More to be added as the come available. I haven’t watched them all yet but I will over the next week. WE’re going to go a Kraken hour to talk about these delusions so keep your eyes open for that. Doctor Will backyard CBS all access link GEO Blocked for Canadians Rob has a […]
Month: September 2017

Big Brother 19 Finale results “thank god”
It’s finally over. Big Brother 19 was a bizarre season and something tells me the drama has just begun with the show finally over. I hope you all enjoyed the site this year it was fun as always. Thanks to everyone that supports us and what we do. If it wasn’t for these supportive people […]

“The second I walked through those doors I was immediately put at a disadvantage”
Big Brother Spoilers 1:25PM Paul practicing his speech
p – had control of the numbers in the house nobody could take a shot at me
P – won 2 HOH’s .. f* I should talk about that..
P – It was easy to always to make a target.. it was easy to make a house target that wasn’t me
P – I pretty much controlled every HOH, the two that I didn’t.. I was the one that flipped the house for Groundhog and I was the one that flipped the house for Josh
P – I flipped the house for my game.. I flipped the house for Groundhog day and Josh
P – after that first double eviction I knew I had to change my strategy because there wasn’t a lot of house targets left

“The nerve medication f* me up.. Made the tip of my tongue and my lips numb”
Big Brother Spoilers 1:36pm They wake up for a bit..
Groundhog day – My foot doesn’t hurt today
Paul – that’s good
Paul – are done taking medication
Groundhog day – yeah, I’ve been done for like a month. Or longer .. I dunno it’s been a while
Groundhog day – I stopped taking that Pain medication and then the nerve medication f* me up just as much
Groundhog day – it like made my.. the tip of my tongue and my lips numb so it’s got..
Feeds cut

Christmas “I don’t know why Raven got the clown zing because you’re clowning yourself.”
12:25pm – 12:45pm Blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. When the feeds return – Josh, Paul and Christmas are in the kitchen making breakfast. Christmas tells Josh that crossfit girls don’t care how big you are its all about how you move. Josh – like dance moves? Christmas – no, your form. Josh – oh, we need to work on that. Paul, Josh and Christmas head outside to eat on the backyard couches. They chat about the part 2 HOH comp, past events of the season and Paul’s Halloween party, Christmas’s business and Paul’s car.

HOH Part 2 Results! “We won! Its done! It doesn’t matter who wins the final comp”
Christmas – I hit Raven 5 f**king times and that b***H would not f**king go down. Josh – F**king Jillian wouldn’t go down. Christmas – I hit Jillian every single time. Paul – right now you guys sound like maniacs to me because I don’t even know. Christmas – there were three weapons that you had to use and three parts out there. You had to knock people down but leave the people that were applicable to the answer standing up. Paul – what if you accidently hit one? Christmas – that’s okay you could pull it back up. But if you pull one up that you had to knock down .. I did that with Elena and I was like what the f**k am I doing.

Josh “I think I have a better chance against Paul in the final 2”
6pm Lounge. Josh talking to the live feeders.
Josh – I wouldn’t want to see anyone else win other than me, Paul or Christmas. We dealt with the most diversity, personal and business. The past 3 weeks have been hell for all of us. We were so stuck in this phase that we couldn’t shake off. And yesterday that all lifted. We get everyone out that we wanted to, in the order we wanted. We all did our parts. If we each didn’t help and protect each other we wouldn’t have made it here. I am just so thankful for my families support. I’ve seen a lot of people change because they wanted to win. The selfishness and greed, they changed who they were, they lied to people. My parents raised me with good morals and good principles to just be truthful.

“If I did it (came back) I would just terrorize everybody. I would come in completely different”
Groundhog – I can’t believe we rode a unicorn last night.. and it pooped on our heads
Josh says he got gassed during the competition
JOsh – I locked up in the beginning
Josh – I have a feeling you’re getting called back.. would you do it
Groundhog day – Yeah.. if I did it I would just terrorize everybody. I would come in completely different
Groundhog day – chaos christmas all day long.. (wow a real change from your game this year)
Paul – do it

HOH Part One Results! “Congratulations on Final 3 Amigos!”
Christmas – that went on longer than an hour. Good job! Paul – good job to you too. I am telling you if that went on much longer, I was out. Not by choice. Christmas – but it didn’t. If it was Kevin, he would have said he threw it. Christmas – Kevin would have been out in three minutes. Josh – I would have beat Kevin. Paul – Love you guys, that was awesome. Josh – do we (Josh & Christmas) compete tomorrow? Paul – no you compete Saturday. Congratulations on final 3 amigos. I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else. Josh – you want to know something. I didn’t know if I would make it this far but I always knew you two would make it far.

Big Brother 19 Final 4 Eviction “The Puppet Master”
Here we go Folks the final 4 eviction episode. Tomorrow is a special Friday episode where we’ll find out who wins the first of three part final HOH. Following that is the much awaited Season finale on the 20th. We’ll keep updating but with just 3 people in the house don’t expect some major game to go down.
Make sure to vote for America’s Favourite Player. Choice the person you liked the best. From what I’ve been told you need an active CBS all access account for your vote to count. I have an active CBS all access account and was only able to vote 20 times for my selected houseguest. Let us know in the comments who you are voting for and why.

“My plan is to take Josh all the way to the end.” – Paul
Paul – Well ladies and gentlemen, Hello! Hi! I made it! A few things, this season was super difficult. I enjoyed the fact that I was forced to play a different game. It pushed me to be… I had to be strategic. There was no other option. I couldn’t play the same game I played last year for many reasons. One, everyone already knew my game play. Two – I couldn’t constantly be in survival mode. What I mean by that is last year I was on the block so many times I had to be in survival more. I constantly had to think about 10 steps ahead. If somebody nipped me, it was already too late. If somebody caught me, it was already too late. I could never be caught. I always had to be steps ahead. I had people do my dirty work.

Big Brother 19 Wednesday Eviction results
We’ll Alex you got played all along. You had Jason worried about Paul and you would talk him out of it multiple times. I really thought you were going to be power player but sadly…. This conversation happened on Week 3 .. there was a bunch more as the season progressed but this one was […]