8:15pm Steven and Scottie talking on the backyard couches. Steven – outside looking what is my best play? Scottie – usually for the older players its social play. Steven – I think I am following that role pretty good. Scottie – the only negative thing is that the older players usually go pretty far but a lot of them are pretty useless so they get kept around. You’ll do better than them just because you’ve proven you’re strong. Steven – these people think I a strong player? Scottie – physically yes.
Month: June 2018

Sam “You guys remember BB20 where they send the robot in and she kills everybody?”
Meanwhile over on the backyard couches – Bayleigh, Swaggy C, Steven, Sam (robot) and Scottie. They start talking about scary movies. Sam – excuse me from this conversation. I do not do scary movies. Sam heads over to Rachel on the bicycle. Sam – I am going to stare at you awkwardly while you workout. Steve and them were just talking about horror movies. You guys remember that one BB20 where they send the robot in and she kills everybody?

Swaggy C – “I’m going to be like BING BING B***HES I’ve got the POWER!”
2:35pm HOH room. Faysal & Swaggy C. Faysal – You know the whole other side of the house is shaking. Swaggy C – they know sh*t ain’t safe. First of all I won 2 endurance competitions in 3 hours and he won probably the most brutal veto competition in Big Brother History. That other side of the house knows sh*t ain’t sweet. Faysal – we taking shots right now. Swaggy C – we making way more big moves than BB19. There’s no Paul here. We’re here to rock. So please give your boy some power. If I get a power I will f**k sh*t up!

“I don’t want them to think I’m the KING even though I am the KING of the other side”
Big Brother 20 Spoilers
Kaycee – non of us are attached to them but they have people attached to our side
Angela notes of different people are getting from day one
Kaycee says she doesn’t like swaggy
Kaycee – we have to get him out sooner than later..
kaycee adds that Swagzz told Tyler “you already know I’m the kingpin of the other side.. But I wanna lay low I don’t want them to think I’m the king even though I am the king of the other side”
kaycee – he really said that.. that’s just crazy…
Kaycee – Swag and Fez are the same they are so oblivious of the way they act..

“If you can get Tyler to convince him he’ll put up Angela than he doesn’t and puts up….”
Big Brother 20 Spoilers – Thus far, Faysal isn’t planning on using the Power of Veto. Swaggy-C’s crew think they have the votes to evict Sam and they probably do but there’s a lot of vote movement going on. There’s essentially two large groups, One with a clear numbers advantage. Sam does have the BBapp power and Faysal got the punishment.

“I need to get outta this damn HOH.. I need these two side to keep attacking each other like piranhas”
12:50am Tyler in the HOH
Tyler – these two side of the house separating themselves so blatantly.. the more they stay apart from each other the more they start hating each other for the stupidest reasons..
T – Kaycee is falling into it.
T – Rachel fell into it years ago
T – Angela fell into it years ago
T – Just need to keep them.. keep them centered, keep them from blowing up .. if ROCKSTAR keeps getting so personal with everyone..

Power Of Veto Winner Results! JC – “you’re my daddy!”
9:18pm In the storage room – Faysal and Kaitlyn celebrate by jumping around the room. She hugs him and says congratulations!! Kaitlyn – this competition sets the tone for the rest of the competitions for the season. Faysal – they’ve never done anything like that before. Haleigh joins them and hugs Faysal. Faysal – now we have options. We can make a deal. JC joins them. JC – you’re my daddy! You’re not going to use it right? Faysal – we’ll talk.

Swaggy C “America is going to love me now because the whole Baleigh sh*t. America is eating that sh*t up!”
Its just crazy how they all have a bounty on my head. You can’t trust nobody in this game. I am hearing that people are intimidated by me. Its hard not to be intimidating. Do I just be soft?! America is going to love me now because the whole Baleigh sh*t. Seeing me in bed with her, confessing my feelings. They’re going to love it. America is eating that sh*t up! All that falling in love. My point is that her detaching herself because of what Haleigh said is going to f**K me up.

Tyler – “Gotta keep them thinking I’m looking out for the well being of the Swaggy Minions”
POV: ? Next POV: ? POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 2nd HOH: Tyler Next HOH: July 5th Noms: Sam, Steve Have Nots ??? 2:00pm Tyler and Bayleigh Bayleigh Crying while Tyler is telling her she’s going up as the replacement. Tyler – I’m telling you if I feel an sorta way about anybody which […]

Swaggy-C – “That’s the crazy thing.. she was showing you her t!tt!$s and all that”
POV: ? Next POV: ? POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 2nd HOH: Tyler Next HOH: July 5th Noms: Sam, Steve Have Nots ??? 11:20am Kaycee and Angela Noting how Kaitlyn, Bayleigh, Swaggy ran up into the HOH as soon as the players were picked. They agree that Swaggy’s side wants to try and get […]

Power Of Veto Players Picked “Never Volunteer”
POV: ? Next POV: ? POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 2nd HOH: Tyler Next HOH: July 5th Noms: Sam, Steve Have Nots ??? Power of Veto Players: Tyler, Sam, Steve, Faysal, Swaggy-P, Scottie Host = JC 9:21am House guests are and chit chating, showering, making breakfast.. “What a wild night with just a […]

Big Brother Spoilers “How am I going to eat this”
POV: ? Next POV: ? POV Used No POV Ceremony July 2nd HOH: Tyler Next HOH: July 5th Noms: Sam, Steve Have Nots ??? 2:03am Faysal drilling ham into it. Faysal barfing up in the toilet.. Kaitlyn gives us a thumbs up .. Faysal continues to barf up the ham. Kaitlyn – I feel […]