9:30pm Havenot room. Brett to Angela – Essentially they’re imploding right now. Half of them think Rockstar flipped. Half of them think Haliegh flipped. The other quarter (what kind of math is this?) think Scottie flipped. Brett – They’re freaking out. I kind of wish we had kept quiet about it. Bay told me that she thinks Fes flipped. Angela – the only person Bay would use it on is Fes. Brett – we’re in jury! We’re in jury DUDE!!! And honestly this sounds so bad but I am glad Rachel isn’t in jury. Angela – I know. Brett – I cant stand her. If I got stuck up there with you and Kaycee or Tyler.. I would… Angela – try and get close to Bayleigh this week. I think Bay is the brains and Fes is the muscle.
Day: August 2, 2018

Angela “Put up Fes & Rockstar, then we do the whole hacker thing and then backd**r Scottie.”
7:55pm Lounge room. Fes, Tyler and Rockstar. Rockstar – f**k, this f**king sucks! This sucks! Rockstar – who will she put up? Tyler – No clue! She was the one I was worried about. Fes – we’ll see what she wants to do. Rockstar – well I think its pretty clear that she is working with Brett and Sam.. and Kaycee. Tyler – well I thought they were working with Rachel. Rockstar – Brett is a super salesman. Tyler – Brett didn’t talk me into sh*t, Rachel talked me out of it. Rockstar – four times that I have voted wrong. Tyler – at least you’ve never voted to evict the HOH. Rockstar – she’e never been on the block. Tyler – Rachel was spreading line about me to Bayleigh. She wanted her and I to go after Bayleigh because she knew that Bayleigh has the power. I told Bayleigh right before that I was voting her (Rachel) out.

[Haleigh is] going to be climbing straight up your a$$hole you’re going to be able to taste what she eats.
***updated **** Big Brother Spoilers – WOW what a season !!! looking forward to tonight 🙂
7:27pm Angela, Brett and Sam
Angela says Brett said what he said to make sure Bayeligh is ok. Angela brings up how nobody on the other side is smiling.
Sam – I was this close to snapping on HAleigh because she’s getting on my last nerve and she’s going to be climbing straight up your a$$hole you are going to be able to taste what she eats.
Sam – I’m probably not going to be around y’all because I’ll slap her in the head I don’t want to do that she’s a sweet girl
Angela – she sucks all the energy
Sam – she gets on my nerves
Sam – I can only fluff and primp for so long. I’m not going to sped 6 hours in the bathroom faking something
Sam – don’t put me on the block.. right.. and tell me what you want to do right.. and everything else I’ll pretend what is happening

Big Brother 20 Week 5 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Kaitlyn was evicted last week by a vote of 9-1, She was given a 6 piece 3D puzzle to complete to re-enter the house but failed. Kaitlyn is now gone from Big Brother 20 and posting madness on Instagram. Bayleigh and Tyler still have their powers and nothing new was introduced into the game (thank god). Tyler has kept his quiet but Bayleigh told hers to Fes/Rachel. As of writing this Angela, fez, Kaycee, Tyler and JC now know about the power.

Big Brother 20 Week 5 Animated Gifs
Big Brother 20 life feeds week 20 choice Gifs from Simon and Dawg.Let us know your favorite!
- Anything with Fes dancing
- Rachel’s game
- twerking compilations
Going to miss goofy Rachel on the feeds though.

“They are expecting the vote to be unanimous.. It’s going to be a shitshow”
***updated *** Big Brother Spoilers
8:55am JC and Sam
JC – the cookies that Angela made yesterday I think she left them out
JC – did you see that
JC – it’s super dry
Sam – ohh f*
JC – I don’t know why she’s didn’t put them in the fridge
Sam – ohh rthat’s sad that will make her sad that’s her grandmas rescpice
JC – they didn’t even close it
Sam – I didn’t sleep very good
JC – why
Sam – i was up late.. ate a bowel of mint chocolate chip ice cream.. I still haven’t gotten my period it’s weird..

Scottie “Make him feel like he has a chance so he doesn’t blow up on Rachel.”
9pm Havenot room. Brett and Fes. Fes – Tyler is good with everyone. Have you pitched to Tyler? Brett – I gave him a part of a pitch. Fes – if you can get them two, then Iwoud be on board. Fes – you would need JC and Sam. Brett – we’re cohabitating and to cohabitate with the sh*t that she does. She is a 30 year old going on 13! F**king screams like a child. Leaves dishes everywhere. The only thing she is capable of cooking is eggs and I’m not even talking eggs Benedict where its impressive, I’m talking burnt a$$ scrambled eggs and then she leaves the dishes on the counter.