the the replacement nominations. At that point it’s a battle for which side can capture Sam’s and JC’s vote.
11:02am Sam comes out…
Sam asks her what she’s thinking about.. Rocks has been working over the votes trying to figure out if she’s staying and what she needs to do.
Sam – I think it’s a done deal babe (you are staying)
Rocks – because he would be stupid not to take that deal
Sam – Tyler has alliances and teams whatever they are all shaken down now week to week.. yeah I think you are fine
Rocks – My ultimate goal is you me and haleigh Final three..
Sam – that would be amazing
Rocks – I’m working that out logistically. If Angela goes the next move would be to knock Kaycee out
Sam – I don’t know if I can do that
Rocs – then it would be Brett and JC
Sam – I can’t do that either
Rocks – you have to ..you have to get rid of everybody that’s the whole thing..

“I’m on my power trip I have begun this week is not over yet Kaycee take a seat”
12:10am FEs, Haleigh and Rocks
Rocks and Haleigh are talking like Tyler would use the veto on ROCKS after Haleigh told the house that Tyler was her backdoor target.
Fes comments that he would like to get to know Angela outside the house “She’s hot”
Haleigh says fes is just trying to piss her off.
Rocks – she doesn’t have an a$$ and he likes a$$
Rocks – I think he’s going to do it
Fes – I should have a talk with him too about how we share the Kaitlyn connection
H – what’s that going to do
H – you do need to try and make a connection though
Fes – I have a good connection tih him.
H – then tell him to use the veto on ROCK
Fes – ok
Rock – reinforce that he has safety
Fes – he knows that
Rock and Haleigh – how does he know that..
Fes burps out something… “look bro I know with the whole Kaitlyn stuff me and yo haven’t been on the same page.. ”
They laugh at Fes for not making sense..
fes to Rocks “you’re on the block for the third time.. you could have won veto but you told Tyler and I’m trying to help you and you are making fun of me”
Rocks – you are supposed to be my champion warrior knight..