9:05pm Havenot room. Haleigh and Angela. Haleigh – there is so much still to happen. Angela – if I do happen to get the hacker I will come to you and we will figure it out. Haleigh – good, thank you. I appreciate that. Angela – these next few day are going to be long. I am so excited for this hacker bullsh*t to be over. Well if you need moral support or advice I am here. You’re going to be woken up at 4am and asked to look decent. Angela – also don’t let anyone get you to do their dirty work. I had a few people try to do that with me. Haleigh – I am excited to talk to Tyler and see where his head is at. There’s a lot that has to happen tonight.
Day: August 9, 2018

“I’m over Sam.. she’s risking our game ” – Kaycee
7:08pm Tyler and Kaycee Storage room
Tyler- I’m over Sam
kaycee – i am to
Kaycee – it’s personal.. she’s risking our game .. she might put Sam out
Tyler – maybe not because of that
KAycee – i’m over her
Tyler- Dude..

Big Brother 20 Week 6 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Big Brother Spoilers – The week definitely had it’s ups and downs. We had the first house meeting with expected blow up! There was standard HIVE f* ups that we’ve all gotten use to by now. There was also some punishments given out along with the Hacker power. In what could be the funniest thing this season the HIVE still doesn’t know the vote flips and I never think they will.. lol.. “Rockstar thinks it was Scottie, Scottie thinks it was Haleigh, Haleigh thinks it was fes.. “

Big Brother 20 Week 6 Animated Gifs
Big Brother Spoilers Gifs from Week 6! The best one for me is hands down Bayleigh screaming with a bloody mouth. Honorable mention goes to Fes and the pec bounce and anything that includes the peanut workout song. (I am looking forward to the song finally getting out of my head)

“When we had the meeting she was expecting everyone to come to her an apologize”
Big Brother Spoilers Bayleigh getting evicted another wild week
11:20am Haleigh and Tyler
H – I don’t want us to leave the room until our personal relationship is fixed
T – I understand..
H – you scare me in this game and Kaitlyn told me several different alliances you are part of.. I don’t even know they are true.. she also told me all the game syou talked to her..
Haleigh says they never talk game so when she had to take Scottie down she had to put someone up
Tyler brings up that haleigh was the first person to say Kailtyn was a liar.
H – do you have an alliance with Sam
T – no .. I have a friendship
H – do you have a 3 person alliance with Scottie and Sam
T – no.. I never told Kailtyn anything
h – the core

Rockstar “You were just so eloquent. You just also had blood coming out.”
12:35pm Lounge room. Tyler and Scottie. Tyler – I asked Angela so were they really trying to get Scottie put up as the replacement nominee and she said yeah. Scottie – yeah that kind of pisses me off. Tyler – I don’t know man. Scottie – this is the one useful piece of information I got out of that.. that Fes is going around saying that you went to me and him about us needing to stick together. Tyler – you know that’s f**king.. Scottie – yeah I know that’s bullsh*t. Tyler – he’s been pitching that to me for weeks. Scottie – that’s what I said. He’s running around covering his bases.