7:55pm HOH room. Scottie and Haleigh. Haleigh – he is going to take Angela down and the I will put Kaycee up. Scottie – I think it would be unlikely for him to not use it. Haleigh – he sat right here and said how we needed to build trust. And I said Tyler, I will not put you up and I will not backdoor you. Scottie – but he spent last week solidifying his trust with Angela. Granted I think that whole thing was planned. Haleigh – that was her wanting to go after Bayleigh. It had nothing to do with wanting Tyler off it had everything to do with her wanting Bayleigh up. Tyler thinks you’re his number one. Even if he keeps the noms the same I would be okay with that. Please try and talk to him.
Day: August 11, 2018

POV Competition Results! “Hopefully Tyler is a man of his word. Don’t f**k me Tyler!”
6:46pm HOH room. Rockstar & Fes Rockstar – hopefully Tyler is a man of his word. Fes – what did he say? Rockstar – I said he wouldn’t be up here if I didn’t help him. I didn’t help him on purpose. Don’t f**k me Tyler. Don’t f**k me! He said I won’t. I definitely didn’t throw it, I am just an idiot! I am just a f**King dumba$$! A f**king dumbass. Fes – we’ll figure it out. Worst case scenario he doesn’t use it, you don’t go home. Why would anyone vote you out? They will just throw you on the block next week. Rockstar – I guess. F**King Idiot!

“Take the f**king pole out of your a$$. Maybe dance around it & have some fun you pretentious spoiled b***h.”
12pm Bathroom. Sam – I see the best that someone has to offer and the opportunity for future growth. Rocstar – Kaitlyn used to say that sh*t too. Looking at everyone through a lens of love and light. Sam – well that’s a bit delusional. Rockstar – here’s how I view people… when a person shows you who they are .. believe them. Sam – I view things a big differently.. I save my first though, then there’s rationality and then there’s reality. But none of us will get to reality in this house. Just be real. Bay was like that. Rockstar – I like Bay too. Sam – I refuse to go back on my morals or what I said I would do but I will go back into my real life without regrets.

“She was trying to come at me telling me I was the hacker.. one more f*ing time I will blow the f* up”
Big Brother Spoilers – There was an argument in the BAthroom prior to the POV players being picked. Rocks came at kaycee …
9:55am Kaycee and Angela
(It was Rockstar that came at Kaycee about nominating her as the Hacker and kaycee cussed her out)
kaycee says how pissed she was at Rockstar coming to her saying there’s 6 other people she could have picked. Kaycee is sick people acting like they all have to take their turns on the block this is a game.
Kaycee – I think it’s because it was her (rocks) coming at me that got me frustrated
kaycee – the first thing she said was there’s 6 other people that could have gone up .. I was like why are you telling me this
Kaycee – she’s like you haven’t spoken to me at all.. I’m like you are right I haven’t and theses are the first first you’ve spoken to me
Angela – I don’t understand there’s 6 other people.. this is a game..
Kaycee – did you hear what I said.. welcome to big brother
Angela – people think this is a fairness contest .. we’re rotating counterclockwise it’s your turn..